[eyes on fire.]

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03 | Eyes On Fire.

Third Person

"LET me get this straight. You and Renesmee decided to imply that Carlisle and Esme were up in his study having sex, and Frankie took it the wrong way?" Rosalie questioned her husband attempting to stay calm but failing immensely.

"Babe, when you say it like that it just sounds gross." Emmett cringed, a picture of Carlisle and Esme naked was now forever imprinted in his head.

"That's because it is gross Emmett!" Rosalie screamed losing it.

"Rose, calm down." Carlisle soothed being the ever compassionate man he is.

"How are you so calm about this? Frankie just threw you into the woods; with her mind, because she's under the belief that you abuse Esme!" It still shocked Rosalie how calm Carlisle could stay in the most frustrating of situations.

"I understand this is frustrating, but when Frankie wakes up we'll explain that she simply misunderstood." Carlisle reasoned, resting a hand on his adoptive daughter's shoulder.

"Yeah see, problem solved!" Emmett gave a boyish grin thinking he was out of trouble.

Esme turned to her adoptive son, with a disappointed frown. "No, problem not solved Emmett. You know that Frankie gets worked up very easily, you also know that her memories are only one year old. I don't want you suggesting or hinting at things that Frankie won't understand, that goes for all of you." Esme spoke sternly looking around at all her adoptive children.

To say Esme cared for the well-being of Frankie was an understatement. Esme was absolutely smitten with the girl. Both she and Carlisle loved playing the role of her parents. They even wanted to adopt her as their own, but SHARE had continuously turned down the proposal. SHARE did not want any record of Frankie to exist anywhere other than their systems. It was a shock that SHARE even allowed Frankie to live with the Cullen's.

Everyone silently nodded there heads understanding that Esme was serious about this. Carlisle walked to his wife's side wrapping an arm around her waist. Renesmee couldn't hide the smirk when she realized that Emmett had taken the entirety of the blame.

However, Edward picked up on these thoughts and turned to his daughter with a scowl. "You're grounded."

"What! No! Come on dad!" Renesmee groaned. Emmett laughed at her earning a fierce growl from his mate, which shut him up instantly. Seeing Edward was not going to budge on the subject she turned to her mother with a pleading look.

"Oh no, you are not dragging me into this." Bella held her arms up shaking her head. With a groan, Renesmee gave up throwing herself back into the couch. Alice allowed a smile to grace her lips before her vision began tunneling.

Short images flew across Alice Cullen's vision causing her to let out a loud gasp. Edward being able to read his sister's mind held a horror-struck face. They were short and choppy, but the two knew exactly what it meant.

The Volturi were coming to check up on Renesmee's growth, they'd be here in two weeks time. Frankie was Aro's mate, and Aro would see this looking into the Cullen's mind's. Aro would take Frankie back to Volterra with the rest of the Volturi. They would fall in love.

That was all that both Edward and Alice were positive on. They weren't sure about the rest. One question kept running through Edward's mind, how were the Volturi going to take Frankie?

Legally speaking Frankie was a subject at one of the world's most secretive government facilities. They couldn't just take her. There were too many factors that would go wrong in this equation.

Not only that, but how were the Cullen's suppose to let her go? She was a part of their family now, they loved her. Both Edward and Alice held those thoughts. However, they were not concerned for the girl's safety with the Volturi. In the vision, she appeared happy, overjoyed in fact.

"What's wrong Alice?" Jasper was quick to grip his wife comfortingly. The rest of the family immediately grew serious looking to Alice for an answer.

"The Volturi, they're coming to check on Renesmee," Alice stated still trying to decipher more details on the future.

Alice Cullen had an extremely hard time reading Frankie's future. Edward had the same problem in reading her thoughts, and Jasper was never able to control her emotions. It made sense though, as Frankie was a dead girl walking. You can't read a dead person's thoughts.

The only time Alice was able to see into Frankie's future was when someone else was involved, but she could never get a hold of Frankie's future solely.

"That's okay though, Renesmee is fully grown and she's never attacked a person in her life," Bella stated wanting Alice to reassure her that the Volturi coming to visit; was for once in their lives peaceful.

"Renesmee will be perfectly fine, it's Frankie I'm worried about." Alice looked directly at Carlisle as she spoke this.

"Why? She knows nothing of us being vampires, what could the Volturi possibly want with her?" Esme shook her head at Carlisle her held her tight. Everyone in the room was now worried for the girl. No one could bear the thought of losing her.

"It's as if fate's decided to play a practical joke on us like we haven't suffered enough," Edward spoke for Alice gaining the attention of the Cullen family. "Frankie, she's Aro's mate." Edward let out a sarcastic chuckle.

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