[what makes the red man red.]

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02 | What Makes the Red Man Red.

"WHAT makes the red man red? Let's go back a million years, to the very first Injun prince! He kissed a maid and start to blush, and we all been blushin' since!" The television cried out.

I hummed along to the Disney song softly as I sat on the sofa. I was watching a movie titled 'Peter Pan', and to say it was good was an understatement. This was one of the most enjoyable cartoons I had seen.

Earlier that day Alice had insisted we celebrate my birthday with a 'birthday party.' I had seen plenty of birthday parties on the television, but I never imagined I'd get one myself! I even had a cake!

Despite me being a carnivore, sugar still called out to me. It was quite a delicious cake, but the Quileute's seemed to be the only ones who were hungry, along with Renesmee. Now that I thought about it I don't think I've ever seen any of the Cullen's, other than Renesmee eat. But who was I to judge, I only eat meat and sugar.

Rosalie and Emmett had been the ones to supply me with 'Peter Pan' along with an entire supply of animated films. This set included Pocahontas, The Little Mermaid, Monsters Inc, The Lion King, Toy Story, Aladdin, Bambi, Alice in Wonderland, Beauty and the Beast, and many more. It was their birthday present to me, which caused me an immense amount of joy.

Alice and Jasper gave me an item called an 'iPhone', even though none of the Cullen's had them themselves, they stuck with BlackBerry's. I enjoyed looking at this 'iPhone' as in my opinion, it looked very fancy.

Edward, Bella, and Renesmee all gifted me with music from multiple generations. I had listened to one particular song 'Proud Mary' as Edward had told me, and that tune put a permanent smile on my face.

The Quileute's had given me a necklace. I wasn't one for jewelry, but this piece was amazing. It was a simple chain with a wooden wolf as a charm. It was simple and perfect.

I loved all my gifts very much and was grateful for all of them as I hadn't even thought I'd be getting a present. Though I did a have a secret preference for Carlisle and Esme's gift. They had gotten me a collection of various books. The Book Thief, To Kill a Mockingbird, Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry, The Outsiders, and the one I was most excited to read; Frankenstein.

My train of thought was interrupted as the couch dipped to my left. "I love this part." Renesmee smiled watching the television intensely. I leaned my head against the cushion of the couch a tired smile spreading across my face.

"What's everyone else doing?" I questioned my eyes drooping slightly. "Well Jacob and the others just went home. Da- Edward is out with Emmett, Rosalie, and Bella taking a quick walk. Jasper and Alice are hanging out in their room, and I believe Carlisle and Esme are 'talking in Carlisle's study' if you know what I mean." Renesmee wiggled her eyebrows.

I furrowed my eyebrows not understanding the reference. "I do not understand?"

A loud boisterous laughter came from outside and Emmett soon walked in. "Emmett? I thought you were taking a walk?" I questioned.

"Yeah, but the others are slower." He gave Renesmee a look as if it was some inside joke. I watched Renesmee crack a smile before laying back casually.

"Anyways what she means is Carlisle's probably just taking his frustrations out on Esme." Emmett let out a loud laugh at the horrified look I held.

Carlisle was beating Esme up?

"Poor Esme." I whimpered feeling tears come to my eyes. That stopped both Emmett and Renesmee's laughter on the spot. "I'm pretty sure, Esme would be enjoying it?" Emmett spoke in confusion.

"How could Esme enjoy getting beaten!" I sobbed out tears falling freely down my face. Emmett's jaw dropped and Renesmee turned to glare at him heatedly. "Nice going there." She spoke sarcastically to him.

"Me? You started it!" Emmett pointed an accusing finger at her. "What's going here?" Jasper's southern accent rang out as both he and Alice walked in with looks of confusion.

Jasper and Alice were quickly at my sides seeing the upset look on my face. "What's wrong?" Jasper questioned soothingly rubbing my arms.

"Carlisle's beating Esme!" I yelled a whole new wave a sadness hitting me intensely. My entire body shook with sobs that wouldn't stop and tears that fell. A gasp left Alice's mouth and she quickly pulled me to her side in a hug.

"What did you two do!" She shouted at Emmett and Renesmee. "It was all her! I didn't do anything!" Emmett held his arms up.

"What! You're one who said Carlisle was 'taking his frustrations out on Esme.'" Renesmee mocked scowling at Emmett.

"Why would you say something like that!" Jasper yelled. All the while my cries became harder. Yeah, remember when I said my emotions were all over the place. Well, this is a perfect example of just that.

"Emmett!" Rosalie's voice raged as she entered the house, Edward and Bella on her tail. "It was all Emmett I didn't do anything!" Renesmee held her hands up at the sight of Bella and Edward.

Edward held a look of pure amusement while Bella was obviously confused. "What?" Bella asked.

"Carlisle's in his study beating Esme! Someone needs to help her!" I cried in desperation looking to the three of them.

Bella's golden eyes widened. "Oh my gosh, really!" Her face was horrified. Then all chaos broke loose with shouts being heard all around.

'Emmett's the one insinuated it!'

'Renesmee started it!'

'Carlisle does that?'

'Emmett you are in the dog house!'

"What's going on?" The surprised voice of Esme floated into the room. All the chatter immediately stopped and everyone slowly turned to Esme. Esme had just walked through the front door a look of confusion on her face.

"Esme!" I shouted pulling away from Alice's arms launching myself into Esme. My arms quickly wrapped around Esme's form pulling her into a tight hug, one that I desperately needed. Esme hugged me back rubbing my hair in a motherly fashion, trying to calm me down.

Another observation I had made about the Cullen's; all of them except for Renesmee were chillingly cold. It didn't bother me at all, but it was still quite curious. On top of that, the Quileute's were all very warm, so warm that they almost felt like they had an infinite fever.

"Frankie dear, look at me," Esme demanded, pulling my face so that I was looking directly into her eyes. "You need to tell me what happened, are you hurt?" Quickly I shook my head.

"Where's Carlisle?" I asked quickly.

"We took two separate cars to Target, he should be home any minute," Esme said confused.

"Good that gives us enough time to get you away from him. Don't worry Esme, Dr. Carson should be able to help you." I started attempting to pull Esme to the car.

My attempts were unfortunately in vain, however; as Esme was very strong. "Honey, why do I need to get away from Carlisle?" Esme questioned in concern.

"Because he beats you!" I exclaimed the panic in my voice rising as I heard the engine of his car pull up.

"What did you say to her!" Esme turns her head, her eyes blazing in an anger that I had never seen present in her before.

"Why do you look to me? How do you know it wasn't Bella?" Emmett complained at Esme's glare. "So it was you?" Esme rose an eyebrow.

"And Renesmee, but it was mostly Renesmee!"

"No it wasn't, you're the one who insinuated that Carlisle beats Esme!" Renesmee screamed standing on the couch.

"Pardon me?" Carlisle's voice drifted through the door. Carlisle stood in the doorway looking absolutely flabbergasted at what he just heard.

A sudden anger erupted in me, and it was pointed toward Carlisle. I trusted this man with my life while he goes and beats the closest thing to a mother I've got. Unable to contain my anger a scream of rage left my lips while tears of anger fell down my face.

Without meaning to do it Carlisle went flying back through the doorway and out into the woods. As soon as Carlisle was out of the doorway, the front door quickly slammed shut with a bang. The house was drowned in silence, the only sound being my heavy breathing.

As quick as it began the anger left me and drowsiness took over. My eyes rolled to the back of my head and I could vaguely feel myself falling before I was caught in someone's arms.

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