[this is halloween.]

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01 | This is Halloween.

ALL HALLOWS EVE, it's almost ironic my birthday should land on such a day. I'm now officially one year old. Physically I'm seventeen, but then again that doesn't count because I'll be seventeen for the rest of my days. I'm not sure when my actual birthday is, so I just go with the date I do know; the day I was reborn.

Being reborn has its perk such as being able to move things with your mind, being able to run almost thirty-five miles an hour, having the strength of five men combined, and my personal favorite; being able to sleep for a consistency of fifteen hours.

However, it does have the negative. Like feeling over-emotional about the tiniest things, being unable to remember anything about my original life, and the worst by far the inky black blood that runs through my veins.

No one knows for sure why any of these things are, there are theories though. In most cases after a person dies the blood turns black from lack of oxygen since I was dead for almost three days my blood turned black. Another theory being that because I technically didn't have to breathe it would take a lot longer for me to get worn. Therefore I could run faster and not get tired.

I technically didn't need to breathe, but it felt weird when I didn't. Oh, yeah let's not forget to mention that I'm now a carnivore, that's right I only eat meat. Just the thought of a salad disgusts me, in fact, one time I ate a salad and ended up puking for the next three days. Three miserable days.

"Okay Frankie, we just need to run a few diagnostics then you and Dr. Cullen are free to go." Dr. Carson gave me a kind smile while placing an IV in my arm. Yep, that's right Dr. Carson; my creator.

For the first six months, I was in an isolated unit at the base of SHARE. I only ever saw three people. My creator Patrick Carson, Agent Laura Marshall, and my secondary doctor; Carlisle Cullen.

After six months of being on constant watch, I was able to roam around the full unit, not just my room. I won't lie those six months were relatively interesting. I watched a variety of different shows read a lot of books, which was odd considering I'd never been taught to read, and conversed with the ever so interesting Laura Marshall.

After that Carlisle asked me if I wanted to live with him and his family. Of course, I jumped at the opportunity, it was way better than staying at the base in my opinion. However, I was still required to spend every single day at SHARE, and then I got to go with Carlisle at night.

I silently watched my blood begin to fill a plastic bag through the IV. The inky substance seemed to show nothing but darkness. On the side Carlisle was typing quickly on his laptop, most likely sending an email.

"Lift your hair up." Dr. Carson stated while reaching behind him to a scanner. Without question I lifted my long hair up, revealing my neck. The scanner in hand, my creator walked around where I was sitting on the metal table so he had a complete view on the back of my neck.

I heard the familiar 'ding' come from the doctor's computer, and he walked over to it. I let go of my hair successfully covering the ink barcode that resided on the back of my neck. On the doctor's computer, I could read the notification stating 'Project 2935F, checked in' just like it did every day.

"Blood Collection Status; complete. Please remove IV needle from subject 2935F." A robotic voice rang out from around the room.

"Could you please get that Carlisle?" Dr. Carson questioned as he looked at graphs on his computer. Without a word, Carlisle shut his laptop and walked to me.

He gave me friendly smile while gently removing the IV from my arm. Swiftly Carlisle detached the bag full of inky blood from the machine and placed it next to Dr. Carson.

"Happy birthday Frankie, you can leave now. I'll see you two tomorrow." Dr. Carson turned around smiling at both myself and Carlisle before turning back to his work.


Elkins, West Virginia was among the topmost cloudiest towns in the United States. Population, 7187, perfect place to be if you want to lay low for a little while. SHARE'S base is just outside the little town hiding up in the mountains.

Carlisle's home wasn't far, it was just twenty miles south isolated in the beauty of the surrounding forest. His home was gorgeous, to say the least, it was a magnificent mansion of sorts with ten bedrooms and a swimming pool.

Then again, I suppose Carlisle would need that much room considering all the people who live with him. There was his wife, Esme who shared a motherly relationship with me. At least I think that's what it was, I didn't know for sure. Rosalie Hale was their adopted daughter, who treated me like a little sister. Jasper Hale was their adopted son and Rosalie's twin brother. Emmett was very over-protective of me alike to a big brother. Alice another adopted daughter was interesting, she loved to spoil me with clothes and talk about random topics.

Edward Cullen was their first adopted son, he was a funny character. For some reason, he always wanted to know what I was thinking. Bella Swan was Carlisle's niece, something happened to her father so Carlisle took her along with her sister Renesmee in. Bella and Renesmee were very close to me, I felt like I could tell them anything.

However, the thing with all of them was that they were all together. Rosalie and Emmett. Jasper and Alice. Edward and Bella. Even Renesmee had a partner, his name; Jacob Black. This brings to my next topic, the Quileute's.

The Quileute's were a small pack of friends who all lived together in their own little cabin not so far away from the Cullen's. The Quileute's consisted of five people in its entirety Jacob, Leah, Embry, Seth, and Quil. They were over at the Cullen's almost every day.

Here's something I haven't mentioned. Mine and Carlisle's relationship. I considered Carlisle my father more than anything. In my mind, Carlisle was my father. I've even had to stop myself from calling him dad quite a few times. I wished more than anything for him to adopt me. No, I have not shared these feelings with him. I'm hoping to keep him in dark, I mean I was a dead girl brought back to life with science. My heart beat much slower than it should only once every few seconds, my blood was black, and I wouldn't age.

Over the short time of my new life, I've learned from television shows that people generally want a normal family. I was not normal, so he would not want me. To my knowledge, the rest of the family knew only a few facts about me, as Carlisle was legally not allowed to tell them more than they needed to know about my re-birth.

I watched as we passed the evergreen forest in blurs curiously. The beauty of it all still caught me up, it was amazing. I turned my head and gazed around Carlisle's leather car. I couldn't help myself from rubbing the expensive leather. I listened to the calming classical music, which Carlisle told me was his favorite type.

Finally, I looked at Carlisle himself. Another thing about the Cullen's they were all incredibly beautiful. Carlisle himself was incredibly pale, with fair hair, and lovely golden eyes. All the Cullen's had golden eyes, except for Renesmee. She had brown.

Carlisle noticed me studying him and turned his head to meet my gaze before putting it back on the road. "Yes?" Carlisle let out a small laugh at my staring.

"Nothing." I gave him a smile seeing as we were coming up on the house.

"You're too innocent for your own good." Carlisle laughed slightly shaking his head.

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