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Courtney and Co. dwindle awkwardly out of the gym. Courtney's eyes pass over me as she walks by, still flat on the floor covered in stinking black goo. I know she must be feeling pretty out of it because she makes no comment - only frowns and heads out of the door.

Rebecca reaches for my hand and pulls me to my feet. She has a bruise forming on her left eye and her black band T-Shirt has been torn, but she's grinning. Jared is physically fine, but he looks sick. His face is shining with sweat – and from the redness of his eyes – I'd say there were tears mixed in there too. He exhales heavily and runs a hand over his head then forces a smile.

"They were some mad gymnastic skills," says Rebecca. She looks down to the black goo smeared all over the floor, "I wonder what he meant – before he died. Mr Harrison said there were Whispers everywhere. And he mentioned a He. He said He has us everywhere. Who is He?" She looks thoughtful a moment. "We should check in with Carter later this week. Tell him what happened here and get the info on the next girl."

I nod then gesture at Gemma, who is stood with her back to the wall, eyes wide and unblinking. Rebecca nods.

"I'll make sure she gets home OK," she says. She looks at me squarely, a smile toying about her lips,  "Now go get a shower, you stink."


"Hey, Frankie," Courtney calls as I walk past her table in the canteen.

I stop still in my tracks, bracing myself for whatever she has planned. She comes to stand in front of me - a beautiful, blonde monster. I feel my heart thudding in my chest. How can I take on demons, but be so afraid of someone who used to be my friend?

I can see Rebecca and Jared deep in conversation across the hall.

I force myself to look Courtney in the eye.


She takes a deep breath and I furrow my eyebrows. She seems uncharacteristically unsure.

"I...uh...I don't really know what happened yesterday," she says, "but...I got the impression that you...well...you helped us. And well...if you want to take your place back at our table for lunch...well..."

She gestures at the empty space at the table beside Sarah. I look at her.

"What...? Really?"

She nods.

I feel a swell of hope in my chest. All I have wanted since I returned was their acceptance. I make a small movement to join them.

But then I catch sight of Rebecca, snorting out her coke at something that Jared has just said and proceeding into a fit of coughs and giggles. My lip tugs upwards. 

I hold Courtney's gaze.

"Sorry, no thanks. I'm going to sit with my friends."

I walk away and take my seat in-between my fellow monster hunters, aware of Courtney's shocked eyes burning into my back.

"What was that all about?!" says Rebecca.

I shrug as I start eating my sandwich.

"I was thinking," I say, looking over to Courtney's table as she sits back down, "What if the whole reason they were being so mean was just the Whispers? Maybe things will be different now."

Rebecca looks deep in thought a moment.

"Hmmm...interesting theory. Let's test it out," she leans forward and catches Courtney's eye. "HEY COURTNEY," she bellows, "HOW'S IT GOING?"

"Shut up, freak."

Rebecca look at me, a smile tugging at the corner of her lip. Jared rolls his eyes. And – it shouldn't even be funny but I can't help myself – I start to laugh. Rebecca joins me, and within moments we're laughing so hard that we can't stop. I don't think I've laughed like this once since I returned. We laugh so much that even Jared joins in.

And amid the hoots and roars and splutters of laughter I hear Courtney whisper weirdos. And it makes me laugh even more, because that's what we are.

We're three laughing, demon hunting, misfit, weirdos.

And that's OK.



Stay tuned for the next body part....

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