- Rebecca's Philosophical Musings -

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So, there's this guy called Goffman, right? And he wrote this book called Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. In it he compares the world to a theatre and says that everyday life is like a stage. And while we're on stage we try to control the image we present to our audience (aka the people we interact with).

And when you think about the whole theatre thing, I suppose there are many roles to play in life – student, friend, singer in a metal band, kickass demon slayer (to name a few...). And in each of these different roles we interact with a different audience, and probably present ourselves in different ways.

It got me wondering if it's true. Do we act differently for different people? Am I a different person when I'm talking to my grandma than I am when I'm talking to my friends? Do I perform differently to a teacher than I do for Jared and Frankie?

And what does that mean for Courtney and Co.? Are they all just playing the part of school bullies because they think that it will impress each other?

And if all this is true – what does it say about our true identity? Who are we really, backstage, when no-one is looking?

What do you think?


First chapter of Part 3 will be posted in the next couple of days...

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