Chapter Two: The Barn

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Feather emerged from the bush, sneezing at the leaves that stuck to her nose and the misty air that clung to her face. She sneezed, upset at this and the greater rain. Regardless, Taylor went on, practically gliding over the foliage. Feather thought this would be easy.

Apparently, she was wrong when a fallen tree blocked her path. Feather tried to clamber over the tree and failed. Scratching at the bark did nothing to help her. So she ran at it.

"How do you know this area so well?" Feather gasped, collapsing when she abruptly fell over the tree trunk and onto the ground with a thud.

"The forest cats are very particular with their territory, they send out a lot of patrols," Taylor explained, looking particularly proud. "But the stream is nice so we're able to easily miss them!"

We? Feather thought, are these friends more like Taylor than I thought? The thought terrified her, why would anyone want more than one Taylor? They were already proving to be quite terrifying with how they carried themself. But Feather was more intimidating and obviously better!

So I can handle it, she hoped.

"Like, for say, setting up the perfect double date!" Taylor's eyes suddenly dimmed as they slowed their pace, their eyes dull as if they longing for something. "That was a fun night."

"You talked about this earlier, but who are these forest cats?" Feather asked, trying to take Taylor's mind off of whatever was bothering them. "Are they really so protective over their territory? It seems so big.. how do they keep everyone out?"

"Forest cats are the cats that in the forest! They're usually much more aggressive than town cats and much more 'we won't this' and 'you're being barbaric'" Taylor explained, painting the forest cats as jerks, which made sense. "They called themselves hazel-something? We're on the outskirts of their territory so they shouldn't bother us."

They kept walking. And walking as the only sound was the pattering rain on the trees and their squishy pawsteps.

The silence was deafening.

"Then why aren't there any patrols now?" Feather asked, eager to break the silence, "shouldn't there be more cats?"

Taylor blinked, looking behind them at her, "Huh.. then maybe something's up. It's almost noon, there should at least be two out by now."

"Then we should check it out, shouldn't we?" Feather asked, honestly ready to see if these forest cats could help her.

"Too risky, at least without backup. ... We should leave them be, let them cool out," Taylor said, sounding reasonable enough.

Feather nodded, as they continued through the forest. The thoughts of lingering eyes and potential cats prowling the undergrowth. She wished Taylor hadn't said anything about the forest cats as they passed beyond the border.

The rain finally started to fade as the trees started to fan out to a large sunny moor. Yellow wheat was batted by the wind, bringing the smell of new rain. Large bales were curled and spread across the golden field. The sun shone brightly above it all, making everything a brilliant blaze.

"How much farther until we get to the barn?" Feather asked, picking up her pace to be at Taylor's side, trying not to show her tiredness.

"What, too much walking?" They asked, teasing. Feather's mind raced with all the ways she could tell an elaborate lie but.. she was too tired.

When she didn't respond, Taylor pointed their tail in front of them. "It's just over this hill."

"Thank you." Feather murmured.

"So you can be polite." Taylor smiled as Feather rolled her eye.

As they crossed the bridge of the hill, there was a large red-brown barn. It was tall and wide, with some fallen windows. An absolute mess but it looked roomy.

As they got closer, Feather could hear squeaking mice inside, "Can we hunt them?"

"Sure," Taylor said, "I already ate but if you want, I could help—"

"I know how to hunt!" Feather exclaimed, she didn't need help! She could do this on her own. Feather was unsure exactly why she was so defensive over that but she was sure it was because she was very capable. "I'm not a kit, after all!"

"Sure." Taylor chuckled softly, sitting down and licking their paw to clean their ear.

Feather was determined to prove them wrong.

Feather had a hard time hunting prey, maybe she had experience before but now she couldn't remember much. Or maybe because her right eye hurt like heavens above. She wanted to ask Taylor for help, but that would be dumb and stupid. She didn't want to be shown as incompetent.

Of course, while catching the mouse taunted her living mine but she was going to push through! She was only able to catch a small one by waiting for a relatively desperate mouse to slink out as Feather cut its short, sad life to an end.

I can't believe I'm sympathizing with a mouse, she thought bitterly.

But she had done it! After much effort, Feather looked triumphant and was eating her prey by a long pole that stretched to the wooden canopy of the barn. She looked upward and was daunted by the size.

Taylor had explained they both needed to wait a while for when the friends came for their meeting. Apparently, the friend group met every week. It was Tuesday and they met up on Saturday, unless if something important happened. Taylor said Feather could wait a day or two since this wasn't an emergency.

Feather tried to understand this but didn't put too much thought to it, it was two days away—that's all she needed to know.

Taylor was currently walking by, dusting cobwebs and winding them around their front brown paw. The brown tabby looked very diligent. It was interesting to watch.. until it wasn't.

"So.. what do you do, Taylor?" Feather asked, putting a paw on her mouse and taking a bite out of it.

"Whatcha mean?" Taylor asked, stopping and turning towards her, raising their paw with the cobwebs. Then they clarified, "It's a pretty broad question."

"It seems really boring here." Feather continued, taking another bite of the mouse. "What do you do most of the time? For fun or to pass the time."

"Y'know," Taylor said, "Catch any stray mice that try and go into the twoleg home or the grain storage. Visit the town and twolegs that live there, watch the sheep, count the cows..."

"That sounds really lonely." Feather said pointedly, "How do you not get bored?"

"That's very rude," Taylor said, giving a glare. "I guess because... I like the mediocrity of it." They said, choosing their words as they tapped their collar. "I could do an adventure every day, travel to the mountains, but eventually the constant change would get boring! It's good to know that every day I have a home to go back to and friends I can count on."

Feather blinked, "I guess that makes sense?"

"Don't worry, we'll find out who you are and get your memories back." Taylor said sympathetically, "Also if you don't, you can always stay here. Wouldn't mind the company. To make it less 'boring'"

"Here? Psh. No. I'm not staying here long!"

"Sure thing, Feather. Just don't get your tail in a twist!"

Feather didn't say anything, finishing the last of her mouse as Taylor hopped over.

"Okay now I'm no doctor but you are going to get an infection if I don't do anything about that eye," Taylor said, going over to clean her shoulder. "Can't have your eye permanently blind, huh?"

"Fine. Sure. I don't want to get a cold or whatever." Feather muttered as Taylor cleaned her wounds with cobwebs and other green stuff. It stung badly as she tried not to squeak in pain. She flicked her tail and dug her claws into the ground.

She looked outside the large barn doors. The sun was drifting lower and lower in the sky. The sun was just at the horizon and blazing warm amber light.

Taylor was done and all the scratches that posed a threat of infection were covered. Feather couldn't even open her right eye and barely her left due to all the medicine.

"I hate this," Feather growled. "Is it really necessary?"

"If you want to keep your sight, yeah it's pretty important!" They paused, "I'll replace them in the morning, 'kay?" They said as Feather nodded. "I'll show you around the farm once you're able to get up, just.. get some rest."

"Okay, yeah I get it." Feather nodded, kind of relieved that Taylor was finally leaving her alone.

The tabby went over to a large haystack and clambered to the top, pistoning the top before curling up and setting down for sleep. And like that she was left alone. Feather was tired and didn't know what to do, so she put her head down.

But she couldn't sleep. She wouldn't sleep for a long time. Until she couldn't remember where her dream started and reality slipped away.

- 8/2/22 (1500~ Words)

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