Please believe me, I'm HAPPY

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So... you guys missed me? No? Good.

I... drew a little and...
It became a gif.
If you got ideas for new gifs, please tell me. I love making these. Even though they're not animations...

Anyways, I got the "dragon" in french (the worst french teach there is at our school. not worse as in, they can't explain but more like, just blink in a wrong way and you're doomed) so I'm stuffed with homework almost all the time and since I suck in almost all my subjects (except chemestry and biology), I probably won't draw in school anymore.
I just wanted to let you guys know that cuz I feel like I owe you to tell you at least that much bout my life.

Also, sorry for being so rude to you two chapters ago. I was just hurt and not thinking that my words could have an effect on you (I wonder why. Oh yeah, that's right. Cuz normally no one listens to me)

Oh yeah, the GIF... almost forgot... ^^"

(It's the "poor" version of the gif cuz Wattpad won't allow me to upload the original gif cuz it's more than 3mb... thanks, Wattpad... I'll link the original GIF down below in this "external link"-thingy)

Ermm, yeah... hope you guys are doing alright. The GIF represents my feelings quite well after what... happened. I don't wanna give details, don't wanna talk about it... just wanna forget it...

Also, my fave song rn is either I Was Here by Beyonce or Suicide Lyrics by Rhianna. They're so beautiful... maybe I'll make a drawing or gif for those songs, now that I think about it... If it turns out to be a good gif, I'll let Angel upload it on Youtube maybe... what do you think about that?

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