Soft Hands

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[*chucks fluff*]

John sat at the front of Mrs.Theo's class, English to be specific, he never paid as much attention as he figured he should, especially considering he had been put up at the front row, where he could only see what the teacher was doing, and she could see what he was doing.

Alex was absolutely fine with this, absolutely fine. Right now, Alex sat just behind John, and got a perfect view of the boy and all his scattered freckles that poked out on his neck, that mostly hid behind his ponytail, and his hands, which might raise every so often and Alex felt such an urge to reach his hand up as well to tap it against John's, maybe so he'd notice him, or maybe so they might actually hold hands...How did John's hands feel? From here they looked really soft...


Alex shook his head a bit from being startled by Mrs.Theo's call, "Yes?"

"Who won the election of eighteen hundred?" She cocked an eyebrow.

Alex froze before blinking, he knew this, he'd studied this and- oh god, John was looking at him, John had turned around and was looking right at him oh- oh no-, "Uh- John Laurens-?"

The class erupted in laughter as Alex shrunk down, just before seing a surprised John face, he quickly buried his face in his hands, "Sorry.."

"Quiet down, quiet down, Mr.Hamilton, I think it's best if you quit getting distracted and listen for once, hm?" Mrs.Theo put her hands on her hips.

"I- I do listen!"

"John Laurens wasn't even-" Mrs.Theo sighed before clapping her hands together, "Listening, that is a key part of class, and if it can not be followed, then you had best be prepared for the consequences, such as humiliation,"

Alex nodded.

"Or a change in seats,"

Alex grabbed his eraser quicker than he could say- well, the shortest word one could think of.

"Mr.Hamilton!" Mrs.Theo called, "Put that utensil down and,"

Don't say it- please don't say it- Alex was ready to die right then and there.

"..change seats with Mr.Laurens."

Alex felt his heart leap out of his chest and through the window, wishing he could follow it as he dragged himself to his feet, keeping his eyes trained down as he and John switched seats.


John lifted himself and sighed, but he couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle at Alexander's antics, his own cheeks were still a bit flush from the boy calling out his name, he had felt a bit of hope, as he always did whenever Alex talked to him, those rare occasions, even more hope when he said something such as can I ask you something important? And John's heart would soar and Alex would stutter before saying something like Can I borrow a pencil? And John's heart when crashing down with almost all his hopes— and Alex didn't mean borrow, he meant can I keep your pencil, or borrow and chew on it a bit, that was a nervous habit that John had noticed of Alex when he used to sit behind the other, which is why, when he got moved to the front, it was very unfavorable in his opinion, now he wasn't able to fawn over Alex.

John slumped down on Alex's desk, prepared to put his book down on the desk before noticing some scribbles across the desk. He cocked his head and looked to Mrs.Theo, who was now lecturing on about something else. John quickly put his book in his lap to examine the scribbles, though some were a bit erased...but it looked like a letter...

This class is so boring..
Honestly, and dirty- this desk had drawings from two years ago...the hell kind of sick level is that? Heh, maybe the person next year'll find this, eh? Nah, I'm kidding, I'll erase it, I'd feel to guilty. Maybe someone'll find it though? Maybe- HA MAYBE JOHN- I don't know why I wrote that in caps, but uh, this class is pretty darn boring, the only slightly redeeming factor is the fact that John sits in front of me, I won't say a last name Incase someone I DO know finds this, but oh- I'm gay as hell for this kid if you do find this, and writing this out is helping me cope with the fact that I'm a nobody to him, really, it's true, I'm the nerd that sits behind the freckled wonder...

Another note

I wonder how John's hands feel? From here they look really soft a nd


Too late.


Alex looked down at his papers for the rest of the class period until the bell rung and he leapt to his feet, booking it towards the entrance, not soon enough before he gagged as his collar was tugged on and he stumbled backwards into someone, "Mrs.Theo- I know, I should have listened, it's my fault, I'll take my responsibility, but really have to go." Alex squeezed his eyes shut Incase John walked back.

"You're not going anywhere." A voice chuckled from behind Alex, and he felt his heart once again pick up as he recognized John's voice, he didn't want to turn around.

When Alex didn't turn around after a few moments, he felt a hand slip into his and his eyes shot open to see John now standing in front of him, their fingers laced together as John grinned widely.

"Your hands are softer than mine." John chuckled.

Alex's face bloomed a bright red.

"Alex, did you not even read the scribbles on my desk?" John cracked a wider grin.

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