✨~A chance encounter~✨

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A new day has dawned in Bisisol...
You couldn't wait to start training!
You rushed outside, but you collided with someone and someone caught you
You opened your eyes: Free!? sorry!...I wasn't looking where I was going and you moved away
Free: Next time, watch where you're going, and wait, you're Y/N, right?
You yes...
You in yourself: He knows me!?
Free: They told me you are a great bleyder
And then he left
You stood there like a statue
And you were breathing fast
You in yourself: HE KNOWS ABOUT ME!? WHAT!? BUT NOT! argh!...i bumped into him oh no! you think I'm wrapped around a man...and you sighed
Free pov:
I met Y/N today I didn't watch her fight but I admit I can't wait to see it
And then Free continued with his training
Shasa: Hey Y/N!
You: Oh hello Shasa
Shasa: Do you want to exercise together?
You: Of course!
And then the two of you worked out together all day
(Writer: I like Shasa's attitude, what about you? I'm really interested in what happened to her and her sister and if they are still in Bisisol, if you know, please write to me)
You had a fight and your opponent looked kind of passionate, at least according to you, you had stage fright
You waited your turn in the exercise room, visibly upset, and then you heard the door open
You: Free?
Free: Hey how are you?
You: Mhmmm...sort of? I guess?
Free: Trema?
You: Yes, she ate me
Free: Don't let fear rule you, he entered the room
You: But how?
Free: Just relax and breathe
Then he came to you
You blushed
He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear
Free: I want you to prove those rumors about you
You: Rumors?
Free: You are great, I want to see it live
You in yourself: He wants to see me alive!!!!!!??????
You: Yes (kinda nervous)
Free: Well, good luck
You: Thanks...

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