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You walked down the hall... while your steps were slow, but you knew you had to win! (Writer: What do you want to be called your bey?)
You and B/N (beya's name)
You did your best and it looked like you were losing, but no...that's what you were waiting for
You: B/N now!
And you won the finish with a bang, twice in a row
Free pov:
You proved yourself Y/N
You pointed your bey in Freey's eyes and smiled then walked back into the training room as Free smiled
Someone called you on the phone
You: Hello?
Unidentified person: I will beat you and someone hung up
You: Huh...
Free entered: What happened?
You told him
Free: Strange...
You: Hey, do you want to fight!?
Free smiled: Come on
And you started to fight
Free: Fafnire!
And Free won the first round, but you were in the second and you fought like that until the end of the day
You: It's too late...
Free: I didn't even notice how many hours had passed
You: Me neither...
Free: It was fun, let's go now
You yes!
On entering Bisisol
Free: Well, see you
You: Aren't you going to sleep?
Free: I'm going to train
You: Aren't you tired?
Free: No... why are you interested in that?
He got close to you
You in yourself: It's so close...!
You: I'm not asking, good night!
You turned around
Free: Good fight otherwise
You: Huh? you looked at him
Free: You beat your opponent faster than I thought
You: Thanks...I guess?
Free: Well, good night
You left
~Tomorrow day~
Honco: Hey Y/N good fight!
You: Thank you
Shasa: That was great!
You: Thank you
Shasa: Something wrong?
You: Everything is fine
You in yourself: I don't feel well...
You went to the room or to the bathroom to clean yourself and started coughing
You coughed up blood
You in yourself: Blood!? What!? Oh no!
Two weeks have passed since then, and you forgot about it
A new girl has come to Bisisol
She got close to Freeya, it didn't bother you but...when she told you that they were together...
You didn't know what to do
Sadness, anger and disappointment were present in your heart and especially confusion, you didn't know what to do with those feelings

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