03: Three

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"Night Fury! Get down!" Gobber shouted, and everyone dove down to the ground. Well, everyone minus Hiccup. He stood, flattened against the tree as his faithful companion blasted through a large bush.

Toothless immediately ran over and nudged Hiccup, as if asking was he alright. Hiccup rubbed Toothless' flat head. "I'm okay Bud," He muttered, looking at the group of Berkians still lying on the ground, arms covering their heads. "Where in Thor's name did you go?" The dragon crooned, turning to the Vikings. His pupils turned to slits, the Night Fury baring his teeth and growling at the Vikings.

Fishlegs was the first to recover. "T-that's a Night Fury?" He gestured a hand towards Toothless. The dragon growled lower in response, taking a defensive stance and curling his tail around Hiccup. Hiccup laughed, although it came out as more of a scoff through his mask.

"Yeah. Toothless, Vikings. Vikings, Toothless. Y'know, he gets really nervous around weapons. So, um, I think it would be best to not have them out." He shrugged, and Toothless finally stopped his growling.

Gobber spoke up. "It doesn't look so dangero-" He got a heavy glare from the dragon and continued in a shakier voice, "Could everyone put their weapons away?" Astrid gave everyone an odd look when they all tossed their weapons to the side.

They shouldn't give away their main offense and defense, she thought, We're practically submitting ourselves to the enemy!

Hiccup smiled, knowing they wouldn't see it. Toothless focused on Astrid, seeing that she was still poised to strike with her axe. Hiccup looked over at the blonde and sighed, "He isn't going to hurt you. You know that, right?" She rolled her eyes at him, and, even though reluctantly, she threw the axe into a nearby tree and left it there.

"Good, good. This is surprisingly better than I thought this would play out a few seconds ago. Am I right, Bud?" The dragon in question rolled his eyes at his rider. He looked at the group. They were familiar, Toothless remembered that Hiccup had told him about them sometime after they'd both left that island a while back.

He turned to his rider, who was speaking with the familiar group. "Dragons aren't that bad, really. I mean once you gain their trust it's like... You can't describe what it's like to have a dragon's loyalty. They'll protect you to the very end as long as they think- and know- that you'd do the same for them."

Toothless sidled up to sit next to Hiccup, and the young man nudged the dragon in response. The dragon nudged him back, and they would have become engaged in a play-fight had the twins not cleared their throats.

"The unholy offspring of lightning and death itself, I humbly ask of you," Tuffnut attempted a regal voice, gesturing to the sky, "Well, not humbly." He dropped the facade, and Ruffnut stepped in front of him.

"Can it blow things up? Like, fire everywhere, screaming, chaos?" She crossed her arms, hugging them close to her chest as she gave an almost childishly hopeful face toward Toothless and Hiccup. Tuffnut stood beside his sister and continued.

"We love explosions. Some consider us straight descendants of Loki," He looked at his nails nonchalantly, obviously bragging about the 'Loki' part. Astrid scowled, looking to the side. She gazed longingly at her axe as Gobber stepped forward to be in front of the gang.

"Look, lad. We don't really welcome the lifestyle. Fighting dragons is just out way of life," Gobber picked at something between his teeth. He flicked whatever it was off to the side, giving Hiccup a stern stare. "A Night Fury can't change that." Once he finished speaking, he added 'no matter how impressive' under his breath.

Hiccup sighed. He knew it'd be hard, but he didn't think he'd almost convince them then they just bail out. He reached but to pull off his helmet, but decided against it at the last moment. They didn't know who he was; it was more possible if a mysterious rider proved to them dragons were more than beasts than Hiccup.

His actions didn't go unnoticed; Astrid turned to look back at him again, and she saw him reaching up before halting and lowering his arms. Of course, she'd bring it up. "What's with the helmet?"

Hiccup looked at her. "What about it? I thought it was pretty cool..." Toothless crooned at his rider, as if assuring him it was. "Of course it is. I was being sarcastic, Bud." The Night Fury rolled his eyes, plopping into a sitting position next to his rider.

"You can see our faces clear as day, but we have no godsforsaken idea who you are," She pointed towards him before resting both hands on her hips. "Who are you?" Gobber rested a meaty hand on her shoulders.

"Let's not anger the lad, or pester him with questions. Either way, we were only originally supposed to be stayin' here temporarily, as a break. We need to get goin'." The older man gave Hiccup a look, as if begging for the young rider to give him a reason to not have to pack up all the camping supplies.

"Just give them a chance," Hiccup attempted one last time, ignoring the look from Gobber, "Let me show you."

The older man sighed, running a hand down his face. Snotlout, Fishlegs, and the twins, who'd been quiet in watching the entire thing unfold, finally spoke up. "Why not?" Snotlout asked, seemingly eager. He realized he'd sounded to excited, and quickly added behind him, "Not that he'll make me believe a dragon is good, ha!"

Fishlegs fiddled with the pouch on his belt, pulling out cards. "Do you know about all the dragons?" He asked Hiccup, eyes wide. When the dragon rider nodded, he grinned widely. "You're going to teach us about them, right?!"

"As long as we can blow stuff up, I'm cool with it," Ruffnut announced, followed by an enthusiastic 'agreed' from Tuffnut. Astrid and Gobber were the only ones not as willing to stay.

"We don't want to worry Berk too much," Astrid tried to defend, "We might as well go back. We've already wasted a day. That leaves us, what, 24 hours on whatever island we'd planned on going to?" Gobber nodded, but he wanted to stay and see what Hiccup had up his sleeve with the dragons.

"You've got almost all of us wanting to stay... I guess we'll just see how you plan on gettin us, a group of Berkians, to trust beasts." Hiccup smiled under his mask at the man's words. He turned and mounted Toothless.

"Well then, we should get started."


Um idk if I even went along with the story correctly?? But I'm sort of happy with it to an extent. I'm hoping by the time things get interesting I'll be past this mini writer's block and be able to update on a schedule of sorts (not really bc you know me lmao)

Hope it was good enough to last you until the next update :]

(Please vote and comment I like hearing your opinions the nice ones make me smile to no end and the mean ones ((which I haven't gotten any yet *sweats nervously*)) I don't care about :D :D :D :D)

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