04: Four

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"Well then, we should get started."

Hiccup mounted Toothless, the black dragon unfurling his wings. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! You said we were getting started! And you're leaving?" Fishlegs threw his hands in the air. Snotlout rolled his eyes, letting out a huff.

"Doesn't matter to me," he grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. Hiccup rolled his eyes at the Vikings. Toothless took off, hovering above the ground. The Vikings ducked slightly, and Hiccup shook his head.

"I honestly didn't think I'd get this far, so I'm going to go round up some dragons and maybe then-" He was cut off.

"You are not going to bring a wild batch of dragons anywhere near us." Gobber sounded stern, crossing his arms in defiance. Toothless huffed and beat his wings faster, slowly rising as Hiccup said one last thing before taking off.

"They aren't feral, they just don't feel like they can trust humans at first glance. I'll be back." Hiccup patted Toothless' neck, and they bolted off into the sky toward the nest.


When they dove through into the cavern, they stopped to see a suspicious Valka leaning against a smug Cloudjumper. Her brow was raised, arms cross, foot tapping slowly and patiently. "Care to tell me why you slipped sleeping fish into our meals? And what you were doing out so late?"

Hiccup hummed nervously. "Hi, Mom." Toothless landed near the amused mother and her dragon, Hiccup dismounting and rubbing the back of his neck and taking off his helmet as he slowly approached her. She waited until he got close enough before grabbing him and putting him in a playful choke-hold.

"What did I tell you about waiting until later to go see those Vikings? Hm?" She ruffled his hair, poking at him. He laughed, worming out of her reach before stepping back.

"Since when have I ever listened?" He smoothed his hair down as best as he could (not a big help). Toothless padded over and sat on his haunches next to Hiccup, giving Valka a gummy smile. "We were actually here to pick out some dragons they could train. Possible ride in the future!"

Valka clasped her hands together before going and grabbing her staff. "You'll need expert's advice," She started. She slid on her helmet and mounted on Cloudjumper before continuing, "So I better come with."

They both flew to where the main pillar, where most of the dragons usually were, was. Hiccup approached a group of dragons that Valka had said she'd rescued from an island, and that they had stuck together for some odd reason. There was a Monstrous Nightmare, a Gronkle, and a Hideous Zippleback.

"I'll see if these guys want to come with us," HIccup said softly as he slowly walked toward the Nightmare. The dragon sat up and didn't freak out, used to Hiccup being around him. He watched as Hiccup reached out his hand, and the Nightmare leaned into it. He moved on and did the same with the other two, and he motioned for them to follow him.

He mounted Toothless and they took off, seeing the three dragons follow loosely behind him. He looked around and after a bit of searching, he saw his mother fly up with a Deadly Nadder and a Hotburple. "After a bit of convincing, I got these to agree." She looked back at him, before Cloudjumper took a dive and went into a cave, and they came out holding some rope.

"For holding on. If they even decide to try."

Hiccup nodded, and they all headed out to where the Vikings camped. When they landed, the dragons landing not soon after them, the Berkians looked a bit uncomfortable. "Who's ready to train some dragons, eh?" Hiccup looked at the group.

They didn't move. Hiccup sighed and led them to the wild dragons, taking Snotlout's arm and dragging him toward the Monstrous Nightmare. "Hey, whoa, whoa, what do you think you're doing?!" Snotlout exclaimed as he was taken against his will.

"Training a dragon," came the reply as Hiccup got some rope. He gestured for Snotlout to reach his hand out as he continued, "Correction: You're training a dragon."

Snotlout audibly gulped before doing as instructed. He winced and made a cowering noise when the Nightmare blew a puff of smoke from it's nostrils. "You're not so bad," He muttered as the dragon dropped it's menacing facade and gently rested it's nose in his hand.

"I have conquered you! You're name is Hookfang, and you're my dragon now."

Hiccup face-helmeted before handing Snotlout a rope. "What's this for?" Snotlout held the rope up, looking between it and the dragon. Toothless approached and Hiccup mounted.

"To hold on? Unless, of course, you'd rather hold onto Hookfang's horns?" Snotlout glanced at Hookfang, who looked very against the idea of having Snotlout grab his horns. The Viking nodded abruptly and tried- struggled- to wrap and tie the rope around Hookfang's middle.

Hiccup smiled under his mask and turned. He looked at Gobber, Fishlegs and the others, who'd been watching the whole ordeal. Valka grinned as the other wild dragons looked on curiously.

Snotlout had gotten on Hookfang, who's expression now had switched from curious and slightly hostile to just plain out bored. "Hold onto the rope tightly there, Snotlout," Hiccup adjusted Snotout on Hookfang's back so he was sitting right. "Lean forward a bit more. There you go."

Hiccup let out a gutteral sound, sounding almost identical to the roar of a Monstrous Nightmare, and Hookfang blasted into the air, disappearing into the clouse with Snotlout screaming for his mother all the way.

"They'll be back in a few minutes," He said as they all watched the sky, occasionally catching a glimpse of the dragon and Viking pair. Soon enough, Hookfang was back on the ground, Snotlout paler than usual and clinging to the dragon's neck.

"See? Fun! Who's next?" Hiccup looked at the Vikings, his mother with an amused smile on her face as she leaned against Cloudjumper. No one moved, Astrid looking at Hiccup with a face of indifference, Fishlegs with one of awe, the twins with faces full of mischief, and Gobber just had his eyebrow(s) raised.

One by one, they raised their hands. Hiccup leaned back in the saddle, Toothless letting out a small roar. "Good, because you're sort of stuck here unless you ride a dragon."


ok for starters i'M SO SORRY I DIDN'T UPDATE SOONER i ran out of ideas for it so i guess this is a filler. the next chapter won't have the others training their dragons because i'm lazy and want to get on with the plot.

be glad i was able to pull through from 600 words to a little over 1000.

i'll /ATTEMPT/ to update asap but who knows when that will be. :,)

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