13: Thirteen

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Hiccup walked down the path, searching for Stoick. Vikings were nearly done with preparations, their weapons and other supplies loaded onto the abundance of ships. He spotted the Hooligan tribe chieftain standing on the ledge overlooking the docks.

"Is everything almost finished?" Hiccup asked. They'd stayed longer than planned; it had been five days.

"Yes, yes. Most of it should be complete by now. Everyone just ha' to get on the ships and we're off. You and the other dragon riders are flying separately, correct?"

"Correct. We'll be flying off the ships, but will always be in sight. We do have to guide you to the nest," came the younger male's reply. Toothless was down near the treeline of the nearby forest, entertaining himself by burning the grass close to him and keeping the flames controlled.

"Your dragon sure seems to have fun destroying my land there, boy," Stoick's hard gaze followed the Night Fury as the dragon ran up and down the length of the trees. Hiccup shrugged.

"It's not any worse than what a hundred would do in a raid."

Stoick nodded, as though saying true. The chief of Berk sighed, popping his back. "I'm not getting any younger here," He spoke. He began walking, and when they reached the lower docks he turned to the masses. "We're heading out! Everyone on the ships!"

As the Vikings clambered on, Valka flew down from one direction and Fishlegs from the other. "Sorry," the bulky dragon rider said once he and Meatlug landed. "I was looking over the flora and fauna." Hiccup shook his head.

"We're leaving, so be prepared to deal with telling Vikings where to go for a while."

Fishlegs nodded. Valka looked over Hiccup's shoulder at the plethora of Berkians boarding the multiple ships on the dock. "Are you sure we'll be able to convince them and the dragons to maintain peace for this ordeal?"

Hiccup gave her a sarcastic stare. "Are you seriously having doubts at this point?"

His mother shook her head. "No, no," she said, giving him a small smile. "I'm just thinking. Of course we'd be able to." Hiccup smiled back, and although Valka could't see it, she could feel it was there.

"Well, let's be off," Fishlegs gave Meatlug a motherly pat before the pair took off, making their way to the front ship that would be the head of the armada. Hiccup and Valka followed suit.

As Hiccup took the lead with his mother and his close friend at each of his sides, he looked back at the humble Viking village with it's not-as-humble inhabitants. He almost smiled at the fact they were coming, that this was happening, but the good thoughts quickly faded when he realized.

People could surely die, many people, and it would be his fault (whether it truly was or not, he'd feel like it was anyway). He shook the negative wonders out of his mind and stared at the horizon in anticipation.

It was time.


As they explored the cave, Astrid kept getting flashes of memory from the sketches. It had to be one of the two dragon riders. The artwork seemed familiar somehow, though, so she was quite confused. Gobber hobbled around and picked up one of the papers.

"Whoever did these really knows their dragons," He commented, setting the paper down. "It's probably one of the riders," he said, basically putting her thoughts into words.

The twins had left once they realized they weren't allowed to set fire to anything, so it was pretty quiet. Snotlout was staring at sketches of a Night Fury. "D'ya think it's the guy that rides Toothless? I mean, it might be the other one, but I'd think it's him mostly.

Astrid nodded. "We need to head back," she said after a moment's pause. "We'll talk about this place to the two riders when they get back with Fishlegs." They all exited and mounted their dragons, flying back to the nest.

After a while of just doing nothing, Astrid took Stormfly and flew out of the nest to get some fresh air and think.

She'd been there, hanging around, most of the day when Snotlout approached her as the sun was getting close to the horizon.

"Astrid!" came Snotlout's voice as Hookfang and him landed on the ground behind her. "Gobber told me to tell you to stop worrying. They should be arriving any day now."

Astrid turned from her spot sitting on a ledge outside the main cavern, looking at the ocean beyond. "What if they don't? It's not that I don't think they're capable, but Chief Stoick is who he is, you know? I wouldn't be surprised if they're about to pop up over that horizon without an army to back us up."

She looked down. "We'd have to rely fully on our dragons, and as tough as they are they can be defeated given the right opponent. And this guy has a dragon army apparently, so why wouldn't he have a human one, too?"

Snotlout merely blinked. Astrid scoffed, "I don't even know why I'm ranting about it to you. You probably didn't even hear a word I said."

"I agree. Berk would really help, and it'd be a big setback if they did come back empty-handed," Snotlout replied from his place on Hookfang's neck.

She looked almost surprised he'd said something to her that didn't involve some cheesy pickup line, and she almost laughed at how out of character it was for him. She lightly stroked behind Stormfly's head spines.

"Yeah." She nodded. "But let's not underestimate them. Night Fury guy is pretty persuasive, and Fishlegs is one of us. The one on the Stormcutter can show them that dragons aren't all we've told them out to be, too. Stoick has to understand. Right?"

"Right. So, anyway," Snotlout cleared his throat. "Gobber also wanted me to tell you to come back, since it's starting to get late and we need to make sure all dragons are accounted for. I don't see the point, since there's a million dragons, but Gobber said to check up on them anyway."

Stormfly turned and followed Hookfang, flying through one of the several small entrances into the King's lair.


Astrid almost hollered when she saw the ships following the riders. "They're here!" She called to the rest of the gang and Gobber, who were still inside the nest and coming out. She'd startled at the dragons screeching, and had rushed outside with her axe to see the Berkians coming.

"Really? Oh, thank Loki!" Tuffnut exclaimed. Ruffnut nodded excitedly in agreement with her brother.

Everyone was just as shaken as Astrid was, although she was the only one who's first instinct to grab a weapon before rushing outside.

Snotlout was doing what looked like a spastic happy dance around Hookfang, who appeared to not be able to care less. Gobber looked about ready to break out into song as well.

When the ships touched the shores, everyone had been waiting. Hiccup, Valka and Fishlegs landed as Stoick got off the ship.

As soon as his feet touched the sand, he sighed. Once he caught sight of the gang with Gobber, his eyes widened so much they looked about ready to pop out of their sockets. "Bloody-- not you, too."

"We'd already told you that everyone had dragons, Stoick," Hiccup spoke as he dismounted Toothless, walking over to the group to shake Gobber's hand.

"I know, but really Gobber? Ye chose one of the least battle-ready dragons I ever seen." Stoick strode over to his best friend and placed a hand on his shoulder. "And I've seen a lot of dragons."



probably going to edit the easter part out after a while since people will read this when it isn't easter)

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