14: Fourteen

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[i scoured the last few chapters for a certain scene and i couldn't find it so i either didn't write it or i'm missing it but please tell me so if i've already gone over this ahA like i was planning for it to be in this chapter but idk if i disregarded it and wrote it somewhere else]

Gobber laughed. "At least I have one, ay? They're pretty lovable once you learn to tolerate them," he joked, nudging Stoick with his prosthetic hand.

Stoick laughed slightly, too, but said nothing more. It was an awkward silence before he clasped his hands together. "So," he started, "when shall we begin preparing?"

"Right now," said Valka as she walked with Cloudjumper over to them. "The best way to set up would be in the nest, but be fully ready to run out in a matter of minutes and fight. You never know how fast Drago can be."

Stoick looked solemn as he nodded. The chief looked to his men and gestured widely with his arms. "We follow the Riders to their Nest! Stay close." As the closer Vikings spread the order to the further ones, Stoick followed the group of dragon riders who'd begun to advance up the rickety dirt path up to the closest entrance on foot.

Hiccup occasionally looked back to make sure every warrior was keeping up well enough, his gaze flickering between them and the open sea beyond. To be frank, he was nervous. Really, truly nervous.

He'd been thinking a lot about the coming battle, and it scared him. What would happen if they lost? Surely they'd come through in the end, but what if they didn't? Hiccup felt foolish with these thoughts running through his head, but they weren't all impossible.

Of course, if Drago came when they were prepared, they'd have no problem defeating him and his army. Would they? There was this small voice, almost unnoticeable, that told him repeatedly he'd lose. Although the voice was weak, he was tempted to listen to it.

But he wouldn't. Not now. They'd come too far for him to have these kinds of doubts.

Toothless gave a purr and rubbed against Hiccup's arm, as a way of telling him they'd arrived in the nest. Had he really been thinking for that long? Or had they walked at a fast pace? He didn't really care at this point. "Alright," he started, clasping his hands together and popping his back.

"Archers, if we have any, you'll be going to the upper levels. Gobber, if you don't mind leading them there. Take your cannons and bolas as well." As the Vikings with that job carried their loads with Gobber in the lead, he turned to the majority; the brutes.

"As for you all, you'll be here and on the beach. Explore this level and those near it, and find good places for hiding and stealth. Those of you who feel up to it go out on the shore and do the same, and while you're out there, keep a lookout for anything." Those who wanted the beach task hurried out, while those who did not began digging around. "Twins, help them with it."

"And the rest, help around. I'm sure you can be useful; everyone is." He glanced at Snotlout and Stoick before walking to Toothless and mounting. He went over to Valka, who was leaning casually against Cloudjumper and out of earshot of everyone bustling about.

"You sure have good chieftain skills for someone who isn't the 'leading type,'" Hiccup could feel her smirk through her helmet; it was in her tone. He waved her off.

"Pfft, you're hilarious!" He let out a slight laugh, sitting back on Toothless. "It's easy to herd them around when they're about as smart as a bunch of yak. They're good fighters, though."

She nodded, but stood up straight. "You'd be surprised at how intelligent some Berkians are," she replied. "I mean, take your father for example."

"He wasn't smart enough to keep me on Berk now, was he?" Hiccup's retort came quickly, rolling off his tongue before he could stop himself.

"Oh, don't get salty! He did his best. I thought I told you to keep an open mind for this, son." Valka tsked.

Hiccup groaned like a moody teenager. "I am." He startled when Astrid and Fishlegs flew over.

"So! Preparations seem to be in order. Right?" Fishlegs queried once he landed, Astrid soon after. Her axe rested on the small holder built into the front of Stormfly's saddle. She'd recently braided her hair--it was flung over her shoulder flawlessly, the plaits back in order from their previously slightly disheveled state. She had taken off her hood.

Not that Hiccup had noticed, or anything.

"Uh- Yes," He said, realizing he'd been staring at her for a bit too long. Hopefully she hadn't noticed.

"Great! Meatlug and I are going to oversee the Twins and the Vikings on the beach if that's okay. We want to make sure no wildfires are started." The chubby dragon and the equally so boy flew low in the direction of the shore, where Hiccup could already hear screaming.

"I'll be off as well, in case the archers need help with lifting certain equipment," Valka mounted Cloudjumper, giving the Stormcutter an affectionate pat on the wing before the pair took off.

"So," Astrid started, looking at him. "Could we talk? I have something I need to ask you about." Stormfly squawked, distracted by the firelight of the Vikings testing out weapons.

"Yeah, s-sure," he replied. "Could we talk here, or-"

"It doesn't matter. We could go for a flight."

"Of course." As Stormfly took off, he couldn't help but wonder about what she had to talk to him (and him only) about as Toothless took off promptly behind Astrid.

Once they were in the higher part of the sky and evenly flying, she flipped her leg over Stormfly's back so she could fully face Hiccup.

"How's Toothless?" She asked, knowing full well the dragon was doing fine. She just wanted to start a conversation other than saying, 'hey, I think I stumbled across your secret hideout and I think you may be someone I know.'

"He's doing fine," Hiccup replied. A brow raised from behind his mask. "How's.. how's Stormfly?" He tilted his head slightly, his tone light.

Astrid nodded. "She's doing great. I think we've really bonded over this short time. She's probably just sticking around for the fish, though," she laughed, giving the Deadly Nadder a scratch behind the head spines.

As Stormfly purred and pushed her head up and into Astrid's hand slightly, Hiccup cleared his throat. "Actually," he began, "she wouldn't even need to stick around for the fish. Stormfly is perfectly capable of leaving and surviving on her own. She could even easily get the saddle of if she wanted to-"

"Are you done?" Astrid laughed a bit harder for a moment. She leaned to the side so she was leaning on the arm that was behind Stormfly's head spines, her eyes twinkling.

"What I'm trying to say is she's bonded with you too," Hiccup gave a small smile before realizing she couldn't see it. "I'm smiling, just so you know." Astrid looked in the direction they were flying in.

"I can tell."

Hiccup let out a shaky breath. Their conversation had started off a bit forced, but now, to him at least, it felt flowing and easy to talk with her. Astrid had definitely changed in the five years he'd been gone. Although her violence and toughness hadn't waned one bit she did act nicer and happier more often than she did before. Was it because he left? He hoped it wasn't.

"So," She started once more, a serious tone in her voice at this point. "With Drago coming, how have things changed? What I mean to ask is how are you and the other rider handling it?" She didn't want to talk about the room just yet; she liked talking to Maybe-Hiccup in normal conversation.

"Oh, that," He responded. "Is that what you wanted to talk to me about?" His eyes drooped. Astrid quickly shook her head.

"No! I'm just wondering. Snotlout, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, Gobber, Fishlegs... they're all handling it well. I feel like I'm the only one actually worried about this. Or, at least, the only one actually taking into consideration the consequences."

Hiccup sighed before talking. "It's- getting to me, to say it simply. It's just-- what- what if we don't defeat Drago? What'll he do if we lose?"

"I'm worried about that too. I mean, yeah, we're pretty powerful with the Berk armada and an entire nest of dragons on our side, but we don't know what's on his. He could have dozens of nests under his control for all we know. From what I've heard, this guy is pretty powerful."

"Right!" Hiccup gestured to her with the arm closest to her. "At least someone else get it like I do. Mo- The others don't seem to be nearly as worried, and it makes me feel like I'm overreacting, except I know I'm not because of the drastic situation at hand."

Astrid nodded. "Exactly." After a comfortable silence, she spoke. "So, what I really wanted to ask you was-"

Toothless purred. "What? Bud, what?" Hiccup switched his line of vision from Astrid to the Night Fury. He glanced out at the horizon. The sun was getting low. "We'd better turn back. We can go back slowly, though." Astrid nodded before continuing her previous statement.

"What I've been meaning to ask you about was, well, I don't know how to put this. So, when the other riders and I were exploring while you were at Berk, we stumbled across this room."

"Was it filled with dragon sketches and stuff that could put the Book of Dragons to shame? Yeah, that's mine."

"Okay, so that- wait, how do you know about the Book of Dragons? That's something only Berkians know about.." She scrutinized him with her suspicious look.

"O-oh! Yeah, when I was on Berk, S-Stoick showed it to me. Yeah."

"Chief doesn't show that to just anyone. Especially not dragon riders. Especially dragon riders who aren't Berkian. Did you look at it on your own?"

Hiccup seemed to think for a bit. "Yes, that's what happened," he coughed. "Completely."

"You were always a bad liar. Do you by chance know Hiccup Haddock? The sketches looked familiar. Are they yours?"

Hiccup's hands were shaking. "Maybe we should land. It's a bit cold, and there's an air current nearby that gets warmer at nighttime. Weird, yes, but it's a nice air current. We should wait for it." Astrid shrugged.

"You know the land. There's a seastack right there."

When they were safe on the tall and large chunk of rock jutting from the ocean, Hiccup dismounted and began pacing slightly by the edge. His hands were still shaking, although not as bad. Astrid seemed to be decoding him with her stare, as if she looked hard enough she could see through the mask. She probably would.

Toothless gave him a concerned purr. "I'm alright, Bud."

Astrid dismounted Stormfly as well after another moment had passed, walking over to Hiccup and placing a hand on his shoulder, stopping him from pacing an indention in the ground. "You're him aren't you?"

If there had been a breeze he wouldn't have heard her. A tremor ran through him as he stepped back from her. "If I said yes would you shove me over the edge?"

"I'd consider it," She folded her arms. "But probably not."

"Then... yes. I am. My name is Hiccup Haddock the Third and I ran away from Berk five years ago. I also regret nothi-" Astrid interrupted him by punching him in the stomach. Hard.

"Oh, Thor! Why would you do that?!"

"That's for running away without telling anyone. Without telling me."

"You wouldn't have cared!" As soon as those words left his mouth he wished they hadn't. Her eyes brimmed with tears as she scowled.

"Of course I would have! When Snotlout or the Twins would mess with you I'd always beat them to a pulp afterword! You never stuck around long enough to know, though. I cared. I cared a lot. I probably cared too much! More than you did clearly, since you told no one when you suddenly left without a word!"

He looked forlorn. "I'm sorry."

She ignored him. "Everyone thinks you're dead, Hiccup. And so did I, up until the point I saw those sketches on the wall. I knew you were alive because I know you. That's your writing, and your style. Those drawings screamed 'Hiccup.'"

"I'm really tempted to toss you over the edge," She finished, calming herself down. She brushed the dirt off of her leggings and offered a hand to help the poor rider up, who was still curled onto a fetal position on the ground. He slowly reached out and hefted himself up using her hand as support.

"I-I didn't know. I didn't think anyone would be affected with my leaving. I-I'm so sorry, Astrid," He spoke quickly and softly. "I know you probably won't forgive me, but just know I cared too."

"Of course I forgive you, idiot. It should be me apologizing anyway; for both lashing out like that and for never telling you that I defended you, and I'm even more sorry for not breaking away from Snotlout and everyone to be the friend I should've been."

She hadn't let go of his hand since she helped him up. He laced their fingers and brought her into a tight hug. "I forgive you," He said, grinning behind his helmet. After a while of them standing in an embrace, she leaned back and gave him a peck which would've been on his lips had his helmet not been over his face.

He blushed as she said, "Should we get back?" The moon had begun to rise. He nodded and walked to Toothless, who was curled next to Stormfly, sleeping. He gently nudged the dragon awake, who grumbled and stood, shaking off. Stormfly did the same and Astrid mounted.

As Hiccup climbed on, he looked at Astrid. "Next time I'll make sure my helmet's off so I can get a real one," He said, smiling. He was feeling confident, so why not flirt a bit? Astrid laughed and looked the other way so he wouldn't see her rising blush, looking in the direction of the nest.

"Disregarding that air current, race you back!" They were off, Stormfly using her powerful wings to gain as much of a lead as possible. Hiccup looked at Toothless.

"She didn't say no," he said to Toothless, who just grunted and took off after the Deadly Nadder and her rider. He smacked Hiccup with his ear, as if saying for him to get his head on straight.

{okok so i tried and as someone who has never been in a romantic situation before i'd say i did p good how 'bout it


so next chapter shit is about to go down

^^ technically that'd be a spoiler but it's all gucci because you don't know what kind of shit i'm talking about or how it's going down

will it go down the toilet?? go down into the fan??? no one knows oops

anyway i hope this was enjoyable]

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