15: Fifteen

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[early update!!

just a reminder, Hiccup has both legs. i'm stating so bc i thought about it and decided he didn't defeat the Queen, but rather the dragons turned on her on their own somehoW

and an fyi this probably sucks but 🤷🏻‍♀️ i'm too happy at the moment to giveth frocks]

When Hiccup woke the next morning, the happy-go-lucky fuzzy feeling hadn't left. So what if someone found out his identity when he swore no one would? He was glad it was Astrid and not Gobber or someone else like that. As much as he loved the old man, he didn't love him in the way he did Astrid.

He didn't love Astrid, per say, but he was very close to being able to say he did.

He strolled out to the main cavern of the nest, where he spotted Toothless at a distance playing with baby Scuttleclaws. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes, momentarily freaking out since he'd forgotten that the Berkians were there.

"Oh," was all he said, voice raspy. The single word had been loud enough for Toothless to hear, and the Night Fury came running across the glen, gliding in a wobbly manner over the small chasm separating him from his rider. He offered Hiccup a gummy smile, which the auburn-haired male replied to with one that had teeth.

"Hey, Bud!" He gave Toothless a scratch on his sweet spot under his chin, walking past him with the Night Fury falling into step beside him as he oversaw the Vikings with their barricades and weapons, heaving and all that.

It looked painful up close.

"Hey!" When he turned around, he was met with a fist lightly to the shoulder. Astrid had been the one to call to him, running to him on foot as Stormfly was busy flying the last of the cannons and large crossbows up to the shooters. "How ya been?"

He smiled from behind his helmet. "Good, milady. You?" A ghost of a grin appeared on her face at the nickname he'd given her.

"Good. Could be better, but Stormfly is helping without me, so I've been running around and checking up on everyone." She twirled her axe in her hand, the handle twisting in her skilled and calloused fingers.

"You could always borrow Toothless if you wanted." Said dragon gave Hiccup and incredulous look before glancing at Astrid and back to Hiccup. It wasn't that the dragon didn't like Astrid-- he was quite fond of her now-- but she didn't know how to operate his tailfin.

"I don't know how to operate his fin, though," She replied, and Toothless seemed to huff in agreement, as he was just thinking that a moment ago.

"I'll teach you," Hiccup leaned forward slightly. Astrid raised a brow.

"The Great Dragon Conqueror teaching me his ways? This is almost too good to be true," She said in a mocking manner, nudging him with her elbow. "That sounds good," She followed with, more serious about it now. Hiccup chuckled slightly.

"I'll catch you later and you can go on a test ride," he nudged her back playfully.

Before she could respond, Snotlout came up and startled them both. "What's got you two all buddy-buddy? Babe, are you replacing me with this guy? He could be fifty for all we know with that helmet of his," He smirked. Before Hiccup or Astrid could work up a snarky reply, Fishlegs' shriek filled the area.

Now on high alert, Hiccup mounted Toothless and the pair bolted toward the source with Astrid sprinting behind, Snotlout and the others behind her. It came from the beach.

"Fishlegs! What's wro-" Hiccup stopped talking as he took in a shuddering gasp. The horizon was darkened with the dots of what looked to be hundreds of ships, some blotting out part of the rising sun as well. They didn't appear to be advancing much, but they were close enough to see the vast array of warriors on their docks.

"Oh my gods."

Astrid was standing next to him, and looked as shaken as he did. "I'll tell them to finish up whatever they were working on, and to be prepared whether they were done or not." SHe ran past the small crowd of Vikings that'd followed Hiccup outside, as well as Snotlout.

Fishlegs turned from his position on Meatlug's back, who looked nearly as worried as her rider. "T-They're here."

Snotlout gave a look as if to say, well duh. "We kinda picked that up already, Fishface." Despite his words, Snot's tone was wavering.

"Now's not the time for your childishness, Snotlout," Hiccup muttered quickly before urging Toothless to fly back into the Nest. He told his mother, who went to wake up the Alpha.

"Didn't the note say they would be arriving like a month from now?" He queried when Gobber came around.

"I d'know, lad. We lost the note a while back, and at the pace things have been going you might as well consider that we practically shoved a month into the span of a few weeks. Which is how long a month is, now that I'm thinkin' 'bout it..." The man waved it off as he hobbled to assist nearby warriors.

Hiccup held the bridge of his nose, feeling a headache coming on. He walked away from Toothless, who would've followed but was promptly separated from his rider as a crowd of Vikings hefting the last of their equipment over walked between them, starting a constant stream of people between the two.

Hiccup could feel his breath quickening as his heart sped up. This was happening. He couldn't stop it with his peaceful ways, not unless he talked to Drago in the midst of a bloody battle.

Which, he paused and thought. I could actually do. He looked around before running to grab Inferno, searching for Astrid. I could do so without the battle around us. I could do it right now.

When he found her, the blonde was shouting at the Twins, who were carrying explosives in a very dangerous manner. He grabbed her elbow gently and tugged her to a tiny and secluded cavern nearby, the Twins hooting at them as they flew off on Barf and Belch.

He shook his head at them before flipping up his helmet for the first time. Astrid's eyes widened as she took his face in. She reached a hand to brush his cheek and Hiccup's jaw set. "I'm going out there," he said slowly as he covered her hand with his. "To try and talk to Drago." Her hand twitch as she pulled it back.

"How big of an idiot are you?! Stoick said Drago doesn't listen to anyone. You're committing suicide!"

"No, I'm not, Astrid. He's human; I'll get through to him. I did get a group of Berkian Vikings to ride dragons, didn't I?" He smirked, turning to quickly glance out of the cave to make sure no one was outside and listening to them.

"I'm only telling you, because you're the one I trust most. Well, You're the only one I can tell who won't try to convince me to not do this. Mom would freak if I were telling her." Astrid startled.

"The one riding Cloudjumper is your mother? Why are you telling me this now? I-" He planted a sweet kiss on her lips before flipping his visor over his face.

"I'll be back," He gave her hand a squeeze before jogging out to meet Toothless, who'd finally managed to get over the swarm of Vikings. As he mounted, he looked at her. "And if I'm not, tell them who I am."

Astrid could only watch as Hiccup began to take off. She started towards Stormfly, but was interrupted by a call for her to aid in some null task. The Night Fury's shriek shattered the air, startling everyone into silence as they bolted out of the Nest. Valka turned, her eyes widening.

"Hiccup," She whispered.

As they soared at high speed, Hiccup noticed water bubbling suspiciously in front of the ships. When they were about over the odd bubbling, a large figure burst from the waves. And when I say large, I mean large. The thing was ginormous, the only part of it Hiccup really being able to see being the mouth, wide and expectant, rising toward the pair at a rapid pace.

Toothless was barely fact enough to dodge the massive head, barrel-rolling to the left and swooping around, Hiccup directing them to hover face to face.

It was another Alpha. And to make things worse, it looked angry.

And to add even more icing onto the death cake, it was chained and under the control of Drago and his army.


yes, i am aware that in the gif Hiccup is standing in front of the GOODalpha, but have a little imagination

okay so announcement??? i'm doing yet another "poll" and i'm debating;

re-plot half bad or don't? the idea i have is pretty good in my eyes but i'd have to redo a lot of the storyline

also i'm going to kings dominion friday and if i were popular enough i'd say hmu if you're going bc i rly wanna meet other people who use wattpad :// IT IS BARREN OF WATTPADIANS WHERE I AM IM--]

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