16: Sixteen

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Hiccup had flown back, and the Alpha had tore its way through the waters after him. It dragged the ships with it almost, the entirety of the army falling into motion behind the hulking mass of scales and metal.

Apparently someone had seen from the Nest's shore and warned the others, since everyone was in a frenzy to ready their cannons and bolas and arrows to be shot. Some of the dragons had worked their way outside and were readying themselves.

When he landed, Astrid approached. "So I guess you didn't get to speak to him?" She asked, voice void of any possible sarcasm or mockery. He nodded.

"Not a word. The second Alpha blocked our way."

As she rushed off to aid in filling cannons with cannonballs, Toothless glided briefly to where he saw Valka and Cloudjumper.

Hiccup winced when he heard a roar and the following roars of other dragons as the Good Alpha woke before slinking under the water, presumably outside to battle with its counterpart.

"Hi- Night Fury! We need you out here!" Fishlegs shouted, face flushing when he almost made the mistake of calling him Hiccup.

"A-Alright," Hiccup's voice shook. He gave Toothless a pat before said dragon took off, lowly gliding out to the beach area where multiple dragons were running around. Toothless landed on a natural awning of sorts, a ledge about ten feet from the sandy ground. Hiccup dismounted and popped a spyglass from one of the many contraptions lining the outside of his legs.

He gazed through the scope, scanning the multitude of ships not far from the shore. They were moving a while ago, drifting around the two Alphas who were currently battling it out a good ways away from the shore. How they moved that fast Hiccup didn't know; dragons would forever be a slight mystery to him, especially since he thought only one of those existed. He was clearly wrong.

He continued inspecting the armada that seemed to be at a standstill, peering at the men on the docks of said boats. There seemed to be odd add-ons to the ships, which made Hiccup feel uneasy. There could be anything hiding through those weirdly shaped and heavily guarded doors, and he didn't want to find out.

"Watch out!" He heard someone call as the first cannon hit the shallows, nearly missing a few Vikings who quickly scrambled out of the way. He shoved the spyglass back into its place on his calf and jumped the ten feet to the ground, stumbling slightly before regaining his footing and running toward the ships, who were now rapidly closing in on them.

"DRAGONS!" Stoick bellowed. "Aren't they s'posed to be doin' somethin'?!" Valka seemed to snap to attention, her horrified face fading as she shook her staff, multiple dragons rising from the ground. She mounted Cloudjumper herself and looked at Hiccup, who, as of now, was the only rider who wasn't on his dragon. The others had mounted at about the same time his mother did.

"Oh, right," He whispered, swiftly getting on Toothless once more and taking off, hovering only to tell his mother;

"Go help the Alpha."

Valka nodded, as she was planning to do so anyway. As she flew off, he gestured for the other riders to take flight. "Snotlout, Ruff, and Tuff, you take out the cannons. Cause as much destruction as possible. Astrid, Fishlegs, you're both with me. We're going to swoop in once the smoke clears and take out the stragglers. Gobber, wait with the Vikings and help them take out any warriors that climb onto land. Go!"

Snotlout and the Twins did their part, wreaking as much havoc as humanely (and inhumanely) possible. They took out most of the cannons for a good portion of the armada, going close to halfway. As Hiccup, Astrid and Fishlegs were flying in, the very doors Hiccup had wished wouldn't be opened flew apart, and out came armored dragons in every size, shape, color and breed.

He gasped as what looked to be a Shovelhelm whizzed past him, barely grazing his helmet with its talons. It would've taken the mask off if he hasn't readjusted it in time.

They continued to dodge oncoming dragons, and the dragons continued to be oncoming. They seemed endless.

That is, until the dragons from the Nest began fighting back. There seemed to be just as many Nest dragons as there were of Drago's. Speaking of...

Where was the maniac behind all of this?

If he weren't such a coward he'd be out here and smiling at it all.

Hiccup scowled slightly. He wanted to try and speak to him, but the man made it quite difficult when he pulled stunts like this.

He looked out in the distance to see Valka flying back quickly, her helmet lopsided and Cloudjumper looking wild.

"What happened?" Hiccup queried, forcing himself to yell to be heard over the fighting below and around and above them. She shook her head.

"The King..."

He looked behind her to see a white body sinking in the water, a darker gray rising up to roar in victory as a chill ran up his spine.

"The King is dead."

Toothless, Stormfly, Meatlug, and basically every single dragon on their side gained slits for eyes, becoming what appeared to be lifeless zombies. Oh Gods Oh Gods Oh Gods--

Toothless flung Hiccup from his back, as did the other dragons to their riders. As the collective screams (both from the riders for the sudden drop and from the dragons calling to their new King) rose, Hiccup could only think one thing.

What was going to happen now?

He hit the cold water with a splash, and it all went dark.


i'm still kind of uninspired and it's not helping that I'M GOING OFF FROM MY PLAN AHAHAHSWUBAQUO[DCHWQIOCDJWQIO

shoot me with the iphone water gun emoji why dontcha

okay but in serious notes:

i'm going to be writing Wild Skies next, as it is the fic I have more motivation to write for. Plus I want to develop my new-and-maybe-improved Half Bad idea.

hope this was enjoyable lolol]

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