Nagisa x Reader - Rooftop

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You tried to concentrate on your work during your lunch break. You were a little behind so you decided to use this time to get back on track. Every now and then, you would hear girls squeal and shout though since it was White Day.

You groaned as you placed your pencil down and leaned back on your chair. You were getting a little jealous of the other girls receiving chocolates while you were empty handed.You crossed your arms and rested your head until a red head girl walked by.

"_______!" Gou skipped up to you with her hands behind her back.

"Hmmm?" you sat up.

"Here you go!" She gave you a pink card.

"What's this..?" you asked but she just insisted that you open it.

Letting out a sigh you opened it. Inside you knew you were excited about receiving this card though.

You opened it not realizing that some of your classmates were watching behind you. You read the message, "Meet me on the rooftop." There was no signature or any clues about who it could be.

"Oooh! Looks like you have an admirer, _______!" A girl shouted.

"Are you gonna go and see him!?" Another added.

"I.. I guess I should.." you folded the paper away and gathered your things.

You heard your feet echo in the stairwell, growing more and more nervous about who it might be waiting for you. You neared the door and took a deep breath. You pulled on the door and the sudden flash blinded you for just a little while.

"_______," you heard a voice. "You finally came!" The light adjusted in your eyes and saw a blonde boy run up to you. "I've been waiting!"

You took a second to recognize who it was. "Nagisa!" You gasped.

"It's White Day today, right?" You nodded. "Well, I have something for you!" He grabbed your hands and sat you down against the wall. He searched in his bag and took out a food box. "It's for you.." he handed it to you.

"Nagisa.." you held it. "You didn't have to."

"Open it!" He insisted.

You opened the box and it revealed a slice of cake. On top there was a piece of chocolate that said, Be Mine. You looked at a while longer feeling a smile spread on your face.

"_______," Nagisa spoke. "The cake likes you a lot and wants you to be his girlfriend.."

You chuckled at his words. "Then of course I'll be this cake's girlfriend!"

"Hey, just kidding! It's from me so you have to be my girlfriend!" Nagisa's face was growing red.

"I'm kidding too," You turned to him. "I'll be yours, Nagisa." You flashed a smile at him and he hugged you.

"I'm so happy then!"

"Hey hey, your hugging me too tight!"

"Sorry," he loosened his grip.

Then you wrapped your arms around him and squeezed him tightly.

"Now you're hugging me too tight!" Nagisa breathed out.

"Sorry," The two of you finally released each other and giggled.

"Okay, okay, let's get back to lunch before we have to go back to class." Nagisa pulled out a bento.

"Yeah, I don't want to starve during class!"

-- happy white day my lovelies! :D it's white day in the Asian countries right now so here!

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