Nitori x Reader - Tease

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"Nitori..? What's wrong? You're all red!" You furrowed your brows as you leaned towards the grey haired boy.

"It-it's nothing!" he backed away, waving his arms in front of you.

"Ahh, but you're so red, it's like you caught a fever or something.." you brought your hand up to your chin and continued to tease the shy boy.

"_______.. it's not like that!" he kept insisting.

"Fine fine, but, it is winter so if you think your getting too cold, I'll have to stand closer to you alright?" You leaned next to him.

"N-no! I'm alright!" He backed away from you and you giggled.

Nitori was a good friend of yours. Ever since he moved and went to an all boys school, you two have been separated and the both of you had just began seeing each other again. Today, you were going shopping together.

"Hmm.. aren't you hungry?" The two of you had just walked into a mall.

"A little.." He replied.

"Let's get something then."

After waiting in line and ordering, you finally had your food and sat down at one of the benches.

"This fountain reminds me of your swim meets, Nitori.." you looked back at the trickling blue water.

"You never come see me swim anymore, _______.." he bit into his food.

"I know, I know.. I've been pretty busy lately.." you sighed.

"Make sure you find time to come and see me- ahhh!" Nitori screamed in pain.

"What's wrong!?" You turned to him.

"_______.." he whined. "Ah, I just but my lip!" his eyes watered.

"Nitori!" you rubbed his back.

"Hmm?" his eyes were wide open as he saw you nearing him. His eyes were right in front of yours. You pressed your lips softly on his and backed away slowly.

"_-_-_______...?" he began to panic. "W-why did you kiss me..?"

You laughed, "It's so your lips can heal faster! Did you need another one?"

"No!" he refused instantly before lowering his head to cover his overtly red cheeks.

-- I just realized I haven't wrote about Nitori. He's so adorable how could I forget about him! orz also idk what to write, I'm all out of ideas ;;

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