Rin x Reader - Chocolate

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It was Valentine's Day and you were stuck at work, of all places. And to make it worse, you worked at a candy store. It was packed full of girls looking for and buying chocolate, even after school hours.

This was one day of the job you really didn't enjoy since they made you work until everything was sold out and that might've seemed like it would take a short time, but it never was since the amount of chocolate the store ordered came in a huge amount.

It was finally around 5pm, there were still some customers here and there, getting last minute gifts or even bringing dates to the candy store. You were tired from all the sales that happened and waited dully at the counter. Most of the candy seemed to have vanished but some were definitely still on the shelves.

You finished tending to a girl in line and heard the bell ring at the front door. "Hey, _______? Are you still here?" you heard a familiar voice.

"Hmm? I'm right over here!" you called out.

"Oh, good! You're just the person I wanted to see!" You saw a familiar face appear from behind the shelves of candy.

"Rin, what are you doing here?" you asked in shock.

"Well, I knew that you worked a lot today so you probably didn't get to give chocolates to anyone, did you?"

You blushed for some reason and crossed your arms, "What are you talking about! I still went to school! I work at a candy shop! Of course I gave chocolates away!"

"Oh? Does that mean there's someone else for you?" he raised a brow.

"What!? N-no! That's not it!" you blushed even harder.

"I'm just teasing you, _______! Ahh, you're so cute when your flustered!"

"Stop! I'm still working!"

"It's okay, there's not a lot of people here anyway! Well.. I just came to drop this off.." he put a box of chocolates on the counter along with a rose.

"What's this..?" you looked at him confused.

"It's for you, so you could give it to me for Valentine's Day!" Rin smiled at you.

"Only you would do this.." you put your hand on your forehead and looked down.

"But it really is for you, _______. I know you're busy today, so just take this, alright?" He reached over the counter to grab your chin and made you look at him. "_______, you're my Valentine today."

"Thank you, Rin.." you stepped closer to him to hug him over the counter. "Thanks for going through the trouble.."

"Anything your you.." he grabbed your hand and kissed the back of it. "I'll pick you up after work alright? Then we can spend more time together!"

"Sure, see you later Rin!" You waved to him and watched as he exited the store.

"Just go after him.." your manager walked from behind you. "You've worked enough today." she winked at you.

"Really!?" your eyes sparkled.

"Yeah! Go before he leaves for another girl!!" she pushed you out to the other side of the counter.

"Okay okay!" You quickly grabbed the chocolates and rose Rin had left for you and darted out the door. You looked for Rin and instantly ran towards him.

"Rin!" you were close enough to him so you jumped onto his back hoping he wouldn't topple over.

"Oi!" He lost balance for a second but didn't fall over. "_______! You're off already!?"

"My manager let me out early Rin!" You wrapped your arms around his neck and inhaled his scent. "It's so nice to be with you finally."

He put you down and turned around, "But I like it better when I face you.." He pushed back some hairs behind your ear and rested both hands on your cheeks. "It's better this way.." he closed his eyes and kissed your lips gently. "Happy Valentine's Day, _______."

"Happy Valentine's Day.." you hugged him again.

"Ahh, I'm so glad you were out early, now we can go have our fun." He rested his forehead against yours.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go!" You took his hand and began running toward anywhere. As long as Rin was with you that day, you were happy.

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