(Aiichirou Nitori) Dreams

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A/n: First of all, I would like to thank everyone who had voted in this series. I'm just so happy that this has more than 2,000 views now! :D I am so very grateful for that.

Also, it's been a month since I last updated and so here's a Nitori oneshot! I hope you guys enjoy this one ٩(◕‿◕。)۶


"Aii-senpai! Aii-senpai!" I called out to the silver haired boy at the end of the hallway. I was waving a piece of paper in my hands as I approached him with a bright smile. He was talking to a couple of his classmates but I didn't care at that moment.

"Oh, hello, (F/n)," the second year greeted me with a slight tint of pink on his cheeks. Wha! He's so cute! He said goodbye to his classmates and they had left the two of us to converse. "What's that in your hands?"

I almost forgot what I came to him for... Jeez, I guess I do get a little too distracted when I'm with him.

I shoved the sheet into his hands and tried to contain my squeal of glee as he started to read it. "I got accepted to be the manager for your swim team! I already talked it over with Rin-senpai and he was more than happy to let me join!"

Before I get too far, I should mention that I was a first-year at Samezuka academy. I am already very well-acquainted with everyone in the swim club since last year because I knew Rin from my childhood. When I heard he had returned, I visited as much as I could. By the end of the year, the Samezuka swim team treats me like their younger sister. And so, I thought it would be a good idea to join the swim team as their manager in my first year, since I definitely knew a thing or two about swimming.

"That's fantastic, (F/n)! Now you will be able to hang around with me even more than usual!--" His face suddenly burned a crimson red. "I-I mean, hang with us... Not just m-me." He buried his face into his hands in embarrassment.

I let out a giggle at his sudden shyness and rested my hand on his shoulder. "No it's ok, Aii-senpai, I am more than happy to spend much more time with you and the team."

It was no question that I had a crush on Nitori Aiichirou. And, I think he likes me back. When I finally became a first year, I thought that maybe I can ask the precious boy out on an actual date. I was legitimately waiting for that moment... It was just that, this year brought one surprise that prevents me from doing that.

"Ah, (F/n)-chan, Nitori!" A deep voice called out to us. Both of us turned our attention to the approaching figure. I let out a groan in annoyance when I realized who it was.

My older brother, Yamazaki Sousuke.

He wedged himself between us and wrapped a protective arm around my shoulders. "I heard you're going to be joining us from now on," he said while ruffling my (h/c) hair. "That's great, I'll be able to see you more often. We can catch up on the time I was gone."

Even though I would be delighted to know everything that happened to Sousuke while he was away, I knew there was a bigger reason why he was ok with me joining the team.

Sousuke shot an unnecessary glare over to the younger boy as he pulled me away from him.

My brother was extremely overprotective when it involves boys.

~*~*~Time passes~*~*~

Prefecturals had come around in a flash. After a whole day of individual events, Captain Rin announced who were going to be in the team relay. Sadly, Nitori wasn't a part of that.

I knew how much Nitori wanted to swim along with Rin. It was one of his dreams. Although I was kind of mad for Rin's decision, I had to agree that Nitori wasn't one of the best swimmers on the team. Rin made a reasonable choice and I couldn't reject that as my job as manager.

My crush was so heartbroken that it breaks my heart as well... "Aii-senpai!" I called out to him. We were currently back at Samezuka Academy and decided we could squeeze in a couple hours of practice. I rushed over to the second-year amongst the other boys who were resting from doing laps up and down the pool.

He still looked so sad but he bared a smile for me. "Ah, (F/n)-san."

I waved my hand at him dismissively. "No, no honorifics. I feel weird being called san," I giggled.

His expression brightened at this. "Ok. What can I do for you, (F/n)?"

"I was wondering that maybe we can get some ice cream after practice. You seem so down in the dumps that maybe something sweet can cheer you up a bit!" I suggested. I pressed my clipboard to my chest, now that I could feel my heart beating faster with anticipation.

I knew I wasn't being discreet as I asked this, so the other boys who heard let out a round of "oooohs" and started nudging Nitori playfully. He began to rub the back of his neck nervously at my offer even as his teammates urged him on to accept. Just as he opened his mouth to finally give me an answer, he froze. The boys around him froze as well and dispersed. "I-I'm sorry, (F/n)..." Nitori zoomed around me and went back to the pool.

Confused, I turned around and saw my brother standing tall behind me. "Onii-chan!" I scolded with a pout.

"What was going on here?" He asked me, his aqua green orbs gazing intensely into my (e/c) eyes.

I pursed my lips together. No, Sousuke can't know about my crush on Nitori. If he ever knew, I would never have a chance with him! "I-It was nothing," I grumbled out. I picked up my whistle from around my neck and gave it a good blow. "Break time is over. Continue practice!" I proclaimed for the whole team to hear. I glimpsed up at my brother and motioned my hands to shoo him away. "Come on, that includes you too, Onii-chan."

"Hmph, you're quite strict for someone so short," Sousuke teased with a smirk.

I gasped and blew my whistle again at him. "You're doing an extra lap for that, mister!" I commanded.

"Easy." He shot me a mock salute and joined his swim mates.

I let out a disappointed sigh. My heart was still racing. The mere thought of being able to hang out with Nitori alone brought butterflies into my stomach. But, it looks like that wasn't going to happen any time soon.

~*~*~Time passes~*~*~

Sousuke's POV

It was getting close to Regionals.

Right now, I was walking in the chilly night along the sidewalk, just coming back from strolling around town to clear my mind of everything. From time to time after practice (or during practice, whatever), a good walk would make me feel better. Plus, my mind works better when there isn't so much pressure and stress.

Slowly, my mind drifts off to my little sister. I remember a time when I was actually in practice watching my teammates training vigorously for Regionals. (F/n) was in the middle of telling a few swimmers notes about their techniques and giving suggestions on what they could do to improve. It just so happens that within that group was Nitori...

Even a blind man would notice how much that kid likes (F/n) and vice versa. It was way too obvious. The moment I first saw them interacting, I knew. I may have not seen my baby sister in a long while but I knew her too well, just like with Rin.

In all honesty, I wasn't sure I feel about the two of them being together. Nitori is a nice kid but... Yeah, I just don't know. Maybe if he would toughen up a bit and actually have the courage to be the one asking for a date, then I would consider.

But, for now, I'm going to protect (F/n) from the whole swim team, which unfortunately are made up entirely of males.

I peered into the pool building and noticed a figure actually using the pool... And... My sister is in there too?

(F/n)'s POV

Nitori had asked me specifically if he could use the pool after hours so he could train more. He was somewhat afraid to ask Rin about the situation, but together we mentioned it to him. Fortunately, the magenta haired boy was happy to accept and is quite proud that Nitori was willing to train longer and harder to get better. (He only told me this. Probably to keep up his tough image, I guess.) But he informed us that Nitori shouldn't be alone while he did this.

So, here I was, inside the Samezuka pool building, watching Nitori swim back and forth in the chilly pool. Today was probably the fourth time we have stayed after so he could do this. My eyes trailed on him admiringly, as he worked as hard as he could.

He smacked his hands onto the pool wall and simultaneously, I clicked onto the stop watch I had in my hand. He slipped off his goggles and glimpsed over at my expectedly. "H-How did I do this time?" He questioned me, his breathing rapid.

I frowned. "You're getting slower." I set the watch down on the bench and I walked over to the edge of the pool, hovering over the silver haired swimmer. "Aii-senpai, you need to take a rest. You shouldn't be over working yourself."

"But, I need to catch up to everyone else, (F/n). I have one of the slowest times, I need to get better."

"Aiichirou... You're going to end up worse if you continue like that," I nagged him.

"She's right, you know. Your fatigue is ruining your form."

Does my brother have this radar for whenever I'm with Nitori or something?

Sousuke entered the gym, an intense aura radiating off of him as he strolled to us with his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants I stood up straight, but I could only reach to the middle of his chest. Not like I can return the intimidating feeling like he had. "You won't get better by just swimming recklessly like an idiot. Take my sister's advice and take a break."

"I-I'm sorry, but my time is among the slowest on the team, so I need to swim more than the others to catch up," Nitori explained to my brother.

Sousuke shifted his weight from one foot to the other, still giving off a somewhat sad expression. "If you overdo it, you won't be able to do what you could before." What did he mean by that? Did something happen at Tokitsu that I don't know about? "I'll coach you."

"What?" Both Nitori and I chimed in confusion.

"I said I'll coach you the rest of your practice," Sousuke repeated, a look of annoyance crossing his face for admitting it. "After you take a break, that is. You want to swim with Rin, don't you?"

A brand new glimmer shined in Nitori's sapphire eyes. He looked absolutely fired up and much more determined than before. "Okay!"

"Alright, get a ten minute break and then we'll get back to practice."

Nitori followed his command and hopped out of the water. I quickly went over and grabbed his towel for him to dry off. He gave me a thankful smile as he took the towel from my hands. As Nitori made his way over to the benches where I left him a full water bottle and a healthy snack for him, I turned towards my brother.

"Ok, why are you so willing to help Aii-senpai?" I questioned him in a softer tone, so the silver haired boy wouldn't hear. "From what I have seen, Rin and I are the only ones you're friendly to. With everyone else on the team, you are standoffish."

"Maybe this is my way of warming up to people," he mumbled out, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants.

"I know you, Onii-chan."

"Well..." He now held an uncomfortable look on his face. "I... Know how much you like him. And maybe it's time to be able to tolerate him." I could feel my face burning. Before I can decline the statement that I liked Nitori, he spoke first, "Don't try to hide it. Everyone on the team knows. You definitely are more lenient with him than any of the other swimmers... Even than your own brother."

"Oh my god, Sousuke," I frowned, covering my face from its redness but I'm positive that my brother noticed it. "Shut up."

"It's true," he smirked. "But don't worry, (F/n)-chan. He's in good hands. He'll have better times in no time."

"I hope so," I grumbled, my eyes drifting over to Nitori. He was casually sitting on the bench, minding his own business. He looked almost happy as he munched on the snack. I smiled at the precious boy.

With Nitori's determination, I know for sure that he will achieve his dream.

~*~*~Time Passes to Regionals~*~*~

"Nakagawa Shouta," Rin continued to read off the list of the boys who were swimming. I stood alongside the captain doing attendance as well.

"Yes, sir!"

"Minami Kazuki."

"Yes, sir."

"Ryouno Dai."


"That's our roster for the freestyle relay," Rin announced once finishing those group of swimmers. I waited, quite impatiently might I add, since I knew what Rin was going to mention next. My eyes shifted over to my crush and saw him with an expression of heavy anticipation. "Next, the medley roster. Backstroke, Mikoshiba Momotarou."

The redheaded first year beamed brightly. "Yes, sir!"

"Breaststroke... Nitori Aiichirou."

I broke out into a grin. "Yes, sir!" he replied back in a flustered manner as his teammates around him gasped.

"Butterfly, Yamazaki Sousuke." My brother let out his reply. "And I'll be swimming freestyle. Get plenty of rest tonight and prepare for tomorrow. Dismissed."

"Yes, sir!" The whole team proclaimed.

Before everyone dispersed, I zoomed my way over to Nitori just as Momo was congratulating him and that he couldn't wait to swim along with him. The red-haired boy shot me a smile as I approached the two of them. "Ah, (F/n)-kun! Can you believe it?"

"Of course, I can," I quipped delightfully. "I have watched his progress and I'm so pleased to say that you have improved tremendously, Aii-senpai."

"Well, you have helped too," Nitori told me.

"How so?"

"Your support really urged me to get better. And I have to thank you for that, (F/n)." I could feel my cheeks warming up as Nitori beamed at me. "Um, Momo-kun, mind if I talk to (F/n) alone for a moment?"

Momo glimpsed at the two of us, back and forth. "No, of course not! Go right ahead!" he answered way too cheerfully to make me start feeling suspicious. He trotted away from us to talk to his other teammates. I observed him whisper something to the boys and each of them had given us glimpses.

"(F/n)?" I broke away from the group of boys to look at Nitori. He looked even more flustered than usual and his cheeks were completely red. "I-I can't thank you enough for being so supportive and kind the moment we met last year."

"Aw, Aii-senpai. It's no problem at all," I grinned at him.

"S-So..." He looked downright nervous and he started trembling for it.

"Aii-senpai?" I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Yamazaki-senpai that along with training hard and making the right choices," he began in a stammer, "you have to t-take charge and do whatever it takes to get what you want." He cautiously reached out and took a hold of both of my hands into his. My heart was beating faster now from the warmth of his hands. What's going on here? "A-And that I shouldn't let anything stop me... (F/n), w-would you like to go on a date with me once Regionals are over?"

I froze with shock. "A-A date?"

"Y-Yes... I really like you, (F/n)... there has been so many times I wanted to ask you out before but..." He closed his eyes and hung his head in embarrassment. "I know that I'm probably not the most ideal guy that you would want to date..."

I tackled him into a hug, stopping him instantly from his thoughtless ranting. "I would love to go on a date with you," I replied with a smile.

"Eh? You w-would?" He sputtered. I pulled away from him and gave him a nod. "I'm so happy!"

"It's about time!" Rin yelled out from the side. Both Nitori and I whipped our heads towards our captain. The whole Samezuka team burst out in cheers, making both of us even more mortified than we already were. I buried my tomato red face into Nitori's chest and felt his arms wrap around me.

It finally happened.

Nitori's dreams came true and so did mine.

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