(Kisumi Shigino) I Don't Want to Share

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A/n: Aaaand, here's the last one of the oneshot requests! I won't be opening requests for a while, everyone! I hope that's fine. (But, I might make one more after this for my own sake... and it might be a lemon because I'm a girl made solely of sin).

This was also a very fun write! I hope everyone likes it.

Remember folks, you can message me anytime about anything at all! I'm always open to chit chat :3 For example, THE LATEST KUROKO NO BASKET EPISODE AND THE LATEST OWARI NO SERAPH EPISODE. My poor heart ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚

Until next time, chickadees! Check out my Black Butler story if you like, I'll be updating that soon!


Just a couple more touches...

I ran my fingers through my (h/c) hair to slick down any flyaways as I gazed at my reflection. I made sure to apply my lipgloss, lips pressed together to even the thick liquid. I think my attire was alright finally after changing into four different outfits. An excited yet nervous sigh left my lips.

Ok, (F/n). It's alright. It's fine. You shouldn't be nervous.

How can I not be nervous? This is my first date with Kisumi-kun!

But I've known him since my first year of school!

So? Wouldn't it be natural to be nervous on a date with your long time crush?

Mmm, yeah. It is natural! Kisumi is our school's star basketball player... With so much fangirls... Ack!

My face scrunched in annoyance over my own internal conversation, a strong urge to give myself a face palm. Conclusion? I am downright nervous. But that was mixed with joyous anticipation, so I doubt I would faint any time during the date.

Jeez, that would be embarrassing.

I gave my cheeks a good smack with both my hands. "You're thinking too much about it," I mumbled to myself. My skin crawled when I heard a knock at the front door, startling me out of my thoughts.

"Onee-chan! Your boo is here!" My sister yelled from outside my bedroom.

I instantly scurried out and rushed over to the front door. The door was already open with Kisumi standing there. My (e/c) eyes widened a bit. My date looked unbelievably good in his black jeans and purple cardigan with a striped shirt inside. Inwardly, I swooned at the sight of him.

Our eyes finally meet and a dazzling smile edged onto his face. "(F/n)-chan," he greeted me. "You look beautiful." He held out his arm towards me to latch onto. "Shall we get going?"

I stepped over to the strawberry-haired male and took hold onto the crook of his arm. He was barely here for a minute and he's already getting me all flustered. "Maa, Shigino-san, why are you dating my dork of a sister?" The younger (h/c) haired girl quipped, a fake look of confusion crossed her face.

I was about to tell her that she should just go work on her due project, but Kisumi had beaten me to talking first. "Well, little lady, it's because I just naturally like her!" He answered. "She's friendly, witty, hardworking, beautiful, the list could just go on." I gazed at him with flushed cheeks and an overwhelming warmth wavering in my heart. I still didn't want to believe that he had confessed to me. It just wasn't something I thought could happen in my life. But, here I was about to have my first date with Kisumi.

My sister was grossed out by Kisumi's answer. "Ugh, and I thought you were cool, Shigino-san," she scoffed with a roll of her (e/c) orbs. "Please just go before I throw up from all of the cheesiness!" She shoved the two of us out of my own home. "Alright, have fun, I guess." Then the door was closed and locked without either of us having the guts to say anything else to her.

I turned towards Kisumi, guilt hanging over me. "Gomenesai, Kisumi-kun! My sister is just like that!" I sputtered out.

Gentle, amethyst eyes locked with my (e/c) orbs. "It's ok, (F/n)-chan. I'm sure that I'll get used to her behavior the more I visit you," he chimed. Eh? We're barely on our first date and he's already anticipating seeing me more?! Oh my goodness, I feel like fainting from happiness! "Alright, so I planned a fun day so I hope you're ready!"

With my hand still latched onto his arm, he tugged me along, leading me to our first destination. As I trailed slightly behind him, I kept my free hand to my chest, hoping to calm my poor heart. I'm so nervous and nothing happened yet! But, I'll admit, I am happy being with him...

The two of us slow down to a stop in the middle of town, in front of this delicate yet eccentric looking café. With my head tilted up to gaze at the store's sign, I read out loud, "Little Slice of Heaven? {A/n: Made up name.} Oh! This is one of Tottori's more famous cafes!"

"That's right! Let's go in," Kisumi replied, while continuing to pull me into the modern decorated building.

With eyes wide in awe, I gaped at the well-known restaurant's interior. Splashes of subtle color along with sleek yet comfortable furniture was part of the café's reputation, but of course, the place was more distinguished in their delicious dishes. But then, all at once, I remembered, "Wait a second, Kisumi-kun! This place is kind of expensive," I squeaked out. "A-And you need a reservation to be seated in!"

"It's fine, (F/n)-chan. I remembered the other day that you mentioned that you enjoy sweets, so why not bring you somewhere known for their chocolate and cakes?" We sat down at a table by the window, the sun shining onto us in perfect, warming rays. "Plus, I was able to get a reservation just for today. Don't you worry and get whatever you want on the menu!" I glimpsed down at the laminated, vibrant menu for whatever I could eat for lunch.

Just as I made up my mind on what I wanted to eat, a waitress strolled over to us. I realized it was a girl from our school, in fact, she was a girl a year below us. When she towered over our table, she gave us a strained smile, obviously forced for some odd reason. "Ah! Yui-chan, ohayo!" Kisumi chirped, his usual cheery aura radiating off of him. "I'm so sorry for the late notice reservation, but I'm so very thankful!"

Ah, using his popularity to get this reservation, I see.

Yui grinned at him appreciatively. "Anything for you, Kisumi-san." Then her tone changed when she asked the two of us what we wanted.

"I'll have (f/d) and (f/f), please," I told her promptly, handing her the menu. Despite the cold look I was receiving, she took my menu.

"And I'll have some tea with some of your delicious chicken alfredo pasta!" Kisumi added in, doing the same with his menu. "Also, after our meal, we would like to try one of your specialty desserts! Just surprise us!"

"Of course, I'll get right to getting your drinks." Yui turned her heel and stalked off, leaving Kisumi and I to be on our own once again.

"What's their specialty desserts?" I questioned Kisumi out of curiosity.

"Oh man, they're all so amazing! One is their tiramisu... they have a fantastic chocolate cake with a hint of hazelnut... their strawberry shortcake is quite yummy too! I'm positive you'd love every single thing they bake here, (F/n)-chan!" After a while of getting our drinks and waiting for our lunch, we fall into deep conversation; sharing stories and exchanging our interests with each other. Learning more about Kisumi, along with his personal likes and dislikes only made me fall for him harder and it made me special that I'm one of the few to know such things. Surely, a lot of girl in school would kill to be in my shoes... Yui definitely would... Yikes.

"Ah, see Haru? I knew it was Kisumi," a male voice piped up not too far away from us.

"Makoto, I never doubted you," another one replied, his lower and more indifferent than his friend's.

Kisumi's eyes shifted over to the side at the two approaching boys and his expression brightened. One was a tall brunet boy with emerald eyes while the other, who's slightly shorter, had raven locks and sapphire eyes. "Makoto, Haru!" he greeted with a wave. "You two gotten a reservation in here as well?"

"Yeah, or we wouldn't be in here," the shorter of the two muttered out, his gaze somewhere else... I followed his line of sight and noticed that he had his focus on the aquarium with the array of fishes swimming around.

"Haru," the other boy hissed at him. "But yeah, we've been planning on coming here since forever ago. It's so hard getting reservations." The kind boy's attention then averted to me. "Ah, gomen for just chatting about without introducing myself first. I'm Makoto and this is Haru."

"Oh! Yes, Kisumi-kun talked about you two before. Junior high friends, right?" I quipped, the memories of him mentioning their names in past conversations popping into my mind. With a nod of Makoto's head, I stuck out my hand towards him. "I'm (F/n) and I'm..." I paused, a blush evading my cheeks as I glimpsed over at Kisumi. What can I honestly say at this point?

Am I a friend?

Am I his girlfriend?

"(F/n) is my date," Kisumi finished. That wasn't what I was expecting. "Today is our first date together."

"Aww, this must be the same girl you told me so much about!" Makoto replied, a warm smile on his face. Kisumi's own cheeks tinted with pink at his words. "That's wonderful, I'm happy for the two of you!"

I don't know what pressed me to do it, but I was curious. I wanted to know about Kisumi from people who have known him longer... "Would you two like to join us?" I suggested. The question left my lips without putting much thought as to what I did. But now that it was out, I gave the two boys a grin, urging them to sit with me and Kisumi. Besides, if these two boys were Kisumi's good friends, I could only hope to get their approval.

Makoto looked flabbergasted by the offer, while Haru still didn't show much emotion to the matter. "Are you two ok with that? It's your first date after all!" the brunet bara quipped.

I glanced at Kisumi for his answer, since I had been the one to invite them. He blinked his eyes from me then to the two. "Yeah, man, it's fine. Bring up a table and those chairs."

And so, Kisumi, Makoto, Haru, and I had our lunch together. It had been a fun couple of hours along with the two Iwatobi boys. Haru may have not been too keen on joining Kisumi and I at first but he ended up warming up and helping Makoto tell me embarrassing junior high stories of Kisumi. I was in a bundle of laughter, their stories only getting funnier the more they carried on. Delicious food and fun chatter already placed today as one of the most fun days. Even when the desserts came, and the fact that Makoto and I were both lovers of sweets, we shared every single dessert that was placed on our table, furthering bonding all of us.

"Oh, (F/n)-chan, we better get going," Kisumi interjected after we were all done with our food and already paid for our split check.

"Mmm? There's somewhere else we're going to?" I questioned, taking a last sip of (f/d).

"Yes, we'll be heading to the movies next!" Kisumi stood up from the table and I followed suit. "Makoto, Haru, it has been great catching up with the two of you."

"Yeah, it has. Also, it was great meeting you, (F/n)," Makoto beamed. Even Haru gave us a nod of acknowledgement, which I wasn't expecting from the blue-eyed male but appreciated all the same. "See you guys around!"

Kisumi and I exited out of the café and walked over to the movie theater only a couple minutes away. We decided to watch Jurassic World, since that was one movie that we both agreed to watch. Since we both ate beforehand, we went straight into the movie theater. I wasn't surprised that the theater was nearly full, only so little seats left for the two us.

After much debating, we found decent seat near the middle. "Kisumi-kun, is that you?" Just next to the open seats we were going to, I spot three people looking over at us, all whom look to be younger than us. As we shuffled over and took our seats next to them, I finally see it was two boys and one girl.

"Gou-chan! I almost didn't realize it was you since it was so dim in here," my date murmured.

"Oh, I don't think you've met these two, Kisumi-kun!" Her eyes trailed over to me and she smiled widely. "Hiya! I'm Gou and these two are Nagisa and Rei. They're also in the swim team with me, Makoto, and Haru."

We all shared our introductions with each other and we chatted a bit before the movie started... Actually, even when the subbed movie started, I could hear Nagisa and Gou whispering amongst themselves. I'll admit, it was a little bit entertaining hearing their input on the western film, including the hisses from Rei to shut them up.

"Yawn!" I glimpsed over my other side where Kisumi sat. He was stretching his arms while letting out a suppressed yawn, so to try not to bother anyone around us. Before I knew it, that very arm wrapped around my shoulders, settling there and keeping a grip on me.

I couldn't help but giggle at him. "That has got to be the most cliché thing I have ever seen you do," I whispered over at him.

Kisumi gave me an amused grin, only tightening his grasp. "I don't know what you're talking about, (F/n)-chan."

Just when I'm about to lay my head on his shoulder, in attempt to cuddle up against him, another, unexpected hand gripped onto my arm. I turned my attention towards Gou and her crimson eyes sparkled with joy. "Oh my, (F/n)-chan, just look at those muscles!" On the screen, American actor's Chris Pratt made his appearance, all in his attractive glory. {A/n: Sorry if you don't think the same! Just for story purposes, but I do believe Chris Pratt is one of the most attractive men I've seen in my life XD} In a moment of weakness, I caved into Gou's quiet cheering and joined her.

The movie continued on without a hitch. I thoroughly enjoyed the film, plus I gained a couple more friends while at it. "(F/n)-san, you're very kind!" Rei told me.

"We should hang out again," Nagisa chimed next.

"The mall, (F/n)-chan, we should go to the mall together!" Gou added.

Suddenly, I felt a hand grab onto mine. "C'mon, (F/n)-chan, the date isn't over yet," Kisumi told me.

"Oh really?" I asked in surprise. He nodded his head at me. "Ok, I guess we should get going then. Text me some time, ok?" We said our goodbyes to the second years and left the movie theater.

The two of us were off once again; this time hand in hand. The feeling of his slender, slightly calloused fingers intertwined with mine fit perfectly with mine like a puzzle piece. I relished the warm feeling as we walked to our next destination together.

The next place we arrived to was the nearby park. By this time, the sun was setting, casting beautiful rays of orange, red, and pink along the land. A few people walked around, some were jogging with their dogs, a few were children playing at the playground, and just all of them enjoying the wonderful weather. "So, how are you?" Kisumi asked me all of a sudden after a couple minutes of arriving.

"Mm, how am I?" I repeated back. I thought it was an odd question to ask so I had to make sure. He nodded to confirm my doubts. "I'm fantastic, Kisumi-kun!" I leaned close to him. "I'm having so much fun! This stroll through the park to top it off is perfect."

It was then, I realized how uneasy he looked before he broke out into a grin. What exactly was he thinking right now? Did he not enjoy our date?... Dread shadowed over me but I did my best to hide that. "I'm glad you think so but..." His voice faltered.

I pulled onto his hand so we could slow down to a stop. "But?" Oh god, he's probably regretting this date with me! I thought we were having a good time...

"I wish I had you to myself today, (F/n)-chan," he murmured out.

My heart skipped a beat. "Eh?"

"Sorry, that sounded really selfish and I really do love my friends but I was looking forward to just spending the whole day just with you," he added in.

Ahh, I like him so much! "Aw, Kisumi-kun, I'm so sorry. And I invited Makoto and Haru to sit with us because I wanted to be in good terms with all your friends," I told him truthfully. After noticing what we both wanted, we let out a laugh. Jeez, how silly of us. After everything that happened today, it still seems we want the best out of this date. "But, hey, we're here together alone."

"Yeah, I'm glad that-"


"You have got to be kidding me."

I peeked over his shoulder and saw two guys, who are very familiar to me as well thank the heavens, walking over to us. "Oh, and is that (F/n) I see?"

"Hello, Rin, Sousuke," I greeted the two Samezuka swimmers. The only reason that I know of these two was because of my cousin, Aiichirou. I'll come to a lot of their events and see them often. Sometimes, I would surprise my cousin with a visit and we would all hang out, along with the flirtatious Momotarou.

"Mmm, are you on a date?" Sousuke asked the two of us. Of course it was obvious, since of the fact Kisumi and I were still holding hands.

"Yeah, we are," Kisumi uttered coldly. This time, as he replied, there was evident annoyance dripping in his voice. It was subtle, but clearly there. I glanced over at them, along with Sousuke and Rin, in surprise. Kisumi finally noticed how rude he must've sounded. "Gomen, but I just want some time alone with my girl."

And for the hundredth time today, the blood rushed to my cheeks at his sweet words. I placed my hands onto my face in hopes to hide my blushing but I'm sure it was a lost cause at this point. "You should've just said so," Rin chuckled, nudging Kisumi to his side. "Don't mind us then. See you two around. Come on Sousuke." We waved goodbye to the two and continued our walk.

"Jeez, Kisumi-kun, quite assertive that time," I tried to tease, even though I was a flushed mess.

"Haha." He pulled me in close, his arm slithering around my waist. He leaned in close and whispered into my ear, "Sorry, from now on, I won't be sharing you with anyone else when we're out together."



Kisumi and I decided to go for a second date just the day after. So, for the lovely Sunday, we planned to just stay in the Shigino household and just watch a marathon of our favorite movies. Already settled on the couch of his living room, I waited for him to bring in some snacks and drinks so we could start our date.

"Alright, ready for the time of your life?" he asked as he sauntered into the room with refreshments. "(F/m) is already in the player and we have our food. Anything else we need?"

I peered around the living room, only being a little familiar of it from the times I had to come over for a few group projects. "We'll need comfy blankets and pillows!" I chimed.

"Haha, I'll just get the blankets. I'll be your pillow for today, (F/n)-chan," he said with a wink. He then scurried up the stairs, leaving me to swoon by myself in the living room.

I daydreamed of snuggling close to the boy I've had a crush on since forever, only gushing more on that it will come true in a matter of minutes. I gotten myself so lost in thought that I didn't hear the sound of footsteps coming closer to me. "(F/n)-san..." I blinked away my hazy thoughts and glanced over to the owner of the unexpected voice.

"Hayato-chan!" I gaped in surprise at Kisumi's younger brother. "Eh? Ano, I thought Kisumi and I had the house to ourselves?"

"W-Well, I was supposed to head over to a friend's house for a sleepover but something happened and the sleepover got canceled," the young boy told me, his fingers twiddling in a nervous matter. Kawaii... "Would it b-be ok if I hung out with you and Onii-chan?" He had on the most heart wrenching puppy dog faces I have ever seen. His violet orbs twinkling, his eyebrows knitted, his bottom lip jutted out; this kid had perfected the look!

How could I say no to that face! "Of course you can," I nodded reluctantly, while patting the empty spot next to me. With a wide, adorable grin, Hayato hopped onto the couch next to me and clung onto my arm like it was his security blanket.

"I gotten the fluffiest blankets, (F/n)-chan! Now we can start... Hayato?" Kisumi walked over to us with a blanket in his arms. Just slightly, I could see he wasn't expecting this at all. In his brother's presence, Hayato buried his face into my shoulder and snuggled into me closer.

"Erm, well, Hayato will be joining us, actually," I told him sheepishly.

Disbelief crossed the basketballer's face, but he didn't say anything. He simply encased all three of us in the blanket he brought, picked up the remote and started the movie. In the spur of the moment... and in my guilt, I leaned in, one of my hands on his face, and gave him a peck on his cheek. He instantly blushed at my actions, making me smile to the fact I could do that. "Don't worry, Kisumi. I'm still all yours."

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