(Makoto Tachibana) I'll Take You Up On That *LEMON*

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A/n: UH. PLEASE DON'T MIND DIRTY, OLE ME. Erm, I really felt the need to write a lemon. Whoops, someone please spray me with holy water, TAKE OUT THESE DEMONS FROM ME.

But, nah, seriously, I was so into writing this oneshot that it's not funny. I typed this in a matter of a couple hours, as while my other oneshots usually take me a day or so. I'm a gross lil nasty that needs to be taken to the trash. Plus, I have stayed up late just to type this. Current time? 4:10 in the morning.

Alright, so, yeah. No more requests! I'll be taking a short break on this for a while to work on my other stories. Okie? Okie. (Welp I'm sleep deprived). Enjoy everyone!
College is such an interesting and different environment. Long ways from home, far from everything that were once familiar, we all had to move on and grow up. New place, new classes, new people, I had to adapt. But now a sophomore, college life had become the normality. Honestly, I have to thank mostly one person for helping me through my first year.

Makoto Tachibana had been my rock the moment I first met him.

It was a fateful meeting. That classroom was set up as any college room would look. Long rows of tables with chairs settled up along with it, forcing students to share their precious space. Much to my misfortune, I had to run late to my very first class of the very first day of college. Despite that I still had a couple minutes until class started, the room was nearly packed, which left me so little seats to choose from. In the end, I picked one next to the handsome, green-eyed brunet and the honey haired girl with lips as red as cherries. "Um, hi, gomen. But is it ok if I sit here?" I asked the two, pointing over to the empty seat.

The girl gave me a scowl, chewing away at her gum, but it was the boy who answered in a kind voice, "Oh, of course you can sit here!"

I dared one last glance at the girl and sat down in the seat, taking out a notebook and pens to be ready for the class. "A-Arigato," I murmured out, baring a small smile at the male. My heart was pounding with nerves. The fact I was about to start my life in college officially and I managed to get a seat next to an attractive guy was a double whammy on my jitterbugs. "Ack, I'm so nervous." I didn't even mean for the words to come out my lips but I couldn't stop it the moment it rolled off my tongue.

"I'm pretty nervous too. But I'm sure we'll be fine," the brunet replied, actually surprising me. I didn't expect him to respond to my unintentional comment. "It's just like high school right? Just bigger." I gave him a nod, letting his words sink in. "Makoto Tachibana."

He held out his hand, waiting for me to shake it after his introduction. I smiled a little wider and clasped my hand in his, "(F/n) (L/n), nice to meet you, Tachibana-kun."

"You can go ahead and call me Makoto," he said, returning a gentle smile.



"Alright, Makoto-kun, I'll take you up on that," I chuckled, shocking myself for the quick comfort his presence gave.

It was as simple as that. From that day on, we had each other to lean on to experience the foreign environment. With the support we shared, we survived and thrived above all the fears we had of college. Gaining friends, exam days, joining clubs, going to a couple parties; all have been less stressful with Makoto by my side. I was so thankful for him, for him coming into my life at that time and place. At this point, I would happily do anything for him.


It was a lovely Saturday afternoon, and I finally had the guts to roll myself out of bed. I was heading over to Makoto's place earlier than usual to do homework, like what we usually do on the weekends. I was still a bit groggy from sleep, and I had quickly downed some food before leaving my dorm and making the trip to his apartment. While I was in a rush and my mind still a bit jumbled, I didn't have the time to text Makoto I was coming over. I didn't worry too much about it though. I always come over, one way or another. To be honest, he should be expecting my arrival.

Finally, I reached my destination. Out of kindness, I knocked lightly on the door. "I'm coming in," I shouted, in hopes he could hear me. From my keychain, I picked out the spare apartment key Makoto gave me and slipped it into the lock. With a soft click, I opened the door. "Mako-chan?"

I closed and locked the door behind me and walked further into the now familiar apartment. As usual, everything was in order and kept clean, something usual from the emerald-orbed swimmer. I kicked off my shoes so I could go exploring more to find my friend. In my line of sight, I spot his bedroom door slightly ajar. "Ano, is he still sleeping?" I murmured to myself, as I crept closer cautiously. I doubt he would want an abrupt awakening. I definitely wouldn't.

Now that was was mere feet from the door, I could hear something from inside. I halted in my tracks, so I could listen better... And oh boy, I wish I hadn't. He's probably trying to suppress it, but it was so damn obvious. Low, lewd moans emitted from his bedroom followed by erratic breathing. Instantly, my face flushed with embarrassment.

Oh god, is he with someone?

I continued to listen, but all I could hear was him and no one else. Either his partner was very good at being silent or he's...

Was it bad that I wanted to peek? I laid back against the wall, pondering my thoughts. That makes me a pervert doesn't it! But I can't help but be curious... Wait, no! Makoto was my friend and I should respect his private time... I shouldn't let my crush on him overrule that!

"Nnnn, (F-F/n)..." All rational thinking were thrown out the damn window. Hold on a second, was he calling my name? "Fuck, yes (F/n). You feel so good."

I smacked a hand over my mouth to contain the squeals that want to leave. Instantly, I could feel the lower region of my body tingle at Makoto's needy voice. My heart was racing and my whole being burned with desire. I can't believe that...

What should I do?! I can't possibly let him know that I've been in his apartment this whole time! Maybe I can send him a text and pretend I just entered the apartment?... Yeah, sounds good enough.

I backed away from his bedroom slowly as I slipped out my phone from my pocket. As I was about to text him my fake message, my phone suddenly blared, causing me to fumble and drop the device onto the wooden floor with a clack.

Shit! I didn't turn off my alarm!

I bent down and quickly tried to turn off the blasting chimes. Once I fulfilled the task, I knew I was caught. I could hear Makoto shuffling about in his room, obviously in a panic by the way his footsteps smacked against the floor loudly and rapidly. He poked his head out of the room, his whole face crimson with extreme embarrassment. "Oh my god, (F-F/n), h-how long have you been here?" He stammered out, his eyes wide with horror.

I couldn't even look at him, I was too embarrassed myself for being caught in this stupid situation! God, he must be freaking mortified! "I-I-I just e-entered," I answered him. In a flash, anyone would know what I said was a lie. In my flustered demeanor and my choppy voice, it has got to be the most obvious thing to figure out. "I promise!" I said with a little more certainty.

I knew that he didn't buy into my lie. Makoto plopped his head onto the doorframe with a thud, possibly not wanting any eye contact with me as well. "W-Why didn't you text me you were coming?!"

"I-I didn't think I had to!" I squeaked out. "I'm really sorry!"

An awkward silence filled the air, suffocating me in my own despair. Holy hell, I just found out the one guy I have become closest with and developed feelings for had been masturbating with me in mind! How the hell am I supposed to feel? Excited that he thought of me in such a way? Horrified that I had been caught catching him in the dirty act? Aroused? All of the god damn above?!

"Let's just start studying," Makoto broke the silence. I finally glanced up at him, bewildered that he would still suggest that despite the situation we're currently in. He probably wants to try to get things back to normal. Hell, I wish I could rewind time and never caught him in the act so we can be normal!

From his room, he gotten his textbooks, notebooks, pens, and laptop to bring into the living room. He didn't try to look at me as he flipped open the pages of the textbook to start on the worksheet we were assigned to do. Hesitantly, I joined him in the living room, sitting down on the floor and setting my own things onto his coffee table to start my own homework. Ok, let's both forget what happened and work... Getting immersed in this should help, right?
Twenty minutes into my math homework and I make it to the eighth question, only to get stuck. The equation we had to use for this particular problem didn't make sense at all! Maybe I'm missing something?

"Hey Mako-cha--" I stopped my words as I peered onto his own worksheet, that we both have the same of. It was completely blank except for his written name at the top. And it didn't look like he had flipped the page of that textbook since the moment he opened it.

"I-I'm sorry, (F/n)-chan. I c-can't concentrate," he whimpered out. His hands covered over his lap... But it wasn't enough to cover the huge bulge tenting from his pajama bottoms. "This is so embarrassing, I'm sorry you have to see me like this."

Guilt bubbled inside of me. I wish I didn't have to go and make things uncomfortable between us. I mean, wow, it's actually quite a feat that he had gone this long without doing anything. I want to ease his worries and stress... I know now that he holds some kind of feelings more than friends for me, but will I be crossing boundaries?... I'll have to. "Makoto, let me help you," I muttered.

"W-What?" He choked out, not believing a word I just said.

"Let me help you," I repeated more sternly.

Where am I getting this courage to say this?

No, I know.

I wanted him as bad just as much.

I leaned closer to him. "If you don't take care of it, then you're going to be distracted the whole time," I murmured. Cautiously, I reached out and touched his clothed, throbbing member. He must've been in such a daze at my offer that he didn't realize what I was doing until I touched him.

He let out a small gasp at the contact, absolutely awestricken. I am positive Makoto didn't anticipate for any of this, but he didn't voice any complaints. Finally he gaped out, "(F-F/n), are you sure?" His voice was low and it dripped with uncontrollable desire. As much as he didn't want to admit it out loud, he needed this.

"Yes, I'm sure." To give him more proof that I was willing, I applied more pressure to my hand and trailed it upward. He shuddered and groaned in response. Makoto was entirely vulnerable.

Ready enough, I scooted closer to him. With both hands, I gripped on the hem of his pajamas and boxer briefs. Makoto was kind to hold his hips up a bit so I could slip the pair down. His member sprang free from all the restricting cloth. For a second, I gaped at the length.

Holy crap, what a beauty.

I wrapped my fingers around his shaft, earning another low groan from him. I couldn't help but smirk at that reddened cheeks and his closed eyes, as he waited in anticipation. I ran my thumb over the head, letting his precum coat his member and my hand. I then began pumping at a slow, slick pace to make sure I wasn't hurting him. He covered his mouth to muffle his guttural moans.

"D-Does it feel good?" I asked him.

He nodded his head. "I-It feels great, but please go faster." I obeyed to his command and picked up the pace. One of his hands smacked down to the floor and the other gripped tightly on my free arm for support. He jerked his hips to gain more friction from my hand, urging me to work even faster. "Ahh, (F/n)~"

His lust filled groans were like music to my ears. Every single thing about him at this very moment was breathtaking. His expressions, his movements, his sounds... It was all so satisfying to experience. I wanted more of this Makoto.

But without any kind of warning, I was pulled onto his lap, causing me to lose my grip on his member. Before I knew it, Makoto smashed his lips to mine, his kisses feverish and hungry. I gave in instantaneously and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back with all the passion I could give him, our tongues already exploring. I could feel his hands traveling to the bottom of my shirt and slipping under it to touch my bare waist. I shivered at the feeling of his cool hands along my heated skin. Skillfully, he took off my shirt and threw it to the side carelessly. This gave him more access to explore my nearly exposed upper body.

"(F/n), I want you so badly," Makoto mumbled out between steamy kisses.

"Sounds like we're on the same page then," I managed to say before a squeak escaped my lips when he began nibbling onto my earlobe.

At my clothed womanhood, I could feel his hard member poking at my core. I moved my hips in a circular motion, wanting to feel more friction. In response, he groaned into my neck.

More kisses, more grinding, more lewd noises... Less clothing. In a matter of seconds, we were both bare and didn't dare try to stop our ministrations. It was too obvious now how much we craved for one another. The addiction of touching skin had finally become unbearable and feelings were overwhelmed. "Ah, (F/n), w-wait." With one arm, he held me in place as he leaned forward to get something on the coffee table. I wrapped my arms around his neck to keep myself from falling backwards and hurting myself on the hard surface of that very table. I watched as he rummaged through his pencil bag and take out a small packet.

Oh. That must be the very same one that the upperclassmen were giving out on the first day of school. "How convenient," I chuckled lightly as he ripped open the packet and took out the condom.

He slipped the plastic onto his large shaft, sure to cover it entirely. "(F/n), before we get into this, I want you to know that I care about you so much and I love you," he told me in breathy pants.

I blinked at him in surprise. A confession at a time like this?... I smiled widely, cupping his face in my hands. "I love you too, Makoto," I replied.

A grin tugged at his lips at my mutual answer. We shared a kiss, one different than before. It still held that passion but it burst with love. He pulled away, his hands firm on my hips. "Ok, are you ready?"

I nodded. Carefully, he positioned his member to my entrance and thrust it in. I clawed at his bare back as I felt my moist walls stretching. "I'm sorry, the pain will go away soon." After a few moments of adjusting to his size, he began to rock his hips to mine in a steady pace. As the pain faded, I threw my head back in pleasure. I did my best to ride him, swirling my hips in sync with his, to get more of my fill of him.

The whole apartment echoed with our sounds; the mix of our moans and wet skin slapping against each other. I was gradually getting to my climax, our current state not fast or hard enough to satisfy my needs.

As if he read my mind, he scooped me into his arms and laid me down onto my back so he hovered over me. "Sorry, (F/n), it was taking to long." He then thrusted into me in a monstrous speed, my climax shooting to its peak.

I couldn't stop my blissful groans as he slammed into my sweet spot with every heavenly thrust. "Ahh, M-Makoto I'm about to cum," I squeaked out, clinging onto his body.

"I a-am too, (F/n)." With one last plunge, we both released our seeds, screams of each other's names erupting out our throats. Breathing heavily, he pulled out his member, causing an odd feeling of emptiness from my womanhood. Makoto sat, his back against the the foot of his coach as I didn't have the strength to pull myself up, so I laid there on his floor.

We rested there in silence, this time with no discomfort hanging over us. Sure, I couldn't believe what just happened between us, but I felt happy. Unbelievably happy. "(F/n), we should go clean up," Makoto chimed after a while.

"Yeah, help me up." He stood up first, so he could pull me up to my feet. With one glance at each other, we burst out into giggles. We were both flushed crimson, our hair were disheveled, and our skin glistened with sweat. What an attractive look for us. "I think I'll need to take a shower before we get back to studying."

Makoto chortled. "You still want to study after all that? How about we put it off until tomorrow and grab something to eat."

"Is this a date?" I questioned him teasingly.

"Yeah, it is," he replied. We picked up all of our discarded clothes from around the living room and trotted over to his bathroom. "Alright, you go on first."

I peeked into the shining interior of his bathroom. A mischievous idea came to mind. "You know, we can save water and time if you come in and shower with me."

Honestly, I would expect him to decline, but there were even more surprises today than I thought. He nudged me into the bathroom and whispered, "Alright, (F/n)-chan, I'll take you up on that."

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