Chapter 10

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Ok so. This is it, this is the last chapter of Freed from the Demon! Thank you to everyone who read, voted, and commented!! Seeing you happy makes me extremely happy! By the time you are reading this I'll have the first few chapters of the next book ready but not published. During this time I will also be going back to fix any errors in this book as well as the last book! 

I know this series doesn't exactly have a bunch of romance but, to me, that's how life is. You don't instantly fall in love especially at Damian and Y/n's age right now. Of course in the next book, they are both teenagers so things are going to be a bit more... I dont even know how to explain it. All I can really say is that their relationship will be more solid. 

I hope you enjoy the final chapter of this book and once again thank you to everyone.

See you in the next book,


"Drop me off at the manor," Robin told Sparrow as she stopped the Batmobile near the estate. Robin jumped out and hopped the wall. Sparrow sped down the road to find the entrance of the Batcave.

Driving through the parting waterfall Y/n saw in the distance Batman and Nightwing being chased by the Talons. She gripped the steering wheel tighter and stepped on the gas, it broke through the small railing surrounding the parking space and crashed into the things chasing her partners.

Opening up the door, Sparrow jumped out and joined the fight. The bunch she ran over the Batmobile did not make a big indent on the amount of them in the Cave. Batman ran into the other room and appeared to be talking to Alfred and Nightwing was near the suit stands fighting Talon. A group of them advanced towards her attacking the first chance they got. Sparrow shot them until she ran out of arrows, then she reverted to her staff.

The oversized doors Batman ran into opened and revealed the biggest suit of armor Y/n had ever seen. Presumably, Batman was in the suit and he was knocking over Talons by the tens. Once he was out of the doorway, Alfred joined the fight with a shotgun in hand. The butler told the man in the iron suit they needed to get to the level below the battlefield. The man climbed onto the back of the giant and they jumped over the edge along with many Talons.

It got quiet where Y/n was so she thought it best to join them below. She grabbed a grappling hook and fired it. She jumped over the edge and descended until a sharp pain was felt in her side. It made her let go and fall about a quarter of the way down. Her body slammed into the pavement. It reminded her of the time she crashed down in the football stadium last year.

Sparrow rolled over and felt her side. A feathered knife was lodged there. Y/n tried to stand up but gravity was not on her side. She could feel the blood pooling around her. She couldn't just lie in the middle of the floor so she slowly moved to the side to sit up and examine her wound.

The area became freezing cold. Sparrow could see her breath as she watched all the Talons freeze in place. It seemed to be over until the Batmobile came flying down, shooting at the suit of armor. It rammed into it causing it to crash to the ground.

Y/n watched as the real Talon stood over the suit and prepared to kill Batman. She also saw him being blasted into the air and fall hard on the ground. Batman stood up and walked closer to the man, cracking his knuckles and fighting him. The two went head to head and Y/n couldn't tell who was winning. The blood loss was getting to her. Then Talon gained the upper hand when he stabbed Bruce in the side and he fell over. Talon repeatedly kicked Bruce in the same spot to antagonize him. He stepped on him with his spiked shoe that caused Bruce to yell out. Before Talon could land the finishing blow Damian stopped him.

Y/n took off her mask to help her see clearer. She shook her head and hoisted herself up using the wall. She stumbled closer to Robin and Talon but stopped to catch her breath.

"Damian, let him go. He's not worth it. Let him die."

Damian who was knelt beside Bruce looked at Talon, "Like you let your father die?"

Talon growled in anger, "Stupid boy."

The two began to fight but if Talon took down Batman then Robin would need some help. He didn't last long. A quick blow to the stomach and being slammed onto the floor stopped Robin. Talon walked to Bruce. He lifted Bruce up by the neck.

"Damian, he'll never let you go. For us to be free, he has to die. The Wayne fortune will be ours. The Owls, they'll never find us. Tell him goodbye, Damian." Talon extended the sharp edges of his gloves.

Robin was still recovering and he needed more time to get to his enemy. Y/n inhaled sharply and yanked the knife out of her side. She stifled a whimper and let go of her stomach. The blood dripped from the hole but she didn't let that stop her. She shifted her stance and held the knife behind her ready to throw it. The only problem was her vision. To her, there were two Talons each holding up a Bruce. Her balance wasn't the best so she went with her gut and threw the dagger. As soon as she let go of the knife she collapsed forwards. The knife was flung through the air and impaled Talon's hand.

Damian saw her fall and knew she gave him the time he needed. With Talon yelling about his hand, Robin ran and jumped onto his neck, punching him in the face. Talon let go of Bruce and Damian flipped Talon over his back and kicked him in the face.

"You filthy ingrate! Everything I've done was for you and this is how you repay me?" He held up his sai. "Then so be it."

The two fought until Robin gained the upper hand. He held the tip of his sai to Talon's throat. Damian told Talon he could never replace Batman; that he was his father. Talon saw Bruce look at the two of them and smirked, grabbing Robin's wrist.

"Don't doubt your instincts," Talon thrust the sai through his throat, killing him. He fell backward leaving Damian with his watch. Damian threw it beside Talon's body.

Damian thought for a moment and ran towards Y/n. He knelt down and placed two fingers on her neck. She had a pulse. He sighed in relief called out for Alfred.


Alfred slowly came out of his hiding spot and ran to the two children. He lifted Y/n and carried her to safety. Damian watched as he left when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked and it was his father.

"I'm proud of you," he lowered himself to face Damian. "Welcome home."

Damian stepped back and shook his head. "No. I could have killed him. Maybe I should have. But you were in my head. You wouldn't let me. You, Talia, Ra's, you're all in here," he grasped his head. "But where am I? How can I ever be the son you need me to be when I don't even know who I am?" he looked back at his father, knowing what must be done. "I have to go."

Bruce stopped his son, "Damian. There's a school -" Damian cut him off about the military school. "No, no. This is a monastery in the Himalayas. I stayed there years ago when I was lost, troubled. And the monks helped me in ways that proved to be very-"

"I don't need any help..." Bruce looked down. "But maybe I will. Later on." Damian stepped forward and leaned into his father and wrapped his arms around him. "I've got some packing to do." Damian let go and walked away.


The next morning came sooner than expected. The manor was wrecked and would take some time to repair. Luckily Y/n's room wasn't badly damaged as there was nothing valuable to the Court in it.

Y/n stood at the door and looked inside. Her suitcase rested next to her. She gripped the black handle as she listed her shirt to check her white bandages. It would take some time before she would be running again but she was going to heal. Y/n took a deep breath to relax herself. Oliver, Felicity, and William were outside accompanied by Alfred Dick, and Bruce. Y/n just had to grab the last of her things.

The ride was quick and silent. The ding of the elevator rung and opened the heavy door. The h/c haired girl stepped out and wheeled her suitcase to the front door. The rolling echoed off the wide walls, the smooth flooring allowed the case to be easily glided across.

Alfred walked up to her as she stood in the doorway. Outside there was Oliver, Felicity, and their son William. The three stood by their car. The boy had a large smile on his face at the sight of his friend-now-foster-sister and the adults smiled, greeting their new foster daughter.

A few feet from the family was the family Y/n had gained at her time in the Wayne Manor. Bruce had finished talking to Oliver while Dick held a smile with his hands on his hips. Alfred was returning to his spot after putting away her case in the trunk.

Y/n smiled brightly at the older man. She pulled him into a tight hug. The British man chuckled as he wrapped his arms around the girl he thought of as his grandchild.

"Bye Alfred," Y/n spoke into his black vest. "I'll miss you."

He patted her hair down, "Now Miss Y/n, I fully expect you to call." He looked down at her. "No need for goodbyes. I slipped a gift into your case, consider it a token for you to remember your time here."

She thanked him and the two let go. Y/n turned to Dick. The acrobat held his arms out for her and she ran into them. He practically lifted her up and held her tightly. "I'll miss you kid." His blue eyes pierced into hers.

"Don't worry, I'll call you everyday. I know you can't live without me," she teased. As she thought about what was happening, tears formed in her eyes. Richard was a busy man. It may be a while before they would see each other in person again. "Thanks for being my best friend."

Dick looked up and smiled and quicky turned his gaze back to her. "Don't make me cry now." He held his hand out so they could begin the friendship handshake they learned. After Dick showed her the movie Parent Trap, they learned he twins handshake and adopted it as their own. "And take my advice. Be a kid Y/n." Y/n looked at him and nodded, understanding what he meant.

The last person she would say goodbye to. Bruce Wayne. Y/n was still unsure of their relationship status. She was still uncomfortable giving him a hug but knew she needed to say bye. Luckily for her, Bruce held out his hand and Y/n gladly took his. She gave him a firm handshake.

"Thank you for everything, Mr. Wayne. I wouldn't have any of this if it weren't for you."

"No need to thank me Y/n," he shook his head. "It has been a pleasure to have you."

Y/n inhaled sharply and knew that now was the time to leave. But she couldn't bring herself to do it without asking one last question.

"He didn't say anything...before he left?" She looked at the three men. They all communicated silently as they knew what the disappointing answer was. "Not a note?"

Bruce sighed and shook his head. "Damian left late last night. We searched but he left nothing."

Y/n nodded and felt the tears well up in her eyes. But she was ashamed and looked down. She didn't want to feel this way, if he was going to act like that. Leave her without saying goodbye. She turned around and got into the back of the car after William and shut the door.

The new family drove off as Y/n wiped the tears from her eyes as she looked out the window remembering everything her and that stupid boy had gone through.

From the top of the Manor Damian watched out the window as Y/n said her goodbyes. No one knew he was there, he snuck back in to say goodbye but froze when the time came to it.

Damian looked down. He had already said his goodbyes. If he didn't act now he wouldn't give one to Y/n. But he didn't know what to say. If he went out there planless then he would say something odd. He turned to leave for good this time.

Perhaps I was impulsive then.

Damian remembered what he told Dick... But when it came to Y/n.

I don't mind being impulsive.

Odd is better than nothing. He turned around to make sure he still had time but he was too late. He saw the car exit the driveway. The boy looked down dejected. He didn't have a phone but even if he did, he wanted to say something odd in person. But Y/n was gone.

It was too late.

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