Chapter 9

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Second to last chapter folks

At the Wayne estate, the four people on the property were in the secret part of the mansion. An extension of the Batcave. The walls were made of metal and had no other design. Function over fashion. A holographic screen beeped and showed there were intrusions coming from all around.

"Red security grid up and active?" Nightwing asked out loud.

Batman walked towards them, "Unless someone shut it down and didn't bother to tell us." He reminded the other of what Alfred had done. The older British man frowned and told his boss how unkind the remark was. "I don't know if it's Bruce Wayne or Batman the Court's come for," he put on his cowl. "But either way, they're about to get a welcome they'll never forget."

Batman, Nightwing, and Sparrow ran down the halls of Wayne Manor. Loud footsteps could be heard from above and the sound of glass shattering cut through the air. The three ran to the ballroom where the glass ceiling above came crashing down along with many of the soldiers from the Court.

"What are these things?" Nightwing asked.

"I'm not sure if they're actually alive but I've seen first hand they can be destroyed," Batman replied.

Sparrow readied an arrow and aimed, "Good enough for me." Her arrow sliced through the air and went right through one of the things' heads.

Soon the questionable men charged and attacked. Each hero taking on multiple at a time fought and dodged. Batman kicked and punched and occasionally throwing a batarang. Nightwing resorted to using his batons to beat them. He flipped to get out of the way of attacks and knock others down. Sparrow shot the ones she could aim at. She reused and gathered the fired arrows when needed and reverted back to martial arts when she could. For one soldier she used to arrows in each of her gloved hands and stabbed them through each of the person's temples.

Alfred must have activated the security protocol since the large windows began to be shielded. The three ran into the library right before the large security door blocked the entrance. The metal didn't stop the Talons as they ripped open the thick sheets and ran after their prey. Some on the upper deck of the library shot grapples at the heroes but they moved expertly out of the way unharmed. Batman grappled onto the top to take care of them and left Nightwing and Sparrow to take care of the many Talons on the ground.

The team of best friends had each other's back as they fought. Nightwing used his acrobatic skills as he flipped and twisted out of their grasps. Sparrow used her staff to hit and shatter any bones they had. As she finished some off Sparrow heard a pained shout. Nightwing had been shot multiple times with grapples and fell to the floor. The things began to pull him closer to them but Batman threw a batarang at the ropes and cut him free. Sparrow quickly turned her weapon back to a bow and fired multiple arrows straight through some of their hearts, Batman got the rest with batarangs.

The Dark Knight wrapped one of Nightwing's arms around his shoulder and Sparrow got the other. The two unharmed heroes helped get Nightwing to the elevator leading to the Batcave. Batman pushed Sparrow inside along with her wounded friend and closed the door.

"Mr. Wayne!" Sparrow called out.

"Bruce, no!"

The two were stuck until they reached the Cave. Nightwing hissed and groaned as he pulled out the sharp knives in him and Sparrow helped. The doors began to open and they entered the empty Batcave. Sparrow wrapped her friend's arm around her to help support him. She brought him to a nearby table and he began patching himself up. Sparrow rushed to the Batcomputer and began typing fast.

"What are you doing?" Dick groaned as he wrapped his arm.

Y/n didn't answer, focused on her task at hand. She brought up the location from when Batman was poisoned. Quickly she downloaded it to the GPS in the Batmobile. Once it said complete Sparrow grabbed the tracker Batman used the first time. Y/n then ran towards the table where she kept her arrows and filled her quiver. The girl moved to the vehicle and Sparrow jumped into the seat of the car.

"I'm getting Damian," she started the engine and looked back. "Don't die."

"No Y/n, wait!" Dick tried to run after her but it was too late. She was halfway down the driveway that exited the Cave.

Not twenty-four hours ago Y/n was thinking how gross being in the sewers was and there she was, trudging through sewage as she wandered around. Bruce had said there was a false wall. The hooded girl lifted the tracker up searching for the signal. It picked something up immediately and she followed. The few sounds she heard were her own footsteps, the tracker, and the rats running around.

The beeping grew louder than it had been and it lead her to a dead end. She tucked the tracker in her boot and felt the wall. It was different than the others meaning something was behind it. Sparrow scanned the bricks searching for a tell. It was dark so the odd scratches on the edges of a singular brick were almost looked over but Y/n noticed it. She pressed it and the wall opened up showing a long white hallway. She ran through it, not wanting to waste any time, and when she reached the end, Sparrow was shocked at what she had found. There was blood everywhere and bodies spread around. A massacre had occurred. She hoped Damian was not one of the victims.

Scanning the room she saw there was nobody alive in this room so she spun around trying to find where to go next. There was one other hallway beside the one she came from and decided to follow that path. Running through there she called out for Robin. Turning when she could, looking through rooms, she came up empty-handed. Then as she pressed forward the atmosphere became very warm and muggy. Sparrow followed the temperature until she found herself in a room with many large glass containers of water. Some were opened and steam rose.

"Explains the heat."

She wandered through the large room and saw that all the containers were empty. At least the ones on the floor were. She looked up and saw more glass containers suspended in the air and that one of them was occupied.

"Damian!" Sparrow ran closer and saw that the tank was full. Her eyes widened. His arm seemed to be sticking out of the cage and was reaching for something but now was limp. Her covered eyes followed where his hand was and determined he was reaching for the lever. Sparrow drew her bowstring and aimed for the metal rod. It was close to Damian's hand but she knew she would make it. Letting go, the arrow pierced the air and landed on its target, the force of the object cause it to move. Then without warning the container dropped from its place and smashed into the ground. Y/n moved back to protect herself but ran to the boy once the glass shards were on the floor.

The water spread out leaving Damian in the middle of the mess. Sparrow put away her bow and ran towards him. She knelt down beside him and pressed her fingers to his neck. Nothing.

No no no.

Y/n began compressions and counted to thirty, she tilted his head back and pinched his nose, breathing two short breaths into his mouth. She started CPR again and breathed into his mouth once more.

"Damian wake up!" she was panicking. Repeating the process one more time she started compressions, pinched his nose, and breathed two short breathes. Y/n leaned back stunned. She didn't save him. Just staring at him, not knowing what to do, her mind was blank. But then he coughed. He spat up water and turned to the side to cough out the rest. Y/n gasped in relief and helped him sit up. "Are you okay?" Damian nodded and they both stood up.

"Thanks," Robin looked at her.

Sparrow shook her head, "Don't mention it. We need to leave."

The two started to run when Robin stopped. He was looking at something near one of the tanks. Sparrow walked to his side to check it out. It was the temperature of the water. She looked at him in understanding and they ran out of the Court.

The two went to the Batmobile, Y/n quickly jumped in the driver's seat and started the car. Damian jumped into the passenger and called Alfred. Sparrow pressed the gas and they sped off to the manor.

"Pennyworth, this is Damian," he introduced.

"Master Damian? Where are you?"

"No questions, just listen. The Talons can't function in subzero cold," Damian informed.

"We're on our way Alfred," Y/n spoke up as she made a sharp left. Damian hung up just as he was slammed into the window.

He glared at her, "What was that for."

Sparrow kept her eyes ahead and continued going well over the speed limit. "That was for dying." She made a sharp right causing Damian to be thrown to the left and then hit his head on the door once more. "That was for being an idiot."

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