10: First day

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Jackie's pov

A few minuets later Marvin came into the living room and told me that Anti agreed to live with us for the month. When I didn't respond, he teleported us back to our house, we had a spare room which, no doubt they'll turn into Anti's "Room".

They were all chatting with each other while I rolled my eyes and avoided Anti by going to my room, I still don't trust him.....I feel like he's hiding something. I paced my room and started thinking.

Anti's pov

Marvin led me upstairs and to a room, he opened the door but the room was empty. "I can put anything you want in here." I nodded my head and walked in, he had me choose my bed and other things.

They appeared in the room and I smiled. "Thanks Marvin." I smiled at him, he nodded his head. "I'm ordering for dinner what you want?" I told him and he nodded and left, I put some of my things away like my clothes.

I set my sam plush on the nightstand next to the bed and decided to sit down. The mattress was really soft and had a slight bounce to it, the pillows and everything were white still so I glitched them and they changed to black.

I walked over to a mirror that was hanging on the wall and looked at myself, I have no idea how to connect with Jackie. I sighed and hugged myself....maybe he'll never believe me or trust me...I sat on my bed and fell back.

- Time skip -

After we got done eating, the others decided to watch movies...I was just about to head to my bedroom because I didn't want to bother them, but Chase called me over.

Jackie glared at me but I tried to ignore it and tried to smile at him....there wasn't a lot of room on the couch so I sat on the floor next to the couch. "I can trade places if you want?" Marvin suggest, I shook my head no.

"No, I'm good I don't want to make you move just because of me." He nodded his head slowly. "Alright... What movie do we want to watch?" Everyone shouted out a different movie, they eventually decided on The Incredible's.

I've never seen this movie before, but I watched in fascination as the movie played. When it ended.... "Woah, that was amazing!" Everyone looked at me strangely like I said something wrong. "What? I've never seen the movie before."

"WHAT?!" Half of them shouted and I just shrugged my shoulders...by this time it was late at night so I decided to go up to sleep. "I'm going to go to bed.... night."

I waved and left for the stairs and made my way to my room, I changed into some pajamas and laid on my bed. I grabbed my Sam plush and cuddled it close and slowly fell asleep.

Jackie's pov

Anti was honestly ok the whole day....but I have to keep my guard up, I still don't know if he's going to hurt us. When Marvin used his powers to show us what happened, for some reason it didn't work for me.

I don't know why he hurt us and why he stopped, but he could change and go back to hurting us again. What did the others see that I didn't that would make them instantly forgive Anti for everything?

I went to my room after the movie...should I talk to Marvin? Whatever they saw had to be impactful, I need to know what they saw, maybe it will help me trust Anti a tiny bit more.

I nodded my head and decided that tomorrow I would tell Marvin that I didn't experience what they did and to perform the spell on me again.

After all, Anti didn't really do anything bad today at Seán's or here...maybe he has changed, but I need solid proof before I jump to conclusions.

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