11: Now he knows (End)

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Jackies pov

When I woke up, I instantly went to Marvin's room and knocked. He opened the door and looked at me confused. "Hey. Whats up?" "I have something to confess...can I come in?"

He nodded his head warily and let me in. I sat on his bed and twiddled my thumbs and he looked worried, "What's wrong?" I took a deep breath and sighed...

"While you were showing the others what Anti went through.....for some reason the spell didn't work on me. I didn't see anything, I was just frozen in place and looking at everyone else... Is...Is there a way you could do the spell on me again?"

I looked up at him and he nodded his head thoughtfully. "Sure, although I don't know why it didn't work the first time, I can try it again." I nodded my head as he came closer to me. "Are you ready?" "Y yes."

His hands started glowing and he grabbed my hands and held them in his, I was looking through Anti's eyes and hearing his pleads to get them to stop...it suddenly all went black, I could feel he didn't have control.

When he opened his eyes he now had full control and was looking at us, I felt the confusion he felt when Seán had mentioned that he had been hurting us for years. I heard a thought ring through his head.

'D did they force me to stay passed out for 2 years!? And they hurt them...and then just left. Forcing me to take accountability...'

So he wasn't the one hurting us....he never wanted us to get hurt...but there was nothing he could do. I then felt the heaviness in his heart and chest as we practically told him we wanted nothing to do with him, and then left.

I saw his life and how hard it was for him, he tried to talk to us but we shut him out...and I could just feel his fear everytime he encountered me.

I gasped and opened my eyes to see Marvin in front of me, "M Marvin...." I couldn't say anything...he just nodded his head sadly.

I got up and went to the kitchen to eat something, Anti was at the counter drinking coffee. He noticed me and smiled at me, but I could tell he was afraid of me a little.

"Morning....Anti, I'm sorry. We should've let you explain instead of pushing you away. You didn't want any of that to happen.....we only made things worse...I only made things worse."

He looked like he was about to cry...I did something that I never thought I would be offering to him, I held out my arms so he could hug me if he wanted to.

He did slowly come forward and hug me, I hugged back and ran my hand through his hair. "Let's all start over...get to know you." He let out a sob and I just rubbed the back of his head.

Anti's pov

I pulled away from the hug and tried to dry the tears rolling down my face, I looked into Jackie's eyes to see he was telling the truth. "W what made you change your mind about me?"

I asked, he told me that when Marvin performed the spell and Seán's place, it didn't work on him. He said that he wanted to know what the others saw if it made them change.

He told me how he went to Marvin and he did the spell again and that it worked this time. I smiled at him and hugged him again...

"I was so lonely...I was afraid that I'd be alone forever....seen as the monster forever. Thank you for giving me a chance Jackie."

He nodded his head and I pulled away again, we sat and had breakfast and chatted with each other.

Chase suggested that we all do something today, like go to the mall or the movies, everyone agreed that we should go to the mall. I hope that every day can be like this from now on, all happy and together, no more fighting or hate. I finally have a family.

Ok so this is the end of this book, I have another one that I am currently writing called Swapped. I have written the first 3 chapters already but I want to try something different with that book. I want to try and write all the chapters first and then publish the chapters every week. I might not go through with it and just publish the chapters that I have done.

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