4: Getting comfortable

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Seán's pov

I surprisingly slept well last night, I got up and looked around, the walls were a darkish grey color, there was the king bed that I'm currently sitting on. The blankets were a light pastel green, and so were the pillowcases. I got up and walked over to the dresser to see some simple shirts and pants, along with pajamas. I slipped on a shirt and some pants and headed out trying to remember where the kitchen was.

I finally found it after a little while, Dark was still asleep it seemed so I decided to make breakfast. Something simple, like pancakes and eggs, I found some of the stuff I would need and started making it. A little while later when I was just finishing up, I felt another presence in the room with me. I turned to see Dark staring at me curiously, "What are you doing?"

He asked me. "I decided to make breakfast.....for both of us. I hope that's alright." He nodded his head. "Of course that's ok." I started plating up some stuff and handed Dark a plate with food on it he thanked me and I hummed in response.

Dark's pov

I was sleeping peacefully when I started smelling something amazing, I wandered to where the smell was coming from and it was from the kitchen. I saw seán there at stove cooking something, I asked him what he was doing and he told me, he then handed me a plate with pancakes and eggs.

I thanked him and sat at the table, he soon came in after me and also sat down. I started eating and my. god.... it was so good, my eyes lit up and I could tell seán saw as he chuckled a little. I cracked a smile and started a conversation. I hope this plan that Anti and I have is going to work, after all they never even gave us a chance. We were just labeled the bad guys as soon as we showed up.

Anti's pov

I actually slept good for once in my life, I wanted to just sleep the whole day but I couldn't. I groaned and reluctantly got out of bed. I opened my bedroom door when something felt off slightly, I looked around the house and got to Mark's room. His door was slightly open, I peeked in and he was gone....I searched the whole house for him but couldn't find him.

My heart sank. 'He.... he left me. At first I was angry but then got sad, of course he would leave...I'm the bad guy...but I didn't do anything to him...well I did chain him in the basement but I let him out, but he wasn't down there for that long....I sat on the couch and cried into my hands. He was the closest person I had to a friend besides Dark, while I was sitting there I heard the front door open.

I looked and saw Mark, with a paper bag in his hands. "Uhhhhh. Hey Anti." I quickly dried my eyes but tried to hide it. I walked over to him and he seemed really nervous for some reason. "I'm sorry I went out. I just noticed that you didn't have a lot of food so I went to buy groceries-" I cut him off "Hey, it's ok. Thanks for getting groceries."

He looked at me weirdly.... "Anti, have you been crying?" Fuck he noticed "n no?" He sighed and put the bag on the table then came back over to me. "Anti, you can tell me..." I sighed but didn't really want to talk about my stupid emotions. "Fine.....I.... I thought you left and decided to not come back and leave me alone here...." He hugged me and I was kind of surprised.

"I'm not that type of person Anti. Besides you don't deserve that." I gently wrapped my arms around him and hugged back. "I'm sorry for getting so emotional, it's stupid." He stopped hugging me and looked me in the eyes. "Anti, your feelings aren't stupid. You also have nothing to be sorry for." He led me into the kitchen and offered to make something for me.

I happily agreed and remembered that I should tell him that Dark and I are going to give them a chance to see each other, he started making food and it was really good. "Thank you..." I decided that I should tell him now. "Hey uhhh, Mark?" "Yeah?"

"Dark and I want to give you the chance to see Sean and talk to each other." His face lit up, "Really? When?" He asked curiously, "I don't know, I'll have to talk to Dark about it. I'll try to get it to happen today though." Mark suddenly got up and hugged me tight. 

Marks pov

I can't believe that Dark is willing to let me see Seán...hopefully he's not hurt, if he is I'm going to kill Dark. I'll never say this out loud, but I didn't think demons could have feelings, well at least Dark made it seem like that....but now that I know they're capable of feeling.

I kind of feel bad for how I labeled him as the bad guy....god....I never even gave him a chance to explain or anything!! How could I just toss him aside and make him the villain?? "Mark? You alright?" I heard Anti ask me.....I shook my head no, he looked at me confusedly.

"I need to talk to Dark...." "Why?" "To apologize to him....I just realized that I never really gave him a chance, or take into consideration his feelings...I honestly didn't think he could feel emotions besides anger....I shouldn't have judged him like that."

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