5: Time to talk

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Previously on Freedom:

"I need to talk to Dark...." "Why?" "To apologize to him....I just realized that I never really gave him a chance, or take into consideration his feelings...I honestly didn't think he could feel emotions besides anger....I shouldn't have judged him like that."

Now onto the story

Marks pov

Anti nodded and then smiled at me, wrapping his arms around me in a hug. "Can you do me a favor?" He asked quietly, I nodded my head. "Could you talk to Seán... about maybe doing the same with me?" "I could try." We released the hug and he said he had to do something real quick.

Antis pov

I got to my room and called Dark:

D: Hello?
A: Hey, it's me...Mark wants to apologize to you!
D: Wait really?! When does he want to come over?
A: He was thinking sometime today. I asked if he could talk to Jack about me.
D: I'm not sure that was a good idea, Seán might just assume that you brainwashed him to talk to him and that he's lying.
A: Oh......I didn't think of that.... *sigh* We'll be by later ok?
D: Yeah, don't worry Seán will come around.

I hung up the phone and told Mark that we were going over a little later. He nodded his head and I noticed he was writing something down? "What's that?" "Oh this? It's a letter that I'm writing to help me on what to say to dark."

"You should just speak your heart instead of making a script." "I'm not making a script!" "Eh, that's what it sounds like to me." I shrugged my shoulders and he sighed. "I....You're right. It's going to come from the heart." He crumpled up the paper and threw it in the trash.

Darks Pov

I found Seàn in the living room playing some video games, I walked over and sat next to him. "Hey, I have some exciting news, Marks coming over today." He paused his game and looked at me shocked, "Really? Anti's letting me see him?" I nodded my head. "Is.....Anti coming with him?" He asked hesitantly, I nodded my head and I saw him frown, almost scowl? "Whatever I'll be in my room." He turned off his game and got up, before he could leave though, I grabbed his arm.

"Hey, what's the matter with Anti coming as well?" He turned to me. "The problem is that Anti is a demon, demons don't have feelings." I looked saddened at this. "I'm a demon, you've seen my feelings." "Yeah I know.... its just that, well anti is different from you. He doesn't have feelings."

I pulled my hand away shocked, that he would say that, he saw the expression on my face and tried to explain but I cut him off a little upset. "Look, Anti does have feelings, but you wouldn't know, you never even gave him a chance." I got up and walked away to go do something to calm me down.

Séan's pov

Dark doesn't get it, no one does. I don't need to give him a chance, I know him. I created him to have no emotion. Do I regret that decision I made? Every damn day.....he can't change. He's never really shown any emotion anyways besides anger and hate towards me and the others.

Granted I came up with the idea to make him like that.... is this my fault? Maybe.....no I have to stick with what I know. He hurt so many people, he doesn't have feelings. I sat down again on the couch and continued to play video games, not looking forward to seeing Anti today.

-Time Skip-

It finally got to the time when Mark would be coming over, I was honestly excited but the problem is that Anti is coming with him. I know he won't let me and Mark talk alone, I'll try to avoid Anti the best I can. Suddenly the door bell rang and Dark opened the door, Anti and Mark walked in, surprisingly Anti walked into the kitchen with Dark....leaving me and Mark alone, I ran up and hugged him.

"Mark are you ok?" I carefully examined his body with my eyes to make sure Anti didn't do anything to him. "Seán I'm fine, don't worry." "How can I not worry, your living with a psycho!" He frowned at me, "You shouldn't talk about him like that." I gaped at him, "What the hell did he do to you?" I muttered, Anti obviously did something to Mark, whether it's hypnotism or mind control, he did something.

"Look, you need to give Anti a chance, I did and he's actually pretty nice." I decided to just go along with it for now. "I have to go talk to Dark." He then headed to the kitchen, when he went in Anti came out, I sat down on the couch and he had the nerve to sit next to me. "What did you do to Mark?" I growled out at him. "What?" "Don't act dumb, your mind controlling him or hypnotized him!" "I didn't d do anything!.."

Marks pov

I found Dark in the kitchen, "hey....umm. I wanted to apologize." He turned to face me, and started walking towards me. "I'm sorry that I never gave you a chance, that I never considered your feelings. I want to start over and get to know you, if you'll let me."

He continued walking to me, and then hugged me, I was a little surprised but returned the hug. "Can I stay here with you starting today?" He pulled and began speaking, "What about Anti? He'd be lonely." "I have an idea about that...."

Anti's pov

I honestly thought he was going attack me, but then Dark and Mark came into the living room. "Ok so, what's going to happen is, Mark has decided to stay here to get to know me better and so we can hang out." I frowned a bit while Seán looked ecstatic about it. "But because I don't want Anti to be alone, Seán is going with Anti."

Seán stood up "Hell no!!!! There is no way I'm going anywhere with him." He pointed at me, and my heart kind of broke a little. "It's fine, he doesn't have to stay with me." I said kind of downtrodden. Suddenly I was teleported back home with Seán!

To be continued...

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