8: Convincing the others

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Seán's pov

After Anti had calmed down I suggested that he move in with the others. "Uhhh I don't think that's a good idea...we should start off smaller. What if they come here for the day?" I can see where he's coming from, they others would freak out right away if I just tried to move him in with them, I nodded.

"Ok, so did you want to wait somewhere while I tell them what happ-" He cut me off. "I think I should tell them what happened. That way they won't think I'm forcing you or controlling you." "I should probably call you in a few minutes after they come in...I don't want them freaking out and trying anything."

I noticed he nodded his head while hugging himself, I placed a hand on his shoulder and he looked at me. "Hey, it's going to be alright." "I don't want them to be afraid of me..."

I hugged him again to comfort him, I pulled away and pulled out my phone to text the others saying they should come over for the day. I got a thumbs up emoji from Jackie, I sighed and looked at Anti and nodded my head.

"They're coming over today. Why don't you wait in your room and I can get you?" I shook his head no. "You shouldn't leave them and then appear with me, they would assume that I could've done someth-" I cut him. "Yeah, sorry I wasn't thinking. Um...oh! You could wait in the kitchen."

"O ok." He went to the kitchen just as there was a knock on the door, I let them in and we all went to the living room. "Hey, how have you guys been!" I greeted cheerfully. "We've been doing better, because we haven't seen Anti around." Marvin provided and everyone agreed with him...I bit my lip.

"We should talk about that." "Yeah. Thank god! I'm happy that he's gon-" "No! Not that!" I cut Jackie off, I sighed as they looked at me confused. "Why don't you all sit down." "Seán...what is this about bro?"

Chase asked as he sat down.... "Look, I found out some things....and... we want to share it with you." *We?* JJ signed confused, I sighed again. "You can come in!"

Anti's pov

Shortly after I got to the kitchen the others arrived, I heard what they said and my heart hurt a little...I don't know if I can do this, they'll just hate me even more and then- "You can come in!"

I sighed and hugged myself, fuck, well...no turning back now. I let my arms fall to my sides and walked into the living room next to Seán. Everyone suddenly jumped up and got into fighting stances. "What the fuck are YOU doing here?!"

They all had hate and anger in their faces, I stepped behind Seán for protection. "Let's just calm down guys." Seán tried, "How can we calm down when he's here?!" That came from Chase "Stay away from him Seán!" "No, we need to talk." Suddenly Henrik spoke up and what I feared would happen, happened. "Seán...is he controlling you?"

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" Seán yelled at them, they stopped and looked at him. "Sit the fuck down and listen!" They hesitantly but silently listened to him. "Now...I found out some information that changes everything." He turned to me "You ready to tell them?"

"I I don't know." He put his hand on my shoulder and the others silently gasped. "It's ok, take your time bud." The others stared at eachother shocked. I stepped forwards and they were all looking at me now..."Umm so....here's what actually happened a couple years ago..."

I told them everything while hugging myself and with Seáns hand still on my shoulder. Their faces didn't change and they still looked angry...I frowned and backed away with light tears in my eyes. I knew they wouldn't believe me, Jackie suddenly stood up and took a step towards me.

I glitched in fear and teleported up to my room, and pushed my dresser against the door. I know Seán won't be able to hold Jackie for long, he is the strongest out of all of us. I heard some shouting from downstairs and then banging on my door.

I panicked and hid in my closet with the door closed, I sat at the very back corner and hoped he wouldn't break down the do- *CRACK* Fuck!!! I'm so fucked! I pulled my knees up to my chest but sighed in relief when I heard this... "I can't get through the door."

Although I paled and started hyperventilating when this hapenped: "Hold on, I'll teleport in." I suddenly heard walking around my room, I hear Marvin get closer to my hiding spot. The door swung open and I whimpered, I shakily looked up at him, he had the faintest smile on his face.

I started hyperventilating just waiting for him to teleport me out to jackie. But he just sat down in front of me? "Hey...I'm not going to you Anti. I believe the explanation you gave, the others however....." I nodded my head.

"I want to help you with this, and I have an idea." "O ok. W what is it?" "Well it involves us going out there. I have this power that can allow me and others to see someone's experiences and feelings through their eyes." I whimpered but nodded, Marvin smiled again and held out his hand, I was about to take it but paused.

"Why did you believe me? I could've been making the whole thing up to gain trust..." "I recently developed a new power where I can tell if someone is lying to me or telling the truth. You were telling the truth."

I nodded and grabbed his hand, he teleported us out into the hallway, Jackie saw me and started running towards me.....

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