7: The Incident

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Anti's pov

We were both sitting on the couch and I'm a nervous wreck....I don't want to talk about what happened that day, but I don't want to make him mad at me. "O ok..."

Flash back

It started back at that stupid Halloween video, I had just been brought to life but I somehow already had inner demons that were powerful enough to take control of my body.

They took over before I even knew what was going on...we had been locked up for a while and they wanted to kill Seán for "abandoning" them.

I wasn't angry or anything because I knew that he didn't know we existed, I tried to tell them but they took over my body and forced me to watch as they slit Seáns throat.

I couldn't stop it from happening, they forced their way out with my body and I took back control. He was gasping and looking at me with horror filled eyes, I was scared that he would blame me and hate me.

I didn't know what to do......so I ran, right before I glitched away I saw another person dressed in red. I found an abandoned home and settled for the night, it was then that I realized that my neck was bleeding as well. I searched around for some gauze and wrapped some around my neck to help stop the bleeding.

It worked for the time being and I fell asleep, I heard noises and looked around to see the guy from before. I was terrified, he looked pissed and I knew why, before I could explain or run away they took over again and fought this person. I tried calling out to get them to stop but they ignored me, and kept fighting.

He was hurt pretty badly but so was my body, they were using too much energy and pretty soon I passed out. When I woke up I was somewhere dark, I couldn't hear the demons anymore so I assumed that they passed on. I was soon confronted by others who started yelling at me.

Seán had come to the front of the others and looked at me... "You've done a lot to us over the last couple years Anti." H how long was I out for! Did they force me to stay asleep for 2 years while they hurt the others?!

They hurt everyone and then just left, forcing me to take the blame. And I know it's my fault, I should've tried to get back control from them but I didn't, and now they're hurt because of it.

I just sighed sadly as they left me, they decided to leave me there without even giving me the chance to explain.

Flash back over

I explained this to him with tears in my eyes but I knew he wouldn't believe me...so I teleported up to my room and cuddled with my septic Sam plushie.

Seáns pov

He teleported away before I could say anything, I I had no idea.....I am just hating myself right now, how could I have not given him a chance to explain!?

And then I just cut him out because I was angry and scared....fuck. I probably made things ten times worse...no wonder he hates me.

I need to make this right, it wasn't him attacking us after all. Now that I think about it, when we just left him there.....he looked sad, but he also stopped hurting us. I thought he was just waiting to plan his next move to wipe us all out.

I quickly went to his room and knocked on the door, the door opened slightly and I saw him curled on his bed with a septic Sam plush. "Just...leave me alone, I know you don't believe me...." My heart started to break a little. "Anti..."

I walked further into his room and sat at the edge of his bed, he sat up but scooted away from me a little. I don't blame him, I shut him out and was horrible to him for about a year at this point, when he didn't even do anything wrong.

I let out a sigh, and stared at the ground, I could tell Anti was somewhat confused.

"I'm sorry, I should've let you explain. I shouldn't have pushed you out and treated you poorly for something you didn't do. I was scared and stupid, now that I know the truth....I would like to get to know you better. I mean it."

I finally looked up at him and his eyes were wide, he was just staring at me so I did the only thing I could think of, I hugged him tight. He buried his head into my shoulder and started sobbing, I just rubbed circles into his back to hopefully calm him down.

Anti's pov

He hugged me and I couldn't hold it in any longer, I sobbed into his shoulder....I can't believe he wants to get to know me. I never thought this would happen, I've been alone for my whole life since the inner demons left.

I felt him rubbing circles into my back and I slowly calmed down, but then a thought crossed my mind and I let go to look at Seán. "W what about the o other egos? Th they want nothing to d do with me...."

He gently grabbed my hand. "I'll talk to them, don't worry." "No, I know how they'll react. They'll think I'm just.....puppeting you."

I shivered at the puppeting, I never liked that word..... "Point is, they will react exactly like you reacted when Mark talked to you. They won't believe you and think that....." I didn't want to continue... Tears started gathering in my eyes again.

"They'll hurt me, and try to get rid of me.....I...don't want that to happen, I'm tired of being alone." I whispered that last part quietly, and gently pulled away from Seán and buried my face in my hands.

"Hey. I won't ever let that happen, I promise." I looked at him again and hugged him. "Thank you...."

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