First Day (Part Five)

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After Algebra, Richard had Free Time, then Defense/Attack Tactics with Slade, German with Black Canary, English with Booster Gold, Dinner, and then he went back to Black Canary.

"Hello Richard! Come sit down, we need to talk about extras." Black Canary said.

Richard sat down.

"Barry and I talked and we think it would be a great idea for you to put your frustration and anger towards something instead of someone." Canary said.

"Yeah. So, we agreed that you should be put into some extra classes or clubs or something." Barry said. 

Black Canary pulled out a sheet and handed it to Richard.

"This is a list of all the clubs and extra classes we have." Black Canary said.

"I-I don't know." Richard said uncertainly. 

"Let's put it another way. You have to do something else." Black Canary glared.


"No. You will be doing one or more. You need to channel your anger." Black Canary said.

"How about a fighting club?" Barry asked.

Richard shrugged.

"How about this. I'll let you try out all of them." Black Canary said.

Again, Richard shrugged.

"Well, since you're being difficult I could put you in group counseling too." Canary threatened.

"WHAT?!" Richard screamed. 

"You either make a decision or it's group counseling on top of one-on-one counseling." Black Canary said. 

"Richard, just choose a few and we'll see how they work out." Barry said.

"Uhhhh! FINE!" Richard screamed, eyes narrowing.

He looked down at the paper.

"What about Math club?" Richard asked.

"I want you to have two more." Black Canary said.

"What? Why?" Richard asked.

"Because it will help." Canary said.

"Fine!" Richard rolled his eyes.

"Uhm...Volleyball...and...I don't know...Photography?" Richard asked more than said.

"Great! Math, Volleyball, and Photography! We'll get you on those right away. I'll also get you their meeting rooms and schedules." Dinah said. 

"Grrrreeeaaaaaaaattt." Richard said sarcastically. 

"You might want to tone down the sarcasm there." Barry smiled.

Richard rolled his eyes.

It was going to be a tough first week.

Told you we are getting into a better place!!!

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