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"Hey! Victor! Come here!" Black Canary yelled to the cyborg that Richard pushed down earlier that week.

Richard was hiding behind Black Canary, not wanting to be there OR heard any remarks that anyone had.

"Yep BC?" Victor Stone, aka Cyborg, asked as he got to her.

In his arm was a volleyball.

"I have someone here who wants to join." Black Canary moved so Victor could see Richard.

Richard was glaring at a tree.

"Uhmmm...not that I'm not willing to teach, but... are you sure?" Victor asked Canary.

"Yes. he needs a way to vent his anger. Why not hitting something?" Black Canary offered.

Victor sighed, "Okay man, if you think it's best." Victor agreed.

"I do. I'll watch the next few meets with him, okay?" BC said.

"Sure." Victor said.

"Come on Richard! Victor is the captain. He'll tell you what to do." Dinah said.

"I don't want to." Richard grumbled.

"Well too bad. Everybody has to do things they don't want to. Life isn't fair. Take what you get and don't throw a fit." Black Canary said.

Richard growled.

"'Kay Richard, I want you over there." Victor said and pointed to an empty spot.

Richard went over and sat down.

He refused to play.

Victor just looked at Black Canary.

She just shrugged and gestured him to continue with practice.

The ball was hit a few times until it fell a few feet away from Richard.

Richard didn't move to hit it.

The practice continued like this, Richard still not participating.

Black Canary held up her hand and motioned for everyone to get off the training place.

Victor handed her the volleyball before he got off with the rest of the team.

Black Canary served the ball and it flew directly at Richard.

And it hit him.

He still didn't do anything about it.

"Come on! You're not going to take it, are you? Cry baby." Black Canary's eyes narrowed.

And so did Richard's.

"Don't call me that!" Richard yelled.

"What's the matter little cry baby can't stand me?" Black Canary provoked.

"DON'T!" Richard warned.

The whole volleyball team watched as Black Canary was getting Richard angry.

"Awweee. Is cry baby going to cry? I wouldn't expect anything less from someone so pathetic." Black Canary smirked.

"I'm NOT pathetic!" Richard growled, standing up.

"Yes you are. That's why Bruce left you here. He didn't want someone so pathetic. Bet he's pathetic too!" Black Canary sneered.

"NO HE'S NOT!" Richard screamed and hit the volleyball.

It soared over the net and was going right towards to Black Canary.

She hit it back to Richard.

"Why are you angry Richard?" Black Canary asked. "It's the truth."

"NO IT'S NOT!" Richard screamed, hitting the ball back.

"Then if that isn't it; What is?" Black Canary said.

"He left me here! HE ABANDONED ME! JUST LIKE MY PARENTS LEFT!" Richard screamed.

He spiked the ball and it fell right in front of Black Canary.

Black Canary picked up the ball.

"Good job." she said.

Richard was panting hard, angry with himself and someone else.

"So, want to talk about what happened with you parents?" Black Canary asked, hitting the ball.

"I watched them get murdered." Richard said and walked away.

"You know that means that they didn't abandon you, right?" Black Canary asked.

"Yeah. It's just... they shouldn't have died. I should've done something! Anything! I should have warned them. I should have stopped the guy." Richard said.

"You were just a kid. You couldn't have. Trust me, I know." Black Canary said.

"What do you know?" Richard snarled.

"Well, for one, I know there are a lot of kids here. And most of them have bad backstories. They were all bullied, outcasted by society. And I know you'd get along with them if you tried." Dinah said.

"They don't like me." Richard said.

"Well then!" Black Canary got up, "Now is a good time as ever to make some new friends!"

"None of them will be." Richard said.

"Have you tried?" Canary asked.

"No." Richard muttered.

"How about we go try." Black Canary smiled.

"Okay, but no one will." Richard said.

"I have a feeling that that's not true." Canary replied.

I think this is one of the longest chapters I've written so far for this book.

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