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"So what's today's lesson plans?" Richard asked as he sipped a cup of coffee as they walked to Slade's classroom.

"A review of everything actually. We'll start new material in a few days." Slade said.

"Do you know what's for lunch today?" Richard asked.

"Pizza, I think." Slade said.

"Oooooh. That sounds so good!" Richard smirked.

"If by good you mean unhealthy, then yes." Slade said in annoyance.

Richard huffed, "Pizza is good. Don't matter if it's healthy or not. As long as it tastes good."

Slade rolled his eye.

"Anyways, class starts in fifteen minutes. Expect some early people." Slade said.

"Fine, I'm starting on my work though." Richard said.


The bell rang and the class was dismissed.

"Lunch time!" Richard smiled.

Slade rolled his eye.

"Oh, I know you want some pizza too!" Richard pushed.

"No, I don't. I'll get a salad." Slade said.

"Uhhhrrrr! You're too healthy! Get pizza for one day!" Richard smirked.

Slade sighed.

"One time, and only this once." Slade said.

"Yes!" Richard smirked as he fist-pumped the air. 

Richard immediately stopped walking.

"So, Richard, our next class is-" Richard zoned Slade out.

The chain tugged as it got to it's max distance.

"Richard?" Slade asked.

Richard was staring into the cafeteria. 

There in the cafeteria was Wally, talking, touching, and even kissed Artemis. 

Slade finally saw what Richard was seeing.

Richard just stood with a frown.

'Why wouldn't he tell his best friend?' Richard thought. 


Slade held the two trays of pizza and set them down onto the table of the teacher's lounge.

Richard just mutely sat down.

Slade slid a plate in front of him.

But Richard didn't do anything but stare at the pizza.

"Richard?" Barry asked with a frown on his face.

Richard didn't say anything, he just pushed his plate of pizza away.

He didn't want to eat right now.

Richard didn't hear much after that, but he knew Slade was telling them what happened, but he didn't care.


That night when the two got home, Richard didn't eat or say anything.

And later when they went to sleep, Richard had some  trouble falling asleep.

'Why wouldn't he say something?' Dick was confused. 


The next day, Richard got up with new hope.

Everything would be okay!

Wally didn't betray him. 

He probably just want some space.

He was probably embarrassed to tell Richard in front of a teacher.

Yeah, that was all!

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