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'It's a new day Richard! Make it a good one!' Richard smiled to himself as he straitened his shirt in his mirror.


"I'm SO glad you decided to finally meet me Richard!" Giganta smiled.

"Uhmmm...sure, yeah." Richard gave a half smile.

They were in the middle of the hallway.

He should've listened to the other kids.

Giganta cornered him in the hall.

"So! I wanted to know if you would join my class!" she smiled, giving him puppy eyes.

"I don't think so." Richard said and tried to move around her so he could get to class.

"HEY! Why not?" Giganta asked, moving into his way again.

"'Cause I don't like being FORCED into things!" Richard growled at her.

She was starting to get on his nerves.

"I'm not forcing; I'm asking." Giganta's eyes narrowed.

"No, you're forcing! You won't let me go to class unless I give you what you want! You're forcing." Richard growled angrily at her.

"Well, I know you don't like class anyways, I'm not bothering anyone. You don't like class, the class doesn't like you. It's a win-win!" Giganta smiled.

"No. I like the class that is going on right now. You know, the class that you're not letting me go to!" Richard started to yell.

"Well, you're someone I NEED to have! You have a great voice and talent!" Giganta put her hands on her hips.

"Yeah? Well, I don't want to!" Richard's eyes narrowed.

"I want you!" Giganta looked like she was about to kidnap him.

"NO! LEAVE ME ALONE!" Richard screamed.

"What the heck is happening here?" Barry showed up down the hall, quickly walking towards them.

"She won't leave me alone!" Richard growled.

"He's yelling at me! A teacher!" Giganta pouted.

"Giganta. He has anger management issues. You don't want him around your kids. It'd be bad." Barry said.

Richard growled even more.

"I can help him!" Giganta tried to get Richard again.

"No! Leave!" Barry's patience was thinning.

"I'll get you Richard. Mark my words!" Giganta growled.

She walked away.

Barry made sure she was a LONG way away and out of sight before he turned to Richard.

"Hey there. You okay?" Barry asked.

"She wouldn't leave me alone!" Richard frowned.

"Yeah. She's know for being a bit...grrrr." Barry laughed.

Richard was just looking down at the ground.

His bangs fell in front of his face.

"Hey there. It's okay. YOU'RE okay! I'm here. Come here." Barry opened his arms.

Richard immediately went and hugged Barry.

"There we go. It's okay. I'll talk to her later. She won't bother you again." Barry rubbed circles on Richard's back.

Barry heard a few sniffles.

"Richard, are you crying? Did she frighten you?" Barry asked and pulled Richard away from him.

Barry wiped the tears off Richard's face.

"No she didn't! I-I just..." Richard drifted off.

"Shhhhh. It's okay. Why don't you go get some sleep instead of my class." Barry smiled.

"W-Won't you get in trouble?" Richard asked.

"Nah. I won't count it against you either." Barry said.

Richard rubbed his eyes and smirked.

"Thank you."



Richard groaned as he got up.

'Time for class.' Richard frowned.

He REALLY didn't want to have to face Giganta again.

He sighed as he got up and got all his stuff ready.

'Well...a new start for today...Again.' Richard thought.


"Well look who decided to show up again!" Star Sapphire snared.

Richard groaned and got up from his desk and walked out.

He SO didn't need this right now.

"Awwwweeee. Is the cry baby ganna cry?" Star smirked as Richard walked away.

'Cry baby? No. Me? Maybe.' Richard thought.

'Today isn't a good day.'


"Hey. Wow. You look like shit." Slade greeted Richard.

Richard just groaned.

"Don't start. Please. Just don't!" Richard begged.

"What's wrong? You get into a fight with a 'friend'?" Slade asked.

"No. But I REALLY don't want to do this today." Richard frowned.

"Fine! Sit out for today. Or go to the bathroom and clean up!" Slade shook his head.

"That's IT! I'm leaving!" Richard suddenly burst.


"Wow. You've had a bad day." Black Canary said.

"NOOOOOOOO!!!! I had a GREAT day!" Richard said sarcastically.

Dinah laughed.

"So... we need to talk about this math class." Black Canary started.

Richard groaned.

"I HATE IT!" Richard screamed.

"Everything okay?" Barry poked his head in. "I heard screaming."

"Richard is just loosing his temper." Dinah said.

"Again?" Barry asked.

Richard pouted.

"Come here!" Barry held his arms out.

Richard got up and hugged him, burying his face into Barry's chest.

"I got you. It's okay." Barry smiled and rubbed circles on Richard's back.

Richard yawned.

"Someone is sleepy." Barry laughed.

Richard just nodded.


After Richard's therapy session, he left to go take a nap.

Meanwhile, Black Canary turned to Barry.

"How did you do that? Why does he let you hug him?" Dinah asked.

"I don't hug him. He choices to hug me. I just hold my arms open." Barry smirked.

"He won't do things he doesn't like. He's angry because he feels abandoned. He's sad because he's hurt people when he didn't want to. He's just a bit messy is all. Under all that anger and sadness is a boy that just wants to be loved." Barry gave a sad smile.

"I know that. He just won't accept it." Black Canary frowned.

"No. You're not doing it right. Just open your arms. Let him know that you're here for him. He'll come when he needs it. It takes a bit of time, but it'll happen. Act like he's a human being and not a bomb waiting to go off." Barry said.

Dinah nodded, listening to every word.

"Don't worry Dinah. He'll open up. He'll get better. The only thing I'm worried about is his temper and what will happen when Bruce comes to get him for break." Barry said.

"Yeah...break starts on Friday, right?" Dinah asked.

"Yep. I wonder how Richard is going to take that. Being with Bruce I mean." Barry sighed. "If only we knew what was going on at home."

"You know as well as I do that we shouldn't spy on him!" Black Canary scolded.

Barry laughed, "Yeah."

Well, I'm tired. lol

I wanna cuddle now...

Oh well!

Hope you enjoyed!!! :)

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