Chapter 1 "A New Adventure Begins"

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An anthropomorphic Hedgehog and a Two-Tailed Fox Faunus were seen running in a forest, trying to hide from their friends who were angry at the hedgehog, the hedgehog was known as (Y/n) Lilac son of Sash Lilac, and the Fox Faunus was known as Tails Prower he is (Y/n)'s older brother figure and one of his best friends.

[(A/n): Change the gloves and shoes to whatever color you want and pretend the Left eye is (E/c).]

Tails: This is why we shouldn't make girls mad (Y/n).

(Y/n): Just shut up and keep running!

The two friends kept running until they spot a tall tree.

Tails: Well, this could work. *Looks at (Y/n)* What do ya think (Y/n)? 

(Y/n): It's better than nothing, come on!

Tails used his two tails to fly and he picked up (Y/n) and flew to the top of the tree and lowered both of their auras and (Y/n) decided to get some sleep.

[(A/n): The way Tails carried (Y/n) and art not done by me.]

(Y/n): Man, this is what we need a nice break to relax.

Tails: Especially with your alter ego that wants to kill us for no reason.

(Y/n) has an alter ego that was created from his negative emotions and takes the form of his super form, the alter ego's name is Fleetway (Y/n). 

[(A/n): Change the gloves and shoes to whatever color you want.]

Fleetway: *Mentally* You really think you can hold me back? Well, tough luck (Y/n)! You can't get rid of me!

(Y/n): *Mentally* Shut up Fleetway. You'll never take control of my body so keep dreaming.

??? #1: Well hey there guys!

(Y/n): *Shocked* What the- How did you!?

??? #2: Eat this! Phantom Burst!!

(Y/n): WOAAHHH!!! *Dodges*


(Y/n)'s POV

I jumped before the blast hit me while Tails was now on the ground tired from flying too long once the blast died down the top of the tree was gone. That was both impressive and terrifying at the same time.

(Y/n):*Scared and Angry* SALLY YOU ALMOST KILLED ME!!

Fleetway (Y/n): *Mentally* I'm surprised I didn't take control yet.

Sally: *Tearing up* S-sorry Sonic [(A/n): The nickname (Y/n) goes by.] I only wanted to show off my full power. *Sniff*

This is Sally Basset [(A/n): Oc by SuperiorFox14] she is my Aunt Milla's daughter and one of my best friends, she is one year older than me, and she likes to play and hang with Tails, Tara, and Yuri but mostly with me. I hate making her sad and I don't like making my friends and family sad.

(Y/n): I'm sorry Sally, I didn't mean to yell at you. Can you ever forgive me?

Sally: If you take me out to eat sushi then yes I can.

Tails: Well, I'm sure that Sonic can do that for you and the others Sally. *Smiles*

Tails Prower is an undead two-tailed fox faunus, he is very smart heck he even made his own weapon and Gi based on his tech, he is one of my best friends/older brother figure and the adopted son of my father figure Xenophanes The Hedgehog, or as my family and I call him Xeno for short. Tails can use his two tails to fly and carry anyone and he even has a dark form similar to me and my mom.

(Y/n): Tails is right, that's a promise.

Sally then jumps at me and hugs me tightly. I know she's older but sometimes she acts like a little girl one of the reasons I like her but she can get serious whenever we are hurt.

Tara: Hey, what about us (Y/n)? That's not fair.

Yuri: Tara, it is fair he promised Sally, not us ok? And besides, we have more training to do so now. *Looks at (Y/n), Tails, and Sally* We all should go back because Aunt Milla is about to teach us to control our semblance, understand team?

(Y/n), Sally, Tails, and Tara: YES MA'AM!

Yuri Li [(A/n): Oc by SuperiorFox14] is the daughter of Neera Li and Neera is also my aunt. Yuri is one of my best friends, she keeps us safe from danger. She is 17 years old and she is our team leader of us we don't have a team name yet but I didn't care as long as I'm with my friends. She likes to read and meditate so that's nice.

Tara: *Whispering to (Y/n)* Hey, do you think Yuri is a little busy or is it just me? I mean I would rather play games with my favorite Prey.~ *Winks at (Y/n)*

This is Tara Tea [(A/n): Oc by SuperiorFox14] she is one of my best friends and the daughter of Carol Tea and Carol is also my aunt. She likes to hang out with me and acts lazy at times but that's one of the reasons I like her. She always calls me her prey because I'd always lose to her in tag and I don't use my super speed because I want to make it fair for her. And I keep this to myself but I have feelings for her, Sally, and Yuri but I don't know how to tell them so Tails is my wingman.

(Y/n): *Blushing a bit and Whispering to Tara* Tara, I know she is busy but she is the team leader, so she has to make sure we get stronger together.

Tails: *Whispering to (Y/n) and Tara* We need to pay attention to Yuri or she won't be happy with you two.

Tara: *Whispering* Whatever I can be a better leader than the ice panda.

Yuri: *In front of Tara and a little angry* What was that Tara? I'm a what?

(Y/n): *Mentally* Oh god not this again.

Fleetway (Y/n): *Mentally* This is too fun to watch.

(Y/n): *Mentally annoyed* Shut it Fleetway or I'll make you.

Tara: You heard me but if you want to hear me say it again I said I.CAN.BE.A.BETTER.LEADER.THAN.YOU.ICE.PANDA!

Yuri was now pissed off and I can't blame her begin called Ice Panda is not the nicest thing and especially when she hates that nickname.

Sally: PLEASE STOP FIGHTING!!! *Sad puppy eyes* I don't like it when my friends fight, so please stop.

I see Tara and Yuri looking at each other and Tails started to fly back to Aunt Milla to let her know we'll be late. I walked up to Sally and pet her head and scratch her dog ear, this always cheers her up.

(Y/n): It's okay Sally, they're not fighting only arguing with each other. *Looks at Tara* Tara, you need to apologize to Yuri, you know she doesn't like that nickname, I mean would you like it if I called you furball?

Tara: *Looks down* No I wouldn't like that. *Looks at Yuri* I'm sorry I called you ice panda Yuri, can you forgive me?

Yuri: Apogly accepted and we should hurry before we're late for training. *Looks at (Y/n)* Sonic can you..?

(Y/n): *Smirks* Consider it done. *Curls into a ball charges up and is glowing (F/c)* Girls hang on tight.

[(A/n): Change the color to (F/c).]

Tara, Sally, and Yuri got close to me and I grabbed their arms and ran at lightspeed to Aunt Milla's location. It was the usual day we train with Aunt Milla to control our semblance, Next Aunt Neera teaches us to fight with our weapons, Aunt Carol will teach us how to make cool gadgets which Tails enjoys, My mother would teach with hand-to-hand combat, and lastly, Xeno would teach us how to control our anger but mostly me since I have Fleetway (Y/n) in my head.

Milla: Hello Yuri, Tara, (Y/n), and *Looks at Sally* my little hound. *Hugs Sally*

Tails: Hey guys, sorry if I left without letting you know.

Sally: It's okay Tails, *Looks at Milla* Hello mommy *Hugs Milla* What are we learning today?

(Y/n): Yeah, I want to learn some new tricks. I'm ready for anything. *Smirks*

Milla: Nothing, the five of you have a break from your training so you can spend your free time on whatever you want to do. 

With that I see Tails walk to his lab underneath our treehouse, Tara went inside to beat Yozora, Yuri went to talk with Aunt Neera, and Sally wants to spend time with Aunt Milla.

(Y/n): Well, I'm gonna see if mom needs anything *Waves goodbye to Sally and Milla*

Sally: See you soon (Y/n), be safe ok!

(Y/n): *Mentally* I wonder if Xeno and mom would want to train with me, I know Aunt Milla said we can have a break but I would like to keep training but first some mental training.



(Y/n) was in the living room until he heard Tara yell in anger.

[(A/n): Spoilers for Kingdom Hearts 3 Remind Secret Boss]

Tara: *Shocked and Pissed off* WHAAATTT!?!?

Carol: You were so close but now you have to beat Yozora again.

(Y/n): Hey Aunt Carol *Looks at the TV* Ohhh, good luck Tara cause Yozora never loses I should know.

Tara looked at (Y/n) with a look that says "Don't say anything or you're dead". (Y/n) nervously chuckles and looks at back Carol to ask her something.

(Y/n): Aunt Carol, do you know where Xeno or my mom are? I want to see if they want to spar with me.

Carol put her finger on her chin to think where Xeno and Lilac could be after 20 seconds she remembered where the duo was.

Carol: They should be in the forest picking out fruits, hope that info helps you.

(Y/n): Thanks Aunt Carol *Bows* see ya later, love you Aunt Carol *Looks at Tara and blushes* love you too Tara.

(Y/n) ran with his arms behind his back running with his super speed to find Xeno and Lilac, leaving a blushing Tara who was trying to get the words out of her head. Carol looked at her daughter and saw how red she was, Carol knew what was going on with her.

[(A/n): (Y/n)'s running style.]

Carol: *Smirks* Looks like my kitten has a crush on (Y/n). *Smiles*

When Tara heard what her mother said and she was red as a tomato.

Tara: *Blushing* W-w-what me and (Y-Y/n), n-no he's just my friend that's all.

Carol: *Still smirking* Okay if you say so.

Carol knew that her daughter had feelings for (Y/n) but he has feelings for Tara, Sally, and Yuri, and the only reason she knows this because (Y/n) told her but asked her not to tell anyone. (Y/n) was running in the forest to find Xeno and Lilac until he found a hedgehog with dark blue quills and a purple-haired woman picking out cherries and he knew it was Xeno and his mother.

[(A/n): Pretend the blood is not flowing from Sonic.exe's eyes.]

(Y/n): *Walks up to Xeno and Lilac* Hey mom and Xeno, do you need any help picking out cherries? *Smiles at them*

Lilac: Oh (Y/n), yes would you mind getting the two baskets in front of me? *Points at two full baskets*

Xeno: We already got what we needed. *Picks up the rest of the baskets*

(Y/n): Okay mom. *Grabs the two baskets in front of Lilac*

Lilac looked at her son and noticed his gloves were a bit torn.

Lilac: (Y/n), what happened to your gloves? They look torn up.

(Y/n): Oh yeah, well me and the others got into some...trouble so my gloves got damaged as a result sorry mom. *Looks down*

Lilac's POV

Lilac: It is okay my little Dragohog, sometimes clothes just rip that's all. *Smiles and giggles*

(Y/n) smiled at me and Xeno. We start walking back home but I stopped looking at (Y/n), he has grown so fast that I can still remember that day when those MONSTERS cut his eye, and seeing his hedgehog form and lilac eye brings me back to that memory.

Flashback 8 years ago

I was taking (Y/n), my son to a hidden temple where I can heal his eye. It was long but we arrived and I can tell (Y/n) was scared.

Lilac: (Y/n), don't be scared, I'm here with you, *Smiles* and I won't leave your side,

(Y/n): *Scared*O-ok mommy.

I hold (Y/n)'s hand and we go inside the temple. Once we were inside I lifted (Y/n) into my arms because this is a temple there's no way of telling what could happen but I noticed he was looking at murals almost like he recognizes them after two minutes we found where we needed to be.

(Y/n): What's that mommy? *Looks at the empty tub*

Lilac: That is where you must go in *Cuts her finger* and this is the blood that will help you.

I see (Y/n) looking at me confused about something.

(Y/n): Mommy, did you have to do this before? Is it how you became part dragon?

Lilac: No (Y/n) I was born as a dragon but yes I did use this before but...times have changed now I have to use my blood to heal your eye ok. Now get in the tub, and if you feel anything just let it happen ok? *Smiles*

I see (Y/n) nod his head and went inside the tub once he was inside I dropped my blood in there and turned it on, it would take some time for his body to heal but mostly his will work I know it will. After a few minutes (Y/n)'s body was glowing almost like he was changing once it stopped I walked up to him to see if it worked and I was stunned to see him change from a human boy to look similar to Xeno once he opened his eyes I was happy and sad at the same time.

(Y/n): I feel weird but mommy is my eye fixed? * Smiles happily*

Lilac: *Sad* Yes is it but...* Pulls out a handheld mirror* It's not the same as before and your body as well, I'm sorry. 

I gave (Y/n) a mirror to show him how he looks, I expected him to be mad or sad but he looks at me with a happier look on his face 

[(A/n): Pretend the left eye is (E/c) and the right eye even if you can't see it is Lilac and change the gloves and shoes to whatever color you like.]

(Y/n): I LOOK SO COOL AND I HAVE MOMMY'S EYE *Looks at the mirror* I have a (E/c) eye and a Lilac eye and I have blue quills with purple tips. *Hugs Lilac* Thank you mommy I love you.

Lilac: *Hugs (Y/n) back* I love you too (Y/n), you're my son and I will always protect you.

Flashback Over

Lilac: *Mentally* Just remembering that day makes me happy and sad because having (Y/n) is the best thing that's ever happened to me but how I got him was sad no one should experience what he had to go through.

I felt Xeno and (Y/n) tap me on my shoulder and (Y/n) was looking at me with a worried look.

(Y/n): *Worried* Mom, are you okay? You've been looking at me since we left the forest and Xeno and I are worried about you.

Lilac: *Smiles* Yes (Y/n) *Hugs (Y/n)* I'm just happy to have you as my son.

(Y/n): *Hugs Lilac* And I'm happy to have a mother that loves me and a family that cares about my wellbeing.

Xeno: *Joins the Hug* I'm glad to have someone for Tails to see as a little brother. 

(Y/n): *Chuckles* Anyways, what's for dinner mom? I'm hungry.

Lilac: Oh yeah, we're going out to eat sushi your favorite.

I see (Y/n) get excited and used his speed to get home and take a shower, Xeno and I chuckled and he used his speed to get home while I used dragon boost to get home to get ready.

3RD POV Timeskip Shen Shaw Sushi

At the restaurant (Y/n) and Tara were talking about why Square Enix made Yozora too strong while (Y/n) was trying to explain they made it as a response to players asking for a hard fight but Tara was getting angry and yelling about how Square Enix wanted to make players rage quit.

(Y/n): I'm just saying Tara, they made Yozora strong for the players who wanted a challenge.

Tara: *Angry* SHUT UP (Y/N) I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!!!

Carol: Tara, please lower your voice and eat your food.

Tara: *Calms down* Sorry mom and thank you for the food.

The family was eating the sushi while Carol, Xeno, Milla, Neera, and Lilac were looking at each other and had something to tell their kids.

Neera: Kids there is something we need to tell the five of you. *Smiles*

Tails, Tara, Sally, Yuri, and (Y/n) looked at each other because this could be serious.

Yuri: What is it, mother? Is it the White Fang...

Sally: The Red Scraves...

Tara: The Aliens...

Tails: Decoy (Y/n)...

Half Fleetway (Y/n): Or that bastard Lord Brevon.

Xeno: What? no, it's just a note that we got for the five of you.

Lilac: Yes, and we might think you'll be happy to hear about it *Looks at (Y/n)* and (Y/n), you need to have better control of Fleetway (Y/n).

(Y/n): *Scared* Sorry mom it won't happen again. *Nervous laugh*

Carol: You see *Smiles* the five of you get to study at Beacon Academy!

Tara, Tails, Sally, and Yuri were excited to hear that but (Y/n) didn't smile and he was looking down as if he didn't want to go because of something. Lilac noticed this and wants to know what is bothering him.

Lilac: *Worried* (Y/n), is something wrong? You don't look so happy, what's bothering you my little Dragohog?

At this point, the whole family looked at (Y/n) who was still looking down.

(Y/n): It's just...I don't want to go there *Looks up* I...I don't know anything about that place and this is the only home I know since that day when I was seven years old. *Gets sad*

Everyone looked at each other because they remember the day when (Y/n) first came to the family. That's when Tara grabbed (Y/n)'s head and turned him to face her making him blush.

Tara: *Smiling* Come on Sonic, you need to come with us, we are a team, and without you wouldn't go because you're the reason we want to get stronger and stronger...

Tails: *Smiling* You're the reason we want to help others...

Sally: *Smiling* You're the reason we want to be huntress and huntsman...

Yuri: *Smiling* You're the reason we don't let our fears hold us back...

Tara/Tails/Sally/Yuri: And if anything happens we have each other's backs.

(Y/n) looked down, the family thought he was crying when they heard him sniff but when he looked up was smiling with a smile that looked pure of heart and soul.

(Y/n): *Smiling* Thanks guys *Looks at Carol, Milla, Neera, and Xeno* I'll go to show the whole world that my friends no my family are the reasons I'm strong, brave, free as the wind, and why I'm like *Looks at Lilac* my mother. Thank you mom, thanks for everything all of you did for me.

Lilac had tears of joy when (Y/n) said all of that, (Y/n) got out of his chair and walked to Lilac, and hugged her, Lilac hugged him back, so did everyone turning into a family hug because this might be the last time they see each other.

3RD POV Timeskip the Next Day

Tara was packing all her things so were Tails, Sally, and Yuri. But (Y/n) was looking at the family photos they took when he first joined the family and he was happy about everything that led up to today. Then Milla, Neera, Xeno, Carol, and Lilac were waiting for them the first person to be ready was Tara then Tails, Sally, and (Y/n), and lastly Yuri who was getting ready for a new adventure.

Carol: Tara, I want to give you something *Hands her some keys*

Tara: *Excited* Are you giving me your motorcycle?

Carol: No *See Tara gets grumpy* but I have made a custom motorcycle just for you.

Carol got a cube, presses the button on it, and threw it on the ground, and once it was finished it was a bike mixed with green and gold.

[(A/n): It looked like this pretend Lloyd isn't there.]

Tara: *Smiles* THANK YOU MOM I LOVE IT!!! *Hugs Carol*

Carol: *Hugs Tara* Please be good and don't get in trouble ok, my little kitten?

Neera: Yuri, I want you to have this.

Neera: It was gifted to me by my mother and now it belongs to you. *Hands Yuri the staff*

Yuri: *Tears in her eyes* Thank you, mom I'll keep it safe I promise. *Hugs Neera*

Neera: *Hugs Yuri back* I know you will.

Milla: I want you to have this Sally *Hands her a green liquid*

Sally: *Confused* What's this mom? *Looks at the liquid*

Milla: This potion will make you fly like Tails does with his two tails but only for ten seconds and here you go *Hands Sally a book* This book contains information about your semblance and if you want to learn some moves I know *Giggles*

Sally: *Hugs Milla and Smiles* Thank you, mom I'll read it when I get the chance.

Xeno: Tails, promise you'll keep an eye on (Y/n) okay? We don't know if THEY will be there.

Tails: No problem, Xeno I will keep him safe with the girls.

Lilac: (Y/n) I *Gets interrupted*

(Y/n): You don't need to say anything mom, your love and a family are all I wanted from you.

Lilac: I know but this is for your travels.

(Y/n): Are these for me? Because they look so cool!!

Lilac: I had Xeno and your aunts help pick them out *Remembers something* oh and here's something for you *Hands (Y/n) a box* open it when you're there at Beacon.

(Y/n): *Stunned* I don't know what say mom *Gets hugged by Lilac*

Lilac: Just say "Thank you" or "I love you" would be nice.

(Y/n): *Hugs Lilac* Thank you mom and I love you for everything, you're the best mother I could ask for.

After that (Y/n) Lilac, Tara Tea, Tails Prower, Sally Basset, and Yuri Li began walking to Beacon Academy and have begun a new adventure for them but (Y/n)'s past will return both bad and forgotten.


[(A/n): Alright Chapter one is complete and before we go to the next chapter, some Answers are needed "Who is Decoy (Y/n)?" Decoy (Y/n) is a robot built by Lord Brevon to copy (Y/n)'s looks and personality but was saved by (Y/n) and now is wandering around with no updates but is damaged in his arm. "Why did (Y/n) seem like he recognized the murals of the dragon temple?" Well (Y/n) is based on my OC Kai The Hedgehog and he is the son of Sonic and Amy. So (Y/n) [You] has foggy memories of his biological family. See you in the next chapter!!] 

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