Chapter 2 "Confronting Yourself & Your Past"

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Yuri's POV

Yuri: *Mentally* We have been walking for two minutes, it's a long trip but at least I have my friends *Turns her head* I mean Tara is stubborn as usual...Tails is too brave...Sally's too innocent...and (Y/n)'s too cocky for his own good *Closes eyes* But I love them because they're my *Interrupted*


I turn around and opened my eyes to see a beowolf running straight at me.


Yuri: AHHH!!

I closed my eyes again for the impact but felt a strong gust of wind and heard (Y/n) shout.

(Y/n): Stay the hell away from her!! *Shouts* SONIC WIND!!!

I opened my eyes to see (Y/n) in front of me attacking the beowolf with his spindash and uses some fire dust on his body to transform into his fire form.

[(A/n): Keep the white in the shoes but change the color for the rest and the gloves.]


(Y/n) created firey winds to kill the beowolf once he stopped the beowolf was nothing but ashes, (Y/n) reverted back to his base form and hugged me tightly making me blush and I think I saw him blush as well.

[(A/n): Pretend the eye is (E/c) and change the colors of the shoes and gloves.]

(Y/n): *Blushing* Are you okay Yuri? *Hugs her tightly*

Yuri: *Blushing* I'm fine Sonic, but where are the others?

Tails/Tara/Sally: We're right here.

I turned around to see Tails, Tara, and Sally walking to us and saw more beowolfs fading away.

Yuri: *Surprised* Did you guys kill the rest?

Tails: Yeah, Sonic told us to kill the rest while he helped you. *Looks at (Y/n) and smirks* Isn't that right buddy?

(Y/n): *Still blushing* Y-Yeah, that's right. *Chuckles nervously*

Yuri: *Mentally* Wow, I can't believe (Y/n) would do that for me *Remembers* "Stay the hell away from her!!" *Blushes even more*

I looked up to see Tails, Tara, Sally, and (Y/n) smiling at me. (Y/n) picked me up bridal style and this made me blush so was (Y/n) making me confused. Why is he blushing so hard and why am I doing the same?

(Y/n): *Blushing* We need to hurry before we're late, so let's kick things up a notch.

Tara: Ok *Pull the cube* Sally you're coming with me *Throws the cube to transform into the bike* hop on and let's go.

Sally: Ok Tara *Hops on the bike* Tails, (Y/n) are you two joining us?

Tails: Nah, I'll use my tails to increase my speed and I think Sonic will run carrying Yuri.

(Y/n): Thanks Tails, Let's go! *Starts running*


(Y/n) started running holding Yuri while Tails was using his tails to keep up with (Y/n) and Tara was driving her bike with Sally behind her. But Tara, (Y/n), Sally, and Yuri were thinking about each other.

Sally: *Mentally* Wow, (Y/n) is so cool, I wonder if he likes me?

Tara: *Mentally* Dang it mom, why did you have to tease me about this? Now I can't get him out of my head.

Yuri: *Mentally* Why am I blushing? Do I have a fever *Looks at (Y/n)* or do I like (Y/n)?

(Y/n): *Mentally* GAAAAHHHH!! Why can't I just tell the girls I like them!?


The five friends have been on the road for two minutes, Sally then spotted some people walking she looked closer and saw the airship where they were supposed to be.


Tara, Tails, and (Y/n) stopped and looked to where Sally was pointing and saw the airship. (Y/n) put Yuri down nicely and Tara and Sally got off the bike while Tara turns it back to a cube. Tails got his favorite soda Coca-Cola to refresh himself and the five friends started walking to the airship (Y/n) received some strange looks from the people inside he doesn't think about it much and understood he is the only one who is an anthropomorphic animal, there were around 21 people inside the airship. Tara stopped (Y/n), Tails, Sally, and Yuri to say something. 

Tara: Hey, how 'bout we take a photo? *Takes out her scroll* Ya know, to show our parents we made it safe and sound.

Sally: Please can we do it, Yuri? *Puppy eyes* Pretty please?

Tails: It's a good way to show our parents we arrived so yeah!

Yuri: Fine I'll do it, *Turns to (Y/n)* are you joining?

(Y/n): *Smiles* Yeah, of course!

The five friends get into a spot but (Y/n) and Tails decided to pose for the picture.

[(Y/n)'s Pose]

[Tails' Pose]

Tara: Alright say 'Cheese' *Takes the photo* Aw (Y/n), you look so cool in that pose. ~

(Y/n): *Blushing* T-thanks Tara.

AirPilot: Will everyone take a seat? We're about to take off for Beacon Academy. 

Yuri: We should listen to the Pilot, alright team?

Tara, Tails, Sally, and (Y/n) agreed to what Yuri said and sat on the floor waiting to arrive to Beacon. Sally was getting Bored and so was Tara, Tails was working on his arm cannon and Yuri was reading some books she brought from home to take her mind off of everything.

(Y/n)'s POV

I was walking around to see if I can make some new friends, mother did always say making friends in a new place always makes things better. I kept walking until I heard something on the news.

News Reporter: The robbery was led by the nefarious criminal Roman Torchwick, who continues to avoid Authorities.

 Half Fleetway (Y/n):*Mentally*  Damn it, that bastard continues his crimes. I swear to god I'll stop him from hurting innocent people including my Aunt Carol!!!

News Reporter: In other news, this Saturday's faunus civil rights protest turned dark when White Fang members disrupted the ceremony, The Red Scarves have been taking all the Dust from every known location, and a strange robot was seen in the Kingdom of Vale *Cuts Communication*

Hologram ???: Hello and welcome to Beacon. My name is Gylnda Goodwitch. You are among the privileged few who have the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy.

(Y/n): *Mentally* Well that was kinda an update for Decoy, I wonder if I'll see him soon.


I turn around to see who was shouting and when I saw who it was, I wasn't expecting to see THOSE FUCKERS be here of all places, and I could feel Fleetway (Y/n) taking control but I resisted.

[What you look like when Fleetway (Y/n) is taking control]

[(A/n): Change the colors of the shoes and gloves to whatever you want.]

Girl #2: *Struggling to get free* Yang, can you please put me down?

Yang: *Puts Her down* I'm sorry Ruby, I'm just proud of my little sister.

Fleetway (Y/n): *Mentally* Still won't let me take control?

I ignored Fleetway and started to walk to my friends until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see the little bitch.

Ruby: Hey, nice to see you again.

(Y/n): *Pissed and confused* Again? We never met before.

Ruby: From last night, remember? You helped me at Dust Till Dawn.

I was annoyed until I remembered Decoy (Y/n) can cloak to look like me, I see the blonde bitch walking towards me and I tried to walk to my friends but they were walking towards me.

Tara: Hey Prey. *Notices Ruby and Yang* Hi there, you are?

Yang: Oh I'm Yang Xiao-Long *Grabs Ruby with a hug* and this is my little sister Ruby Rose.

Tara: I'm Tara Tea, nice to meet you

Sally: I'm Sally Basset.*Smiles*

Tails: I'm Tails Prower and you can guess why *Shows off his two tails*

Yuri: I'm Yuri Li, it's a pleasure to meet you two *Looks at (Y/n)* and this is our friend (Y- *Gets Interrupted*

(Y/n): *Full control and angry look* Sonic, Sonic Lilac.

Yang: I'm sorry for my sister confusing you for what I'm guessing is your twin brother, *Looks at (Y/n)'s eyes* huh you have strange eye colors, one (E/c) and the other Lilac. *Smiles* That's pretty cool.

I started to walk away but THAT BLONDE BITCH HAD TO CALL ME.

Yang: *Seductive voice* Hey, where you're going hot stuff? *Puts her hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder* How about you come with me and I can show you a good time. ~ *Winks* 

At this point, I felt Fleetway take control.

Fleetway (Y/n): Shut the hell up slut, or I'll make you shut up!!


Fleetway (Y/n) lets (Y/n) take back control and walked away leaving a pissed-off Yang for calling her a slut  but being calmed down by Ruby who kept looking at (Y/n) and Tails noticed her.

Yang: *Pissed* Let me go kick his ass, Ruby.

Yuri: I'm so sorry about that, guess "Sonic" has let Fleetway take control again.

Ruby: "Fleetway?" Who's that?

Tara: Fleetway "Sonic" is his alter ego that takes control of his body whenever he's stressed or angry.

Tara, Tails, Sally, and Yuri went to see why (Y/n) let Fleetway take control leaving a confused Ruby and Yang but Ruby couldn't stop staring at (Y/n).

Ruby: *Mentally* Why does it feel like I know Sonic? His (E/c) eye looks so familiar to me. *Walks with Yang*

Sally's POV

Tails, Tara, Yuri, and I walked to where (Y/n) was sitting because we were worried about him, he lets Fleetway (Y/n) take control like that before.

Sally: *Mentally* (Y/n), why did you Fleetway take control like that?

We got to where (Y/n) was sitting, I see Tara approach him, and I can tell she is worried about him as well.

Tara: *Worried and Angry* (Y/n), what the hell was that all about? You never let Fleetway (Y/n) take control of you like that.

Hafl Fleetway (Y/n): *Angry voice* Leave me alone, I don't want to talk about it.

Tails: *Worried* Clearly, you want to talk about it but you're letting Fleetway (Y/n) influence you.

Yuri: Tails is right, now (Y/n) *Gets angry* Tell us now, that's an order.

Half Fleetway (Y/n): *Fleetway (Y/n)'s voice*  How about you shut up and leave me the hell alone!

I couldn't believe, (Y/n) the only guy I have feeling for was letting his evil side talk to us with such hate in his voice.  I see Yuri getting mad and ready to hit him.

Yuri: *Confused and Angrier* What did you just say to me?

(Y/n) got up and he turned his but when we saw his eyes were BRIGHT RED meaning Fleetway (Y/n) was about to take full control of his body and this scared me. 

[What you look like right now]

[(A/n): Change the colors of the shoes and gloves to whatever you want.]

Fleetway (Y/n): I...SAID...LEAVE...ME...ALO... *Gets interrupted*

Sally: *Sad* Please Sonic...tell us what's wrong. *Sobs* Please..

I saw his eyes go back to normal and he looked like he was about to cry and he hugged me.

[What you looked like after taking back control]

[(A/n): Change the eye to (E/c) and the colors of the shoes and gloves to whatever color you want.]

(Y/n): *Hugging Sally while blushing* I'm sorry Sally...please don't cry you know I hate it when you cry. *Turns to Tails, Tara, and Yuri* And I'm sorry to you three as well...if you want to hit me then I deserve it.

Yuri: No (Y/n), I'm not going to hit you.

Tails: We're your friends man, we care about you and your well-being.

Tara: We just want to know why you'd let Fleetway take control of you that easily. *Hugs (Y/n)* Just talk to us man, please.

(Y/n) took some deep breaths and looked down. This made me worry even more, He lifted his head ready to tell why he let Fleetway take control of him.

(Y/n): The two girls you just met...were my former "Sisters."

When he said that I was shocked that those two girls were the ones who hurt (Y/n). I feel angry at myself for believing they were nice, I looked at Tails, Tara, and Yuri and they were PISSED OFF. I walked up to (Y/n) and hugged him, Tails, Tara, and Yuri joined in as well.

Sally: (Y/n), I'm so sorry I didn't know it was them.

Tails: I should've guessed from the way you've acted.

Tara: That's you used your nickname, you didn't want them to know it's you. I'm sorry Sonic, I should've known.

Yuri: We'll protect you, we promise.

(Y/n): *Blushing* Thank you, guys. Really you've always helped me whenever I need you. *Smiles*


Tara, Tails, Sally, Yuri, and (Y/n) stayed together until they arrived at Beacon Academy, everyone in the airship was getting bored. After one hour the airship landed and everyone started to get out. Tara, Sally, and Yuri were heading to the academy's entrance while Tails and (Y/n) stayed behind because they noticed a guy with blonde hair throwing up in a trash can and the two friends walked to the guy to see if he was okay.

Tails: Hey mister, are you okay? *Hands the guy a water bottle* Here, you need this more than me.

Blonde Guy: Yeah, I'm fine. *Grabs the water bottle* And Thanks for this.*Notices Tails' two tails* woah, you have two tails that's so cool!

The blonde guy was drinking the water and Tails was chuckling because having someone say his two tails were cool and (Y/n) smiled.

(Y/n): Yeah it is, but anyways not used to flying eh? *Goes to his bag to find a snack he could eat*

Blonde Guy: Yeah, pretty much, and what about you two?

Tails: Well I was similar to this.

(Y/n): And I was fine my first time but that's because Tails carried me when he was flying with his two tails. *Eats a Protein bar*

Blonde Guy: *Looks at Tails and (Y/n)* Thank you again you guys, the name's Jaune Arc, short, sweet and rolls off the tongue ladies love it. *Holds his hand out* What are your names?

Tails: I'm Tails Prower the name given to me when I was born. *Shakes Jaune's hand*

(Y/n): I'm (Y/n) Lilac, but my friends call me Sonic because I look like him. *Shakes Jaune's hand* And do ladies love it? Not to sound rude but that's kinda funny.

Jaune: They do...well, I hope they mom always says th...never mind.

(Y/n): *Puts his hand on Jaune's shoulder* Hey man, maybe they will soon, if your mom said it's true then it's gotta be. *Smiles* Besides mother always knows best.

Tails: Yeah, Sonic should know that because his mother is one of the kindness women in the world with his aunts.

Jaune: Thank Sonic and Tails, do you guys wanna be friends with me? I don't have many friends.

Tails and (Y/n): Sure man, we'll be your friends.

Jaune smiled at his new friends and they started walking to the academy's entrance, talking about how they grew up while (Y/n) had to tell half-truths but how he grew up with his new family and with his old family and the reasons why they want to be huntsmen.

Jaune: Also what are your weapons? I kinda want to see them.

Tails: Alright, *Activates his arm cannon and shows it to Jaune* This is my arm cannon and it works very well with my semblance.

[Tails' arm cannon]

Jaune: Well that's so cool, *Turns to (Y/n)* what about you Sonic?

(Y/n): Well, I was trained in hand-to-hand combat but also trained with weapons so I'm a balanced fighter.

Jaune: Well, that's pretty cool and smart when you lose your weapon *Gets interrupted by an explosion* WHAT WAS THAT?!


(Y/n), Tails and Jaune ran to the courtyard to see what cause that loud explosion. When they got there it turned out to be a girl with white hair and...Ruby.

(Y/n)'s POV

We saw a girl in white yelling at...Ruby, at first I wanted to leave her to cry like the bitch she is but that would make Janue think I'm a jerk. So I walked to the girl who was yelling at Ruby.

Ruby: I'm really, really sorry!

White-Haired Girl: *Anrgy* Ugh, you complete dolt! What are you even doing here? Aren't you too young to attend Beacon?

(Y/n): And you are too old to be screaming a like child?

Ruby giggled at what I said and then I see the white-haired girl turns to face me she was PISSED.

White-Haired Girl: *Angry* Are you the one who said that to me?

(Y/n): Yeah, and don't make me angry because I could ki *Gets interrupted*

White-Haired Girl: *Anrgy* Do you know who I am?

Tails: Not really Princess...

Black-Haired Girl: It's heiress actually. Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company. One of the largest producers of energy propellant in the world.

Fleetway (Y/n): *Mentally* Oh boy, another bastard to kill!

(Y/n): *Mentally Ignoring Fleetway (Y/n)* Wait Schnee, as in the same family that said shit about mine, damn it no wonder that sounds familiar. Great another pain in the ass that being Jacques' daughter.

Weiss: *Smiles* Finally, some recognition!

Black-Haired Girl: The same company for its controversial labor forces and questionable business partners.

(Y/n): *Mentally* Damn, this girl knows her stuff.

Weiss: *Angier* Wha-how dare-the nerve of. UGH!

Weiis walked away from us all pissed off, I sensed the Black-haired girl leaving but I guess me and Tails are the only two who noticed.

Ruby: *Sad and lays down on the floor* Welcome to Beacon.

Jaune: Hey are you alright? *Extends his hand out to Ruby*

Ruby: Yeah I'm fine, thanks to *Looks at (Y/n)* WAIT SONIC?!

Jaune: *Confused* I know his nick- *Gets interrupted*

Tails: Yeah, you're welcome Rose.

Ruby walks close to me and shakes my hand very fast making me annoyed.


(Y/n): *Getting pissed* Let go of my hand and we'll call it even, got it?

Ruby lets go of my hand and said sorry to me.


(Y/n): *Calmed down* Jaune, Tails and I need to see if our friends need us so see ya later. *Starts walking*

Jaune: Okay, see you guys later!

Tails: *Worried* Sonic, are you ok?

(Y/n): I'm fine Tails, really.

Tails was worried but knows when I need to calm down. Tails and I were walking to the entrance because I didn't want to stay with someone who can make me be taken over by Fleetway (Y/n). I had my hand over my right eye because it started to hurt I can normally control both my anger and Fleetway (Y/n) but now with THEM HERE it's near impossible.

Tara's POV

I was getting worried about (Y/n), he's usually with us but I guess we ignored him but I didn't see Tails either so I guess (Y/n) isn't alone. I closed my eyes to see if I can feel their aura and lucky for me they were nearby but (Y/n)'s felt dark almost similar to Fleetway's but still the same. I opened my eyes to see Tails and (Y/n) and (Y/n) had his hand over his right eye.

Tara: Hey girls *Gets Sally and Yuri's attention* I found (Y/n) and Tails, they're over there. *Points to (Y/n) and Tails' location*

Sally: *Shouting* TAILS, SONIC OVER HERE! 

Tails get (Y/n)'s attention and he looks at us. (Y/n) gets happy and starts running to us with Tails following him. I always want him to be like that with none of that sadness.

Tara: *Hugs (Y/n)* Where have you been? Don't you know how much you made me worry?

Sally/Yuri: Made "you" worry?

At this point, I realized what I said and I was hugging (Y/n) too much, and he was blushing while Tails was smirking at this.

Tara: *Nervous* I mean us, yeah that's what I meant to say. You've made us worry too much. *Nervous laugh*

Tails: *Sarcastic* Sure, Tara, sure.

I soon heard the sound of a microphone and I hate that sound, I cover my cat ears and I see Tails, (Y/n), Sally, and Yuri covering their hedgehog, fox, dog, and panda ears as well. I look up to see Ozpin the headmaster of Beacon Academy.

Ozpin: *Microphone* Ahem...I'll keep this brief, you have all traveled here today in search of knowledge

Tara: *Mentally* Boring.

Ozpin: *Microphone* To hone your craft and acquire new skills and when you're finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you all and I see is wasted energy in need of purpose, directions. 

Tara: *Mentally* Ok hold on old man, me and my friends are wasted energy? I mean our family helped a robot copy of my best friend and took down Lord Brevon.

Ozpin: *Microphone* You assume knowledge will free you of this but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so is up to you to take the first step,

I see the headmaster leaving the stage and the lady named Gylnda stepping up the stage to tell all of us something.

Gylnda: *Microphone* You will gather in the ballroom tonight and tomorrow your initiation begins, so be ready. You are dismissed!

We started to leave but (Y/n) was standing still.

Tara: Hey Sonic, what's wrong? Are you okay?

(Y/n): Yeah, I'm fine it's just...The headmaster's aura was...strange.

Yuri: What do you mean by that Sonic?

(Y/n): I'm sure but I think he's hiding something.

Tails: Well, we'll have to see where we're headed soon. *Yawns*

Sally: We should go and put our stuff away and get some rest, okay?

We all went to the ballroom and rest for the night, but I couldn't stop thinking about what (Y/n) said. About the Headmaster's aura.

3RD POV Ballroom

Everyone was getting a spot where they wanted to sleep for the initiation tomorrow.

Tara: Hey Sally, Yuri have you seen (Y/n) and Tails?

Sally: Yes, they're in the locker room.

Tara: Why?

Yuri: Tails said to put their stuff away and that he had a surprise for us.

Tara and Sally turn to see that Ruby and Yang are next to where they were sleeping.

Tara/Sally: *Mentally* What are they doing here?!

Yang: It's like a big slumber party!

Ruby: I don't think dad would approve of all the boys, though.

Yang: I know I do. *Purrs*

Then Yang just remembered what Ruby told her a few hours ago.

Yang: Hey Ruby, didn't you say that Sonic helped you out with the Ice Queen?

When Sally, Tara, and Yuir heard that, they now knew why (Y/n) was mad.

Sally: *Whispers to Tara and Yuri*So that's why he was mad, he was helping Ruby.

Tara: *Whispering* That would make sense.

Yuri: *Whispering* I hope he's okay.

The girls were thinking if their crush was okay because they'd never seen this side of him before not even Fleetway (Y/n) could make (Y/n) that angry almost as if he was holding himself back.

(Y/n): Hey girls, is everything alright?

Tara, Sally, and Yuri look at (Y/n) to say something but stopped when they saw his appearance.

[(A/n): Pretend he has the purple tips in his quills, the left eye is (E/c), the right eye is Lilac, and the shoes, gloves, and clothing is whatever color you want.]

(Y/n): *Blushing* Please stop staring, I don't feel comfortable in this form.

The three girls were deep in their thoughts blushing really hard.

Tara: *Mentally* OH MY GOD HE'S SO CUTE! *Tail wagging* Tails, whatever you did I owe you one buddy.

Sally: *Mentally* OMG OMG OMG HE LOOKS SO ADORABLE! *Tail wiggles*

Yuri: *Mentally* Maybe mother was right, maybe (Y/n) is my type.

Tails: Well, it looks like my invention worked but it'll only last for the night.

Tara: *Blushing* Y-yeah, but next time Tails. Let us know. L-let's get some sleep alright?

Yuri: *Blushing* I-I agree w-with Tara.

Sally: *Blushing* G-good night everyone.

(Y/n): *Blushing* S-sure why not? I mean Weiss is throwing a tantrum so we should sleep. *Gets inside his sleeping bag* Good night girls. *Whispers* I love you.

With that everyone was asleep but a certain headmaster was looking into (Y/n)'s files.

Opzin: Now let's see *Grabs files* Ahh here it is, (Y/n) Lilac. Hmm, could he be their lost son?

Gylnda: Should we call his parents that he's here?

Ozpin: No no, not yet *Smiles* I want to surprise them that Mr.Rose is in my school ready to attend.

Gylnda: Understood, good night sir. *Leaves*

Ozpin: Good night Gylnda. *Looks back at (Y/n)'s files* Lilac, why does that name sound familiar, why does Mr.Rose look different than in his old photos, and why does he have odd eye color?

???'s POV Location: Vale

I picked up (Y/n)'s life reading and I was getting ready to see him again after a long time but will he remember me?

???: It's the only chance I have to fix my arm and show my gratitude to him and his family for saving me.

[(A/n): Change the color of the gloves and shoes to whatever color you'd like.]

Decoy (Y/n): I hope he'll want to be friends, it's the least I owe him for saving my life.

I activate my rocket boosters to fly over to (Y/n)'s location and land in the emerald forest so I can lay low for now. 

Decoy (Y/n): Mentally* This seems like a good resting spot. *Goes into sleep mode*

(Y/n)'s POV Location: Dreamworld

I was in the dream world and I already knew who brought me here.

[Your Appearance in the dreamworld]


I sensed Fleetway's aura nearby and I got ready but felt pain in my chest.

(Y/n): *In Pain* W-what?

Fleetway (Y/n): *Mentally* Let's sing one song.

[Confronting Yourself]

[(A/n): Sonic = (Y/n) and Fleetway Sonic = Fleetway (Y/n).]

After we finished singing Fleetway left me alone and I finally went to sleep ready for tomorrow's initiation.


[(A/n): MY GOD! I've been typing since I woke up lol. Anyways Chapter two is done so the reveal of Decoy (Y/n) was supposed to be in the next chapter but I thought it would be better to explain how he was already in the emerald forest. See you guys next time!!]

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