Chapter 3 " Dragon-Hedgehog Hybrid Finds His Flame" Part 1

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(Y/n)'s POV

I was trying to move but I couldn't, it was like something or someone was on top of me I moved my left arm to feel what was on top of me, I felt a face so at least I know it was a person but who is now the question.

(Y/n): *Mentally* Who is on top of me? *Wakes up and sees everyone packing up* Wait, what time is it? 

I looked at the clock near me and 2:20 PM!!!

(Y/n): *Mentally* CRAP!! WE OVERSLEPT!!!

I raised my head and saw it was Yuri on top of me making me blush and shocked but I didn't care because we were so late.

[The face you're making]

[(A/n): Change the colors of the shoes and gloves to whatever you want.]

(Y/n): *Shouting and blushing* YURI YURI WAKE UP!!! WE'RE SO LATE!!! *Shaking Yuri*

I see Yuri waking up and so were Tails, Tara, and Sally getting up as well.

Yuri: *Still sleepy* (Y/n), go back to sleep or I won't let you eat.

(Y/n): *Blushing and Confused* Yuri, what are you talking about??

Yuri opened her eyes to see me holding arms, at first she closed them again but after a second look at me she freaked out, and so I was freaking out in my head.

(Y/n): *Mentally* GAAAHHH!! WHY IS THIS SO HARD?!?!

Yuri: *Blushing* (Y-Y/n), what are you doing in my sleeping bag?

(Y/n): *Blushing* Ummm...Yuri, this is my sleeping bag, and you were sleeping on top of me.

Tara/Sally: *Shocked* WHAATT?!?!


Tails started laughing his ass off and making me blush even more.

Sally: Yuri, why were you sleeping on top of (Y/n)?

Tara: Yeah, you said we shouldn't do to him.

Yuri: *Embarrassed* It's not my fault, I was rolling and  I don't know how I got on top of him.

(Y/n): *Calming down but still blushing* Ummm girls, can you talk about this later? Because we're so late for the initiation!

Tails: (Y/n)'s right, so I'll go ahead and grab my stuff.

Tara, Sally, and Yuri looked at each other and came to an agreement. We began packing our sleeping bags and our stuff. Once we finished we went to the locker room to get our weapons and Gis.

Tara: Well, I'll see you guys later I already got my stuff for this. 

[Tara's Gi and Weapon]

Sally: I'm coming with you, I already have my Gi and weapon with me. *Smiles*

[Sally's Gi and Weapon]

Yuri: I'm coming as well, mother's weapon can shrink and I always wear my Gi. *Looks at Tails and (Y/n)* We'll see you two at the cliff.

[Yuri's Gi]

Tails and I walked to our lockers to get our Gis and get my daggers but I remembered Xeno taught me to summon my weapons from anywhere so I only had to see what my mother packed in the box for me. To be honest, I'm only doing this for my mother, I want to be strong like her, and protect those who can't protect themselves.

(Y/n): *Mentally* I wonder how mother is doing right now? She, Xeno, and my aunts really need a break. *Smiles* Hard to believe me, a hedgehog-dragon hybrid former human who came from an abusive and neglectful family, and then I'm the adopted son of the heroine of The Dragon Valley, god I have a nice life...

Ruby: I finally get to leave my Crescent Rose to do the all-talking for me.

Half Fleetway (Y/n): *Mentally* ARE YOU SHITTING ME?!?!

(Y/n): *Mentally* Calm down (Y/n) just grab your things and go to your friends, easy right?

I walked to my locker which was next to the Bitchy Rose.

Yang: So Ruby, do you think you're ready for the initiation? *Excited* If you pass it you'll be the first youngest student to join Beacon!

Ruby: I'm ready and I'll try my best to pass the initiation. *Notices (Y/n)* Oh hey Sonic and Tails, did you guys sleep well?

Tails: Yeah, we slept fine, oh and Sonic is 15 years old so he'll also be the youngest student to join Beacon but he's very strong and smart for his age.

(Y/n): *Annoyed* Thanks Bud, can you move Xiao-Long? My locker is next to you. *Mentally* Damn it why does my locker have to be next to her?

Yang: Oh sorry about that handsome. *Realized* Hey, why did you call me Xiao-Long? *Smirks* Is it because we're going to yanging soon?

Fleetway (Y/n): *Mentally* Permission to kill?

(Y/n): *Mentally* Permission denied, seriously why did she say that? I knew it, she is very dumb.

I facepalmed because of that dumb pun the slut made, even Tara can make bad puns but I like  hers because she's one of my crushes and best friends.

Tails: Hey Sonic, I'll be waiting for you outside the locker room. I already have my Gi and you know my weapon is in my glove.

[Tails' Gi and Symbol]

[(A/n): Pretend the headband has the symbol.]

Ruby: So Sonic, what do you have in your locker?

(Y/n): *Annoyed* What's in my locker is my business, not yours.

Yang: *Gets angry* Hey, you don't have to be a dick to my sister. She just wants to know what you got.

I opened my locker and the red box that my mother gave me when Tails, Tara, Sally, Yuri, and I left fell on my head, it didn't hurt much. Hell, it didn't hurt at all.

Yang: Woah, are you okay?

Ruby: *Picks the box and hands it to (Y/n)* Here you go Sonic.

(Y/n): *Takes the box from Ruby and bows* Thank you for picking and giving it back to me.

Ruby: It's nothing really. *Looks at the box* So, what's in the box?

I opened the box to see what my mother had picked in it and there was a new Gi with (F/c) and some shoulder armor.

[(Y/n)'s Gi and Symbol]

[(A/n): Pretend the symbol is on the Gi replacing the dragon symbol and the green on the Gi and the symbol is (F/c).]

(Y/n): *Mentally* Woah, Mom made a new Gi for me. *Smiles*

I put on my Gi and although I felt uncomfortable in it, I was doing fine, and I think I won't wear the hood but at least I can feel the breeze blowing on my face.

Yang/Ruby: Wow, you look cool in that Gi.

I looked at the box and there was something else, a brown and gray-looking bag and a note. I read the note in my head in case it had my name so THEY can't hear it.

Dear (Y/n)

I hope you like the Gi I made for you, I know you said that you don't feel comfortable wearing clothes but I wanted to make sure you don't get cut in your quills and skin. I hope it fits you, Also I gave you Medicine of the Mountain, and be sure to give some to the others okay My little Dragohog.

Love mom

(Y/n): *Mentally* Thank you mother and I like the Gi.

I put the note in my quills [(A/n): From what I've seen in other stories and from Sonic Media that Sonic, Shadow, and Silver put items in their quills.] and put the medicine near my belt to keep it safe.


Yang: What's in the bag and what did the note say?

(Y/n): *Annoyed* The note was from my mother and the bag has nothing to do with you. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go to my friends. *Walks away*

(Y/n) walked to the cliff with Tails waiting for him at the exit for the initiation. Yang was angry at (Y/n)'s behavior towards her while Ruby was thinking about him.

Ruby: *Mentally* Why does his left eye look so familiar and why does he hate us? I wonder who he is because I feel like 'Sonic" isn't his real name.

Timeskip Cliff

(Y/n) and Tails were running to the cliff to see what their friends were doing and if there are any rules for the team-up. (Y/n) and Tails saw Tara, Sally, Yuri, and even Jaune waiting.

Sally: *Worried* I wonder if (Y/n) is going to be okay with those monsters here.

Tara: Don't worry Sally, (Y/n) is much stronger than he was before, and don't forget he's a hybrid of a hedgehog and a dragon and is the son of our aunt Lilac and the nephew are our moms and uncle Xeno who are the greatest fighters in the world.

Yuri: Tara's right Sally, and if they try to hurt him, then we'll protect him.

Sally smiled at her friends showing her confidence. She looked back to see Tails and (Y/n) running toward them.

Sally: Hey girls it's *Interrupted*

Jaune: *Shouting* HEY TAILS,(Y/N) OVER HERE GUYS!!

Tara, Sally, and Yuri were surprised and confused that Juane knows (Y/n)'s real name and that he was shouting it but thankfully nobody was listening to him.

Tails: *Looks at Jaune* Hey man, long time no see.

(Y/n): Did you sleep well last night?

Sally: Uhhh (Y/n), why does the blonde guy know your name and why did you tell him?

(Y/n): *Nervous* Well, I kinda told him by accident but trust me he's cool. Also, me and Tails met him when he was throwing up in the trash can *Smiles while shrugging nervously*

[What were you doing]

Tara: Okay that's cool. *Looks at Jaune* Well, I'm Tara Tea nice to meet you, sir. *Extends her hand for a handshake*

Jaune: It's nice to meet you too *Shakes hand* I'm Jaune Arc *Notices Tara's cat ears and tail* Woah, you're a cat faunus that's so cool. I'd never seen one in person. *Looks back at Tails* Well, I guess I already met a faunus with you Tails.

Tara: Thanks, it's nice to meet someone who's not a faunus hater.

Yuri: I can agree, it's nice to see someone with a good heart. My name is Yuri Li and as you can see I'm a panda faunus.

Tails: You already know my name but, I'm Tails Prower and I'm a two-tailed fox faunus.

Sally: And I'm Sally Basset and I'm a hound faunus.

Jaune: Wow you guys look cool *Looks at (Y/n)* You're lucky to have faunus for friends (Y/n).

(Y/n): They're not just my friends, *Looks at Tails, Tara, Sally, and Yuri* they're the best family and friends I could ask for. *Smiles* 

Tara, Sally, and Yuir noticed the Gi (Y/n) was wearing and were surprised to see him wear clothes.

Tara: *Surprised* Woah, I didn't expect you to be wearing clothes or Gi soon.

Sally: *Surprised* Yeah, where did you get that?

(Y/n): *Blushing* Well, my mother made it for me in case I come across something dangerous. *Chuckles and remembers something* Oh, that's right mother gave me some Medicine of the Mountain in case we need it.

Yuri: That's a good idea, in case we get into trouble.

(Y/n): *Looks at Jaune* Jaune, I'm going to need you to call me Sonic, okay?

Jaune: *Confused* Sure, but why do you need me to call you by your nickname?

(Y/n): Trust me, I'll tell you soon but for now, just call me Sonic.

Jaune understood what his friend said and won't push him. Everyone was now waiting for Professor Ozpin's instructions.

Ozpin: For years, you have trained to become warriors, and today your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest.

Gylnda: Now, I'm sure some of you heard rumors about the assignment of teams well, allow us to put an end to your confusion each of you will be given

(Y/n)/Ruby: *Confused* What? *Groans*

Ozpin: These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon, so it's in your best interest to be paired with someone whom you can work well with. That begin said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years.

Ruby felt her world crash when she heard all the new info.

Ruby: WHAT?!?!

Ginger-Haired Girl: See, I told you!

(Y/n): Ok, if we just have to see the first person to team up. Then I'll just cover my eyes.

Everyone looked at (Y/n) who started to pull out an (F/c) bandana and covered his eyes.

(Y/n): *Cocky and smirking* Okay, I'm ready to start.

Gylnda: Mister Lilac, this will be *Interrupted*

Ozpin: *Smiles* It's okay Mister Lilac, you'll be allowed but how will you see?

(Y/n): It's alright, I have a cool skill that my mother and aunts taught me.

Ozpin: Okay, *Looks at everyone* after you have paired up make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will meet opposition along the way, do not hesitate to destroy anything in your path, or you will die.

Fleetway (Y/n): *Mentally* Still, won't let me take control?

(Y/n): *Mentally* Nope, never letting you take control.

Tara: Ummmm, Professor not to interrupt, but can we start the initiation already, please? I'm getting sleepy here.

Weiss: *Angry* Will you shut up, you *Interrupted*

Ozpin: Oh why of course. But first, all of you will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path containing several relics, each pair must choose and return to the cliff. Any questions?

Jaune: Uh, yes sir. *Interrupted*

Ozpin: Good! Now, take your positions.

Everyone but Jaune got into battle positions.

[Your battle position]

[(A/n): Pretend the eyes are covered by a bandana and the shoes and gloves are whatever color you want. Pretend the left eye is (E/c).]

Jaune: Um, sir? I have a question. *Gets interrupted by Weiss getting catapulted in the air*

(Y/n): Hey Jaune, I would the questions for now but the main idea for the landing strategy-. *Gets interrupted by Jaune getting catapulted in the air and screaming like a girl*

And with (Y/n) and everyone else was sent flying into the forest not knowing they'll encounter new dangerous grimm and aliens never before seen.

Ozpin's POV

I watch as Mr.Rose was flying in the air, I must say he has grown and his body has changed from a human to a hedgehog so I can why Ms.Rose and Ms.Xiao-Long don't recognize him.

 Gylnda: Ozpin, do you want me to call Taiyang to let him know his son is here in Beacon?

Ozpin: Yes, please do Gylnda let them know that he's strong, well, and alive.

Gylnda: Yes sir, I'll do it right now.

Ozpin: Thank you Gylnda. *Mentally* I can't wait for them to reunite and be a happy family again.


As Ozpin was calling (Y/n)'s old "Family", Decoy (Y/n) was activated and started to follow either Tara, Tails, Sally, Yuri, or (Y/n)'s life readings before choosing to follow Tara and Yuri.

Decoy (Y/n): Alright, here goes nothing. Time to find (Y/n) and his friends so they can repair my arm.

Decoy (Y/n) activated his rocket boosters to fly into the air to find his organic counterpart and his friends but stayed hidden to avoid anyone.

Decoy (Y/n): *Mentally* Well, this just got hard, time for plan B. *Activate cloak form* [(A/n): Decoy (Y/n)'s cloak form is just how (Y/n) looks, so don't expect any different.]

Cloaked Decoy (Y/n): Well, better get moving. *Starts running toward Tara and Yuri's location*

Now back to (Y/n) who was dealing with something.

(Y/n)'s POV

(Y/n): Damn, they just keep coming. It's like they want me dead. *Mentally* No matter, just more training, and more fun for me *Outloud* ALRIGHT DON'T HOLD ANYTHING BACK NOW SO COME AT ME!!!

Nothing came close to me, making me think I scared them off I made my daggers disappear and I ran to my friends' location to team up with them. While I was running I remembered what my mother told me about the Grimm.

Flashback ten years old

I was running from a beowolf that was chasing me when it looked at me


My mom and Uncle Xeno turned around and looked at the beowolf, I thought they were going the help me but Uncle Xeno chuckled while my mom...smiled making me scared and frighted at why they didn't freak out. I felt the beowolf jumped at me and wasn't letting me go, I looked at it and feared this would be my end...but nothing happened instead I was getting licked on my cheek I opened my eyes to the beowolf licking me and smiling.

(Y/n): *Confused* I don't understand, why is it licking me?

Xeno: I guess you've found Sally's pet. *Picks up the beowolf of (Y/n)*

Lilac: We would like you to meet Miss.Stompy. *Smiles*

(Y/n): *Even more confused* Wait, I don't get it, *Looks at Miss.Stompy*she's good beowolf, and I thought Grimm wants all of us dead.

Lilac: No my little dragohog, see not all Grimm are bad. They're just misunderstood, see when Miss.Stompy was chasing you, she didn't get her claws out, did she?

(Y/n): *Shakes head* No, mom she just chase me.

Xeno: I can relate to the Grimm, I used to be misunderstood but I have a good heart in me. So remember (Y/n), all Grimm has a good heart, and it depends on your actions.

Flashback over

Since that day, I never hurt a grimm that hasn't done a thing. Thank you mother for teaching that along with Uncle Xeno.

(Y/n): Well, since there are no Grimm nearby I should-. *Hears screaming* What was that? I need to help that person before they're hurt. *Dashes to the source of the scream*

I ran to whoever was screaming and I could tell it was two people in danger but I couldn't see them because the bandana covered my eyes.

??? #1: *Scared* Stay back.

??? #2: Don't worry Velvet, I got your back.

When I heard that I was smiling, this Velvet person has a good friend.

Velvet: *Shouts* COCO LOOK OUT!!! 

I was about to attack the grimm but felt a familiar breeze go past me.

[Start at 3:12]

??? #3: Take this!!

I know that voice from anywhere because it sounds like...mine!

(Y/n)?: Are you two okay?

Velvet: *Shy* Who are you?

(Y/n): DECOY?!?!

Decoy (Y/n): *Turns his cloaking off* Well well well, it's good to see you (Y/n) Lilac. How have you been?

(Y/n): *Smirks* I've been well Decoy. What about you?

Coco: Ok, can someone explain what is going on here?

(Y/n)/Decoy (Y/n):'s a long story.

 Decoy and I were about to explain our relationship but were interrupted by a roar. We turned around and...saw around ten robots that belonged to Lord Brevon but were infused with Grimm DNA. I saw Coco and Velvet get ready to fight them but they were confused about what they were.

Coco: *Confused* What are they? I'd never seen them before.

Velvet: *Confused* They look like robots but different.

(Y/n)/Decoy (Y/n): They're mine!! *Dashes into the Grim-bots killing them*

Decoy and I were attacking the Grim-bots killing them one by one and we both used our combined attacks to destroy any Grim-bots left behind.

(Y/n)/Decoy (Y/n): *Shouting* CROSS SLASH!!!

[(A/n): The attack (Y/n) and Decoy (Y/n) used.]

After we finished destroying the Grim-bots, me and Decoy told Coco and Velvet to go back to their team while we ran to find my friends. But something's not adding up, is HE alive? He can't be,  I saw HIM die with my own eyes. Did HE survive the explosion?


[(A/n): Alright, Part one of Chapter three is done, so I'll try to work on part two soon. Sonic3399 signing out peace!!]

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