Chapter 11 "(Y/n) Lilac vs Shade Robotnik"

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Shade's POV Location: Ozpin's office

Shade: Hmph, hello blue hedgehog.

(Y/n): *Surprised* SHADE?!?!

(Y/n) looked at me in the eye and I could tell he was surprised to see me.

Shade: *Smirks* I, the son of the Ultimate-Life Form, Shade Robotnik will show you the ultimate pow-. *Gets interrupted*

(Y/n): How have you been softie? *Chuckles*

Shade: *Cold tone* I know you didn't just call me a softie.

At this point, I was in front of (Y/n)'s face and I could see he wasn't afraid, he did have the face of a nervous but calm person.

(Y/n): Sorry Shade but you know you can't keep that a secret forever.

Shade: Hmph, whatever...Here's your chaos emerald. *Tosses a green emerald to (Y/n)*

(Y/n): Woah, Shade we can't show the Chaos Emeralds to everyone on this planet.

Professor Ozpin: *Confused* What is a "Chaos Emerald"?

I looked at Professor Ozpin and was about to say something but (Y/n) spoke in a serious tone.

(Y/n): *Serious tone* The Chaos Emeralds are seven powerful gems with unlimited power and they can be used for both good and evil. *Looks at Shade* Now, let's start our fight, shall we Shade?

Shade: *Smirks* You have no idea what you're up against.

Professor Ozpin: I'm sorry Mr. Robotnik but you and Mr.Lilac can't fight now, it's the middle of the night, and everyone including the two of you should get some rest.


(Y/n): *Serious tone* No Professor Ozpin, we will fight today at the initiation where my family and I first started.

Professor Opzin: *Confused* But why, wouldn't the two of you prefer to see the other students watch you fight?

Shade: *Looks at Ozpin* Look Professor, I wouldn't expect a human to understand but the blue hedgehog and I would prefer no one watching us fight as a method to protect them from the power we have.

Ozpin's POV

Ozpin: *Mentally* I wonder if these two children are what we need to stop Saleem and her Grimm.

I was going to say something to Mr.Lilac and Mr. Robotnik but heard someone speak.

???: Woah, calm down you two. We don't want a repeat of last time, do we?

I see Mr.Lilac and Mr. Robotnik were both confused about where the voice came from until a spiral of flames appeared and there was a hedgehog with cat features in the middle of my office

[Pryo The Hedgecat]

???: It's been a long since the last time we were in one room, hasn't it (Y/n)?

(Y/n): *Smirks* Hey Pryo, long time no see.

Ozpin: And who might you be young man?

Pyro: I'm Pyro The Hedgecat, prince of the Sol Dimension and I act as a Guardian of my world's jewels the Sol Emeralds with my mother's help. And I'd been given permission to attend Beacon with Shade but I'll be taking the original initiation because I rely on my powers too much.

Opzin: Well then, I welcome you to Beacon Academy your majesty.

Pyro: No need to be formal with me Professor, just treat me like any other student.

Ozpin: *Looks at (Y/n) and Shade* I'll allow the two of you to fight today but don't hurt yourselves too much, understood?

(Y/n)/Shade: Understood.

3RD POV Timeskip is brought to you by Chibi (Y/n) trying to learn Cyclone in his own way

It is morning and everyone is getting ready for class, back with Team Sonic Yuri, Tails, Tara, Lucy, and Sally were wondering where (Y/n) is and why hasn't he returned to the Dorm.

Sally: *Worried* Guys, do you think (Y/n) got in trouble?

Tara: Don't be silly Sal, Professor Ozpin is a chill dude. I think he would understand.

Tails: *Mentally* My scroll is detecting two chaos energy signatures...Could it be? [(A/n): Tails was able to hack his scroll to match his Miles Electric back on Mobius.]

Yuri: Tara's right and maybe (Y/n) went to class early.

Lucy: I know my brother and that doesn't sound like him.

Sally: Lucy's right, he would at least let us know he would go to class early.

Yuri: *Sighs* Let's just get ready and you'll see that he's in class already.

Sally looked at Yuri and Lucy with a worried look on her face but she wasn't the only one the whole team was worried but they know that (Y/n) wouldn't get expelled from Beacon just because of him breaking lots of treadmills. They finished getting changed and started walking to class when they got there, Ruby and Yang saw that (Y/n) wasn't with his team and got worried as well. Yang walked up to Yuri with a confused and angry look on her face.

Yang: Hey Yuri, where's our brother?

Tails: *Mentally* Oh my god, this bitch doesn't know when to quit.

Yuri: I don't know, he went to Professor Ozpin's off last night and-. *Gets interrupted*

Tara/Lucy: And He's not your brother/And he's MY brother, not yours.

Yang: *Angry tone* Why you-.

Before Yang could finish her sentence, the seven of them heard something from a random team.

Random Student #1: Did you guys hear what happened last night?

Random Studnet #2: Yeah, I heard that (Y/n) got into a fight with the new student who claimed to be the son of the Ultimate-Life Form.

Random Student #3: *Surprised* REALLY?! Like the son of the Ultimate-Life Form, the Ultimate-Life Form is Shadow. What happened to them?

Random Student #4: Well, the son of the Ultimate-Life Form wanted to fight (Y/n) and only (Y/n).

At that point, Yuri, Tara, Lucy, Sally, Yang, Tails,  and Ruby ran to the four students that were talking about (Y/n).

Yuri/Tara/Lucy/Sally/Yang/Tails/Ruby: *Shouting with worry* WHERE'S (Y/N)?!

Random Student #4: *Scared and confused* W-well, I-I've heard h-he's at the Infirmary.

Yuri, Tara, Lucy, Sally, Yang, Tails, and Ruby ran to the Infirmary, they had scared and worried expressions on their faces, and they wanted to know if (Y/n) was okay. Once they arrived at the Infirmary they saw Team JNPR and Glynda with Weiss and Blake outside of the room (Y/n) was in.

Jaune: Can we please go in?

Gylnda: Sorry Mr.Arc but only those who are family and teammates are allowed in.

Sally/Lucy: *Worried* What happened?

Decoy (Y/n): No clue, but we do know that (Y/n) is with the two new students in there.

Tails: *Mentally* Okay, my scroll is going crazy with the chaos energy signatures and...Wait, Sol Energy? IT CAN'T BE!!

Ruby: *Walks up to Gylnda* Can we please go in? *Worried look* We just want to see if our brother/friend is ok.

Gylnda: *Sighs*  Fine, but don't think that I'm not aware of what you and your family did to that poor boy.

Ruby looked down knowing that all of the Professors are aware of what she and her family did to (Y/n). Gylnda opened the door and the first thing everyone saw was a bandaged-up (Y/n) holding his left arm, and bandaged-up Shade, and Pryo who had no wounds on him.

Shade: I wish I could kill you...*Shouts* FOR CALLING ME A FUCKING SOFTIE!!!

(Y/n): Hey, at least you didn't get caught in an explosion of chaos energy in your face. *Shouts* YOU COULD HAVE KILLED EVERYONE!!!

Shade: *Calms down* Well, maybe if you didn't call me softie I would have never used my Chaos Blast on you.

Pryo: I'm with (Y/n) here, you need help with your anger Shade.

Pyrrha: *Confused* Uhhh, are we interrupting something?

When Pyrrha said that (Y/n), Shade, and Pryo are now aware that Team RWBY, Team JNPR, and the rest of Team Sonic are inside the room. The first thing that happened was Yuri, Tara, and Sally jumped onto (Y/n) kissing him while crushing his bones and ribs. 

(Y/n): *In pain but happy* Girls stop it, you're hurting me. *Chuckles*

Tara: *Gets off of (Y/n) while blushing* Oh my god,  so sorry (Y/n).

Yang: *Looking at Tara* "We won't hurt him" my ass.

Sally: *Looks at Yang* It was an accident okay.

Yuri: At least we don't torture and beat him like you and your family did to him. 

When Pryo heard that he was enraged but stayed calm.

Yang: *Angry tone* Okay, you're done bitch!

Ruby/Weiss/Blake: *Shouting* YANG NO!!!

Before Yang could even punch Yuri, Pyro threw a fire orb and Shade threw a Chaos Spear close to Yang while (Y/n) was in his semi-dark form.

Semi-Dark (Y/n): Like I said Xiao-Long, if you harm my family I will make suffer a fate worse than death.

Pryo: I know we just met and all but if you hurt my cousin's girlfriends, *Shouts* I WILL BURN YOU TO ASHES!!!

Shade: I agree with Pryo if you hurt them. *Shouts* I WILL SHOW WHY MY FATHER'S POWER IS CALLED THE ULITMATE POWER!!

Everyone but (Y/n) looked at Pryo and Shade with scared and confused expressions on their faces. Weiss walked up to Shade and Pryo

Weiss: Who are you two?

Pyro: I'm Pryo The Hedgecat-. *Gets interrupted*


Pryo: *Covering his ears* Yes, it's us Uncle Tails, and hey Lucy.

Shade: *Whispering but blushing* Why is Lucy here? Perfect, just perfect. 

When Tara, Sally, and Yuri looked at Shade they saw similarities to...

Tara/Sally/Yuri: Wait...YOU LOOK LIKE SHADOW!!!

Shade: Well, I am his son after all.

Ren: Can you explain what happened to you, (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Sure you see-. *Gets interrupted*

Pryo: I'll explain it. You see what happened...

Pyro's POV Flashback Location: Emerald Forest

We all just reunited and Professor Ozpin was in the elevator with us until (Y/n) spoke up.

(Y/n): How about I just Chaos Warp us there?

Professor Ozpin: That's okay by me, Mr- I mean Sonic.

(Y/n): Okay, Grab onto me.

Shade, Professor Ozin, and I grabbed onto (Y/n)'s arm and he brought his Chaos Emerald to Chaos Warp to the Emerald forest.

Professor Ozpin: So that's how Sonic and his friends are able to teleport.

(Y/n): *Looks at Ozpin* Just keep g holding on Professor, I'll teleport you to the cliff.

Professor Ozpin: Then let's go, Sonic.

(Y/n): Chaos Warp! [(A/n): Decided to retcon the Chaos Control to Chaos Warp because it's confusing that there are two Chaos Controls, one to teleport and one to stop time.]

When (Y/n) left I wanted to talk with Shade before I start on my initiation.

Pryo: So Shade, how are your parents?

Shade: They've been fine, what about yours? 

Pryo: They've been...Fine ever since Mobius was...Destroyed by that demon. *Celnches his fist* I could have done something.

Shade: *Puts his hand on Pryo's shoulder* None of us didn't know that was going to happen, Pryo it's not your fault.

Before I could reply (Y/n) came back.

(Y/n): Sorry if I took so long, Pryo you can go. *Looks at Shade* Now, let's get this show on the road Shade! Don't hold anything back now! *Transforms into his light-speed form*

[Your Light-Speed Form]

Shade: Come at me! *Gets into a battle stance*

[Shade's Battle Stance]

[Play this song]


(Y/n) and Shade dash into each other while Pryo went to do his initiation.

Light-Speed (Y/n): Not bad, Shade not bad at all. But can you handle THIS?! LIGHT-BLAST!! 

A blast of blue energy appeared within (Y/n) damaging Shade while he teleported away from the blast.

Shade: Not bad (Y/n), that actually hurts. But eat this CHAOS ARSENAL!! [(A/n): Another skill from Sonic Stop-Motion Adventures.]

Ten red versions of Chaos Spears appeared and were locked onto (Y/n) and he knew this from the last they trained with each other.

(Y/n): Time to run. *Dashs off*


The red Chaos Spears charged at (Y/n) but he summoned his Katana to deflect the spears and kept running even passing Pryo.

(Y/n): *Mentally* Alright, just gotta make it count. *Outloud* SONIC BURST!!!

Then a blue tornado appeared causing Shade to be lifted into the air and was attacked by afterimages of (Y/n).

(Y/n): What's wrong Shade, can't keep up?

Shade: Shut it!! CHAOS CONTROL!!!

Time was frozen and Shade used this to his advantage by punching and kicking (Y/n) before time reverted to normal.

(Y/n): Ow, not bad Shade, but take this. *Runs back*

(Y/n) dashed back at Shade and Shade tried to punch him but (Y/n) was running around him making Shade dizzy and then delivering quick jabs and kicks to Shade.

[Like this]

(Y/n): *Cocky* What's wrong softie, getting tired?

Shade: *Enraged* THAT'S IT!!! CHAOS BLAST!!!

(Y/n): *Crying out of fear* WAITTTT!!!

[What you're doing]

[(A/n): Stop the song.]

Flashback over Location: Infirmary

Pryo: And that's why we're here.

Decoy (Y/n): *To Shade* You got anger problems, man.

Shade: Shut up, Decoy!!

Tara: *Confused* Wait, how do you know Decoy Shade?

Pyro: Decoy was built by Eggman to help us find (Y/n) but he was MIA for a long time.

Tails: Wait, no wonder Decoy looked so familiar to Metal Sonic, he was built by Dr.Eggman!!

Tara: So Decoy is a Badnik? Well, that's so cool!

Decoy (Y/n): But if I'm a badnik, then why can't I remember that?

Yuri: Something tells me that Lord Brevon captured you and wiped your memories of your old life.

Shade: I have a question for (Y/n).

(Y/n): What's up?

Shade: *Serious look and tone* I heard about that Phantom and the strange Grimm when you took the initiation and that you defeated the Phantom with your super form, but something tells me that we'll be seeing more of them soon. Do you think HE is alive or dead?

(Y/n): I...I don't know but I'll be ready.

Pyro: (Y/n), I know you're worried and all but-. *Gets interrupted*

(Y/n): You're right Pryo, I am worried not just about me... I'm worried about Aunt Carol, Neera, Milla, Mom, Dad, Tara, Sally, Yuri, Lucy, and Uncle Tails *Looks at Shade and Pyro* I don't want them to get hurt again. That's why I want-no NEED to get stronger to protect them.

Shade: How about that Chaos Union trick? That might turn the tables.

Tails: I doubt it, we don't have all seven emeralds so the Chaos Union is useless.

(Y/n): Well right now, we need to focus on our studies.

While (Y/n) and Shade were resting after their battle Infinite and Xain were watching them.

Saleem: So, who are those two hedgehogs?

Infinite: the Black one is Shade the son of the "Ultimate-Life Form" Shadow The Hedgehog and Maria The Hedgehog and the grey one is Pyro The Hedgecat the son of Silver and Blaze The Cat.

Xain: I assume you and the Alien's team are ready?

Lord Brveon: Don't talk to me like that Demon!

Xain: *To Lord Brevon* Talk to me like that again and  I'll make you relive your death over and over until you give up!!! 

The camera pans over to ten shadow figures and the one in the middle left eye ignited like a flame while three of them had glitches around them.


[(A/n): Alright chapter Eleven of Freedom Mania RWBY is complete, and the three shadow figures are confirmed to be Phantom Clones, what will happen next? Find next time See ya later!]

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