Chapter 3 "Dragon-Hedgehog Hybrid Finds His Flame" Part 3

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Yuri: *Tearing up* No...This can't be...Tell me this isn't true.

Tails: *Tearing up* I promised my best friend I would look after his son, and I let this happen!

Tara: *Tearing up* Why did you do it? It should have been us.

Sally: *Crying* No*Sobs* you were  everything to us *Falls to her knees* but now you're gone

Ruby: *Crying* Why did it have to be you? *Sobs*

Yang: *Tearing up* Damn it...If I knew it was you...I...I'd. *Low voice* I don't know anymore.

[(Y/n)'s body]

[(A/n): Pretend the shoes and gloves are whatever color you want.]

Ruby: *Crying hard* Little...Brother why....why did you leave us again?

Tails, Tara, Sally, Yuri, Ruby, and Yang were grieving for someone close to them and the person none other than (Y/n) Lilac, but how did someone with so much confidence meet his end? Let's rewind to 30 minutes ago to find out.


Weiss' POV 30 Minutes ago

Sonic: I have an idea to stop the Deathstalker.

Those were the words I heard from this blue freak. I don't why he's even here and with Ruby, they're both too young for this kind of fight but something about Sonic seems off.

(Y/n): But I need Weiss and Yuri for plan A, then Yang, Ruby, Decoy, Tara, and Sally for plan B, and then Tails, Pyrrha Jaune, Blake, Nora, and Ren for plan C.

Weiss: What, why would I want to go with that freak? *Points at Yuri*

Decoy Sonic: *Angry* Do you want to die? Because I will kill you for calling my friends freaks you flat-chest bitch!!!

Weiss: *Angry and shouts* WHAT DID YOU CAL- *Interrupted*


I looked at Sonic whose eyes are blood red, this scared me because I'd never met someone like him. I shut my mouth so I don't get yelled at again.

Sally/Tails: *Worried* Sonic, are you okay?

Sonic: *Eyes go back to normal and calms down* Yeah, I'm fine you two. Now as I was saying if you guys do what I ask of you, we can get out of here and pass the initiation got it? *Looks at everyone* Do you trust me?

I had no other choice but to listen to this freak if I want to make it out alive. I looked at everyone else and they seem to agree with this. Sonic starts to explain his plan to stop the Deathstalker once and for all.

3RD POV Timeskip

Everyone got to their places like (Y/n) told them to. Yuri and Weiss were the first to go.

Yuri: *Hiding from the Deathstalker* Ok Weiss, do you remember what to do?

Weiss: *Hiding from the Deathstalker* Yes, I do remember. Now can you stay quiet so it doesn't see us?

Yuri: Why do you and your family hate us, what did we ever do to you?

Weiss: Can we just focus on this? And I got nothing to say to you.

Yuri was annoyed at this but stayed focused on the plan and threw a rock to get the Deathstalker's attention. When the Deathstalker turned around seeing Yuri and Weiss and it started to charge at them. Yuri and Weiss started running but the Deathstalker used its stinger to catch them both, but Yuri and Weiss went down different paths to confuse the Deathstalker. Weiss started loading Ice Dust onto her rapier and fires it at the Deathstalker, freezing half of the body in place and Yuri used her Ice Semblance to freeze the other half of the Deathstalker.

Yuri: *Mentally* Yes the plan worked, just like (Y/n) said it would.

Yuri's POV Flashback

Weiss: *Confused* Are you sure it'll work?

(Y/n): Yes, if Yuri uses her Semblance and you use your Ice Dust to freeze the Deathstalker in one place, the others can attack the weak spot and I'll charge my Light-Speed Blast to finish it.

Yuri: But what makes you so sure it'll work?

(Y/n): *Cocky* Come on Yuri, since when my plans don't work?

I gave (Y/n) a "Is that even a question" look making him nervous.

(Y/n): *Nervous* Don't answer that, but I need around 15 minutes to charge my Light-Speed Blast.

At this rate, I would take any plan anyone has even if it's risky and from (Y/n).

Weiss: Fine, but if I get hurt- *Interrupted*

(Y/n): *Confident* Don't worry and if you do, I'll be there to rescue any of you before you can even blink.

3RD POV Flashback over

(Y/n): *Shouts* ALRIGHT YOU DID IT!!! *Looks at the others* OK, IT'S YOUR TURN TEAM A!!!

Yang, Tara, Decoy (Y/n), and Sally jumped down from the tree they were hiding from. Yang and Decoy started firing at the Deathstalker's body making it weak [(A/n): You'll see how that's possible soon.] Tara used her Semblance to transfer her electricity to her pistols and Ruby loaded Lightning Dust to her Crescent Rose and they both fired at the Deathstalker making it roar in pain. Sally charged her Phantom Burst and fired it at the Deathstalker, the blast cuts the Deathstalker's tail off making sure it would have no way to grab or throw anyone.

Yang: *Prideful* Alright, it worked!

Tara: *Mentally* Wow, it actually worked just like (Y/n) said. Since did he get this smart? I guess he was spending too much time with Tails he got smarter. 

Ruby: So, Sonic was right about freezing it and then cast Lightning on the Deathstalker making it lose strength and making our attacks do damage.

Sally: *Mentally* I will always believe in you (Y/n).


Yang: That's not going to work Sonic and you know that, right?

(Y/n):  *Puts his hand on his hip* What makes you so sure about that?

[Your pose]

[(A/n): Pretend the eye is (E/c) and the shoes and gloves are whatever color you want, and I'm going to reuse some sprites. And I don't care if you don't like it.]

Yang: if my shots didn't hurt it last time, what difference would it make if the Deathstalker is frozen?

(Y/n): If the Deathstalker is frozen then the cells inside should be weak and vulnerable, and when I was a kid and would train with Tails and Tara, Tara would leave scratch marks on me, and She and Tails would use their semblance on me making my body weak and useless.

Ruby: So, what you're saying if Decoy Sonic and Yang leave wounds and me and Tara hit the Deathstalker with electricity we could win?

Tara: *Playfully smacks Ruby on the head* Yes Red Riding Hood, that's what Sonic is trying to say.

Sally: What do I Sonic?

(Y/n): *Looks at Sally* You'll use your Phantom Burst to cut off the Deathstalker's tail, okay?

Flashback over

Sally, Tara, Tails, and Yuri ran over to (Y/n) to see if he was ready to kill the Deathstalker for good.

Tails: Sonic, do you have enough strength?

Sally: Because I don't think everyone else can hold on much longer.

(Y/n): Not yet guys, I need more time.

Tara: How much time do you need?

(Y/n): I think about two or three minutes.

Yuri: *Looks at Tails, Tara, and Sally* Let's lend (Y/n) our strength.

Tails, Tara, and Sally agreed to what Yuri said and formed a circle around (Y/n) lending their strength to him. (Y/n) felt his power increase faster than before and his Light-Speed manifested into an aura around his body, (Y/n) looked at Tails, Tara, Sally, and Yuri smiling.

[Your Light-Speed Aura]

[(A/n): Pretend the eye is (E/c) and the shoes and glove are whatever color you want.]

(Y/n): Thanks for giving your strength guys, but save some for yourself.

Tails, Tara, Sally, and Yuri looked at (Y/n) happily that can they can help each other again like when they were back home. (Y/n) looked at Pyrrha, Tails, Blake, Jaune, Nora, and Ren for the final plan.


Pyrrha and Jaune were the first to go, they started to cut off the Deathstalker's legs before it could break free from the ice cage and Tails made sure to use Ice Dust to create another layer of ice to keep the Deathstalker frozen [(A/n): Tails was using his tails to use the Ice Dust.] while Blake and Ren cut off its claw to make sure the Deathstalker does break free but Nora was missing until she appeared in front of (Y/n).

Nora: *Appears in front of (Y/n)* Hi Sonic.

(Y/n): WOAH!!! *Falls down on the floor and looks at Nora* Where the heck did you come from? 

Sally: Did you appear here magically? [(A/n): No kidding, HOW DOES NORA DO THAT?!?!]

Nora: *To Sally* You could say that. *Looks at (Y/n)* So, can I really break the Deathstalker's legs? 

(Y/n): *Sweatdrops* Yes you can, just make sure that it doesn't get away.

Nora: *Happy Tone* YAY, YOU'RE THE BEST SONIC!!!

Nora ran back to the Deathstalker while (Y/n) was getting more power from Tails, Tara, Sally, and Yuri. Nora started to hit one of the Deathstalker's legs while Pyrrha and Jaune were done cutting off the two legs, Ren and Blake were almost done cutting off the claws until Tails ran out of Ice Dust and the ice cage was melting, and the Deathstalker roared loud enough to break the rest of the ice. Tara, Tails, Sally, Ruby, (Y/n), Weiss, and Yang saw the Deathstalker break out of its Ice Seal, and Pyrrha, Jaune,  Nora, Blake, and Ren started to run back before they could get caught but Blake was unfortunately caught by the Deathstalker and it held her tight in its claws and the only she could do was to scream for help.

Blake: *Shouts* SOMEONE HELP ME!!!

Jaune: *Looks at (Y/n)* Sonic, you have to do something!

Yuri: He still needs more energy if we want to kill the Deathstalker.

Ruby: *Worried* But if we don't do something, Blake could die!

(Y/n)'s stress was taken to the highest point that Fleetway (Y/n) took over his body and teleported to attack the Deathstalker saving Blake before (Y/n) took back some control not to hurt her before Fleetway regained control.

[Your Fleetway-Super Form]

[(A/n): Pretend the shoes and gloves are whatever color you want.]

Fleetway-Super (Y/n): *Laughs insanely* YOU CAN'T STOP A GOD, DIE!!!!! *Fires ten energy blast at the Deathstalker Laughing* HAHAHAHAHA, NOTHING CAN STOP ME!!!! I AM FLEETWAY (Y/N), THE MANIFESTATION OF THE HATRED INSIDE OF (Y/N)!!!!!

Ruby and Yang were shocked to hear that Sonic's real name was (Y/n) and they couldn't believe they abused him to the point of his hatred towards them manifested in this dark form.

Ruby: *Shocked and scared* T-that's....(Y/n)?!?!

Yang: *Mentally* We made him hate us to the point his hatred manifested into Fleetway. I don't want to believe this.

Fleetway (Y/n) started attacking the Deathstalker repeatedly not noticing he was getting wounded and when he did, he let (Y/n) take back control right before the Deathstalker grabbed and threw him to a tree knocking him out with the many wounds on his body it was very unlikely he would survive. Fleetway (Y/n) killed the Deathstalker and turned to Ruby and Yang getting ready to kill them before a sword pierced his chest killing him instantly.

Tails: *Shouts* NOOO!!! Sonic, I'm sorry that I failed again. DAMNIT!!!!

Everyone looked at Tails confused and sad about why did he say (Y/n)'s nickname?

Ruby: *Confused and sad* What do you mean by "I failed again"?

Tails: *Looks at Ruby and sighs* I'm not from Remnant and neither is (Y/n).

Sally: *Confused and crying* What *Sobs* do you mean you and (Y/n) aren't from Remnant?

Tails: Our original home planet was Mobius and (Y/n)'s father was my best friend Sonic The Hedgehog or as Tara, Sally, and Yuri know him as Xenophanes. Our planet was destroyed by an unknown force and most of us died but (Y/n) was sent through an interdimensional portal to Remnant changing his body when Lilac healed his eye his body changed back to its original form. 

Everyone was shocked to hear that (Y/n) and Tails are from a fictional world and that (Y/n)'s biological father was Sonic The Hedgehog.

Now you know what happened to (Y/n) Lilac or (Y/n) The Hedgehog as his birth name was revealed to everyone and how he met his end because of his Alter Ego...or did he? Find out what happens next right now!

Yuri: *Crying* I'm the worst *Sob leader and friend to (Y/n) and I don't know how Xeno will react when we tell him his son died.

Tara: *Crying* It should have of *Sob* been me that died not him.

Tails: *Sad and angry* I wish I wasn't immortal so that I could have taken the hit.

Sally: *Crying hard*Why did you let Fleetway *Sob* take control? You promised you'd *Sob*come back to us.

Everyone put their hands on Tara, Sally, and Yuri's shoulders but they shook them off not wanting to hear what the others wanted to say, all they wanted was see to their friend alive.

Weiss: *Looks down* I'm sorry...I know I wasn't the nicest person...but I can tell you lost someone close to you... I'm truly sorry.

Tails: *Angry* This feels like when I thought Sonic was dead fighting Infinite and here I am, not doing anything to save his son.

Jaune: I know I have known him since yesterday...but he was a great guy and one of my first friends here.

Pyrrha: We're sorry that he died like that. *Looks down*

Ruby: *Crying* I just want my brother back, please come back.

Yang: *Looks at Tails, Tara, Sally, and Yuri angrily* This is your fault!!

Everyone eve Ruby looked at Yang pissed off, she started walking to Tara, Tails, Sally, and Yuri ready to yell at them but was stopped by Tails who was crying after a very long time protecting his friends.


[(A/n): The only that matters is Tails' pose. Art is not done by me.]

Yang: *Shouts* GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!

Tails: *Shouts while crying* NO!!! IT'S NOT JUST ME AND MY FRIENDS' FAULT, IT'S ALL OF US.

Ren: Tails is right, we are all to blame not just them.

Yang calmed down and looked down not wanting anyone to see her cry... But then they heard footsteps from the left and saw a gloved hand picking the sword that killed (Y/n) and it belonged to...

Decoy (Y/n): (Y/n)?!?!


[(A/n): Pretend the eye is (E/c) and the shoes and gloves are whatever color you want.]

(Y/n)?: Heh, too easy my master will be pleased to hear this.

Jaune: Who or what is that? That's not (Y/n).

Tails: *Disbelief* It can't be...A Phantom Clone?!?!

Blake: *Confused* Phantom Clone? What's that?

Tails: A Phantom Clone is an illusion created by the Phantom Ruby but Sonic, his version from another dimension, and Gadget destroyed it a long time ago, so a Phantom Clone shouldn't be here.

Yang: Whatever it is, I'm going to kill it for killing my little brother *Gets stopped by Ruby*

Ruby: No we can't, not today we already lost our brother and I don't want to lose you too. Yang, Please.

At first, Yang didn't want to run away but understood her sister's pleas, everyone started to run to Beacon but Tara, Sally, and Yuri didn't move from their spots they want to share the same fate as their loved one.


The three girls didn't listen because they were deep in their thoughts while repeating the same words to themselves.

Sally: *Softly* I'm sorry (Y/n)...But I'll see you soon.

Tara: *Softly* I wish I told you how much I like you but now, it's too late.

Yuri: *Softly* We'll see each other in the next life.

Phantom (Y/n): Finished your prayers? Because your end is now. *Gets to strike Tara, Sally, and Yuri down* Goodbye.

Phantom (Y/n) vanished and appeared in front of the three girls ready to kill them but was interrupted by someone kicking him sending him away from Tara, Sally, and Yuri and the person spoke out.

???: I love you girls, and I don't want to hear you think like that!

Tara, Sally, and Yuri looked at the person who saved them and couldn't believe it was...

Tara/Sally/Yuri: *Tearing up* (Y-Y-Y/n)? Is that really you?

[Your super form]

[(A/n): Prtend the shoes and gloves are whatever color you want.]

Super (Y/n): *Smiles* I always had feeling for the three of you but didn't know how to express them. But now I do and that's by protecting you! *Looks at Phantom (Y/n)* I hope you're ready faker because I'm not holding back!!

Phantom (Y/n): You're delaying the inevitable Hedgehog, you can't escape your fate.


[(A/n): Cliffhanger, now we get to see (Y/n)'s super form, did you like the reveal of (Y/n) and Tails' past? Well, get ready for more because the next chapter will be the battle between Phantom (Y/n) and Super (Y/n). See ya next time!]

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