Chapter 3 "Dragon-Hedgehog Hybrid Finds His Flame" Part 4

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(Y/n)'s POV

I felt Fleetway (Y/n) take control of my body and got us killed. The good times I had were the best moments I ever had like when Aunt Carol taught me how to make my own weapon, Uncle Xeno taught me how to control my anger and speed, Aunt Milla taught me how to bake and cook, Aunt Neera teaching me the way of fighting with weapons, and my mom who took me and treated like I was her own child...

(Y/n): *Mentally* Thank you for the good times mom, I'll always remember them as the most enjoyable moments in my life. I love you Tara, Sally, and Yuri, I wish I told you how I felt about you three.

??? #1: Don't think like that buddy, you're starting to act like your Uncle Tails at this rate.

(Y/n): Who's there? What do you mean I'm acting like *Realizes* UNCLE TAILS?!?! TAILS IS MY UNCLE?!?!

???: Yep, you don't remember much but Tails is your uncle and your father is Xeno or I should say Sonic... Remember who you are...Son.

[Reason To Hide]

[(A/n): Tails = (Y/n).]

Sonic: Looking at the ground and thinking about how everything could go wrong will only slow you down, and we both know we hate slow.  Just keep looking for a way to fix the problems we see, that's what I did. Things may look grey now sure, but there's a world full of color just waiting for us. You just gotta know where to look, son.

I remembered who I am and where I came from...I'm (Y/n) The Hedgehog, son of Sonic The Hedgehog and Amy Rose.

??? #2: *Crying* I'm the worst *Sob leader and friend to (Y/n) and I don't know how Xeno will react when we tell him his son died.

??? #3: *Crying* It should have of *Sob* been me that died not him. 

??? #4: *Angry and sad* I wish I wasn't immortal so that I could have taken the hit.

??? #5: *Crying hard* Why did you let Fleetway *Sob* take control? You promised you'd *Sob* come back to us 

I heard four voices and I knew who they belonged to.

(Y/n):*Mentally* Yuri, you're the best leader and friend I ever had that's one of the reasons I love you, Tara you told me you want to live life to the fullest and that's one of the reasons I love you, Uncle Tails you don't need to prove to my father that you're willing to risk your life for others you're one of my best friends and one of my favorite family member, you're right Sally I did promise that and I'm sorry I didn't keep my word.

Fleetway (Y/n): *Pissed off* ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! YOU'RE GIVING UP JUST LIKE THAT?!?! Is this what your father wanted to see, to see you give up so easily?! BECAUSE IF YOU DIE THEN I'M IN TROUBLE!!!

(Y/n): Well, what can I do? If I can't defeat whatever killed me then what chance do I have?


I heard Tara, Sally, and Yuri speaking softly but I could hear what they were saying.

Sally: *Softly* I'm sorry (Y/n)...But I'll see you soon.

Tara: *Softly* I wish I told you how much I like you, but it's too late.

Yuri: *Softly* We'll see each other in the next life.

??? #7: Finished your prayers? Because your end is now. Goodbye.

(Y/n): *Mentally* I WON'T LET YOUUUU!!!!

[Your transformation]

[(A/n): Pretend the shoes and gloves are whatever color you want.]

I kicked the person who was about to kill my friends away from them and I told the girls how I felt.

Super (Y/n): I love you girls, and I don't want to hear you think like that!

Tara, Sally, and Yuri looked at me tearing up.

Tara/Sally/Yuri: *Tearing up* (Y-Y-Y/n)? Is that really you?

Super (Y/n): *Smiles* I always had feelings for the three of you but I didn't know how to express them. But now I do and that's by protecting you.

I looked at the person and he looked like me I could tell it was a clone.

[Your Phantom Clone]

[(A/n): Pretend the eye is (E/c) and the shoes and gloves are whatever color you want,]

Super (Y/n): I hope you're ready faker because I'm not holding back!!

Phantom (Y/n): You're delaying the inevitable Hedgehog, you can't escape your fate.



Everyone saw (Y/n)'s blue quills turn golden and were pointing up like his new power affects his body as well, his (E/c) and lilac eyes were now bright red, and he had a golden aura surrounding him. Tails knew this form too well.

Tails: Heh, looks like your super form kicked in at the right time eh?

Super (Y/n): *Smirks* You know it Unlce Tails,

Yang: *Scared* Is that...Really...My brother?

Ruby: *Scared* What...What kind of semblance does he have?

Weiss: *Confused* I've never seen something like this before, just who is he?

Tails: *Confident* He's the son of my best friend and his wife. Sonic The Hedgehog and Amy Rose from Mobius!

Super (Y/n): Everyone, go back to Beacon. I'll handle this copycat!!

Decoy (Y/n): Alright, just don't die on us this time.

Everyone ran back to Beacon while Tara, Sally, and Yuri stayed behind wanting to stay by (Y/n)'s side.

Super (Y/n): *Confused* Why are you girls still here? GO!!! 

Sally: We're not losing you again, so we're helping you.

Super (Y/n): *Sighs* Look, I'll be fine I have the positive energy of the chaos emeralds in me.

Yuri: *Worried* But what will happen if you run out of power?

(Y/n)'s POV

Super (Y/n): We'll see.

Tara: No we won't!

Sally *Crying softly* We won't let you fight that clone by yourself. So please let us help you.

Super (Y/n): *Sighs* Just know I'm doing this to protect the ones I love. *Blushes*

 Tara, Sally, and Yuri didn't say anything but started blushing when I said I loved them until they spoke out.

Tara/Sally/Yuri: *Blushing* Just stay safe, we don't want to lose you.

I smiled at this and gave them a hug.

Super (Y/n): *Blushing and hugging* I will, that's a promise I'll keep for real this time. CHAOS CONTROL!!!

I used Chaos Control to teleport my friends back to Beacon and I looked at Phantom (Y/n).

Phantom (Y/n): You actually think you can beat me? I'm much strong- *Interrupted*

Super (Y/n): *Appears in front of Phantom (Y/n)* I KNOW I can beat you!

I attack Phantom (Y/n) with my Sonic Wind now powered by chaos energy and he was vulnerable giving me an opening before he teleported above of me to surprise attack but I dodged.

Phantom (Y/n): *Annoyed* Alright Hedgehog, I'm THROUGH playing games!

Super (Y/n): *Cocky* Alright, then let's get this show on the road!

[Play this song]

Phantom (Y/n) tried using his sword to attack me but I dodged him and countered with my spin-dash, he got annoyed with me but I could tell he was an illusion meaning someone created him, and I will find out who made him and what for purpose.

Phantom (Y/n): You are really getting on my nerves Hedgehog, just stay still and DIE!!! *Charges at (Y/n)*

I dodged his attack and attacked back with my loop kick sending Phantom (Y/n) back destroying some of the trees and I created afterimages to send after him.

Super (Y/n): Ready...GO!!! *Charges at Phantom (Y/n)*

Phantom (Y/n) was getting attacked by my afterimages injuring him and I saw him pick up his sword it looked pretty cool if I'm being honest.

[Phantom (Y/n)'s sword]


Phantom (Y/n) stabbed the ground with his sword and a spiral of flames appeared below me but I dodged it before it could hit me and I used my Chaos Lance to throw a Lance made from chaos energy exploding in Phantom (Y/n)'s face while making him lose his grip on his sword.

Super (Y/n): *Catches the sword* I hope you don't mind me borrowing this for a bit.

[(A/n): Sonic = (Y/n) and Aeon = Phantom (Y/n)]

I attacked Phantom (Y/n) with strong punches before teleporting behind him and using his sword against him sending him up to the sky axe kicked him to the back to the ground but before he landed I punched enough with force to keep him in the air.  

Super (Y/n): *Brings out the sword* I'm not done with you yet.

 I used the sword to slice him but after a few slices I decided to switch between hand-to-hand combat and using the sword and I ended the assault by firing an energy blast at Phantom (Y/n) killing him.

Phantom (Y/n): *Wounded* Damn, you actually hurt me...I'm impressed...Good luck fighting the others soon...This is the only beginning for you...(Y/n) Lilac The Hedgehog.

Phantom (Y/n) faded away creating a strange humming sound making me confused but I didn't think much of it and reverted back to my base form.

(Y/n): *Mentally* "Others" huh? Well, no matter what gets thrown at me, I'll have the people that care about me by my side, and we'll get past anything life throws at me! 

3RD POV Unknown location

During (Y/n)'s battle with Phantom (Y/n) a group of people was watching him and three of them looked at a masked Jackal with anger in their eyes.

Saleem: It seems your creation failed to destroy that rodent, Infinite.


Infinite: I don't care about killing that rodent, I just want to make his father feel hopeless about losing his son. But it seems he transformed into his super form without the chaos emeralds, maybe after Xain destroyed Mobius the emeralds' power was found (Y/n) and stored their power in his body.


[(A/n): Pretend the shoes and gloves are whatever color you want, and when you see Xain talking he's speaking telepathically.]

Xain: Maybe, but now we need a new plan to kill that rodent for good along with his friends.

Lord Brevon: You may have destroyed a Planet Xain, but I don't care about following orders from anybody but just like that Phantom of the rodent said. It's only the beginning.


[(A/n): Sorry if this chapter was short but I hoped you enjoyed it, and the main villains of this story have been revealed. But who are Xain and Infinite, and why do they want to kill (Y/n)? Find out next time, SEE YA!]

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