Chapter 4 "Team Sonic's First Day at Beacon"

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It was a beautiful Monday morning everyone was asleep. Teams JNPR, RWBY, and Sonic were relaxing after the events from yesterday. Team Sonic were in their beds but Tails Prower and Yuri Li were awake and getting ready for class.

Tails: Finished getting dressed.

Yuri: Got our school supplies, and everything is ready to go now.

Tails/Yuri: *Looks at Tara, Sally, and (Y/n) sleeping* The last thing is to wake them up.

Yuri walks to Tara's bed to wake her up but Tara being a cat faunus was too lazy to wake up while Tails walked to wake up (Y/n) but when he heard him sleep talking and had a smirk on his face.

Tails: *Mentally* Yuri is going to have a surprise waiting for her when trying to wake (Y/n).

Yuri: Come on Tara, wake up or we'll be late for class.

Tara: *Sleeping* Nya-no...Just...Five more minutes, please.

Yuri: Tara, if you don't get your lazy cat butt up I'll dump cold water on you.

Tails: I think that's a little too far, Yuri.

Tara: *Wakes up* Thanks Tails, * Looks at Yuri* you're such a buzzkill you know that?

Yuri: I am not, I only want you to get ready or we might be late for the first day of class.

Tara didn't say and went to the bathroom once Tails got out to get ready for class and Yuri looked at Sally who was waking up. 

Sally: *Still tired* Why are you *Yawning* yelling Yuri?

Yuri: Sorry Sally, but I needed Ms.Lazy to wake up for class. You should get ready as well.

Sally: Ok Yuri.

Sally got out of her bed and goes to the bathroom to change as well. Yuri looked at (Y/n) who was still sleeping, sometimes she feels like she and Tails are watching over three kids. [(A/n): I mean Tails is (Y/n)'s uncle, so it makes sense he would be watching over him.] Yuri went over to (Y/n)'s bed but didn't see him there making her confused until she heard snoring from the other side and saw (Y/n) curled into a ball sleeping.

Yuri: *Mentally and giggles* How cute, I wonder what's he dreaming about.

Yuri got closer to (Y/n) while Tails was smirking.

Tails: *Mentally* One...Two...Three.

(Y/n): *Sleeping* Aw...That just happened Yuri.

Yuri: *Mentally shocked and blushing* WH-WHAT IS HE DREAMING ABOUT?!?!

(Y/n): *Sleeping* Get that chili.

At this point, Yuri was blushing and confused while Tails was laughing in his head.

Tails: *Mentally laughing* Yep, like father like son. 

(Y/n): *Sleeping* and pour it on that hot dog. [(A/n): Okay I'ma stop.] 

As soon Yuri heard that she started shaking (Y/n) awake mostly out of anger and confusion.


Tails: WOAH! Yuri calm down! If it makes you feel better, (Y/n)'s father did the same thing when married to Amy. 

(Y/n): *Waking up* What happened? *Looks at Yuri blushing* Did I do something?

Yuri: *Still blushing* Just get ready RIGHT NOW or I'll shove my staff up your ass, got that?

(Y/n): *Scared* O-o-ok Y-Y-Yuri. *Runs to the bathroom and knocks* Is anyone in there?

Sally: Yeah, we're done (Y/n). *Opens the bathroom door* Do you need to *Interrupted*

(Y/n) didn't let Sally finish asking and pushed her and Tara out of the bathroom making the pair confused and turned around to see a  very red panda faunus and a smirking fox faunus.

Tara: Mind explaining what was that about?

Sally: I haven't seen (Y/n) act like that in a long time, or was it a few months ago?

Tails: Just (Y/n) acting like his father when we lived on Mobius.

Yuri: Don't ask any questions to me or I'll freeze all of you, understood?

Tails: Ok Yuri, take a breather and calm down. (Y/n) has started dating the three of you since yesterday so it'll take some time for him to get used to it.

Tara: Yeah, Tails is right. So calm down Yuri, now what do we need for class?

Yuri: *Calms down* Ok, we need to get our school supplies that's all.

Sally: Ok, but why were you so angry and red?

Tara: Maybe she had a "good dream" if you know what I mean. *Laughs*

 Sally: *Looks at Yuri* Aww, Yuri you don't need to be embarrassed everyone has those once in a while.

Yuri: *Embarrassed* No, that's not true Tara, and Sally where did you learn that from?

Sally: I learned it from Tara when I was 14 years old. *Wags her tail happily*

Yuri looked at Tara with a face that says "I'm going to kill you". Tara looked at Tails who shook his head and looked back at Yuri who was walking straight to her and was scared for dear life but Yuri stopped when she saw the bathroom door open.

Yuri: *Looks at Tara* You're safe for now.

Tara: Yeah, whatever. *Mentally* Thank god for (Y/n) getting out of the bathroom.

(Y/n): *Getting out of the bathroom* Ugh, I don't feel comfortable wearing this. I wish I could walk around the way I feel comfortable.

Tails: Sorry (Y/n), but you need to wear something so you don't get in trouble.

(Y/n): *Sighs* Ok Uncle Tails. *Looks at Tara and starts blushing extremely* 

[The way you're blushing]

[(A/n): Pretend he's wearing a Beacon Uniform.]

Tara: What's wrong (Y/n), *Smirks* do you like what you see? ~

(Y/n): *Blushing* N-n-no your skirt *Looks at Sally and Yuri and blushed even more* all of your skirts...They're small.

Tara, Sally, and Yuri looked down and (Y/n) was right, their skirts were small, they covered themselves and their faces turned bright red. Tails already left for class leaving (Y/n) alone.

Tara: *Embarrassed* (Y-Y-Y/n)...Can you... *Interrupted*

Sally: *Embarrassed and shouts* (Y/N) USE YOUR SPEED TO GO AND GET US SOME NEW SKIRTS RIGHT NOW!!! 

(Y/n) got scared for dear life and did what Sally told him. He used his super speed to get new longer skirts for his girlfriends while Tara and Yuri looked at Sally who was blushing bright red than ever, they didn't know Sally was capable of yelling or speaking to (Y/n) like that but stayed quiet because they understood what was going. A few seconds passed and (Y/n) came back with their new skirts.

(Y/n): *Still blushing* O-okay here are your new *Gets punched in the stomach*

[The way you were launched]

[(A/n): Yeah, I was not going to recolor this so pretend it's you.]

Sally had a green glow over her right hand and punched (Y/n) so hard that he was launched into the hallway. At this time Team JNPR had woken and were headed to their first class until Jaune saw (Y/n) on the ground and ran to see if his friend was okay.

[Your pose on the ground]

[(A/n): Pretend the eye is (E/c) and wearing a Beacon uniform, also you may notice I'm no longer asking to pretend the shoes and gloves as a different color and that's because I was getting tired of typing that. Also, this took a while to recolor so please give me credit because some sprites are hard to recolor.]

(Y/n): *In pain* Well that hurts like hell.

Jaune: *Worried* Dude, what happened?

(Y/n): *Looks at Jaune* Don't make any girls mad, bud. It'll hurt if you get on their bad side.


Tara's POV at Professor Port's class

We made it to Professor Port's class just in time... But (Y/n) hasn't said anything to us for a minute and we told Tails what happened. I know Sally, Yuri, and I shouldn't have yelled at (Y/n) the way we did, I mean it was better he was the one who told us about our skirts than some pervert but I don't even know anymore. I look up to see Sally was talking to (Y/n).

Sally: *Begging* (Y/n) please accept our apology, we didn't mean to yell and I didn't mean to punch you.

Yuri: Please (Y/n), just say something to us.

Tails: Come on (Y/n). You never want to make your girlfriends sad, do you?

We see (Y/n) started to look at us and he didn't look pissed or mad just normal.

Tara: Nya-are you okay?

(Y/n): *Chuckles* I'm fine, kinda deserved it I guess. But...

Tara: *Worried* But what?

(Y/n): *Embarrassed* I'm kinda hungry, I forgot to eat breakfast. 

At this point I just smiled (Y/n) is the best friend/boyfriend I'd ever met. He is a literal copy of his father which still shocks me that Xeno is Sonic. I mean I could have guessed by the shoes and gloves but I thought that was silly Xeno did tell me and my friends he would tell us the truth and that to keep (Y/n) safe. I see Yuri walk over to (Y/n) and puts her hand on his shoulder making him blush slightly.

Yuri: *Smiles* If you want, I could give you my lunch when it's time to eat.

(Y/n): Nah, it's fine. I don't have a big appetite and as the leader of Team Sonic, I want to make sure we're treated equally. Although it feels odd with me being the leader of a Team that has the same name as my father's.  

Tails: Hey, if it makes you feel better. Sonic didn't want to name our team after him but with me and your Uncle Knuckles by his side we convinced him. And you know the rest. *Smiles*

I see (Y/n) smiling at what Tails said, even though Tails is his uncle he always knows how to make (Y/n) smile which I guess makes sense because he was his uncle before their home planet got destroyed. We heard the bell ring which means that class is now starting and we took our seats, our first class was History about Grimm and Huntsman/Huntress, one of the things I don't like. I mean what does history have to do with fighting and saving people? I see Professor Port getting ready to start the class. 

Professor Port: Welcome young Huntsman and Huntress in training. Today I, Professor Port will teach you about the history of the Grimm. *Turns into boredom* Now the creatures of Grimm will do nothing but destroy and kill anything. Now there are different types of Grimm-

Tara: *Mentally* Oh my god. He is soooo boring I can't even keep my eyes open.

I turn my head to see Yuri taking notes about this and I don't even know why, the Professor is just talking about himself, I turn to see Sally drawing about a cute dog, cat, panda, hedgehog, and a two-tailed fox clearly a drawing about us but at least she's not taking notes, I see Tails working on his arm cannon and lastly I see (Y/n) listening to music. I was going to get him to pay attention but stopped when I saw the hand mark on his neck and all I could think was...

Tara: *Mentally* Damn that bitch for hurting (Y/n).

Flashback Yesterday

We were waiting for Professor Ozpin to tell all the new students like us our team name and what dorms we'll be sleeping in. I looked at Decoy and (Y/n) who were talking with each other, (Y/n) wasn't wearing his Gi, I looked around and saw Tails and Sally but not Yuri.

Tara: Hey guys, do you know where Yuri is?

Sally: I haven't seen her since we left the cliff.

Tails: She said she was going to talk with Ozpin about something.

(Y/n)/Decoy (Y/n)/Tara: *Confused* Why did Yuri need to talk with Ozpin right now of all times?

Sally didn't say anything and gave me, Decoy, and (Y/n) a face that says "I don't know" but Tails seems to know but doesn't want to say it. I turned to the stage and saw Yuri coming down the stage.

Tara: *Concerned* Yuri, what were you talking about with Professor Opzin.

Yuri: It was I that I knew I had to do.

At this point I was beyond confused, I was going to ask what she meant but the lights lowered down showing that Professor Ozpin was ready to give the team names and dorm rooms.

Ozpin: Russel Thrush, Cardin Winchester, Dove Bronzewing, and Sky Lark, the four of you retrieved the Black Bishop pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as...Team CRDL led by...Cardin Winchester.

I see the other four people get on the stage and I couldn't remember their names well.

Ozpin: Janue Arc, Lie Ren, Pyrrha Nikos, and Nora Valkyrie, the four of you retrieved the White Rock pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as...Team JNPR led by...Jaune Arc.

Jaune: Huh?

Tara: *Mentally* I'm with Jaune on this one.

Jaune: L-led by... *Pointing to himself*

Ozpin: Congratulations young man.

I see (Y/n) and Tails walk up to Jaune, probably to congratulate him.

(Y/n): *Smiling* Congrats man, I know you'll be a great leader.

Tails: Yeah, I believe in you, man!

Jaune: Thanks guys...But I forgot to ask *Looks at (Y/n)* Why did you want to be called by your nickname?

(Y/n): Well, you see...

Ozpin: Blake Belladonna, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, and Yang Xiao-Long, the four of you retrieved the White Knight pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as...Team RWBY led by...Ruby Rose.

Yang: *Hugs Ruby* I'm so proud of you!

Tara: *Mentally* WHAT! Why is that little bitch the leader?!

I turn to see (Y/n) and the blue in his quills was darker clearly mad that the little bitch is the leader, I can only imagine what's he thinking. I then see Team RWBY come down the stage but both Yang and Ruby were walking up to us but I bet they're coming for (Y/n).

[Your Semi-Dark Form]

[(A/n): Pretend the eye is (E/c).]

Ruby: *Nervous* H-h-hi there.

Semi-Dark (Y/n): *Angry* What the hell do YOU want?

Yang: Can we talk in priv-

Ozpin: And lastly.

Yuri: Come on, let's get on stage.

We all walked on stage but the blonde slut wouldn't let (Y/n)'s hand go. Decoy slapped her hand away and we got on stage.

Decoy (Y/n): I'd back away from him if I were you because that form he's taking is dangerous.

Ozpin: Yuri Li, Tara, Tea, Sally Basset, Tails Prower, and *Smiles* (Y/n) Rose.

Everyone but the audience, Yang, and Ruby: ROSE?!?!

Semi-Dark (Y/n): *Pissed* IT'S LILAC, YOU OLD ASS PROFESSOR!!!

Ozpin: Oh yes, I'm very sorry Mr.Lilac...As I was saying the five of you retrieved the Black Knight pieces and the special piece the Emerald piece. From this day forward, you will work together as...Team Sonic.

Tara: *Confused* Sonic? *Mentally* Wait...

Ozpin: Yes a custom name for the five of you...Led by...

(Y/n): *Not realizing* You should be proud Yuri, you're going to be the leader of Team Sonic.

Ozpin: (Y/n) Lilac.

(Y/n)/Sally/Tara: *Shocked* WHAAAATTTT?!?!

Ozpin: Congratulations young man.

(Y/n): No that's not right, I'm not supposed to be a leader that's Yuri. *Turns to Yuri* Tell him, Yuri.

Yuri: I did... And I told Professor Ozpin that you should be the leader.

 I looked at (Y/n) who was beyond confused and I was too, why doesn't Yuri want to be the leader?

(Y/n): But why?

Yuri: (Y/n), you're a great person and a good friend... When I saw you get killed by that Phantom clone of you I felt powerless and useless that I couldn't protect any of you. But when You managed to control your semblance with more bravery I knew that you're meant to be the leader.

Tails: And this is between us, but on Mobius when Sonic/Xeno made the team consisting of me, Knuckles, and him. He didn't want to be the leader when me and Knuckles chose him to be the leader because I was only a kid and Knuckles was unsure as well but we believed that Sonic/Xeno is the best choice for the leader of our team. So I hope you will live up to your father's legacy (Y/n).

I was stunned by what Tails and Yuri said to (Y/n), it was breathtaking, but I felt she was right about this. I mean even (Y/n) can't control his semblance it was able to take down Lord Brevon with no problem.

(Y/n): *Sighs* Ok I'll do it *Points to Yuri* but you'll take charge if I don't know what to do or when I need help, deal?

[The way you're Pointing at Yuri]

[(A/n): Change the eye to (E/c).]

Decoy (Y/n): *Coughs* Ahem, I know this is touching and all, but which Team can I be in?

Ozpin:Ahh, my apologies Decoy, do you wish be put in Team JNPR or Team RWBY?

Decoy (Y/n): I think I'll be in Team JNPR to help Jaune out with being a leader.

After all was said and done, I knew we were in for a wild ride in Beacon.

Timeskip was brought to you by Chibi (Y/n) trying to replicate SEGA in the same way Chibi Sonic/Xeno did.

Tails, Yuri, Sally, (Y/n), and I were walking to our new dorm room and I gotta say we've come a long to arrive at Beacon. As we were walking my cat twitched hearing the sound of...

Ruby/Yang: *Shouts* LITTLE BROTHER!

I looked at (Y/n) who didn't stop or even look at them.

Yang: Please Little Bro listen.

Ruby: Please we just want to talk.

I saw (Y/n) stopped walking and looked directly at them, I then see the rest of Team RWBY and Team JNPR coming down as well.

[The way you're looking at Ruby and Yang]

(Y/n): I'm sorry but I think you have confused me for someone else.

Ruby: What do you mean? You're (Y/n) Rose our little Brother.


Yang: No (Y/n), you got it wrong we *Interrupted*

Yuri: What, came to beat him again...

Sally: Call him names to make him lose hope again...

Tails: Cut out his left eye...

Tara: Or make him your slave again?

We heard gasps from Weiss, Blake, and Team JNPR while Decoy already knew the reasons why (Y/n) hates the Blonde Slut and the Little Bitch and that they should be in jail for what they did.

 (Y/n): So, how about you leave me and my real family alone?

Decoy (Y/n): *AI Voice* Killing Protocols are on Standby Mode. *Normal Voice* You should listen to him if you know what's good for you.

Ruby: *Ingoring Decoy (Y/n)* But we're your family.

Tara: *Mentally* Is this girl not understanding what he's saying?!

I couldn't take it just hearing them trying to make excuses to get (Y/n) really pisses me off, because of them saying sorry but are they really or did they let the guilt get to them?


At this point I see Yang launch at me and I closed my eyes for impact...But I didn't feel a thing, I opened my eyes and saw (Y/n) took my place getting choked by Yang.

Yang: *Angry* Why did you get in my way!?

(Y/n): *Getting choked* I'm...Not...Going to...Let you...My family.

I see Ruby, Weiss, and Blake trying to get Yang off of (Y/n) or they'll get hurt.

Ruby: *Worried* Yang, let him go you're hurting him.

Yang: *Angry* Stay out of this Rubes, this is between me and the slave.

Blake: Yang, let him go now.

Yang: *Angry* Or what, what are you doing? Tell me!!

I looked at Tails, Yuri, and Sally and I could see the rage in their eye, I can't blame them I want to beat the blonde slut to a bloody mess. I look at Sally who started to try to jump Yang and I tried to stop her but was too late at this point she was already close to Yang. Yang turned around and before Sally did anything, Yang slapped Sally across her face hard with her other hand, Sally landed on the wall making Tails, Yuri, and I ran to her to make sure she was okay.

Yuri: *Worry* SALLY *Running to her* PLEASE BE OKAY!!

Tails: *Checking her pulse and sighs*She's okay. 

Tara: *Angry and worried* WHY DID YOU DO IT?!?!

Yang: Cause you all tried to take my slave from us and she tried to *Screams in pain* What?! *Looks at (Y/n)*

Semi-Dark (Y/n): *Pissed* HOW DARE YOU!!! *Kicks Yang in the chest and lands on the floor with his eyes closed*

[Your pose in your Semi-Dark Form]

Semi-Dark (Y/n): *Angry* If you harm my family again, I'LL MAKE SURE YOU'LL SUFFER A FATE WORSE THAN DEATH!!! *Transforms into his dark and opens his eyes still on the floor*

[Your pose in your Dark Form]

(Y/n)'s POV Flashback over

I heard the bell ring meaning it was lunch time and I'm glad it is because I'm starving right now. I look to the left to see Yuri getting her stuff and the same for Tails and Sally. I turn to the right and saw that Tara was sleeping.

(Y/n): *Shakes Tara softly* Hey Tara, wake up it's lunchtime.

Tara: *Sleeping* Nya-no just...Let me sleep.

(Y/n): But...

I then felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around to see Tails.

Tails: Just go get your lunch.

Yuri: Tails, Sally, and I will get Ms.Sleepsalot to wake up, ok?

(Y/n): *Unsure* But...

Sally: Don't worry Sonic, we'll be fine. Just go get your lunch and save us a spot, ok?

(Y/n): Ok, I'll go but don't take too long.

I started running at a normal speed and turned back giving my friends a thumbs up.

[What you were doing]

Timeskip is brought to you by Chibi Young (Y/n) trying to learn how to swim with Chibi Lilac.

It took me some time but I found the cafeteria and I went to get my food I got two Chili Dogs plates and an (F/d). Some of the students were looking at me weirdly but I didn't care about it, I mean I was bothered by looking like an anthropomorphic hedgehog when I was younger but my father told me that when he first arrived on Remnant he was bothered as well but got used to it. I sat down at a table fit for five people.

(Y/n): *Mentally* This is going to be the best...Well, not really mom's cooking is better than this but hey, it is what it is.

I started eating my first Chili Dog and I can see why my dad likes eating them, they taste so good.

Decoy (Y/n): Hey (Y/n)!!!

I stopped eating and saw Decoy, Jaune, Pyrrha, Nora, and Ren coming close to me.

(Y/n): *Smiles* Hey guys, how's your day been?

Decoy (Y/n): Nothing much, but thanks for asking.

Jaune: I've been doing good.

Pyrrha: I have been doing good as well thanks for asking.

Ren: I've been good too.

Nora: I've been doing fine.

(Y/n): Well, that's great to hear you all have been doing good. How was class by the way?  

Jaune: It went well except for...

(Y/n): *Worried* For what?

Decoy (Y/n): Do you remember Team CRDL?

(Y/n): Yeah, what about them?

Pyrrha: Cardin Winchester has been picking on Jaune.

At this point, I wanted to say something but I heard someone laughing. I turned around to the source of the laughter and saw Cardin was picking on...Velvet.

Velvet: Owww, that hurts.

Carin: *Mocking and laughing*

Cardin was pulling on Velvet's rabbit ears making me pissed off.

Fleetway (Y/n): *Mentally* Want me to take control?

Velvet: Please stop.

Cardin: *Pulling and holding Velvet's rabbit ears hard* Told they were real.

Russel: What a freak.

Semi-Dark (Y/n)/Decoy (Y/n): *Shouts angrily* HEY, LEAVE OUR FRIEND ALONE YOU DUMB FUCKS OR ELSE!!!

Deocy and I shouted at them across making everyone look at us but I didn't care I wanted to teach those bastards a painful lesson and I think Deocy wants to join as well but was stopped by Janue.

Semi-Dark (Y/n): *Joking but was serious* Jaune, if you don't let Decoy and I go I'll break your arm.

Jaune let us go and Decoy and I walked over to Team Assholes.

Cardin: Are you two the ones who said that?

Decoy (Y/n): So what if we did?

Russel: you two got big mouths to talk to us like that freaks.

(Y/n): *Looks at Russel* Look at this face and tell me if we care, because if not then shut up or we'll make sure you eat through a straw.

Cardin: What do you want freaks?

Decoy (Y/n): We want to know why you're picking on our friend here.

Cardin: Because she's also a freak I mean look at her, she has rabbit ears!

(Y/n): And what's wrong with being different?

Dove: *To (Y/n)* Wait I remember you, you're that freak that staged that fight in the initiation aren't you?

(Y/n): Sure, I "staged" that fight.

Cardin: What are your names freaks?

(Y/n): I'm (Y/n) Lilac The Hedgehog or just (Y/n) Lilac, leader of Team Sonic.

Decoy (Y/n): And I'm Decoy (Y/n), a robot that can copy his personality and skills co-leader of Team JNPR. [(A/n): Yes, I'm making Decoy the co-leader for team JNPR in this story because why not.]

Cardin: How about you two say you're sorry and we'll forget you said shit to us, deal?

Decoy (Y/n): Or how about you say sorry to Velvet and we won't break your arms and be sent to a hospital for a week.

Cardin: *Doesn't care* Sure. *Pulls on Velvet's rabbit ears making her cry*

At this rate, I didn't care any more than to kick his ass. I grabbed Cardin's wrist and twisted it making him let go of Velvet's ears and I grabbed her arm and used my speed to get us near Pyrrha to get Velvet out of this fight.

(Y/n): *Serious* Pyrrha, make sure she's okay.

I didn't let Pyrrha say anything but instead ran back to Team Asshloes to show them what Decoy and I are made of. [(A/n): I felt like referencing a Sonic game song.]

Cardin: *Bitching about his wrist* WHY YOU LITTLE!!! [(A/n): Guess the FNF mod and song this line came from.]

I didn't want to fight him and his team but I did want to toy with them for a bit dodging Cardin's punches by using my speed until I noticed Decoy was knocked back and was ganged up by the rest of his team.

(Y/n): *Mentally* Weak bastard.

Rssel tried to punch me but I grabbed his leg and threw him at Cardin causing the both of them to fall but I failed to notice Dove was behind me and got me in a tight hold.

(Y/n): Let go, you bastard.

Dove: I would focus more on what's in front of you.

What did he mean? I turned my head to see Sky in front of me smirking, he then punched me in the face hard making me bleed a bit but I noticed Decoy run past Sky and got behind Dove and thanks to my hedgehog ears I heard him activate his rockets in his shoes giving me an advantage.

(Y/n): Hey Dove, do you know how it feels to be kicked by a rocket shoe?

Dove: *Confused* No, why?

Decoy (Y/n): Well, there's a first time for everything! *Kicks Dove launching him to the sky* 

I looked at Sky and charged my spin-dash into him but kept him awake for one thing.

(Y/n): Tell Cardin I challenge him and the rest of you to a fight in Professor Goodwitch's class tomorrow, got that, and don't even dare to back down.

I walked over to Velvet to make she was okay.

Jaune: Decoy, (Y/n), that was so cool!

Nora: *Hyped up* Did you break someone's leg, did you?

I walked past them while Decoy was talking with Pyrrha and Ren.

(Y/n): *Worried* Are you okay, Velvet? How are your ears?

Velvet: *Sad*It's okay but they still hurt a lot.

I softly scratched her rabbit ear and I made sure I didn't use too much strength or I might hurt and that's something I didn't want to do.

(Y/n): *Smiling* Does that feel better?

Velvet: *Smiling* Thank you (Y/n), *Blushing* where did you learn to do that?

(Y/n): I would always do that for Tara, Sally, and Yuri whenever they feel sad or scared and I learned it from my best friend/Uncle.

Velvet: *Smiles and blushes* You're such a nice person (Y/n), thank you so much.

I gave Velvet a warm smile and I turned around and saw Decoy getting serious.

Decoy (Y/n): *Angrily* I can't believe you just sat there and did nothing. 

(Y/n): *Shouts angrily* YOU'RE ALL JUST COWARDS!!!

I could see the other students looking down in shame that they didn't do anything to stop this.

(Y/n): *Mentally* So much for my first day here at Beacon but I don't know if I messed up or did well.

???'s POV In an Airship

I was on my way to beacon because my father said my big brother was in Beacon Academy with Uncle Tails and I was nervous because he doesn't remember much about our home.

???: I miss the good moments with mother and father but mother is...Gone. But I like the woman Father is living with and the fact she took care of big brother when she found him injured makes me so happy.

I look up from reading my book and looked at my reflection.

Lucy: Just wait big bro, your little sister is going to attend Beacon with you!


[(A/n): Alright the fourth chapter is done, I have been working on this since Nine am and I hope you enjoyed it. And Lucy made her debut in Freedom Mania RWBY and a Bio for her will be made soon. That's all for now, SEE YA!] 

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