Chapter 5 "Team RWBY's First Day at Beacon"

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It was a beautiful Monday morning and everyone was asleep. Teams JNPR, RWBY, and Sonic were resting after the events of yesterday.

Weiss: *Yawns*

Weiss turned her head and saw Ruby with a whistle in her mouth.

Ruby: *Blows the whistle*

Weiss: Gah.

Weiss falls to the floor from her bed annoyed with Ruby for blowing the whistle in her face.

Ruby: *Happy tone* Goooood morning Team RWBY!

Weiss: *Annoyed tone* What the heck is wrong with you?!

Ruby: *Ignoring Weiss' question* Now that you're awake we can officially begin our first order of business.

Weiss: *Gets up and is confused* Excuse me?

Weiss then looked at Yang who was holding many of her items in her arms.

Yang: *Happy tone* Decorating!

Weiss: *Still confused* What?

Blake then held out her luggage showing it to Weiss.

Blake: We still have to unpack...*Luggage opens and the items fell out* And clean.

At this point, Weiss didn't care about what happens next.

Ruby: *Blows the whistle again*

When Ruby blew her whistle again Weiss got startled and fell back to the floor. [(A/n): Okay, I'll say it right now but why did Weiss get startled by the second time Ruby blew the whistle?]

Ruby: *Happy tone* Alright! Weiss, Blake, Yang, and their fearless leader have begun their first mission! BANZAI!

Blake/Yang: BANZAI!

Ruby, Blake, and Yang pose while Weiss sighs in disbelief that these three are her teammates. Everyone started to decorate their dorm in their own way, Yang puts up a poster, Weiss puts up a beautiful painting, and Blake was putting and organizing her books but stopped she saw the book titled "Ninjas Of Love" and hides it, and Ruby grabbed her scythe to help her hang a curtain [(A/n): I mean it's both smart and dangerous at the same time.] and she turns around accidentally cutting the curtain in half. When they finished decorating the dorm and to say it looked like a tornado happened inside is an understatement.

Weiss: This isn't going to work.

Blake: It does look cramped. [(A/n): What gave it away?]

Yang: Maybe we should ditch some of our stuff...

Ruby: Or we could ditch the beds *Gasps* and replace them with bunk beds.

Weiss: Um, that sounds incredibly dangerous...

Yang: *Happy tone* And super awesome!

Blake: It does sound efficient.

Weiss: Well, we should put it to a vote.

Ruby: I think we did.

With that, Team RWBY worked quickly to make their bunk beds and when they were finished the bunk beds were...interesting, Ruby's bed was the top because she used ropes to tie it to the roof so it wouldn't fall Weiss' bed, Yang's bed was the top as well but was slightly stable thanks to the books on the four legs of bed while Blake's bed was the bottom.

Ruby: Objective completed! Alright, our second order of business-. *Loud crashing sound* What was that?!

Yang: I don't know, but it sounds like it came from the hallway.

Team RWBY went outside to see what caused the loud crash and saw Team JNPR and Decoy (Y/n).

???: *In pain* Well that hurts like hell.

Ruby got closer and saw it was (Y/n).

[(A/n): Pretend the eye is (E/c).]

Ruby: *Worried* What happened to my little brother?

Jaune: *Worried* Dude, what happened?

(Y/n): *Looks at Jaune* Don't make any girls mad, bud. It'll hurt if you get on their bad side.

Ruby: *Mentally* I wonder what he did to make his girlfriends mad.


Teams RWBY and JNPR were running to Professor Port's class before the bell rings not aware that Ozpin and Gylnda were watching them.

Gynlda: *Looks at the time on her watch*

Ozpin: *Drinks his beverage* [(A/n): I swear what does this man drink?!]

Teams RWBY and JNPR got to class and sat in their seats until Team Sonic expect Tails somehow arrived without alerting Professor. Ruby was confused about how but remembered that (Y/n)'s father is Sonic The Hedgehog, she looked at him if he was okay from the morning while Yang was feeling like an idiot for what she did (Y/n) yesterday.

Yang's POV Flashback Yesterday

I had my hand on my chest due to how hard (Y/n) kicked me and his quills and skin turned dark and his eyes are white like a ghost. He then walked up to me and grabbed me by the neck similar to how I grabbed him. 

[Your Dark Form]


Tails: (Y/n), calm down! If you kill her you'll be no better than them!

I see (Y/n) go back to normal and let me go, Ruby walked up to me to make sure I was okay and saw (Y/n) walking to THOSE BASTARDS that took our brother from us as he grabbed their arms and ran in his Light-Speed Form.

Ruby: *Worried* Yang, are you ok?

Yang: *Breathing hard* Yeah Rubes...I'm fine.

Ruby: Okay. *Gets angry* Why did you do that?! Why did you hurt him and called him names again?!

Yang: I...

Ruby: *Gets upset* You said you would help me to get him to love us but instead you hurt him.

Jaune: Umm, what was that about?

Blake: I would like to know as well.

Weiss: I think we all want to know.

Ruby: *Ashamed* Okay, I'll explain everything.

Timeskip is brought to by Ruby explaining their family history about (Y/n)

Ruby: And that's why his last name was Rose and why he left us.

As I looked at everyone, I could see the anger, hatred, and disgust on their faces.

Pyrrha: *Disgusted* Why would you do all that?!

Yang: We don't know...We just...Just...

Decoy (Y/n): Wanted a stress reliever, am I wrong? Because my personality is based on (Y/n)'s and I'd never felt that amount of hatred he had towards you before.

Blake: Decoy is right, did you want a slave as well?

Yang: No, that's not what I meant...I just want my little brother back...So we could show that we love him...

Weiss: Well, it seems you've shown that "love".

I couldn't take it, I was losing my brother again because of my stupid anger and my stupid brain. I looked up to see everyone heading to their dorm room while Decoy decided to cloak himself as (Y/n) making Ruby and me upset, I looked at Ruby and I could tell she was angry with me, and I don't blame her I'm angry with myself too. But why does it feel like someone told me to hurt (Y/n)?

3RD POV Flashback over

Yang: *Mentally* Why did I have to be so stupid? *Turns around to see (Y/n)* I'm sorry little bro, I will fix this no matter what and get you away from those FREAKS! [(A/n): Yeah, not if Tails and Xeno/Sonic have anything to say about it.]

Port: Monsters, Demons, Prowlers of the Night! Yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names. But I merely refer to them as prey.

Jaune: And what about the Aliens Professor Port?

Everyone looked at Jaune like he has read too many comics or if he was stupid.

Port: What about the "Aliens" Mr. Arc?

Jaune: Well, it's just that when I was younger I remember seeing a spaceship that brought some creatures from other worlds and they were going to take over until four heroes stopped them.

Weiss: *Annoyed* That's just a stupid tale, you dolt.

(Y/n): I mean if you think about it, I'm technically an alien because of my true form looking like my biological father Sonic The Hedgehog.

Nora: (Y/n) and Jaune are right, I do remember hearing something like that but I never saw what they look like, but for (Y/n) he's just an anthropomorphic hedgehog.

Pyrrha: Didn't Coco mention seeing an Alien when we were doing the initiation?

Weiss: Are you serious Pyrrha? What are the chances of an Alien being in the initiation or even the chances of us seeing one?

Everyone started talking about if the creature Coco mentioned was either a new type of Grimm or an Alien while that was happening Ruby looked at (Y/n) and was thinking if he knew more than he lets on.

Ruby: *Mentally* Could you have seen one little brother or am I just overthinking it?

Ren: Wait. *Turns to look at (Y/n)* Didn't you say "ran into some aliens" (Y/n)?

Everyone started to face (Y/n), Tails, Sally, Tara, Decoy (Y/n), and Yuri but Tara was asleep.

(Y/n): *Nervous* W-w-well you s-s-see when as a kid I saw some. *Shrugs while smiling nervously*

[What you were doing]

Fleetway (Y/n): *Mentally* Smooth move idiot.

Everyone kept looking at (Y/n) to know how he would have survived until Professor Port spoke up getting everyone's attention away from (Y/n) saving Team Sonic from saying that their parents were the ones that saved the planet while Decoy (Y/n) was relieved he was saved from saying he was built by an Alien.

Port: As I was saying, individuals who have sworn to protect those cannot protect themselves. [(A/n): Okay, no matter how many times I hear I feel like the person who wrote this line also watched Ninjago.] From what you may ask? Why, the very world!

Random Student: *Happy tone*Eyyy-yep!

Port: This is what you are training to become but first, a story. A tale of a young, handsome young man...Me.

A small time skip is brought to you by Chibi (Y/n), Chibi Xeno/Sonic, and Chibi Lilac racing in the Dragon Valley

As Port was talking, Ruby was drawing him as a fat person and showed it to Yang and Weiss, even making a fart sound making Yang giggle but not Weiss. Port was now talking about the things that a true Huntsman and Huntress must know.

Port: A Huntsman must be honorable...

Weiss was looking at Ruby who was balancing a book on top of a pencil and an apple, this made Weiss mad.

Port: They must be dependable...

Weiss was getting even madder because Ruby was now napping.

Port: They must be strategic...

Ruby was now picking her nose pushing Weiss to her breaking point.

Port: Well-educated...And wise! So, among all of you believes you have these traits.

(Y/n)/Weiss: *Hand up* Yuri does./I do. [(A/n): For when two characters speak at the same time saying different things the first character will be on the left and vice versa. And when two characters say the same thing nothing will change.]

Yuri/Weiss: *Confused* Wait what?

Yuri and Weiss looked at (Y/n) with confused looks on their faces, Yuri wanted to say something but (Y/n) wasn't done talking.

(Y/n): *Slightly blushing* Yuri has all the knowledge, skills, she is very dependable, she has honor, and not to mention she is a very loyal beautiful woman.

Yuri was now also blushing from the last words (Y/n) said about her.

Yuri: *Mentally blushing* (Y/n) really is like his father huh? I'm glad we're dating.

Port: Ok, will Ms.Schnee come forward and face your opponent?

Weiss was now walking down ready to face whatever Port had in store for her, Port had got out a cage and opened it to reveal a Boarbatusk. The Boarbatusk then charged at Weiss ready to attack her but Weiss jumped out of the way hitting it with her rapier. The Boarbatusk then turned around looking and growling at Weiss.

Port: *Cheerful tone* Haha, you weren't expecting that now were you?

Ruby: Hang in there Weiss.

Both Weiss and the Boarbatusk charged at each other. Weiss tried to hit the Boarbatusk but it grabbed her rapier using its mouth making her struggle to get it back. Weiss tried and tried to retrieve her rapier but couldn't and to make matters worse Ruby kept on annoying her making Weiss unable to focus, the Boarbatusk then threw her rapier to the side and knocked Weiss to the other side of the classroom making her hit on the wall really hard. The Boarbatusk then charged at Weiss ready to end her, she closed her for the impact...But felt nothing, Weiss opened her eyes and saw Tails and Yuri in front of her. 

Yuri: Don't think we're doing this for you Schnee, what your father said and did to our family is something we won't forget or forgive!

Tails used his new invention a boxing glove connected to chains connecting to his normal gloves to punch the Boarbatusk to the other side of the room giving Yuri an opening to strike her staff on the ground creating ice all the way to the Boarbatusk freezing it and Tails decided to do over-kill by then shattering the frozen Boarbatusk scaring everyone in the room. Yuri and Tails walked back to their team but before looking at Weiss with disgusted looks on their face, Weiss got back up and went back to her team waiting for the bell to ring.

[Tails' new invention and the way he punched the Boarbatusk]

[(A/n): If you can guess the spin-off this image comes from I'll heart your comment.]

Timeskip is brought to you by Chibi (Y/n) and Chibi Tails testing Tails' arm cannon in his lab

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

The bell finally rang and everyone was heading to lunch but Team RWBY was sitting down, thinking, and arguing.

Weiss: *Angry* You couldn't stay quiet, Ruby Rose.

Ruby: I don't know why you're mad at me.

Blake: Weiss is mad because she was humiliated.

Weiss: *Turns to Blake pissed off*  I WAS NOT HUMILIATED!!!

Yang: Are you sure? Cause you were down making Tails and Yuri had to save your life making you look weak.

Weiss: *Turns to Yang ready to explode* SHUT UP YOU...

Sally: Don't worry Sonic, we'll be fine. Just go get your lunch and save us a spot ok?

Team RWBY turned around and saw Team Sonic talking.

(Y/n): Ok, I'll go but don't take too long.

As (Y/n) left, Weiss got up and started walking to Tails and Yuri.

Tara: *Wakes up* Man, that was a nice nap. *Looks at Yuri* So, what happened?

Sally: Well, Weiss was in a fight with a Boarbatusk and then she...Well.

Tails: The Boarbatusk knocked her rapier, then knocked her back, and after Yuri and I saved her.

Tara: *Surprised* Wow, you guys saved her even though she and her family are a bunch of... *Looks at Weiss*

Weiss: A bunch of what?

Tara: A bunch dicks.

Weiss got angry with what Tara said but calmed down and looked at Yuri and Tails.

Weiss: Yuri...Tails...Thank you.

Tails/Yuri: *Confused* For what? 

Weiss: For...Saving me

Yuri: I don't think you should thank us for that.

Tails: *Mentally* What is this feeling, am I...Falling for Weiss?

Blake, Ruby, and Yang joined Weiss, Tails, and Yuri's conversation.

Blake: Why shouldn't she thank you?

Tails wanted to speak but didn't and Yuri stayed silent not wanting to answer any of their questions, she signaled Tara, Tails, and Sally that's it time for them to go. They stood up and were about to walk to the cafeteria to eat lunch with (Y/n).

Yang: *Shouts* HEY WAIT!!!

Yuri, Tails, Tara, and Sally turn around to see Yang and Tails already knew where this was going.

Tails: *Annoyed* What now?

Yang: Give us back our brother.

Sally: Why should we, so you could beat him up again?

Yang: Shut up you stupid bitch!

Yuri: The only bitch here is you and don't you ever call one of my family members a bitch, you slut.

Tails: Unless you want to see how strong my arm cannon is, you slut.

Yuri, Tails, Tara, and Yuri left for the cafeteria leaving behind a pissed-off Yang and a sad Ruby.

Timeskip is brought to by a Chibi (Y/n) running away from Chibi Yang and Chibi Ruby Location cafeteria

Team RWBY was sitting at a lunch table talking about their day but Yang was still pissed about Yuri and Tails calling her a bitch and a slut. [(A/n): Which is true, Yang does act like a slut sometimes.]

Ruby: I wonder if there are any cookies here?

Weiss: *Annoyed tone* Is that really all you can think about?

Ruby: No!!! I can also think about *Interrupted*

Yang: *Angry*  How can those freaks even call me a bitch and a slut?!?!

Ruby, Weiss, and Blake looked at Yang whose eyes were red meaning she was very mad. They stayed quiet not wanting to say anything that could make her even angrier but that was until Blake spoke.

Blake: One, you did call Sally a bitch which you had no right saying, and two, what gives you the right to call Yuri and Tails freaks? I mean sure Tails has his...Well, two tails which are kinda weird but remember that (Y/n) and Tails are not from here.

Yang: *Angry* Whose side are you on?!

Blake: I'm on their side, I mean after we heard what you and your family did to (Y/n), how do we know if we can trust you?

Weiss: She has a point, we barely even know but already we know a lot about you two.

Yang: *Calms down* Look, what we did was wrong and I'm trying to fix it.

Blake: Like yesterday?

Yang got quiet because she knew Blake was right.

Ruby: Do you think (Y/n) will forgive us?

Weiss: Maybe or maybe not...But he might forgive you.

Yang: Why just Ruby?

Weiss: Because she didn't attack him or called him and his friends names.

Yang got silent again that Weiss was right about attacking and name-calling (Y/n)...But the silence was broken when they heard someone in pain. They turned their heads to see Team CRDL picking on...Velvet.

Velvet: Owww, that hurts.

Cardin: *Mocking and laughing*

Velvet: Please stop.

Cardin:  *Pulling and holding Velvet's rabbit ears hard* Told they were real.

Russel: What a freak.

Blake was disgusted with what Team CRDL are doing to Velvet and so was the rest of Team RWBY.

Ruby's POV

Yang: Poor girl...She doesn't deserve this.

Blake: It's people like them I can't stand the most.

Ruby:  We should help her and show them what happens to bullies who do things like that to anyone.

Blake, Weiss, and Yang agreed with what I said. We all got out of our lunch table ready to kick some butt...But we saw my brother and Decoy walking up to Team CRDL making Yang and I got scared that something bad could happen to (Y/n) if he got into a fight I saw his eyes go dark red as he was walking and I think the rest of my team saw it.


[The way you're walking]

[(A/n): I don't know how to make a gif so here's this sprite.]

Ruby: *Scared* Did any of you see that?

Weiss: Yes I did...What was that?

Blake: I don't know but...I think we should stay away from them.

Yang: *Mentally* What happened to you (Y/n)...What did they do to you?

Blake's POV

While Ruby, Weiss, and Yang were wondering what I meant, I saw (Y/n) and Decoy reached Cardin.

Cardin: Are you two the ones who said that?

Decoy (Y/n): So what if we did?

Russel: You two got big mouths to talk to us like that freaks.

(Y/n): *Looks at Russel* Look at this face and tell me if we care, because if not then shut up or we'll make sure you eat through a straw.

Cardin: What do you want freaks?

Decoy (Y/n): We want to know why you're picking on our friend here.

Cardin: Because she's also a freak I mean look at her, she has rabbit ears!

(Y/n): And what's wrong with being different?

Dove: *To (Y/n)* Wait I remember you, you're that freak that staged that fight in the initiation aren't you?

(Y/n): Sure, I "staged" that fight.

Cardin: What are your names freaks?

(Y/n): I'm (Y/n) Lilac The Hedgehog or just (Y/n) Lilac, leader of Team Sonic.

Decoy (Y/n): And I'm Decoy (Y/n), a robot that can copy his personality and skills co-leader of Team JNPR. 

Cardin: How about you two say you're sorry and we'll forget you said shit about us, deal?

Decoy (Y/n): Or how about you say sorry to Velvet and we won't break your arms and sent to a hospital for a week.

Cardin: *Doesn't care* Sure. *Pulls on Velvet's rabbit ears making her cry*

I then see (Y/n) twist Cardin making him let go of Velvet's ears and then (Y/n) grabbed her arms and ran so fast it's almost like he teleported. [(A/n): That's a benefit of being the son of Sonic The Hedgehog.]

Blake: *Mentally* Wow, Tails wasn't kidding when he said (Y/n) is Sonic's son.

Weiss' POV

Weiss: *Surprised* What, where did he go?

I looked around to see if I can spot (Y/n) and Velvet but nothing until I saw them near Jaune and Pyrrha.

(Y/n): *Serious* Make sure she's okay.

(Y/n) then left Velvet with Pyrrha and Jaune and just ran back to the fight. Ruby, Blake, Yang, and I were running to Pyrrha's side.

Ruby: What's going on, who started this fight?

Pyrrha: I would say it was (Y/n) and Decoy but I say it was Cardin for what he was doing to Velvet.

I turn to see (Y/n) toying with Cardin by dodging his punches.

(Y/n): *Mocking* Come on step it up!

Weiss: *Mentally* I thought Tails was lying about (Y/n) being Sonic's son but this just proves me wrong.

Ruby's POV

I couldn't believe it, my brother was using his father's speed to dodge Cardin's punches while Decoy seemed to be analyzing his opponents' movements but wasn't dodging at the same speed as (Y/n).

Ruby: *Cheerful tone* You can do it, little brother show them what you're made of!

I kept cheering for my brother until I noticed Decoy was knocked back leaving (Y/n) alone.

Ruby: *Angry* HEY, THAT'S NOT FAIR!!!

I noticed Decoy was smiling like he had a plan making me confused I saw Russel trying to punch my brother but he grabbed his leg and threw Russel to Cardin causing the both of them to fall over but I noticed Dove was behind (Y/n).

Ruby: *Shouts* (Y/N) BEHIND YOU!

But it was too late Dove already had a tight hold on (Y/n) making it difficult to escape.

Yang's POV

(Y/n): Let go, you bastard.

Dove: I would focus more on what's in front of you.

What the hell did Dove mean by that, I looked to see Sky in front of (Y/n) smirking and punched him in the face making my brother bleed and he didn't stop punching until I saw (Y/n) smirking for some reason.

(Y/n): Hey Dove, do you know how it feels to be kicked by a rocket shoe?

Dove: *Confused* No, why?

I didn't understand what my brother meant but I saw Decoy behind Dove and his shoe had a rocket booster and I figured it out.

Decoy (Y/n): Well, there's a first time for everything! *Kicks Dove launching him to the roof*


My brother then used his Spin-Dash to charge at Sky and said something to Sky. Ruby and I saw him walking toward us and we were ready to hug him...But he walked past us and went to Velvet.

[The way you were walking to Velvet]

(Y/n): *Worried* Are you okay, Velvet? How are your ears?

Velvet: *Sad* It's okay but they still hurt a lot.

My brother started to scratch Velvet's ear and I could see her smile at this.

(Y/n): *Smiling* Does that feel better?

Velvet: *Smiling* Thank (Y/n), *Blushing* where did you learn to do that?

(Y/n): I would always do that for Tara, Sally, and Yuri whenever they feel sad or scared and I learned it from my best friend/Uncle.


Velvet: *Smiles and blushes* You're such a nice person (Y/n), thank you so much.

Decoy (Y/n): *To the other students and angry* I can't believe you just sat and did nothing.

(Y/n): *Joins Decoy (Y/n)* YOU'RE ALL JUST COWARDS!!!


Everyone in the cafeteria had their heads ashamed of themselves but Team RWBY was wondering about (Y/n)'s Dark Form and if it was the same as his father's and about the dark red eye he had.

Yang: *Mentally* Little bro, what the hell was that...What did those FREAKS do to you?! [(A/n): Helped him in his moment of need and reunited him with his biological father.]

Ruby: *Mentally* Please little brother forgive us.


[(A/n): Alright finally finished this chapter, I started working on this last night, and was meant to be posted yesterday but I easily can get distracted so yeah. The next chapter will be posted soon so be patient.]


Fleetway (Y/n): I'll break free when you're happy and be victorious in your death.

(Y/n): You've been here as long as I can remember.

Tails: (Y/n) calm down!

Summer: My little boy look at how much you changed!

(Y/n): You know nothing about me, you're disrespecting my birthmother's last name by how you treated me!

???: We're your inner monologue, your thoughts.

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