Chapter 11: Alien Reunion

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Here we see you and the others taking cover in a bunker as Anissa and trying to bash through the bunker's defenses.

(Y/N): "Good thing I reinforce the bunkers."

Warmonga: "Forgive me for speaking out of turn but, you made love to a viltrumite!?"

(Y/N): "It's not like she gave me much of an option alright?! Every Viltrumite is a psychopathic warmachine that can wipe out civilizations with their bodies as projectiles!"

Tucker: "So how does this Anissa chick know you?"

(Y/N): "You know I have a tendency of getting shipwrecked right? Well this is the result!"*speaks into the mic*"Does the phrase personal space mean anything to you psychopath!?"

Simmons: "So aside from being crazy, why is she after you?"

Grif: "Yeah you owe her money or something?"

(Y/N): "The viltrumites wiped out half of their species by getting rid of the weak links, they made a galactic wide empire and they spread to thin and they sent out their strongest soldiers to other planets so that they can pretend to be their defenders so that they're easier to conquer, which is why Omni-Man is on Earth in the first place."

Grif: "Okay we didn't need the full history Einstein, so what about this one?!"

(Y/N): "She sees how deadly I am so she wants our kids to be like that. Which is why I stole a ship and ran for the hills away from Viltrum."

Tucker: *coughs* "Pussy."

Kaikaina: "So she wants to have kids with you, what's the big deal?"

(Y/N): "The deal is all viltrumites are basically murderous psychopaths that want to kill eveyrthing they see."*speaks into the mic*"Right you psycho bitch!"

Everyone heard the banging stopped.

Washington: "Why did the banging stop?"

(Y/N): "My guess is that her boss is here."

Tucker: "Or she could be sad cause you called her a bitch."

(Y/N): "A psycho bitch, all viltrumites are complete psychopathic murderers. Don't you know how long a viltrumite live?"

Kaikaina: "Racist."

(Y/N): "I'm not being racist-"

Kaikaina: "Oh yeah? What about Warmonga? She's an alien and we befriended her and she was crazy before you talked to her."

(Y/N): "That's because she was misinformed about Caboose being the prophesied figure in their mythos."

Tucker: "Well what this Anissa chick has for a different reason?"

(Y/N): "Delta showed them the past 1000 years of Viltrumite activity."

We see Delta project Viltrumites 1000 years ago of them killing them and others killing other Viltrumites. Then the viltrumites conquered multiple planets.

(Y/N): "See? This is what their kind do."

Kaikaina: "Their kind?! Wow you're literally being so racist now."

(Y/N): "I'm not-"

Tucker: "You said, 'Their kind'. Seems pretty racist to me."

(Y/N): "Oh come on I am not being racist."

Warmonga: "To be fair you were a bit offensive."

(Y/N): "Anissa is not the only problem here, we have Incursions, Tetramands, and Gazorpians."

Warmonga: "And am I a problem too?"

(Y/N): "You didn't bring your military with you?"

Warmonga: "No I didn't, has it ever occurred to you that those other species are now in peace and haven't conquered any other planets or invaded?"

(Y/N): "W-well I thought-"

Warmonga: "Well you thought wrong, I might have thought that one of your soldiers was the Great Blue, but even I am not that ignorant when it comes to people being offensive. So perhaps maybe you shouldn't be so quick to judge."

(Y/N): "Incursions blew up their planet with a sword, Tetramands live in different tribes because of power difference, and Gazorpians are an all female race because they evolve beyond the reliance of a male partner."

Warmonga: "And what about me? Just because I come from a war-like species does that make me automatically evil?"

(Y/N): "No but you guys will be someday."

Kaikaina: "You guys?? Oh my god you're racist."

Warmonga: "And has it ever occurred to you that maybe I don't want to be like the rest of my kind. Perhaps I want to be different."

Tucker: "They got a point."

Sarge: "Grif, look outside!"

Grif: "Ughh, fine."

Grif looked outside to see Annissa in the cave looking down.

Grif: "Yeah Annissa is just sad."

Tucker: "Yeah and guess who's fault that was."

Everyone looked at you and glared.

(Y/N): "I was stating a fact about Viltrumites."

Carolina: "True, but she's a person with feelings."

Washington: "That you just hurt."

You and the other then see Omni-Man land on the ground and turn to Anissa.

Omni-Man: *sees Anissa*"Ugh, I told you to stay away from him."

Anissa: "You told me to stay away from your son, you didn't say anything about California."

Omni-Man: "It was implied, you know Earth is my turf you know!"

Annisa: "I know and I'm staying away from your son, I just wanted to talk to California."

Omni-Man: "He has caused enough trouble for us."

Annisa: "Like you haven't?"

Omni-Man: "Don't make me kill you!"

Annisa: "Go ahead, it'll be one less headache for you."

Omni-Man: "... I won't, you're not worth it."

(Y/N): "You do realize that these Tetramands and Incursions will go after your turfs, what would a viltrumite do to solve a problem like this?"

Anissa and Omni-Man: "Racist."

Tucker: "See, even they think you're a racist."

(Y/N): "It's not racism if you state a fact."

Anissa: "Still racist."

(Y/N): "It's not-"

Carolina: "Just hear them out."

Omni-man: "You want an education, fine!"

Out of anger, we see Omni-Man destroy all the ships surrounding Iris as we see the ships crash land onto Iris. The only survivors are Attea, Looma, and Mar-Sha who come out of their ships as we see Omni-Man leaves Iris.

(Y/N): "Like I said, a viltrumite is a total psycho warmachine."

Warmonga: "Racist."

Later on, we see you and the others in the med bay with Looma, Attea, and Mar-Sha as we see Doc and Dr. Grey taking care of them.

(Y/N): "Thank you for taking care of them."

Dr. Grey: "No problem."

Kaikaina: "Well this wouldn't have happened if you hadn't been a racist."

(Y/N): "I was speaking from experience."

Kaikaina: "And experience leads to racism, which you just were."

(Y/N): "The leader of the Viltrumites doesn't give a shit about other lifeforms. They have Darwin mindsets, you know, survival of the fittest?"

Kaikaina: "Still doesn't excuse your racism."

Anissa: "No he's right, you guys are nothing but weak slabs of flesh."

Looma: "Agreed."

Girf: "You're siding with the guy who made Omni-Man go full psycho on you guys!?"

Attea: "He's right, we've done nothing to prove him wrong."

Simmons: "Well that's just his opinion."

Looma: "Attea and I nearly caused a war over a boy we like."


You then punched the wall out of anger and left a dent in the shape of your fist.

Kaikaina: "Told you he was a racist."

Mar-Sha: "We were no better than he is. I tried to enslave him and make him my pet."

Looma: "I nearly killed him in gladiatorial combat."

Attea: "I straight up tried to execute him."

Caboose: "And Warmonga was about to unleash a conquest across the universe because of me."

Girf: "Look, you have differences and look at us, it took us years to get along with the Blues, but Sarge still points his gun at them."

Everyone then turned to Sarge as he was pointing his gun at Caboose.

Sarge: "What? I wasn't gonna kill Caboose."

Simmons: "You don't have the safety on sir."

Sarge: "I was thinking of killing Caboose."

Grif: "Really?"

Sarge: "I said I was thinking of killing Caboose."

Simmons: "Anyways."*to you and the alien girls*"You two have not shown anything that either party are not what they seem to be."

(Y/N): *comes in* *to the alien girls*"Look, I have trust issues after getting traumatized by my parents and being betrayed by Project Freelancer."

Kaikaina: "And being racist."

Attea: "No that wasn't racism, he was speaking from experience. It's kinda hard finding someone to trust when you overthrow your dad."

Mar-Sha: "I have a hard time trusting males in general."

Looma: "I was finding a rebound for myself."

Anissa: "I'm sorry that I was a bit psychopathic, all of that time wiping out civilizations for 1000 years really put a number on the brain."

Looma: "Me too."

(Y/N): "Oh I guess this was a misunderstanding, maybe we can start over?"

Attea: "Yeah we can."

Mar-Sha: "Is it a bad time for you to put on this collar?"*holds up a collar with your name on the the tag*"I just don't want my sex life with a male to spread around on my planet, you understand right?"

(Y/N): "Yeah I understand."

Verosika: "Ooh I didn't know you were into pet play."

(Y/N): "It's only in the Gazorpian world right?"

Mar-Sha: "Yes, I just need the right time to tell my people about us."

Verosika: "Why?"

Mar-Sha: "The males of our planet were so bad that we removed them from society and made sex robots to make more Gazorpian babies from the male population. Right now they're in the stone age."

Verosika: "Riiiiight, so all pussy and no dicks, don't you girls use dildos or something to satisfy yourselves?"

Mar-Sha: "Dil...dos? What are they?"

Verosika: "Oh sweet lucifer, you- you never used a sex toy before?"

Mar-Sha: "What's the point?"

Verosika: "To satisfy your lust, or release some stress. You know, rub one out."

Mar-Sha: "We are a peaceful society, we don't need these sex toys you speak of."

Verosika: "You sure?"

You then turn and see Esdeath walking in.

(Y/N): "I know someone who can teach you about this stuff, she's a woman and she's the top dog of her world."

Mar-Sha: "She is a queen?"

(Y/N): "Something like that. She basically can cover the planet in a blanket of snow."

Esdeath: "Sweetie, what's going on?"

(Y/N): "Esdeath, this is Mar-Sha and she came from a society where sex toys aren't a thing. Can you help her with how they work?"

Esdeath: "Of course."

(Y/N): "But uh, can you go easy on her, she's new to this and you don't wanna... break her in like the first hour."

Esdeath: "Don't worry I understand I'll go easy on her."

Verosika: "May I join in too? I wanna watch this."

Esdeath: "Sure."

(Y/N): "Why do I feel like I'm letting Esdeath murder somoene in a sexual way?"

Sometime later, we see you and the others waiting outside of the bedroom.

Grif: "They've been at it for hours."

Donut: "What if Esdeath accidentally broke her?"

(Y/N): "That room is completely soundproof."

Sarge: "What's happening in there?"

Tucker: "Not even I want to know."

Looma: "Should we stop her?"

Attea: "Is she dead?"

(Y/N): "Let's give them 5 more minutes."

5 minutes later

(Y/N): "Man, it's very quiet in there."

We then see Esdeath, Verosika, and Mar-Sha come out of the room as Ma-Sha feels so satisfied from the sex toys she experienced.

Mar-Sha: "That.... was....... Extraordinary."

Verosika: "Soo, how did you like my diplomacy~?"

Mar-Sha: "It was... fantastic... I must tell the other Gazorpians about this!"

Verosika: "Hang on."*Gives Ma-Sha some sex themed gift bags* "Here you are, a little something from me to you, to your species."

Mar-Sha: "Thank you, did uh... put those butt beads in?

Verosika: "Anal beads, and yes, among some other toys you girls will like~." *Spanks Mar-Sha's butt*

Mar-Sha: *After getting spanked* "Eep!" *Giggles* "You really are enjoying this?"

Verosika: *giggles* "You're one to talk, Ms.I love getting spanked~."

(Y/N): "Uh what's going on here?"

Verosika: "Well let's just say that after doing an alien girl, I figured out her kink, which is getting spanked."

(Y/N): "Like this?"*spanks Ma-Sha*

Ma-Sha: *After getting spanked* "Eep! (Y/N) that was incredibly rude!... Do it again!"

(Y/N): "Yeah she likes spanking. Which makes me uncomfortable."

Verosika: "Told you. And everyone has their kinks, and she also likes shy tough guy types like you."

(Y/N): "She does?"

Verosika: "Yep."

(Y/N): " How do you know this stuff?" *Sees Verosika's really look* "Oh right Succubus."

Verosika: "Yep I know every girl's kink."

Tucker: "Yeah right, that's mentally impossible."

Tex: "I agree, try me lady. Figure out what I'm into."

Verosika: "Oh really?" *Looks at the TD girls and the others* "Tex is calm, and has a cold biker vibe so she'll be into guys that she can easily dominate."

Tucker: "Sounds like Church."

Church: "Hey!"

Tucker: "It makes sense, Tex is pretty much the top dog on Blue Team."

(Y/N): "Yep. What about the others?"

Verosika: " Hm, well Courtney is an A type so she'll have secret bad side so she'll like streaking or being naked around the house, and secretly enjoying farting when she's alone or with other people, Lindsay is a hot blonde but a bit dim, so she'll be into boobjobs and cunnilingus, Gwen is a goth but is nice and she would be light bondage followed by spankings or wedgies, and Leshawna with her sassy attitude and tripple Ds and her luscious butt would definitely be into taking from the back door."

Courtney: " Taking from the back door, what does that mean?"

Verosika: "Anal sex, duh."

Courtney: " Ohh."*realizes* Eww!"

Verosika: "Oh relax it's not so bad, it actually feels really good, but word of advice, always take a shit right before your gonna do anal."

Courtney: " Uh, good to know."

(Y/N): "I'm gonna need some time to process everything that Verosika said, 10 or 13 years would do."

Gwen: *to Courtney* "Soo, streaking huh?"

Courtney: "I'm not gonna streak in public!... Okay I may have streaked in my own house with my folks are out but never in public, and what about you Ms. Wedgie lover."

Gwen: "Hey some bully at school wedgied me once and it. The way the panties dig into my pussy made me so wet it felt like Niagara falls down there."

Lindsay: " And I like my boobs, but I don't know what cunniligus is?

Verosika: "Well cunnilingus is when-"

(Y/N): "Can we drop this conversation?"

Verosika: "Fine."

Tucker: "With all that sex talk you could start a seminar."

Verosika: *gets an idea* "Hey, that's not a bad idea."

(Y/N): "And I'll be far away from that seminar, 30 to 500 light-years away will do."

Verosika: "Oh relax it won't be that lethal, plus the seminar is women only. As much as I would like to have you at my side, baby I don't wanna tire you out."

(Y/N): "Don't worry I understand. And happy at the same time, I think after one of your seminars I would have to stay in a bunker for a month."

Courtney: "A seminar, about our kinks? Okay I'm in."

Gwen: "Really?"

Courtney: "I like seminars. I would never miss them."

Lindsay: "And it sounds fun."

Leshawna: "True would be kinda fun."

Verosika: "Yes! Then it's settled we're having sex seminar, lesbian edition."

Next: PSA Chapter 3: New Holidays

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