Chapter 10: Aliens, Aliens, And More Aliens...And School again

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Here we see Grif tied up in a straightjacket in a chair so that he wouldn't hurt anyone as he struggles to get out of it while you and the others are talking to Warmonga.

(Y/N): "You had to ask that question didn't you?"

Warmonga: "Why is your orange human in a straightjacket?"

Tucker: "We went through a time traveling adventure and Grif and Doc went back in time to go to Sammies to get pizza and by the time they were there, that place only sells Calzones and Strombolis."

(Y/N): " And ever since then, Grif has had some... issues with people who don't know what Pizza is."


(Y/N): "It's an Earth cuisine."

Warmonga: "I would like to try this pizza."

Caboose: "And then, you'll be my best gal pal. Just like Washington and Carolina."

Carolina: "Something like that."

(Y/N): "But wait, Caboose, how did you manage to contact Warmonga?"

Caboose: "Oh I was ordering pizza for all my friends except Tucker cause he's stupid and then she asked me if I was the Great Blue, but I don't know what that is so I just nod and said yes."

(Y/N): "Uh-huh."

Tucker: "Wait, you called a chick over the phone and thought she worked for Pizza Hut?"

Caboose: "No that would be silly, I was trying to call Dominos."

(Y/N): "And what number did you dial?"

Caboose: "The number in your number book."

(Y/N): "That book has communication lines to alien planets that I've been on or got shipwrecked."

Tucker: "And you crashed on a planet that has giant green women?"

(Y/N): "Yeah pretty much, I kinda sneaked into their com towers and got communication access just to gain an understanding of their culture."

Tucker: "Okay so why is she worshiping Caboose like a god?"

(Y/N): " Well The Great Blue is a prophesied figure that will lead Warmonga's people to a conquest across the universe."

Tucker: "So this great blue thing or whatever it is is gonna help her conquer the universe?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Tucker: "And she thinks Caboose is the great blue."

(Y/N): "Yep."

Tucker: "And we're fucked."

Simmons: "Why? It's not like Caboose is out to conquer the universe."

Church: "Remember that time when he blew me up with our own tank?"

Simmons: "Oh... yeah."

Church: "And the time he shot me in the head?"

Sarge: "How can I forget?"

Caboose: "I got an alien best friend, right alien best friend!?"

Warmonga: "Yes Great Blue."

Washington: "So... what are we going to do?"

(Y/N): "As long as Warmonga is listening to Caboose we can't do much, cause if we oppose Caboose she'll attack."

Caboose: "Oh don't worry about that, when I had Freckles back on Chorus everyone was okay."

Tucker: "Dude you were leader of Blue Team because you had Freckles dumbass!"

We then see Warmonga kick Tucker into the air and send him into a tree.

Warmonga: "Don't speak to The Great Blue with ill will!"

Tucker: *in pain*"Why in the nuts of all places!?"

Grif: "Now you know how I feel."

Washington: "This is going to be a problem."

Carolina: ". If anyone has any insults to Caboose, don't say them."

(Y/N): "Caboose has a Blue Team so that makes them his subordinates."

Church: "Taking orders from Caboose!? Fuck no!"

Warmonga: "You will bow to the Great Blue or die where you stand!"

Church: "Bitch I am not gonna take orders from Caboose!"

Caboose: "I order you to be my best friend forever!"

(Y/N): "Just go with it Church, besides if you were in your robot body do you want Warmonga to kick your ass?"

Church: "Point made."*to Caboose*"Fine, whatever moron!"

Caboose: "And California, you're gonna be on Blue Team, forever. And now we have 4 Freelancers."

(Y/N): "No thanks I'm on the Red Team." *sees Warmonga glaring* "But uh, whatever you say goes Caboose."

Sarge: "How dare you kidnap our only Freelancer!"

Sometime later, we see you at Blue Base on Iris with the rest of the Blue Team.

Caboose: "Hello everyone."

Warmonga: "All officers of Blue Team, including the new freelancer, greet The Great Blue."

You and the others: " Hello Caboose."

(Y/N): "....I want to go home."

Caboose: "Warmonga is our new member of the Blue Team! And she will be our team helper."

Warmonga: "It is an honor to be part of the Great Blue's military!"

Carolina: "Now I know how you felt being left alone with Caboose and Freckles back on Chorus."

(Y/N): "Yeah, and how Simmons felt too."

Warmonga: "What are your orders, Great Blue?"

Caboose: "My first order of business is Tucker going to the store to buy polish for Sheila, she needs to get a good shine."

Tucker: "Me!?"*sees Warmonga glaring at him*"Fine."

Caboose: "Then Tex, Washington, and Carolina will be looking out for bad guys."

(Y/N): "What about Sheila, Freckles, and Warmonga. Sheila is a talking tank, Freckles is a Mantis assault droid, and Warmonga can crush people's heads with her thighs."

Caboose: "I'm taking Freckles on a walk and Sheila needs to polish her plating. As for Church, we can do best friend things together!"

Church: "Great...."

(Y/N): "What about me?"

Caboose: "You should do what you normally do for the reds but now for the blues."

(Y/N): "Oh in that case, I got a new weapon to show everyone."

Kaikaina: "What about me Caboose?"

Caboose: "Uh, have Girl Talk with Warmonga."

Kaikaina: "Awesome, I always wanted to have a big sister. But a big sister with thighs that can crush a guy's skull, awesome!"

Warmonga: "What is this Girl Talk?"

Sometime later, everyone is outside and you are holding the Skewer.

(Y/N): "Everyone, say hello to the Flaktura Workshop Heavy Speargun. I like to call it the Skewer."

Tucker: "But we already got a skewer, a skewer for the ladies, bow chicka bow wow."*gets hit in the back of his head by Tex*"Ow son of a bitch!"

Washington: "What does it do?"

(Y/N): "It launches powerful spikes at people and skewers them into a nearby surface. I'll demonstrate with this digital dummy of Grif."

Everyone then sees a hologram of Grif appear in front of a target set up by you.

Holo Grif: "Hello, I'm literally the worst hologram ever."

(Y/N): "Observe everyone."

You then fire a spike at the hologram and it skewers the hologram and goes onto the bullseye.

Holo Grif: "Blarg, I'm dead. Tell my sister I'm worthless. Hrrgh bleh."

Kaikaina: "Uh....why did you make it say that?"

(Y/N): "Sarge told me to make it say it like that."

Kaikaina: "Make sense."

Tucker: *gets up*" Aghhh, can you make it look like Felix?"

(Y/N): "Sure, why?"

Tucker: "Cause we hate that guy's guts!"

Warmonga: "The weak teal one is correct."

Tucker: "Bitch I'm aqua!"

(Y/N): "Alright."

You then change the hologram to Felix.

Holo Felix: "Hello, I'm literally the worst person ever and I committed tax fraud on a daily basis just to show how bad I am."

You then reloaded the skewer and shot holo Felix and stuck him in the Bullseye.

Holo Felix: "Blarrg, I deserve that."

Tucker: " Oh-ho bullseye bitch!"

(Y/N): "I got other weapons."

Tucker: "Do it again!"

You then make another holo Felix.

Holo Felix: "I love boners!"

Tucker: "Oh aim for the dick!"

You then shot Holo Felix in the nuts and shot him at the bullseye.

Grif: *Winces* "Oh man thank god that didn't happen to me."

Simmons: "Where was that when we were on Chorus?"

(Y/N): "When I wasn't there with you guys."

Church: "Hey reds, how about you get the fuck out of here. No reds allowed over here."

We see the reds walk away as you see Sarge sighing in sadness.

(Y/N): "I thought you guys were over the whole Red vs Blue thing when you found out you were all sim troopers."

Church: "Meh, old habits."

(Y/N): "I guess but still though, we're not in some box canyon we could share this ya know. Or just have watch"

Church: "Fine."*to the Red Team*" Hey Reds comeback you can watch the weapon demonstration!"

We then see the Reds come back and Sarge is excited for the next weapon demonstration.

(Y/N): "Okay, pur next weapon is-"*pulls out the Bulldog*" The CQS-48 Combat Shotgun, I like to call it the Bulldog."

Grif: "Why Bulldog?"

(Y/N): "Allow me to demonstrate."

You then make another Holo Felix.

Holo Felix: "Tucker has a bigger set of balls than me!"

Kaikaina: *To Tucker* "Really?"

(Y/N): "Everyone made responses for the hologram to say, even Tucker."

You then use the Bulldog to shoot Felix right in his head.

Holo Felix: "Blarg, I have died a virgin. Hrrgh bleh."

(Y/N): "Just like the dog, this gun can do some damage."

Grif: "Ohh Bulldog, that's a good name."

Church: "Hey Sarge."

Sarge: "What?"

Church: "Dibs."

Sarge: "Dagnabit! Curse you international dibs protocol!"

(Y/N): "Actually I'm giving the Bulldog to Sarge cause you're a terrible shot Church."

Church: "Hey my aim is perfect."

(Y/N): "You couldn't find the zoom scope on the sniper rifle."

Church: "Fuck."

(Y/N): "Anyways, where is Warmonga?"

Kaikaina: "Oh we had a girl talk just like Caboose said and she's in that cave where Grif was being a grouch about the fake message from Church."

(Y/N): "...What did you tell her?"

Kaikaina: "Whatever happens in Girl Talk, stays in Girl Talk. It's a rule."

Grif: " You told her Caboose wasn't the Great Blue didn't you?"

Kaikaina: "I'm not telling you that! Grif! It's a sacred place for us girls!"

Grif: "Yeah she told her."

(Y/N): " Oh for- I'll go talk to her."

Kaikaina: "They cracked the code!"*to Carolina and Tex*"Which one of you snitched!?"

Carolina: "You wanna deal with her?"

Tex: "Nope."

We see you heading to the cave and you see Warmonga sitting all alone.

(Y/N): "Hey Warmonga..."

Warmonga: "(Y/N), come to humiliate me more."

(Y/N): " No, no I didn't and I'm guessing a certain yellow idiot told you Caboose isn't the great Blue."

Kaikaina: *Off-screen* "I heard that!"

Warmonga: "I've been duped, for a second time! By humans."

(Y/N): "Second time? Uh, care to elaborate?"

Warmonga: "A human named Drakken told me he was the great Blue, on account of his complexion but it turns out he is an idiot! Just like your Blue warrior."

(Y/N): "Yeah but he means well, plus you'd be surprised at what he can do. Sure he may be an idiot, but he has a big heart. He found Freckles in pieces and now he got him back on his feet when he was shipwrecked on Chorus."

Warmonga: "A warrior with spirit and compassion, impressive."

(Y/N): "I'm guessing this isn't your first visit to Earth was it?"

Warmonga: "No."

(Y/N): *sits next to Warmonga*"You know, I sometimes like to stay away from Earth until I get out of my funk, and on that account my parents have to be dead."

Warmonga: "They used you as a means to gain wealth, yes?"

(Y/N): "Yeah I- wait how did you know?"

Warmonga: "It seemed obvious to me cause I was used for someone else's gain before."

(Y/N): "Yeah. So what else did you and Kaikaina talk about?"

Warmonga: " She said it was confidential but since I trust you, she told me a lot about your adventures and activities in the bedroom with all of those women."*blushes*"I never knew you were... quite adventurous."

(Y/N): "I do love the girls but they can be a bit of a handful didn't you have a boyfriend or someone special?"

Warmonga: "I'm afraid not, truth be told most males are intimidated by me."

(Y/N): "I used to have a phobia of giant women until I realized they're not so bad and they can provide an extra seat on the couch when all the spots are taken by using their laps."

Warmonga: "They do?"

(Y/N): "Yeah and by your height you can provide seats for two."

Warmonga: "Really?"

(Y/N): "Yeah like this."*sits on Warmonga lap*"See, man it's good to get over my fear of women taller than me."

Warmonga: "Why in the world would you ever be afraid of how tall someone is?"

(Y/N): "Childhood trauma."

Warmonga: "I see."

(Y/N): "Well now that fear is no longer a problem, I can get along with girls like you."

Warmonga: "Thank you, but what will I do now? I've already made a fool of myself, twice."

(Y/N): "If you ask me, you can always get over that by the adventures we go on. Besides the reds and blues used to be a bunch of morons and still are today but they went on so many life changing adventures."

Warmonga: "Then may I join your team?"

(Y/N): "Sure."*gets hugged tightly by Warmonga*"Gah!"

Warmonga: "Thank you (Y/N), I am forever in your debt!"

(Y/N): *strained* "Spine.... oxygen.... please!!"

Warmonga: "Oh dear."*lets go of you*"I am sorry."

(Y/N): "Thank you."

You and Warmonga got out of the cave and you both see the reds and blues.

(Y/N): "What are you guys doing here?"

Grif: "Uh watching out for more aliens."

(Y/N): "What aliens?"

Tucker: "Uh did you by chance piss off 3 alien emperor chicks?"

(Y/N): "... What did they look like?"

Caboose: "There was this big red lady with lots of arms, another lady that looks like a frog, and another lady that has arms on her head."

Tucker: "Anyways, they're about to blow up Iris if they don't get what they want, and what they want is you."

(Y/N): "Me? Why not you Tucker? You gave birth to an alien."

Tucker: "Woah hey now, how was I supposed to know I was pregnant with an alien baby?! Anyways they want to see you or we all die."

(Y/N): "How did this even happen?"

Caboose: "Oh we met friends of Omni-Man."

(Y/N): "Wait, he had a friend? Wait, hold on, who are they?"

Caboose: "There is this one lady and she said she met you during your Freelancer days and she wants to see you and make babies with you."

(Y/N): " Why would-"*realizes who it is* "Oh shit."

Tucker: "What? You pissed off a girl from Omni-Man's planet and lived, dude I am so glad I am not you right now."

(Y/N): "Not exactly."

???(Anissa): "California!"

We then see a viltrumite land on the ground in front of the Reds and Blues.

(Y/N): "...Fuck me."

Next: Chapter 11: Alien Reunion

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