Chapter 9: Retirement

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Here we see you and the others at the park and they were discussing their retirement.

(Y/N): "What do you mean retirement!? Why do you want to retire!?"*to Grif*"I bet you have something to do with it, Grif!"

Grif: "Hey we need a break from all the adventures."

Sarge: "As much as it pains me to say it, Grif is not behind this, we got word from the UNSC that we are officially retired."

(Y/N): "Since when?"

Simmons: " Since we all got that email from the UNSC, duh."

(Y/N): "I mean how long ago?!"

Simmons: "Oh uh last week."

(Y/N): "As Lightning Maqueen said, I decide when I'm done."

Carolina: *sighs*"I knew he's too stubborn when we told him the news."

(Y/N): "I bet Vought paid the hire ups to force us into retirement or threaten them by sending in their best."

Simmons: "Uh, no no they didn't."

Washington: "Vought has nothing to do with it."

(Y/N): "That's what they want you to think."

Grif: "Welp it's official (Y/N) has lost his mind."

Simmons: "Should we old-yeller him?"

Jessica: "You are not gonna put him down!"

Tucker: "Uh dudes, he's gone."

Everyone then sees that you are gone.

Church: "Damnit, I hate it when he does that."

Caboose: "When he does wha-"*sees your gone*"Hey! Where is Agent California?"

Carolina: "He's going to take down Vought on his own."

Diana: "Is he usually like this? You have known him longer than we have."

Washington: "He'll come up with any reason to fight. That's what the Counselor told us."

Kara: "Then how do we get him to stop fighting?"

Sarge: "That's just it, he doesn't know how to stop."

Jessica: "What if he's right? What if the email sent you all was just to keep you out of the way of Vought's plans."

Tucker: "We barely even know Vought, and besides we're all retired."

Babs then attached some cables to Lopez's head and brought the email up on her laptop and traced the email.

Babs: "Uhh, you're not gonna believe this. If the email was sent by the UNSC, then how come I traced it to Vought Tower?"

Simmons: "Wait what!? The email is fake!?"

Grif: "Damnit!"

Washington: "I guess he's right for once. He couldn't get far on his own, he has a tendency to turn enemies into allies."

Tucker: "Who's going to join him?"

Caboose: "Oh maybe the people on that billboard?"

Tucker: "What?"

Everyone then looks up and sees a billboard of an upcoming movie called Dawn of the Seven featuring The Seven.

Grif: "Well shit, that's a great plan."

Meanwhile we see Black Noir in the halls by himself and he hears something and he pulls out a knife and throws it and you catch it.

(Y/N): "Sharp as ever Noir."

Black Noir: *writes on a notepad and shows it to you*"Why are you here, you're supposed to be retired."

(Y/N): "They like that wouldn't they? I need your help, I went through some files and camera footage of your interactions with Soldier Boy. He made your career hell and he's the biggest reason why you can't talk."

Black Noir: *writes on a notepad and show it to you*"Why me first?"

(Y/N): "Out of all the members of The Seven, you're the closest to Homelander. I know that Homelander is Soldier Boy's kid and all Vought did is make things worse by making a replacement supe for Soldier Boy. Now that Homelander is hospitalized, it's a perfect opportunity to make some allies. Right now Soldier Boy is on ice and can break out with the help of someone at any time, I'm gonna help you finish what you started."

Black Noir: *while writing on a notepad*"Thanks."

(Y/N): "Gather the other members of the Seven, at least the ones who can't stand the corporate crap Vought put them through. As well as your old Payback buddies, anyone willing to stand up to Vought, and whatever you do, don't tell Homelander. Since you're good at keeping secrets from him anyways."

Black Noir then nods in yes and goes away as you then activate your active camouflage and leave. Sometime later, we see Black Noir secretly passing notes to the other members of the Seven and his old team Payback and leaving notes for The Boys. Sometime later, we see everyone gathered in Camp LeHigh.

(Y/N): "Everyone, I gathered you all here for one thing, Vought. Now listen, if we play our cards right and think smart we can pull it off. I even convinced the first Supe in Vought's collection of superheroes to be here."

We then see Stormfront enter the room and stand next to you as the supes and The Boys see her.

(Y/N): "After hours of convincing her that nazism is dead and how Diversity works, she finally came to her senses."

Simmons: "Well what's the plan?"

(Y/N): "Thanks to some intel from Black Noir, we have 4 major targets. Homelander, Soldier Boy, Vought, and Victoria Neuman."

Carolina: "And how do we take them down?"

(Y/N): "Tucker and I aren't the only people with keys. Right Locus?"

We then see Locus turn off his active camouflage as he was standing next to Billy Butcher the whole time.

Locus: "Right."

Washington: "Him?"

Tucker: "There is no way that Predator knock off is sticking with us."

(Y/N): "Well if it weren't for him Washington wouldn't be in this room right now."

Washington: " It's true."

(Y/N): "Right now, Vought doesn't know Locus has a Key."

Locus: "We'll use that to our advantage."

(Y/N): "Locus will have Church with him, and all the files in Vought's database about every cover up they made since it's infancy. I've located a Temple of Communication, unlike the one on Chorus, it's subterranean and the entrance  to it is at the center of Stonehenge."

Tucker: "Since when was there a temple on Earth?"

(Y/N): "Oh Santa told me himself while I was on Chorus."

Tucker: "Huh, guess advanced alien races do leave stuff behind so that everyone will use it."

Simmons: "What about Soldier Boy and Homelander?"

(Y/N): "There's a structure called the Retreat, its walls are plated with vibranium. The metal itself is tough enough to hold the Hulk in it. Team Payback will lure Soldier Boy there while Delta will create a high frequency sound only Homelander can hear to lure him to the same place as Soldier Boy. Delta will be there to tell the truth about them being father and son. Homelander can hear things at long distances so we only speak in morse code because Black Noir told me that Homelander doesn't know morse code."

Planetina: "What will happen once all of the info is released about all of the cover ups and Homelander is not in the Retreat?"

(Y/N): "The reason why he hasn't unleashed hell on Earth yet is because keeping the heroic image is holding him back. Without it, he has nothing left to lose and we're all fucked. We only have one shot at this. Locus, we'll give you the signal once both supes are in the Retreat. Wash and Carolina you two break Soldier Boy out of the ice."

Carolina: "Right."

Tucker: "And what about the rest of us?"

(Y/N): "After hearing you guys figure out that the email from the UNSC was a sham, Vought will send in bad Supes after you. So be ready for anything."

Butcher: "Remember boys, not all of the supes in Vought's puppet strings are good unlike these blokes."

(Y/N): "Get ready to fight some bad superheroes."

Donut: "Bad as in good bad or bad as in they're evil?"

Butcher: "Evil bad."

Donut: "Okay."

Sometime later, we see Homelander has made a full recovery from the hospital.

Homelander: "Cracked ribs from a blue simulation trooper moron that is Caboose, and he's not even a supe. If it were up to me."*eyes glow red and turn to the rest of the Seven*"I would turn him into a smoldering pile of ash."

The Deep: "Wait, I thought you realized that you are doing bad things?"

Homelander: "Oh that's just an act."

A-Train: "Wow..."

We then see a Vought guard come into the room.

Vought Guard: "The reds and blues figured out the email is a fake sir."

Homelander: "Greeeeat, just great. First Charron, and then we're next. Well if you all excuse me, I got some idiots to kill."

We then see Homelander leave the room as we see A-Train click his pen in morse code on his phone as you hear it.

A-Train: *in morse code* "The baby flag has left the building."

You then get Carolina and Washington on comes and you tap in morse code.

(Y/N): *in morse code*"Are you getting papa flag out of the ice?"

Carolina: *In Morse code* "Working on it."

Meanwhile in Russia, we see Washington and Carolina busting Soldier Boy out of the stasis pod.

Washington: "Hello Soldier Boy, we heard about you being betrayed by your own team."

Carolina: "They have a reunion party at a shed, and it isn't gonna end well."

Soldier B: "Well they're the reason why I'm in here in the first place."

Soldier Boy then grabs his shield and we see Washington give him the coordinates of the Retreat.

Washington: "Those are the coordinates of the location. Be ready."

Sometime later, we see Soldier Boy on a boat to the Retreat as you see him on camera. Delta appeared in the computer of the Retreat and he started the sound frequency. Homelander then hears the signal and he's on his way to the Retreat. By the time both supes got to the Retreat they went in and they saw each other.

Soldier B: "Who the hell are you?"

Homelander: "Homelander, and I thought you were dead, Soldier Boy."

Soldier B: "I'm still kicking."

Delta: *appears between them*"Hello gentlemen."

Soldier B: "Who's the lightbulb?"

Delta: "I think you're referring to me as AI."

Soldier B: "Woah it talks!"

Homelander: "Why are you here pal?"

Delta: "Merely to keep you two in this house. The signal you heard Homelander and the ruse about the Payback reunion is all a set up of getting you two here."

Homelander: "What?"

We then see Delta close up the Retreat as Soldier Boy breaks the wall and tries to break the vibranium walls but he can't as we see Homelander use his heat vision to melt the vibranium with no avail.

Delta: "The Retreat was designed to contain superhumans like you thanks to the vibranium composition of the walls."

Homelander: "Get us out of here you worthless excuse of a chess game!"

Delta: "I do not have to listen to you. I am under strict orders not to let any of you out of the Retreat."

Homelander: " What?! By who?!"

Delta: "All will be revealed soon."

Meanwhile, at Camp LeHigh, we see Lopez and Donut on watch out and they see bad supes and Vought soldiers.

Lopez: *in spanish*"Intruder alert!"

Donut: "Guys we have company!"

Sarge: "Well boys today is good day to-"

(Y/N): "Not the time Sarge, let's hold the fort and keep them at bay! Get Donut some grenades: Spike, Frag, Plasma, any grenade will do. Supes on our end, you're with me on defense against their supes, the rest of us take down those soldiers."

Sarge: "You heard the man, boys get ready to fight! For our ancestors!"

Grif: *to A-Train*"Hey man, I know something that can help your speed."

We then see A-Train moving even faster than his speed in his prime thanks to the meth shrooms from Iris as we see him beating up the supes.

(Y/N): "You gave him the meth shrooms?"

Grif: "Yep, they worked for me and they definitely work with him!"

Donut: "Bombs away!"

We then see Donut throwing grenades at the Vought Soldiers and Supes as they all explode. You and the others see the G-Men coming in.

(Y/N): "Crud, we got X-Men knock offs coming in!"

Caboose: *teleports behind you*"I brought Freckles!"

Caboose then throws a teleportation grenade and Freckles appears and he sees the G-Men.

Freckles: "Enemy soldiers detected. Engaging target."

We then see Freckles fighting off the G-Men as we see Bluehawk charging in at Tucker.

Bluehawk: "You black son of a-"*falls down and sees his shoe laces were tied together*""Ah! What the??"

(Y/N): "How did-"

Tucker: "Caboose."

Caboose: *'sneaking' around you* "I am sneaking."

(Y/N): "I... don't even have to words on how he did that."

Tucker: "You'd be surprised at what Caboose can do, even if he is an idiot."

(Y/N): "True."

Caboose: *'sneaking' around you**whispering*"I am so sneaky California, I bet you can't see me."

Queen Maeve and Starlight then hear some music coming from somewhere.

Starlight: "What is that music?"

We then see Sarge, Grif, and Simmons in a warthog and they're charging into multiple Vought soldiers.

Simmons: *while firing the machine gun*"Yeah suck it Supes!"

Starlight: "But we're supes too."

Simmons: *while firing the machine gun*"Just to clarify I don't mean our guys. I mean the evil supes."

Sarge: "Onward to victory!"

Meanwhile at the Stonehenge, we see Locus pull out his sword as a lock appears at the center of the Stonehenge.

Locus: "This is the right place."

Locus then opens the lock when a hidden staircase appears and he walks down the stairs. He then sees the Temple of Communication of Earth underground.

Church: *Appears next to Locus*"Let's hope this thing has good wifi."

Locus: "Or any wi-fi."

We see Locus head to the temple as he hears something and turns around and sees the Nubian Prince.

Nubian Prince: "I thought that Tucker or California would be here but you, we didn't know you had one."

Locus: "What brings you here?"

Nubian Prince: "I'm just here to make sure I have a job so I can provide for my family."

We then see Nubia fly into the room and see Locus.

Nubia: "Our family."

Church: *sees Nubia and Nubian Prince*"Okay, this marriage is doomed from the start."

Locus: "Yes, the reason why you two are even together was not of heroism but rather your thirst for violence. Vought has ruined your marriage ever since you were given your powers."

Nubian Prince: "There are two of us and one you, you are outnumbered and outclassed."

Locus: "That's where you're wrong."

We then see a portal to Hell open up and we see the freelancers come out of the portal and they get ready to fight.

Wyoming: "Move along now mate, we'll keep them preoccupied."

We then see the Freelancers fight the Supes as we see Locus head to the temple. Locus then activates the temple and Church sends the message worldwide.

Church: "Hello everyone, I am Leonard Church and I have a message for Earth. Now I have tons of files about Vought's cover ups on the various atrocities done by Vought's greatest and finest heroes. I can go on and on about the list of crimes committed by these heroes but I can be here all day. It's actually California who came up with the plan of taking down Vought and so we decided to help him out. So now, if you don't mind cops, military, and real superheroes and take these mother fuckers down."

Meanwhile at the Retreat, both Homelander and Soldier Boy see the files about the cover ups made by Vought including files about Homelander is actually the child of Soldier Boy.

Soldier B: "What the hell?"*to Homelander*"You're my son."

Homelander: "You're my father?"

Soldier B: "I always wanted a kid of my own and raised him myself, but Vought took away that chance and now they warped you into the man I was so many years ago. Now you're just a weak pathetic excuse of a man."

Homelander: "Weak..."

Soldier B: "Son....You're a disappointment."

Soldier Boy then punches Homelnader in the chest and launches him into the wall and we see both of them battle each other.

Planetina was outside of the Retreat and she saw a bright light coming from the Retreat and a large explosion in the Retreat. Then the doors open and we see Soldier Boy come out of the Retreat holding Homelander's burnt and severed head.

Planetina: "You killed your own son?"

Soldier B: "He was a disappointment to me, Vought ruined my chance at a family. They ruined my life and his life. Now I'm going after my old team."

Planetina: "I'll get to them before you can."

Planetina then flies off as Soldier Boy heads to a boat. Sometime later, we see Soldier Boy arrive at Vought Tower and it was dark and he was looking around the tower since it was empty.

Then the lights came on and Black Noir was behind him and Soldier Boy punched Black Noir and launched him into a wall as we see Crimson Countess unleash a burst of energy at Soldier Boy.

We then see the TNT Twins attack Soldier Boy from behind as we see Mindstorm use his telepathy to take control of Soldier Boy.

Crimson Countess: "Get him mindstorm, scramble his brain waves!"

Soldier B: "I don't think so!"

We then see Soldier Boy kick Mindstorm and launch him at Black Noir as we see you double kick him.

You then pull out the Railgun and fire an energy blast at Soldier Boy as he blocks it with his shield.

Soldier B: "What kind of gun is that?!"

You then fire another shot as Soldier Boy dodges it and knocks the gun out of your hands as we se Black Noir tackle Soldier Boy as Soldier Boy then grabs Black Noir and throws him out of the building.

You then use a grappling hook and swing in and catch Black Noir and we see Soldier Boy jump down and tackle both you and Black Noir. You then push Soldier Boy off of you and Black Noir as we see Soldier Boy get up and we see Grif grab him from behind and wrestle him like a bear.

Grif: "It's like wrestling a bear!"

Soldier Boy then grabs Grif and he throws him at the reds as we see Tucker go in and stab through Soldier Boy's shield.

Tucker: "Stab!"

Soldier Boy then pushes Tucker off of his shield as we see Sarge shoot Soldier Boy with his Shotgun.

Sarge: "Come here you big son of a bitch!"

Soldier Boy then walks up to Sarge as Sarge continues to shoot his shotgun at Soldier Boy until Soldier Boy disarms Sarge and grabs him by the neck.

Soldier Boy: "Hey Noir, I lost my shotgun. What am I gonna do without my shotgun? Shotgun dammit!"

Black Noir then turns to see Soldier Boy's statue and figures out Sarge's plan and gestures to you to help him.

Sarge: "Hey Soldier Boy, let's settle bet will ya?"*attaches a hook to Soldier Boy*"How much does that statue weigh?"

Soldier B: "Huh?"

We then see you and Black Noir pushing the statue into the water.

(Y/N): "Come on, a little further!"

Soldier Boy then sees the hook on his suit and looks at Sarge in disbelief as we see the weight of the statue drag Soldier Boy into the water as Soldier Boy grabs Black Noir.

(Y/N): "Noir!"

You grab Black Noir's hand as you then see Soldier Boy fall into the water. You then quickly pull Black Noir up from the edge and Black Noir then hugs you.

(Y/N): "You are welcome."

Black Noir then lets go of you as he then sees Buster Beaver and his crew.

Buster: "You did it Earving, you finished what you started all those years ago."

(Y/N): "And we helped."

Simmons: "Yeah too bad that a lot of you guys are going to jail."

Buster: "Maybe when we're released we can be real heros, no strings attached."

Sometime later, we see you and the others at the park in Metropolis.

Grif: "So what now?"

(Y/N): "I'm definitely not going back to Metropolis High, Doris or no Doris I'm not going back to the locker."

Simmons: "Same here, I have devastating memories of high school."

(Y/N): "Did all those memories involve you trying to talk to girls?"

Simmons: "How did-"

(Y/N): "Grif told me."

Grif: "You told me your entire life non stop since we first met."

(Y/N): "And it's not just Doris who tortured me, Chapin was so much of a stuck up prick that gave me detention for no reason."

Grif: "Try dealing with gym teachers."

(Y/N): "Coach Prestwood?"

Grif: "Yeah he's worse than Sarge, he made me hate effort itself."

(Y/N): "My teachers are either psychos, rapists, or molestors."

Verosika: "What do you mean?"

(Y/N): "Let's just say High school was the reason I lost my V-Card."

Verosika: "Hm, horny female substitute teacher right?"

(Y/N): "She used hypnotism on me so that she could take my V-Card and it scarred me for life."

Verosika: "Yikes."

(Y/N): "What's worse, she was pregnant with my child and the court forced her to have an abortion."

Tucker: "Well serve her right."

Verosika: "Yeah, no one hypnotizes (Y/N) and gets away with it."

(Y/N): "Thanks."

Simmons: "So now what?"

(Y/N): "Maybe we could go on more adventures or we could take a look around Metropolis."

Caboose: "Does anyone know what the Great Blue is?"

(Y/N): "What makes you ask that question, Caboose?"

Caboose: "Oh because this green lady came by earlier asking me if I was the Great Blue."

(Y/N): "Uh... what green lady?"

Caboose: "The one standing behind Grif."

Everyone then saw what looked to be an alien amazonian.

Grif: "What the hell?!"

Simmons: "How long was she there?"

Caboose: "While you were talking about bad things happening at school."

(Y/N): "Okay... Caboose you wanna introduce us to your uh... friend?"

Caboose: "Oh her name is Warmonga and I told her everything about our adventures especially the one where Tucker made a thousand babies."

Tucker: "Caboose what did we just talk about?!"

(Y/N): "Anyways, Warmonga was it? What brings you to earth?"

Warmonga: "I was summoned by the Great Blue to your world."

Tucker: "Wait Caboose called you and you come to our planet?"

Warmonga: "Yes, but I do have one question. What is pizza?"

(Y/N): *Sees Grif seething in rage* "Ohh shit biscuits..."

Next: Chapter 10: Aliens, Aliens, And More Aliens...And School Again

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