Chapter 5: A Space Adventure

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Here we see you packing up the supplies for a mission from the UNSC as the Red Team helps you out as well in the packing up.

Simmons: "We have a mission from the UNSC itself, this is amazing!"

Grif: "We're going on an adventure, fuck no!"

(Y/N): "Too bad, I guess we have to attend a pizza party without you."

Grif: "Pizza!? Count me in!"

(Y/N): "I also invited the Blue Team."

Sarge: "What?! Why would you do that!?

(Y/N): "Remember the time you wanted an adventure without the Blues, we all got punished cause Esdeath wasn't invited and we all suffered by her hand because of the fact that her hair is blue. Plus we're bringing Doc as well."

Doc: *comes in*"I'm actually on a mission, finally!"

Reds: *groan in unison except for Donut*

Donut: "Oh come on, I brought Doc with me to help you guys."

Lopez: *in Spanish*"You brought help alright and then got us stranded on Chorus."

Donut: "I wonder what mission we're going on."

(Y/N): "I'll tell you on the way."

We later see you all going to the mission as reds saw there are robots everywhere.

Sarge: "Robots, everywhere!"

Lopez: *in Spanish*"Finally, someone who understands my passion for being robot overlords."

Simmons: " Why are there so many robots here?!"

(Y/N): "I don't-"

Your ship then got shot by a blast of energy and you all crashed landed onto a plantoid. You all get out and you see their leader.

???(Ultron): "So, I see that they sent you all to die."

Lopez: *in spanish*"I am Lopez the Heavy."

(Y/N): *Sess Ultron* "Ultron?"

Ultron: "You spoke my name freelancer, I know how your people treat AIs. Tearing them apart bit by bit to empower their soldiers. The Alpha's purpose to you is to fragment himself to the point where he becomes an empty shell. My purpose is to bring you all the peace of our time, which is the elimination of all life."

Grif: " Because of course it is."

Lopez: *in spanish*"I prefer dominating all organic life."

Simmons: " So does anyone have a plan to beat this guy?"

You then pull out a Spartan Laser and fire it at Ultron as he casually blocked the shot thanks to the infinity stones.

(Y/N): " Really thought that would work. "

Ultron: "Can't say I saw that one before."

Lopez then sees a portal opening above Ultron's head.

Lopez: *In Spanish* "What is that portal?"

Then zombies came out of the portal and piled onto Ultron.

Grif: " Zombies?"

Simmons: "Where did they come from!?"

???(Capt. Carter): "Soldiers! Come with us!"

You and the others see a group of heroes and a portal forming in front of them.

Sarge: "What in blazes is that!?"

Grif: " Who Cares come on!"

(Y/N): "Who brought the zombies here?!"

Strange Supreme: "I did but it's not the zombies, it's what came with them."

You and the others followed the heroes into the portal. Later, you and the others are in a universe where the Earth is in ruin.

Grif: "Where the fuck are we?"

Simmons: "I think it's Earth."

Sarge: "What a dump."

We then see Strange Supreme give you and the others a protection spell as you all feel it.

Grif: "The fuck?"

Strange Supreme: "It's a protection spell, you're welcome. It will protect you from the stones."

Simmons: " So what the hell is going on?"

Capt. Carter: "Ultron has the infinity stones and he's using them to annihilate all life across the multiverse."

Donut: "I have cosmic power of my own thanks to Chrovos."

Sarge: "Who are all of you?"

Capt. Carter: "I'm Captain Carter and this is T'Challa, Killmonger, Thor, Dr. Strange, and Gamora."

Sarge: "Listen here missy, I'm Super Colonel Sarge and-"

Capt. Carter: " That's not a real rank."

Sarge: "Sarge is my name, I was promoted to Colonel so I outrank you little lady."

T'Challa: "He has a point there."

(Y/N): "The 'Super Colonel' is something the Blues and Reds made up."

Simmons: "Wait, Ultron called himself an Ai. Perhaps we need to find a way to delete his code from the inside of his body."

You and the others turn to Church.

Church: " What?"

(Y/N): "You're an AI, you can combat Ultron's code and delete him."*sees the Infinity Crusher*"What's that?"

Gamora: "The infinity crusher, it can crush the stones into nothing."

(Y/N): "That came from your universe?"

Gamora: " Yes it did, why?"

(Y/N): "That's not gonna work."

We then see a woman with red hair grab Caboose from behind and point her weapon at him. You and the others turn to see Caboose in her grasp.

Caboose: "This is a weird way to hug someone."

(Y/N): "Who are you!?"

Capt. Carter: "Natasha Romanoff, she's a friend of mine in my world."

Natasha: "And I'm supposed to be the last living thing left in this universe."

Tucker: "Let go of Caboose."

You and the others see Ultron come through a portal as Strange places a protection spell on Natasha.

Church: "Fuck! He's here!"

We then see you and the others fight off Ultron as we see Church shooting his SMGs at Ultron and get his attention.

Church: "I'll show you an empty shell!"

Church then comes out of his body and transfers himself into Ultron's mind as he sees Church inside his head.

Church: "Suprise mother fucker!"

Ultron: "What!? Who are you, what is your objective?!"

Church: " The name is Leonard Church, and you will fear my control-alt-delete!"

Church then starts destroying Ultron's code while on the outside we see Ultron in extreme amounts of pain.

Ultron: "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!"

We then see the body fall down to the ground as you and the others look at the body.

Caboose: "Church?"

(Y/N): "Alpha?"

Church: *gets up*"Woah, man that took a lot out of me."*looks at his reflection*'Holy shit, I'm in his body and now it's mine, this is badass!"

(Y/N): " You uh, feeling okay dude? You're not gonna kill us or something, are you?"

Church: "Why would I do that? I know Tucker and Caboose are annoying but I don't want to kill them. And the Reds, life would suck if they're not around."

(Y/N): " Okay good you're still you."

Gamora: "We need to get rid of those stones."

Grif: "I vote we bury the body in this universe."

Simmons: "Someone will come looking for it if we bury it."

Grif: "Dude there's no one else here, everyone is dead in this universe, except for one girl."

Sarge: "Grif, you're on shovel duty."

Grif: " Why me?"

(Y/N): "You were the one who came up with the idea."

We then see Church leave Ultron's body and get back into his own body.

Church: "Get a shovel and get into digging fatass."

(Y/N): "Esdeath will be supervising your progress."

Grif then looks at Esdeath as she is holding a shovel. Sometime later, we see Grif tired laying in the ship from the digging and Natasha was on board.

Natasha: "Thanks for giving me a new home."

(Y/N): " You're welcome."

Sarge: "Welcome to the red team, your red hair makes you a member of the Red Army."

Natasha: " Is he always like this?"

(Y/N): " You get used to it."

Tucker: "So what now?"

(Y/N): "We got a lot more missions from the UNSC to do. There is a mysterious energy signature in the far end of the galaxy."

Grif: "Ugh sounds like work. Can't we just leave it alone?"

Simmons: "We can't ignore it, Grif, we have to investigate it."

(Y/N): "Remember the pizza party?"

Grif: " Dammit your right, pizza is my weakness."

Later, we see you and the others arrive at where the energy signature was. You all look around the area.

Tex: "Something is off around here."

Grif: " Yeah, there's no pizza."

(Y/N): "Hmm, the energy reading coming from under our feet?"

We then see a large blast of energy come from the ground and you all see Zombie Scarlet Witch.

(Y/N): " Uh who is that?"

Natasha: "Wanda Maximoff, she used to work with Ultron back in my world until she got killed along with the rest of the universe. She looks like she came from another universe."

(Y/N): " What gave you that idea?"

Natasha: "There are no zombies in my universe."

Zombie Scarlet Witch then flies to you and you aim your SAW rifle at her and you fire the weapon as she uses telekinesis to stop the bullets and they fall to the ground. You then pull out your Great Key and try to slash her but everytime you attack her she uses her power to block them.

(Y/N): "Dammit!"

The Reds and Blues then fire their weapons as Zombie Scarlet Witch stops all the bullets and they fall to the ground.

Grif: "Fuck! We're screwed!"

Zombie Scarlet Witch then uses her power to grab you pull you in as the others scream in terror. They don't hear any munching on flesh and they see that they're confused on why Zombie Scarlet Witch is hugging you.

(Y/N): " Um... this zombie is being un-zombie like."

Tucker: " Dude I know what she's thinking, she might be buttering you up so you can lower your guard down and eat you while you're asleep!"

We then see Tucker throw a grenade at Zombie Scarlet Witch as she uses her power to catch it and contain the explosion.

Tucker: "Fuck! Donut!"

Donut: "On it!"

Donut then makes a cosmic barrier between you and Zombie Scarlet Witch as she bashes her fists on the barrier in anger.

Tucker: "Take that bitch!"

(Y/N): "Thanks for the save, Donut."

Donut: "No problem."

Later on, we see you all make a run back to Iris and you left Zombie Scarlet Witch on the planet you found her.

(Y/N): "Thank god she's stuck on the planet."

Donut: "I made an energy shield that she can't get out of."

Tucker: "There is no way a zombie apocalypse is gonna happen on our watch."

(Y/N): "Yeah."

Simmons: "What is that bitch gonna do now? teleport here?"

We then see Zombie Scarlet Witch teleport next to Simmons.

(Y/N): *To Simmons* "You had to say it didn't you?"

Simmons: *sighs* "Fuck me."

Tucker: " Nope."

Tucker then fired his DMR at Zombie Scarlet Witch as she stopped the bullets and sent them flying. We then see you and the others running away from the zombie in a panic.

Simmons: "Run!"

Grif: "I can't die as food!"

Sarge: "Quadruple time men!"

You and the others then hide in a cave from Zombie Scarlet Witch.

Simmons: "I have an idea, let's all accept a mission from the UNSC that will get us killed. Great plan California!"

(Y/N): " How was I supposed to know she'd find us?!"

Sarge: "Probably because Grif is fatter than a thanksgiving dinner for 4000 of the fattest people around."

Grif: "Hey!"

(Y/N): "Where's Caboose!?"

Tucker: "Wait, I thought he was in the base?"

(Y/N): " I thought he was with you?"

Then you all were teleported right in front of Zombie Scarlet Witch and you all saw her.

Tucker: "Fuck!"

Doc: "Don't eat me, I'm a vegan and I taste terrible! Eat them!"

(Y/N): "You fuck!"

Sarge: "If you're gonna eat us, start with Grif!"

Grif: "Hey!"

Simmons: "I don't want to die a virgin!"

(Y/N): "Why did you look at me when you said that!? I'm not gay!"

We then see Caboose appear next to Zombie Scarlet Witch holding the Jumper.

Caboose: "Hello."

Tucker: "Caboose get us the fuck out of here!"

Caboose: "Wanda told me she was very lonely because her robot friend is dead because he was feeding people to her while she's in a cage."

(Y/N): " You...can understand her?"

Caboose: "It's all in the throat when it comes to zombienese, it's a very complicated language."

Church: "Caboose, is everything of what the fuck you just said true?"

Caboose: " 100 percent. Plus she doesn't want to feel hungry and she just wants someone like her robot friend."

(Y/N): "So she just wants a friend?"

Tucker: " And doesn't want to eat us?"

Caboose: "Oh she wants to eat us but in a friendly way."

Grif: " Damnit!"

Tucker: "Oh fuck you zombie bitch!"

Z. Scarlet Witch: *growls in anger*

Caboose: *zombie talk to Z. Scarlet Witch* "Tucker is just being stupid like always."

Z. Scarlet Witch: *zombie talk back*"I'm having a bad life as it is, Stark killed my parents, my brother is dead, my love killed himself, and now my life is nothing but turning people into monsters like me!"

(Y/N): "What did she say?"

Caboose: "A lot of bad things happened to her. Like her parents are dead and her brother is dead and her robot friend is dead and she's a monster."

Tucker: "Where the fuck have you been Caboose? And why do you have the Jumper?"

Caboose: "I have a slideshow later. But in short, she wants (Y/N) to be her best friend!"

(Y/N): "And eat me in the process too."

Caboose: "Oh she's on a diet."

Tucker: "Since when?"

Caboose: "Ever since she hugged (Y/N)."

Tex: "That was like 5 hours ago."

Tucker: "Yeah, what does she eat now? Rat ass?"

Caboose: "Anything from a butcher's shop but as Raw Meat."

(Y/N): "Alright, about the slideshow."

Caboose: "Oh right, let me set everything up."

Sometime later in the base, we see Caboose showing you all of his vacation pictures across the multiverse.

Caboose: "Alright let's start at the beginning of my vacation."*shows a slide of Caboose bumping into Hope Van Dyne*"Oh I bump into her and cracked her helmet by accident but we became friends, she told me she had a daughter named Hope and then I want to meet her too cause she was nice."*changes to a slide with Caboose and Hope in Odessa, Ukraine*"I met this Hope lady and she told me that her dad is stupid so I ask her if she want to get a job what would it be, and she said shield and I told her go ahead and follow your dreams!"*changes to a slide that has Caboose and Yondu*"Then I met a blue dad and we became super best friends and he sent his friends to pick up a kid and take him to school."*Changes to a slide that has Caboose and a Hydra spy*"This guy told me he has something to light the fireworks to celebrate something great for everyone and I told him it's never too early to celebrate."*changes to a slide that shows Caboose and Killmonger*"Then I met a scary guy who has a metal shirt and wants to dress up like a cat and I told him that he should let Tony help him and meet him in Afghanistan to get that cat costume."*Changes to a slide that has Caboose bumping into Iron Man over a portal that leads back to New York*"Yeah I bump into that guy."*changes to a slide where Caboose was with Odin and baby Loki*"And I met this buff dad and I told him that he should give the frost baby back to his frost dad."*changes to a slide that has Caboose and Christine Palmer on it*"I met this lady who knows the best doctor around and I told her to be his best friend and nurse."*Change to a slide of Tony and Caboose*"I told that guy to wait for his AI son so that they can do stuff that father and son would do and forgot to leave someone behind to babysit him."*changes to a slide of you and the others*"Then I came back to my best friends, the end."

Then the lights came on as you and the others including the Guardians of the Multiverse were shocked to hear what Caboose said.

(Y/N): "What the fuck?"

Capt. Carter: "That changes literally everything."

Natasha: "I'm gonna need some time to process this, maybe 12 to 20 years will do."

Party Thor: "The reason why we're all here is because of the shenanigans of a blue moron?"

(Y/N): " are something else."

Caboose: "Yeah it's crazy."

Next: Chapter 6: Hellish Adventures

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