Chapter 4: A Day With Courtney

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Here we see you come out of your bedroom and you were recovering from the sexual torture from Esdeath from last night. You took the ball gag off and pulled the dildo out of your butt and you went to your armor and put it on. You see the Total Drama contestants setting up a home on Iris and you see Courtney sitting by herself.

(Y/N): " Uh, hey Courtney right? What are you doing here?"

Courtney: "Just enjoying sitting here by myself."

(Y/N): "My bioscan can tell that you're lying. I fine tuned it myself."

Courtney: *sighs* "I'm just so lonely, almost everyone hates me."

(Y/N): " Was it because of that list you made in All Stars or sued Chris in Action?"

Courtney: " Probably everything, I was my best friend Gwen and I lost my boyfriend Duncan."

(Y/N): "Thank god that toxic relationship is over."

Courtney: "Was it that bad?"

(Y/N): "You gave him a 500 page contract and kicked his groin so much he probably lost the ability to have kids. If you want to date someone try Caboose he's....flexible."

Courtney sees Caboose playing with Freckles.

Caboose: "Okay Freckles, fetch!"

Caboose then throws a tennis ball as Freckles fires missiles at it.

Freckles: "Target eliminated."

Courtney: " Uh..."

(Y/N): "I would recommend Tucker but he has made an entire elementary school of children with a turn of a key. You can try Church, he's single."

Courtney sees Church trying to shoot a soda can but misses it everytime.

Church: "Goddamn it! Somebody is fucking the sights on this thing!"

Courtney: " Thanks but no thanks."

(Y/N): "Well there's Donut."

Courtney: " Isn't he, you know."

We then see Donut appear in a pair of skis, a tie, a pair of glasses, and a tray of frappuccinos.

Donut: "Who wants a Cinnamon Frappuccino?"

(Y/N): "Right....well why not Washington?"

Courtney: "I don't think cripples are my type."*Sighs*"Look thanks for the help (Y/N) but I'm not looking to be in a relationship at the moment." *Sees the stuff in your hands* " What uh-"

(Y/N): " Esdeath. I just forgot I was holding them."*tosses them to the side*

We then see the "toys" land in Grif's smoothie as Grif sees it.

Grif: *Off-screen* "Hey! You ruined my smoothie!"

Courtney: " Riiight... well I'll be going with uh... um..."

(Y/N): "Lopez? If you are then I need to know if you can speak Spanish cause he's limited to that one language. He can understand us but he can't talk like us."

We then see Lopez walk by and overhear your conversation with Courtney.

Lopez: *in spanish*"Soy un robot, no un consolador con piernas." (I am a robot, not a dildo on legs)

We then see Lopez leave as you turn to Courtney.

(Y/N): "Yeah I'm out of options."

Courtney: "Guess I'll be alone forever..."

You hear Courtney crying which made you feel bad.

(Y/N): *In his head* " Esdeath will probably kill me for this." *Outloud* " Uh, how about we spend the day together? Just you and me."

Courtney: "Really?"

(Y/N): "Yeah I take my mind off of things by going on a high stakes adventure, wanna go on an adventure?"

Courtney: "Thanks, but I prefer a normal day. After going through the show I already had all the adventure I could take."

(Y/N): " Hm, alright, so what do you wanna do?"

Courtney: "Probably a normal day."

(Y/N): "Can we go on a hike?"

Courtney: " Hm, sounds good to me."

We later see you and Courtney on a hike on Iris and we see you both in the forest around a campfire.

(Y/N): "Well this is a good spot Cortana chose for a campsite."

Cortana: *appears next to you*"You're welcome."

(Y/N): "Good thing that Donut packed lunches for us."

You then hand rations to Courtney and she opens it up to reveal sandwiches.

Courtney: " Woah, not bad, Donut is a good cook."

(Y/N): "Yeah, that is why Sarge put him in charge of the food and not Grif. Just remember not to eat the native plants, the mushrooms are basically crystal meth on crystal meth."

Courtney: "Right. So how come you're not the cook?"

(Y/N): "My cooking is terrible. How terrible is it, well Chef Hatchet's food is more edible than mine."

Courtney: "Wow... that bad huh?"

(Y/N): " Yep, trust me I used to make good food but I suffered enough childhood trauma to the point my food is now terrible."

Courtney: "That's awful."

(Y/N): "What's edible to my parents is inedible to everyone."

Courtney: "Eww, so you lost all of your chances of becoming a chef?"

(Y/N): "Yeah... My life sucked hard the moment I popped into the world. When I joined the military, I was happy for the first time in my life. And I swore to never return to Earth, ever."

Courtney: "Really, Jasmine told me that you left Earth during High School. Were you a Junior or what?"

(Y/N): "Freshman year actually. I enlisted myself and the rest is history."

Courtney: "So you joined the military to be free because of your issues with your parents."

(Y/N): "I was physically and verbally abused by both of them 24/7, 365, non-stop. I got more scars from my parents than from the war. My PTSD has PTSD. My childhood trauma is even worse than my trauma from Project Freelancer. My life is nothing but a traumatic experience, literally."

Courtney: "Wow.....I had no idea your life was awful."

(Y/N): "I guess cruel people are sandpaper and I am the polished wood. Once I'm polished the sandpaper goes to the trash."

Courtney: "Is that why you never return to Earth?"

(Y/N): " Why would I? I got nothing there to go to. It's pretty much Hell for me, the moment I get back there it's my childhood trauma all over again."

Courtney: " But you're all grown up, and you're a freelancer."

(Y/N): *shows Courtney the needle mark on your neck*"I got this from when the director saw me as a liability, they tried to inject me with a 500x the lethal dose of cyanide and put me down like an animal."

Courtney: " Yikes, what happened then?"

(Y/N): "I played dead long enough to be off of their radar. Then I met Cortana at an alien temple, not that carbon copy of her like John 117's, the original Cortana, Cortana Prime and she was my first Ai. She actually saved my life by using alien tech to patch me up."

Cortana: "It's true."

Courtney: " Woah, your life sounds horrible."

(Y/N): "You think that's bad, ask Church. His time in the Freelancer program is much worse than mine."

The other AIs appeared around him.

(Y/N): "These other AIs came from Church."

Delta: "I am the Alpha's logic, Theta is Trust, Sigma is Creativity and ambition, Gamma is Deceit, Beta is failure, Eta and Iota are fear and happiness, and Omega is rage. One of the fragments that are unaccounted for is Epsilon which is the Alpha's memories."

Courtney: " And he's sort of okay now?"

Theta: "Alpha remembered everything that happened to him."

Sigma: "He has recovered significantly."

Gamma: "What Epsilon remembered, Alpha remembered as well."

(Y/N): "Yeah he's okay right now, he recovered better than I have."

Church: " Believe me this guy is more messed up than Carolina."

You and Courtney then turn to see that Church was eavesdropping.

(Y/N): "How long have you been there?"

Church: "For like the past 10 minutes, I was playing hide and go seek from Caboose."

Courtney: " Why?"

Church: "Caboose has a habit of killing members of his own team by accident and the giant killer robot plus talking tank just screams team killing."

(Y/N): " It's true, I've seen his kill count."

Courtney: "Can you get out of here, you're ruining the moment."

Church: "Alright I'm out of here."

We see Church leave the area as you turn to Courtney.

(Y/N): "So, what do you wanna do next?"

Courtney: "Don't know actually."

(Y/N): "You know I was assigned to take over Florida's position in Blood Gulch if he ever dies and I want to check the place out, wanna come along?"

Courtney: "Sure."

Sometime later, we see you fly a ship to Blood Gulch and you land in the middle of the canyon and you and the others come out of it.

Tucker: "Man this place didn't change and it still sucks."

(Y/N): "I like it, I was one of the candidates to take over Florida's job here guarding the Alpha."

Church: "Florida?"

(Y/N): " Captain Flowers, you know the guy that was in charge before you."

Church: " Oh yeah, where is he?"

Tucker: " Dude he died because of the Aspirin Overdose and the shot in the head."

Church: "Oh yeah, wait he was shot in the head?"

(Y/N): " Yeah, cause Tucker shot him."

Church: "Oh yeah, I forgot about that."

Courtney: "How did he die twice?"

Tucker: " First time was with Aspirin, second time was a bullet in the head cause me and Kaikaina were going on a time traveling adventure and have sex with famous celebrities in the past."

Courtney: " Wait you mean that you went back in time to have sex with dead celebrities?"

Kaikaina: "We went back in time to when we were in Blood Gulch to prove that Tucker and I had sex and Tucker just shot Captain Flowers in the head by accident."

Tucker: "It wasn't the first time I unloaded a round on a freelancer, Bow chicka bow wow."

Courtney: *groans* "I'm starting to believe that you really did make enough bastard children to fill up an entire elementary school."

(Y/N): " It was because of the temple of procreation."

Courtney: " The temple of what now?"

Tucker: "It's an alien relic that makes the people get busy on each other with a turn of a key."

(Y/N): "Oh speaking of which."*hands Tucker paperwork*"Here's your paperwork for child support."

Tucker: "Oh come on!"

Courtney: "Are there other temples of procreation on other planets?"

(Y/N): "Yeah I map them out, wait why do you ask?"

Courtney: *blushes* " Oh uh... no reason, just curious is all."

Tucker: "Oh no, I'm not making anymore elementary's worth of kids! My wallet is on its last legs."

(Y/N): "I got a great key myself if you want me to activate one."

Tucker: " No don't!"

Courtney: *blushes*"Oh wow, all in the name of saving a planet."

Tucker: "Oh fuck you California! I'm not going to any of the planets that have temples of procreation."

(Y/N): "There are 69 million planets that have a temple of procreation on them."

Tucker: "Die in a fire."

(Y/N): "There are 500 of them that are for orgies from the inside of the temple, man these ancient alien races really like porn. Anyways, let's check this canyon out."

You and the others check the old bases out and you check out Blue Base.

(Y/N): "Gee whiz, there are a lot of used glow sticks everywhere."

Kaikaina: "I set up music festivals ever since both teams left and I stayed here."

(Y/N): "That was like forever ago."

Church: "I don't get it, how come Caboose and Kai came here and you or any other Freelancer didn't."

(Y/N): "Good question, do you know where Vic's monitor is?"

Kaikaina: "Follow me."

Later, we see you and the others in the underground cave system below Blood Gulch and you found Vic's old computer.

(Y/N): "Vic should be here."

Church: "Yeah what happened to him?"

Tucker: "Oh yeah Vic saved our lives and planet Earth from a crazy contraption made by the Blues and Reds and Vic sacrificed himself to save the planet."

(Y/N): "Alrighty then, hey Delta can you bring up the list of people transferred to Blood Gulch?"

Delta: "Bringing the list online now."

You and the others see the list of names for the people transferred to Blood Gulch.

(Y/N): "Here are the list of names first is Caboose, Donut, Kaikaina-"

Church: "That makes sense."

(Y/N): "Then there's Jacob J. Jenkins and Cornelius Thromwell Andersmith."

Tucker: "Jesus Christ, who the fuck name their kid Andersmith?"

(Y/N): "Hmm, Delta, bring up the original list."

Delta: "Affirmative."

You and the others see the original list and they're all Freelancers.

Tucker: "Whoah, you were on the list on the top."

(Y/N): "Yep."

Tucker: "How did we end up with Caboose and Donut?"

You look on the floor and see a cable on the floor.

(Y/N): "I think Florida tripped on the cable and made Vic go haywire and change the roster."

Church: "Okay at this point I'm glad that Flowers is dead."

Tucker: "Now I blame Flowers for your death, Church."

(Y/N): "Well if it weren't for Flowers tripping on the cable. Donut, Caboose, and Kaikaina wouldn't be here right now and none of the stuff that happened here, Valhalla, or even on Chorus would ever happen."

Church: "Good point."

(Y/N): "I think Project Freelancer chose this canyon because the caves used to be a research lab that was shut down. One of the rejected experiments could be batsnakes."

Simmons and Grif: "BATSNAKES!!!??!?!?!?!"

We then see Grif and Simmons making a run for it as a batsnake flies over them and they faint onto the ground. It is revealed that it was just some old tubing and paper.

(Y/N): "Ha! That was awesome!"

Sometime later, we see Grif and Simmons wake up in Valhalla and they see they're in Red Base.

Simmons: "Grif, we're in Valhalla."

Grif: "How did we get here?"

(Y/N): *offscreen*"We dragged you all here."

Grif and Simmons see you and the others outside.

(Y/N): "I gotcha guys back in Blood Gulch, I made the batsnake thing up."

Grif: "You are a monster! I almost had a heart attack!"

Sarge: "It was worth it."

Simmons: "He scared me too!"

Sarge: "That was for the time you committed treason against the red army Simmons. There are two times you sided with the enemy."

Simmons: "That's because both of those times you made me join the Blue Team."

Sarge: "Which is why it's worth it."

(Y/N): "Sarge, I agree with you."

Grif: "Great, we have another kiss ass."

(Y/N): "By the way, I checked the hologram simulator here and it's amazing. Right now Esdeath wants to use it for herself, I wonder what she's doing down there?"

Meanwhile, in the hologram room, we see Esdeath having a good time by having a massage from a hologram version of you.

Esdeath: "Mmm oh yeah that feels nice."

Holo (Y/N): "Man your body is stressed out, you should really get a vacation."

Esdeath: "It's hard for me to go on vacation, my thirst for conquest is never quenched."

Back to you.

(Y/N): "Eh if she likes it, then I like it too. I haven't checked out Blue Base yet, I wonder what's over there."

Later, we see you and the others at Blue Base and you see robot parts and ship parts everywhere.

(Y/N): "Sheesh, this place is a mess. This place is full of robot parts, ship parts, and scrap everywhere."*to Caboose*"What have you been doing here?"

Caboose: "Oh, building a new body for Church."

(Y/N): "You mean Epsilon?"

Caboose: "Church is Church."

(Y/N): "Okay."

Church: " A new body? What happened to the old one?"

Caboose: " Weeell, remember the time when you and Wash activated the emp thing?"

Church: " Yeah, why?"

Caboose: " Yeah your old body fell out of the jeep and the emp destroyed it and we left it behind."

Church: " You left my body behind?!"

(Y/N): " I thought you were used to the whole "having no body" thing?"

Church: "That is just like last time! My own team left my first body to rot in the sun!"

(Y/N): " You do know you're an A.I right?"

Church: "That doesn't mean my bodies need proper burials, jackass!"

(Y/N): " Oh up yours. Your bodies are synthetic, they wouldn't rot in the sun."

Caboose: "They don't?"

Tucker: "Uh actually... dude, Church's first body used to be Private Jimmy."

(Y/N): " Wait what? Like he took him over ghost style?"

Tucker: "Nah dude, it's more like Project Freelancer put Church inside of Private Jimmy so that they would hide him in Blood Gulch."

(Y/N): " Wait, I thought Jimmy died when Tex killed him with his own skull."

Tex: "Hey I may be brutal but I never did anything like that."

(Y/N): " That's what I heard from Tucker."

Tex: "Okay fine I would do that."

Tucker: "Which is physically impossible."

(Y/N): "I'm gonna go check on Courtney."

You then leave Blue Base and you see Courtney by the wall and you head to her.

(Y/N): "Hey Court, how's our historic tour of Red vs Blue coming along?"

Courtney: "It is nice. Say (Y/N), why is there a wall here?"

(Y/N): "Oh it leads to an area that is off limits for red and blue teams."

Courtney: "Why is it off limits?"

(Y/N): "Oh...shit that's actually a good question. Maybe it's off limits because it might be a freelancer outpost or some mastraborim or some other thing."

Courtney: " Well do you wanna check it out?"

(Y/N): " Hm, I dunno that might break a lot- okay I'm in."

We then see you punch the wall so hard that you made a large hole through it and you just see a hidden nature area.

(Y/N): "Oh, it's just an area of nature."

Courtney: " Huh, I would have guessed there would be some big secret stuff but eh."

(Y/N): *sees a tree branch that looks like a lever*"What's this?"

You then pull the lever as a trapdoor opens up and you and Courtney look into it. Meanwhile, we see Tucker practicing his swings while the reds and blues watch and they hear you and Courtney scream and they follow the sound and they see you and Courtney with shocked faces.

Washington: "What happened?"

(Y/N): "We uh... found something so gross!"

Washington: " What was it?"

Courtney: "...We found.....Porn."

Washington: " What's terrifying about that?"

(Y/N): "Look for yourselves!"

The Reds and Blues then looked into the trapdoor and they saw all the porn and they were horrified from looking at them.

Grif: "AAAAAHHHH"*gets sick and throw up in his helmet*

Simmons: " WHO KEEPS THIS STUFF?!?! Oh god what's wrong with these people!?"

Tucker: "Meh, I seen better."

(Y/N): " You mean this isn't your stash?"

Tucker: "It took me forever to go to Valhalla, going after the director was like the time I came to Valhalla-"

(Y/N): " Okay I get it not your stash, but if this isn't yours then who's-"

Esdeath: "It could be the Red and Blue armies before you."

Caboose: "That explains the weird smell at the base."

Tucker: "Wait they- Oh come on!"

(Y/N): "Jeez look at these: Furries, pregnancy, futanari, lolis both illegal and legal, beastiallity, harems, mind control, brainwashing, maids-"

Grif: *vomits inside of his helmet*"Stop! You're gonna drown me in my vomit!"

Kaikaina: "Can I have these?"

(Y/N): " I say this in the most nicest way possible but, you are a sick, sick lady. Sure."

Kaikaina: "Awesome!"

Sarge: "My life has been flashed before my eyes 40 times!"

Lopez: *in spanish*"ERROR, ERROR, CANNOT COMPUTE!!!"

Carolina: "Let's all agree to never speak of this ever again."

Everyone: " Agreed."

Washington: "This is somehow even worse than dying as a statue in Temple's trophy room."

(Y/N): "I'm gonna need time to forget this. 30 years will do it."

Courtney: " This is even worse than being on Total Drama."

You then step on a button as the entire place unveils more of the porn everywhere in the entire area as you all see it.

(Y/N): " My god..."

Tucker: " Meh, I still seen better."

Kaikaina: "Dibs!"

Sometime later, we see you all at Crash Site Bravo on Chorus.

Esdeath: " I can't believe they... kept all of that."

(Y/N): "If you think that's bad, the reds and blues crashed this ship. Especially you Carolina."

Tucker: " Wait, et tu Carolina?"

Carolina: "Umm..."

Flashback, we see Carolina and Epsilon in Carolina's quarters.

Carolina: "Should we tell what we're gonna do?"

Epsilon: "No way, if we tell them Caboose will just try to hold onto your leg."

Carolina: "Why not an email?"

Epsilon: "Alright that's a good idea, but I don't have their email addresses. But we can use the ship's email, but I don't know if it's safe."

Carolina: "It's just sending an email, it's simple."

Epsilon: "Alright."*sent and email*"Uh oh."

Carolina: "What is it?"

Epsilon: "When you have one of those classes that requires a webcam to talk to your teacher and your teacher sends his students a powerpoint but accidentally sent a virus to them and everything went black from the teacher's point of view?"

Carolina: "Yeah?"

Epsilon: "It's like that but on this ship."

Then the alarms went off.

Flashback end

Carolina: "I'm sorry okay."

Simmons: "Wait a sec I thought Tucker was the one who crashed the ship."

Cortana: "Actually I checked the footage of the ship and the following people crashed the ship: Grif, Tucker, Carolina, Washington, Epsilon, Simmons, and Sarge."

(Y/N): " Wow, how did they do that?"

Cortana: "Sarge was modifying the ship's engine, Tucker was hitting on a pilot, Grif spilled his soda, Carolina and Epsilon sent a virus to the ship's mainframe, Washington removed a power cable out of the wall by accident, and Simmons updated the navigation systems."

You then turn to the reds and blues with a "Bruh?" face although it was hard to tell since you were wearing a helmet.

Tucker: "Man, we fucked up hard, but at least we saved Chorus from an evil corperaton so there's that."

(Y/N): "Good point."

Courtney: "Hey can we go to the Blues and Reds' old base?"

Washington: "NOPE!"

(Y/N): "For the sake of not triggering Wash's PTSD, no."

Courtney: "Okay. Hey (Y/N), can we take a look at Red Base?"

(Y/N): "Oh sure."

Courtney: "Alone, without your team, with us."

Simmons: " Wait what? Why can't- "*Realizes*"Ohhh, don't worry we get it."

Sarge: " Yeah you two can check out the base, me and the boys got some other stuff to do."

Grif: " We do?"*Realizes*"Oh yeah we do."

Donut: "Just watchout for Grif's room, it's a nightmare in there."

You and Courtney head into Red Base and you both look around the place.

(Y/N): "Man, this place is poorly made right Courtney?"*didn't get a response*"Courtney?"

Courtney: "(Y/N), I've been through such a toxic relationship with Duncan and Scot and being with you made me realize that. I think we should take our relationship to the next level."

(Y/N): "Wait what?"

Courtney: " What I'm trying is, I wanna get back on the saddle again, and I want you to be my boyfriend."

(Y/N): "Do I have to sign something to make it official? Like a 500 page contract, cause if so I'll get my calligraphy pens"

Courtney: "No no, no contracts, no lawyers, no anything, that's the old Courtney, the soon changing Courtney needs no Contract, other than a kiss on the lips~."

(Y/N): "Alright."

You then take off your helmet and both you and Courtney kiss each other on the lips as you both hear clapping and you both see Esdeath.

Esdeath: " Ooh looks like my (Y/N) is starting a harem."

(Y/N): " Esdeath?! Wait how did-"

Courtney: " I told her about how I love you and she gave me the green light on having an open relationship, just as long as she's in charge."

Esdeath: "And?"

Courtney: "And I agreed that I would be fair and I must go through an initiation her way."*rubs her butt*"Now I won't be able to sit right for months."

(Y/N): "What was the initiation?"

Courtney: " You uh... don't wanna know."

(Y/N): " Oh come on how bad could it be?"

Courtney whispered into your ear as you blushed a bright red.

(Y/N): "She did that to you with a cucumber and a carrot?"

Courtney: "She said it's to prove my love for you is real."

(Y/N): " And you stuck a Cucumber right up your butt?"

Courtney: " Yep."

(Y/N): " Wow, that's kind of impressive and hot at the same time."

Courtney: *Giggles* " Thanks. I didn't think I had it in me either."

(Y/N): "Wait, you asked me about temples of procreation, why?"

Esdeath: "Well..."

Courtney: "We might want to have a family someday."

(Y/N): " Are you sure you're ready for that kind of responsibility?"

Courtney: "I've been reading and memorizing baby books when I was with Duncan."

Esdeath: " And I've gained first hand experience myself. When I conquered a country in the desert, I raised a young princess like she's my own daughter until she became strong enough to fight on her own. Nowadays she's my top drill sargent and head of her own bootcamp."

Courtney: "Wait you don't look that old."

Esdeath: "She was 3 years away from coming of age."

(Y/N): "Oh so she was a teenager, I never knew you had a motherly side before Esdeath."

Esdeath: "I maybe a lot of things, but a child murderer isn't one of them."

(Y/N): "I see. I wonder if the women my team met from the adventures across the multiverse would find a way to find me."

Meanwhile, in Hell, we see Charlie thinking about you.

Charlie: "Hey Vaggie, do you ever want to see that California guy again?"

Vaggie: "Okay this might sound crazy, but I want to see him again."

Meanwhile with Katie Killjoy, we see her thinking about you.

Katie: " I don't understand, why did he help me after everything?"*Sighs* " Hopefully I'll see him again soon."

Next: Chapter 5: A Space Adventure

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