PSA Chapter 1: End Preppers

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(A/N): Please note that PSA Chapters are not canon to the story.

Here we see you, Esdeath, and the Red Team standing in front of a camera and looking at it.

(Y/N): " Hi everyone, I am Agent California of Project Freelancer and doomsday prepper."

Esdeath: " And I am his girlfriend General Esdeath."

Sarge: "And the end is coming, we're all doomed. DOOOOMED! Seriously, we're all doomed."

(Y/N): " Not yet were not."

Esdeath: "Thankfully we have a few ways for you to survive the apocalypse."

Sarge: "Sadly not all problems can be solved with a dead Grif."

(Y/N) and Esdeath: " Or any plan."

(Y/N): "To start, we have Lopez here to be an example of the impending AI takeover."

Lopez: *in spanish*"Hello."

Simmons: "As technology progresses and robots become more lifelike, they can also be able to gain sentience."

Sarge: "And take over the world and enslave all of humanity."

Lopez: *in spanish*"It's on my to do list."

Simmons: " And in order prevent that from ever happening here's what you do."

Esdeath: "Dominate them and show them their creators are their masters."

(Y/N): "And if that fails, move to a small town that has terrible internet."

We cut to a small town with a shitty internet and you are defending yourself against evil robots with dial up internet.

(Y/N): "Stand back, I got dial up internet and I'm not afraid to use it."

The robots then start to malfunction due to the shitty internet. The camera then cuts back to you.

(Y/N): "And if that fails, teach them the meaning of love."

The scene cuts to Esdeath as she was reading a romance novel.

Esdeath: "Then they share a kiss."

The robots: *crying in spanish*

Then the scene cuts back to you and the others.

Grif: "For the lazier preppers, like moi, chill out at the water park. Cool off at the pools while the robots rest around you."

The scene then cuts to you and Grif at the water park surrounded by robots.

Grif: "Ha! Go ahead and break my chlorine shield, I dare you!"

(Y/N): " You sure this is gonna work?"

We then see the robots shoot you and Grif as you both float in the pool dead. We then see the scene cut back to you and the others.

Grif: "Nice and cool."

Sarge: "And ineffective."

(Y/N): " And we died."

Esdeath: " What's your plan Sarge?"

Sarge: "The only good way to stop the robots from purging us is to purge them first! By launching Emps high in the sky and into the atmosphere we can knock them all out at once!"

We then cut to a computer and see Sarge shooting a powerful emp by pressing a button.

Sarge: "Take this robot scum! You see men, and lady, the nuclear option is the best option."

(Y/N): " We'll be shot back to the stone age, and it's worth it."

Esdeath: " And what if the radiation from the nuke hits us?"

(Y/N): "Crud."

The scene then cuts back to you and the others.

(Y/N): "This will bring radioactive armageddon across the planet and it will bring Toxic wastelands, destroyed cities, searching for supplies will become the norm. Then there's the warlord's ruling of what's left of humanity."

We then cut to a scene where Esdeath is ruling over what's left of humanity and you are wearing a collar and she is holding a chain that is attached to the collar.

(Y/N): " Why do I have to wear the collar?"

Esdeath: "Because you are my slave my love and no man can satisfy me except you."

(Y/N): "Welp there goes my freedom."

We then cut back to you and the others.

(Y/N): "When it comes to warlords, there's always personal slaves and a whole lot of kids."

Esdeath: " And love making, don't forget that."

(Y/N): "They may have lost their freedom but at least they have someone to love and be their breeding stock."

Sarge: "To bear harsh conditions, take the leftover robot parts and radioactive materials and construct new robots for scavenging and protection."

We then cut to a scene where we see Sarge rebuilding a robot.

Sarge: *finishes rebuilding the robot*"And there we go."

Lopez: *in spanish*"System back online. Where am I? Where's the superior mechanical army?"

Sarge: "Glad to have ya back to the land of the living soldier, now hop on we have Fall out to avoid, terminators to salvage, and plenty of Angry maxes out there that are bound to be pretty mad."

Lopez: *in Spanish* "You are the red devil and this is my hell."

Sarge: "That's the spirit."

The scene cut back to you and the others.

Grif: "Once the bombs stop falling, I'm gonna take the lazy bet again and do nothing."

(Y/N): "No surprise there."

Grif: "Nothing but soak up as much radiation as possible! That way I can be the incredible Grif or super grif over even-"

Before Grif can finish his thought, the camera cuts to a grave stone for Grif.

Simmons: "Here lies the incredibly superdead Grif who died even more hideously mutated than he already was."

Everyone then turns to his dead body.

Simmons: "We're not digging a hole are we?"

Everyone: "Nope."

We then see the scene cut back to you and the others.

(Y/N): "When it comes to the nuclear radiation now ridden across the world, it can be harmful to humans. But not to animals, they can be mutated into giant monsters and they rampage across the ruins of human society."

Simmons: "But not all Kaiju are bad natured, some of them have a heart of gold. The only way to know which you are dealing with is to directly communicate with them."

We then cut to a scene where we see Simmons attempting to communicate with a giant monster.

Simmons: "Hey up there! Ever wonder why you're here!? I'm Simmons!"*sees the monster attacking him*"Oh god!"

Sarge: "Ha! Less than 5 seconds you suck!"*to Lopez*"Pay up Lopez."

Lopez: *in Spanish*"Crap."

The scene cuts back to you and the others.

(Y/N): "If diplomacy fails we-"

Esdeath: "-Break their spirits and minds to mush and make them our slaves."

(Y/N): " ...Yeah what she said."

We then cut to you and Esdeath riding on the back of a giant radioactive turtle with a whole city on its back and she was riding it.

Esdeath: "That's it beast! Obey your master!"

(Y/N): " Uh, sweetie, you know we're on a turtle right?"

Esdeath: " Yes, why?"

The camera zooms out to reveal the turtle was slowly walking to the city, more slower than usual.

(Y/N): " It's a turtle."

Esdeath: *Realizes what you mean* "Oh. Right. Well at least its back is big enough to build a city on it and it's a good place to raise the kids."*rubs her pregnant belly*"They will become ruthless warlords like their own mother someday."

(Y/N): "Oh boy, our kids are going to make slaves out of anyone they see. And possibly use turtles too."

Esdeath: "And after the first batch of children, I want to have more."

(Y/N): "I almost died from a broken pelvis, why do you need more?"

Esdeath: " To continue the bloodline, and creating life from within makes me feel powerful. Like a goddess."

(Y/N): *sighs*"There is no way I'll get my freedom now is there?"

Esdeath: "Nope."

The scene cuts back to you and the others.

(Y/N): " Also, be sure to prepare for... apocalyptic sex. Seriously it will take a lot of stamina and sleep in order to repopulate the world that is in ruin."

Esdeath: *Hugs your arm* " But don't just limit yourself to one woman, it's best to have a variety as well. That's right, you might end up having a harem in the apocalypse."

(Y/N): " When would that ever happen?"

We then cut to a scene where we see you in a bedroom filled with all the female contestants of Total Drama.

Leshawna: "Want to save humanity, get down and get baking pal."

Lindsay: "Can I go first?"

Dakota: " Dibs on going second."

Courtney: "We all drew straws and I go first cause I'm a-"

Girls: " C.I.T."

Gwen: " You said that enough times that it's burned into our brains."

(Y/N): *sighs*" I'll get the Aphrodisiacs and stamina booster energy drinks."

The camera cuts back to you and the others.

Esdeath: "Trust me, I'm not gonna be the only one with children."

(Y/N): "Anyways, world ending disasters will bring in other world ending disasters."

Sarge: "Nukes, robots, radioactive monsters capable of wiping out cities, congress. Doesn't really matter in the end, there's not much you can do to stop these doomsday scenarios once they're set into motion."

Esdeath: " Other than making babies."

(Y/N): "But our advice is no matter what happens we will always be here. Forever, of all time."

Simmons: "Wait, we're gonna be here forever? Oh god I didn't prepare for that!"

Sarge: "Quick get the nuclear option!"

Lopez: *in spanish*"THE END IS NEVER!"

We then see the reds make a run for it as the Total Drama girls and Esdeath look at you.

(Y/N): *sighs* "I'll get the collar, leash, Aphrodisiacs, and energy drinks."

Lindsay and Dakota: " Woo-hoo!"

Esdeath: "I'll find us a good city for the remaining humans under my rule."

Courtney: " I'll come up with names for the babies."

(Y/N): " This is gonna be a loong repopulation."

Next: Chapter 4: A Day With Courtney

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