chapter -1

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       Part - 1

Its an cold night , darkness everywhere in the streets , its nearly 11 pm at night everywhere is pindrop silence barking sound is hearing from far away giving horror feelings ,normal people would be scared in this atmosphere to walk alone ....street lights helping lil to see the path lady in her 24 walking in that lonely road lost in her thoughts ...her bare feet is bleeding ,she could feel the pain while walking but the pain which she carry in her heart hurting her more then it.  .....tears were  rolling down to her cheek often...

She remind whatever her parents said about her ...

am regreting for giving birth to this evil girl ,how could she tried to kill my daughter ? She is selfish

I never thought i raised up an venome in my house who knows only to stab back in our backs

That lady bites her lips thinking about could u say such word about me papa...

Do u really thinking your ragini is an evil person ? Venome ?

Yeah you are right papa after know the truth of yours i should back off from all but wt i did ? Supported you and gave my mom place to another woman for your happiness.....i destroyed my happiness for your's...i am evil ...venome ...

But don't you ever think it was you who back stabbed me nd my mom leading an illegal relationship...ragini chuckled lil...

Dhadhi words echoed next in her mind...wt did you said....

God wt's on earth this girl came to my grand daughter wt sin i done in my previous birth ?i upbringed her in well manner but she behaved like an psycho ...who tried to kill her own sister ....

Psycho ?? Am i psycho y do everyone hating me like this ? Wt crime i done then loving my laksh unconditionally ? If someone loving truely they are called to be psycho in this cruel world... It doesn't make sense at all...

"Laksh" ...could u answer to me ? She asked staring the dark clouds ......

You can right ? Will u clear me ? Please she asked kneeling down on that empty road ? Crying her heart out...

Here laksh is staring sky losting in his thoughts... He remind ragini teary eyes , the way she stared him at last teared him in to millions of peices ...

Ragini do you wanna say something to me ? Y did i felt you badly want to speak with me at that time ?

Perhaps its my assumption but i felt it...i am really sorry ragini i failed to stand for you...i know well its not only  your mistake but everyone...every single person in our family is the reason behind it

But always its we who are suffering in their misunderstanding ....i wish to go back to that period ragini to correct everything once again...if it possible then i don't break our engagement , won't fall for swara ,never ever broke your heart raginii

Forgive me mom stopped me on that time so i couldn't stand for you ...i let you go

He said in tears ...he wiped it off to witness through window  ragini entering into frontyard ....

Ragini he muttered her name emotionally....he didn't thinked just rushed down in hurry to meet her

Before she entering laksh called her name out loudly...raginiii

She froze in that place seeing her life there...

Laksh she muttered his name in glaasy eyes...

Both raglak stared each other in tears....words are not coming out of their mouths ,tears speaking a lot then it...

He took steps forward near her ...ragini is still staring laksh in guilt nd pain...laksh sensed it

Are you ok ragini he asked cupping her face ....ragini felt his warm hands its made her feel goosebumps ....after happen this much how could u ask me in caring way laksh ? She thought...

Ragini you are cold laksh said touching her body... Ragini felt overwhelmed by this ...its ok laksh its nothing infront of my family cold behaviours ...she said sarcasm

Laksh understood something worst happened in baadi...

Ok let's speak about it later come in you are cold...its not good for your health ...he said taking her inside MM

Ragini is staring laksh lovingly  all the way go in...he made her sit on sofa ....ragini you sit here i will bring something for you to make you feel warm by saying he rushed into his room...

He is searching shawl for her...shit wr is it ? He couldn't find anything at last he took his blazer in his hand

I  think its will make her comfortable ...he marched to hall grabbing that in his hand to witness empty hall...

Blazer fell down from his hand...raginii he called out her name ...raginii....raginii....he searching for her in that hall...

Wr  is she ? He got tensed

Ap came there listening his voice...laksh y r u shouting ragini name in this middle of night ?

Maa ...ragini came here

Wt ? Wr is she ?

I don't know maa...he narrated everything to ap...laksh may be its your hallucination...see door is closed no one is there

No maa i saw her...he is trying to made her understand but went in vain....laksh face turns to pale

I saw her he said in tears looking around once again...

Laksh you please take good rest you were stressed out so much that's y thinking about ragini ...betta let's meet her tomorrow in baadi

Laksh nodd sadly...

Go ...go to your room nd sleep well.everything will be sort out

He walking to his room turning around often looking for raginii...i saw her...he stared his palm...

I felt her cheek was cold ...her teary eyes ...its real i am not imaging anything he muttered to himself

He took deep breath ...then closed his room

He lay on bed closing his eyes...

Same incident flashing on his mind....after he went someone closing ragini mouth nd hiding behind the pillar not giving any hint to laksh...ragini trying to shout but that person not allowing her to shout ...

Raginiiiiiiiiiiiiiii....laksh shout her name woke up from his dream

Raginii...raginii....he is looking around his room sweating badly...he noticed the same blazer there..

Screen froze

Precap : where is raginii

Guyz leave ur cmnts... Did laksh dreamt ? Or something happened to ragini ?

Successfully no one find out it was in truth out track how story will change 😂 .... So no special mention today

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