Dream or Real

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    Freeze Frame 😍

       Part - 2

Recap ( Ragini recalling her family cursing words...laksh felt guilty for ragini...raglak meeting...ragini missing )

Scene begins in someone closed ragini mouth preventing her from not utter anything...laksh looked around in confusing way...i saw ragini here i felt her body is cold...her teary eyes...its not possible...he lay on bed thinking about it....same incident flashing on his mind....ragini he shouts loud...

He is sweating badly ....laksh couldn't believe whether its dream or not...no ragini is here he muttered to himself...just then ap entered inside his room ...

Laksh betta y did u screamed ? Did u saw any nightmare...

Mom...raginii...i saw ragini in downstairs please trust me...i even dreamed someone closed her mouth to not call me...

Laksh nothing...its just an dream...i can understand you kept thinking about ragini that's y u can't get over of her thoughts....u please take rest laksh...lets meet ragini tomorrow trust me...i promise laksh ...

He nodd...wait i will help u to bring water...by saying she added sleeping pills in it nd mixed well without his knowledge... He drank it nd lean to bed...ap made him cover in blanket... Sleep well laksh hope tomorrow your life will change...

She sigh nd get out of his room..she smiled lil...i thought its an forced marriage but it seems they are connected through heart...she remind what happened few minutes ago...

When laksh rushed to his room to take something warm to raginii...
Ragini kept seeing his disappearing figure in teary eyes...i am sorry laksh i betrayed you though you are taking care of me ...i wanna talk with you laksh ...i badly wanna talk with u ...

But sudeenly someone pulls her aside....her face revealed to be sujatha...

Hey chori after done this much how dare u to come in this house...why did you placed your sinful leg in this house....cz of your bad deeds everyone suffering here....if outsiders comes to know about your deeds who will dare to ask uttra hands ...you already spoiled our image...now came back to ruin our life...aren't you satisfied by spoiling  laksh nd swara life...now you wanna ruin everyone life also...

Chachii...i just ...before she speaking they heard laksh foot steps...sujji got alerted nd dragged ragini with her...she even closed her mouth tightly... She even placed her heels on her bare feet to made her moan under her grip...she is helpless to move a lil bit..

Here laksh searched for raginii ap convinced him nd send him to his room nd about to go she saw her their reflection in photo frame...

Sujatha ap roared...sujatha freed raginii...she about to fall ap hold her tightly...raginii betta are u alright ?

Y your face is pale...what happened to u ? She even noticed her bleeding feet...sujatha about to start she showed her palm to her...

Maa i wanna meet laksh once...will u allow me ragini plead to her....

First u come with me ...she made ragini sit down...she wiped her tears nd adjusted her hair...sujatha bring water asap...

Y should i jiiji...she is sin...before she completing ap slapped her ...don't u dare to utter any word...just go nd bring water...

Ragini is still sobbing...betta y did u walked on your bare feet ...its bleeding...she saw glass peices cut....did u walked on glass peices.....y r u so careless raginii...

She first aid to her wounds...she made her drink water...but ragini is still staring their room hope to get a glance of laksh...

Maa i wanna meet laksh...

You can't he don't need u chori sujatha spoke again...her cheek turns burning in another slap from ap...

Better u shut your mouth nd go to your room...who the hell r u to take any decision ...its their life they will take care of it...u stay away from this all...already enough of your doing...

This chori done all but u r punishing me jiiji...

Don't make me unneccessarily open my mouth...first think from where its all started who begins all.....after doing this he is sleeping peacefully inside his room...nd you dared to blame raginii...in this mess my kids are suffering...

Jiiji wo...

I said shut ...just get out of my sight....sujji stamped her foot nd left from there...

Maa aren't you angry on me ragini asked ?

Y should i show my angry only on u when everyone done mistake.....u just don't worry anything ok...

Maa i wanna meet laksh...

Ragini just look at your condition...even i can't see your state then wt about laksh...already he is heart broken ragini betta...if he saw u in this state he can't able to forgive himself ...

But maa i wanna meet him...

Yeah u can meet him not today but tomorrow...

Tomorrow ?.

Yes tomorrow...i promise i will make u meet him pakka...

Ragini smiled lil...ap cupped her face ...you seems so tired didn't u eat anything ?

Ragini stayed silent...

So u didn't

Come with me ...she dragged her to dining table... Made her take food ......ragini its not good to stay here u go back to baadi...

No maa i can't go back she said in tears...ap kind understood her situation...

Ok fine i will take u to farm house then... Ragini nodd...

Just then laksh screamed ragini name...both ragini nd ap panicked......


Maa something happened to laksh.....

U stay here i will go nd check...

Fb ends..

Ap sigh...then saw ragini standing far tensed...she signal her to come.....ragini rushed to there...i gave pills to him..he is sleeping now...do u wanna see him without disturbing..ragini nodd...

Go i will wait in hall ...

Ragini entered in their room to witness laksh sleeping peacefully but his eyes were wet...ragini wiped it gently...then hold his hand ....i am sorry laksh ...

She kissed on his hand.. He hold back her hand while sleeping...ragini smiled lil...she kissed on his forehead caressing his hair...lets meet tomorrow ...i need your support laksh...please help me to get out of this mess ...

She about to go ....laksh turns aside ragini lost her balance nd fell on him...ragini eyes widen she is breathing heavy...but his heart beats made her heart calm...she lean on his chest for few seconds...i don't know laksh whether i get this chance again or not...she layed to him ...till the day i didn't said this to u laksh...that i really love u...i don't have dare to say this looking into your eyes...but i truly love u...😘

Ap waiting in hall...ragini came down wiping her tears...let's go raginii...

Yes mom let's go she said staring their room

Both walked out.....their car moved on...

Screen froze on ragini teary face nd laksh sleeping face...

Precap : Raglak meeting

Guys leave ur cmnts

Your view about this story ?

Will raglak unite again after their meeting ?

Will villains allow them to meet ?

How is ap slap...

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